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View Full Version : Pres. Obama “Fired Up” and Ready to Repeal Second Amendment

09-26-2013, 07:55 AM
With the country falling apart all around him all Obama can concern himself with is taking guns from law abiding citizens :eek: this guy is really a idiot , people out of work , a civil was on the horizon , racism getting worse daily , gas higher than ever and all he can worry about is guns ( well that and his terrorist buddies and how he can arm them ) and there is apart of the American population that are to dense to see this , ( yup the same ones that where stupid enough to vote for him twice )

On behalf of your children, President Obama plans to take the guns you own and make it harder for you to buy them.
During a speech September 21 at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Phoenix Awards dinner, the president promised he was turning his attention back to his gun control agenda.
Referring to his failed efforts to irreparably infringe on the right to keep and bear arms begun after the massacre of 20 children and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama declared:
We fought a good fight earlier this year, but we came up short. And that means we’ve got to get back up and go back at it. Because as long as there are those who fight to make it as easy as possible for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun, then we’ve got to work as hard as possible for the sake of our children. We’ve got to be ones who are willing to do more work to make it harder.


09-26-2013, 12:47 PM
With the country falling apart all around him all Obama can concern himself with is taking guns from law abiding citizens :eek: this guy is really a idiot , people out of work , a civil was on the horizon , racism getting worse daily , gas higher than ever and all he can worry about is guns ( well that and his terrorist buddies and how he can arm them ) and there is apart of the American population that are to dense to see this , ( yup the same ones that where stupid enough to vote for him twice )


Jeff. We all know by now. If you use Chicago as an example.

If, and when Obama, or any politician tries to repeal the 2nd amendment. If they have a problem with people NOW...having unregistered guns, and killing people on the streets of American cities.
Making them illegal to own...per OBAMA.
Would be similar to when the Government MADE ALCOHOL ILLEGAL.

And, we all know how well that worked.

09-26-2013, 03:42 PM
Thread title doesn't seem to match the linked article. I see nothing about him saying he was going to try to repeal the 2nd.