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09-28-2013, 07:23 PM
Some upsetting facts, about what our sons and daughters and their family's are dealing with.



09-28-2013, 08:13 PM
Larrymc. Thank you for posting that video.

Truth is, and cannot be verified due to threats from our own govt. There are far more
situations like the one's described in the video that have not been mentioned, nor permitted
to become public by not only the DOD, but by the White House.

Truth be told. There are LITERALLY thousands of Active Duty, Military Americans who
are just as angry. But sadly. Their career's, and the livelihoods of their families rest on
the secrecy...hidden by intentional Classification of information by Civilians who also fear
their career's might be in jeopardy IF....They expose, talk, or even hint of such Intentionally controlled secrets.

Anyone who now will ask for a link, to prove what I have just stated. Is just gonna need
to find someone else...like a Wikileaker....to betray our nation. Not unlike the intentional betrayal
of certain, glamorous Intentionally Leaked Administration information to make someone we all know....look like a hero.

09-28-2013, 08:29 PM
I really can't understand how it's been so damn long and there are very little truthful answers. How can the rest of our government not hold them accountable? Why are there no special investigations? The same damn thing happens with this administration regarding fast and furious, the IRS crap, the NSA crap and who knows what else. If our "leaders" are allowed to perform their duties with zero accountability, and are above answering to these horrid issues, then we are one swirl closer to going down the toilet.

09-28-2013, 08:33 PM
I really can't understand how it's been so damn long and there are very little truthful answers. How can the rest of our government not hold them accountable? Why are there no special investigations? The same damn thing happens with this administration regarding fast and furious, the IRS crap, the NSA crap and who knows what else. If our "leaders" are allowed to perform their duties with zero accountability, and are above answering to these horrid issues, then we are one swirl closer to going down the toilet.

Exactly right. The present day politicians, from both parties are so SELFISH about their own political career's. Obama gets their backing, and gives them all that WINK, and NOD kind of thing in private. Meanwhile. That SWIRL going down the toilet is WE THE PEOPLE riding the DESTROY RAFT, down the creek, where all the Paddles are owned by the IGNORANT, and STUPID who think Everything is gonna forever be FREE.

09-28-2013, 08:39 PM
I really can't understand how it's been so damn long and there are very little truthful answers. How can the rest of our government not hold them accountable? Why are there no special investigations? The same damn thing happens with this administration regarding fast and furious, the IRS crap, the NSA crap and who knows what else. If our "leaders" are allowed to perform their duties with zero accountability, and are above answering to these horrid issues, then we are one swirl closer to going down the toilet.Its beyond me to Jim, I truly believe that its Obama's Race, and Muslim Connections it may seem narrow minded but i really can't think of anything else that would allow this Administration to avoid accountability for so many questionable actions.

09-29-2013, 07:12 AM
Some upsetting facts, about what our sons and daughters and their family's are dealing with.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZDy951m3FYMore on Obama's Military, Atheist's influence with Pentagon. http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/lawsuit-targets-atheists-influence-with-pentagon/

09-29-2013, 08:09 AM
does it rain in that alternative world you cons live in?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2013, 08:35 AM
does it rain in that alternative world you cons live in? Do you like vomiting then returning to eat it the next day? --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2013, 08:44 AM
Some upsetting facts, about what our sons and daughters and their family's are dealing with.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZDy951m3FY Sadly, I saw all this kind of crap coming before the traitor was elected the first time. He has met all my predictions and will continue to do so. I was not a member here back in 2007 but made predictions(at my old forum) about the guy hating this country, being a traitor and certainly being a "muslim in hiding". Now Americans are starting to wake up to what I knew over 6 years ago. Seek the truth and prepare for some very great man made disasters before Obama finishes his second term. Notice I didn't say his last term ,only his second term. I think it is a possibility that if its decided be best he and his handlers will engineer a great disaster, he declare martial law and stay in or else he will force the Civil War his 4th year of his second term. One look at the prep the government is making and we see they are preparing for that with weapons, ammo and detainment facilities for huge numbers of prisoners. --Tyr

09-29-2013, 08:53 AM
lies are not going to win you any elections

09-29-2013, 09:01 AM
lies are not going to win you any elections

"I will close gitmo. If you make under 250k you will have no new taxes." There's two big one's right there, a small amount of the total lies told. And that liar won. Hmm...

09-29-2013, 09:04 AM
and who prevented him from doing those things? the republican party

09-29-2013, 09:06 AM
does it rain in that alternative world you cons live in?Is that suppose to make a Point?? Are, are you just one of those fools that voted twice for Obama.

09-29-2013, 09:07 AM
why do you have to lie about Obama all day long ?why not deal in truths

09-29-2013, 09:15 AM
and who prevented him from doing those things? the republican party

LOL. He had a majority in the legislature and you still blame the 'other side' for his failures. :laugh:

09-29-2013, 09:28 AM
when its their fault due to their inaction and preventing anything from getting done.

09-29-2013, 09:29 AM
why have the republicans voted against their own written and sponsored bills just to swing at Obama?

09-29-2013, 09:40 AM
when its their fault due to their inaction and preventing anything from getting done.

When Obama first assumed the duties as president, the legislature was controlled BY HIS OWN PARTY. He had his own people in charge to get things done. He still couldn't accomplish what he wanted. So the 'blame' falls on HIM and his party that controlled the legislature. Not on anyone else.

You don't know what the concept of 'personal responsibility' is, do you?

09-29-2013, 09:52 AM
and who prevented him from doing those things? the republican partyOh so you are one of those blind fools that voted for Obama twice, your chose of handles seems Ironic sense you obviously ignore truth.

09-29-2013, 01:19 PM
does it rain in that alternative world you cons live in?

Seeing as how you are so full of shit truthmatters. That alternative world you speak of is instant for you...since your eyes are so brown. Keep your mouth closed, we don't need to see the brown teeth, or your Nose...compliments of the Obama Vote Twice factor.

09-29-2013, 01:47 PM
Seeing as how you are so full of shit truthmatters. That alternative world you speak of is instant for you...since your eyes are so brown. Keep your mouth closed, we don't need to see the brown teeth, or your Nose...compliments of the Obama Vote Twice factor."Obama Vote Twice factor" Classic. AT :laugh:

09-29-2013, 01:50 PM
"Obama Vote Twice factor" Classic. AT :laugh:

Thanks Larrymc. But, despite all the names, and accusations directed my way, every day, by the same kind of people who know EVERYTHING. I just "CALL 'EM LIKE I SEE 'EM!"

Don't care if they dislike, or hate me. It's just fun, driving them up a wall. And exposing their miserable life.

09-29-2013, 02:29 PM
Thanks Larrymc. But, despite all the names, and accusations directed my way, every day, by the same kind of people who know EVERYTHING. I just "CALL 'EM LIKE I SEE 'EM!"

Don't care if they dislike, or hate me. It's just fun, driving them up a wall. And exposing their miserable life.
