View Full Version : BREAKING: Dems screaming about House bill "defunding Obamacare" haven't even read it!

09-30-2013, 01:10 PM
When the Republicans in the House actually passed a bill funding the government for 2014, I looked it up, wondering what, exactly, it said. It seems pretty routine and mundane, as funding bills always do. This section is funded at the same levels as that year. That section is funded, the other section is funded. It ran through all the parts of government from 2013. One odd passage saying Frank Lautenberg's widow gets $170,000. And that was about it. Twenty pages long as it passed the House.

But since then, I've been hearing liberals (in and out of the media) screamig their heads off, that the bill was outrageous. Diabolical. It prevented funding of Obamacare. The Senate would soon take it and "strip out the parts that defund Obamacare!"

Ummm, except there weren't any parts IN it, that defunded Obamacare or anything else. Obamacare (or the ACA or anything similar) was never mentioned, anywhere in the bill. The bill simply named everything that was funded last year, and said it was hereby funded this next year too. Find it here: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hjres59eh/pdf/BILLS-113hjres59eh.pdf

It's certainly possible for Democrats to write up another bill, either for Obamacare alone, or for all government plus the new Obamacare program, and fund it to their heart's content. Nothing in the present bill prevents that, or even addresses it in any way.

Yet the liberals went on, screaming and crying ave what an eeevil thing Republicans had done. I've been asking a number of them, what they are talking about. Where is this passage in the Sept. 20 bill, that does anything you arre saying?

In response I get more vitriol, more cursing, more insistence that we must "strip out the language that defunds Obamacare", and on and on. And no attempt to identify what part that is, what its language says, or where it could be found.

It finally began to dawn on me: These screaming, enraged liberals, have never even read the bill!

They have no idea what is in it.

They are somehow convinced that Obamacare cannot be funded unles this bill is modified or thrown out.

Even weirder, a lot of this "Strip out the language defunding Obamacare!!!" rhetoric, is coming from the mainstream media!!!

These are the people who are supposed to know the facts, so they can report them to the rest of us who don't have their special contacts and sources. Yet they are spewing the same falsehoods that the usual non-media fanatics dwell on!

It's kind of like Home Depot getting in a shipment of white paint... and the media then reporting that they would never sell green paint again, unless that very truck takes its white paint back to the factory right this second, and loads up with green. Without asking if HD had green paint on the shelves already, or if other shipments were bringing green, red, brown, and blue.

Pretty incredible. Is the entire nation being treated to this false "reporting" from the Obama-sycophant media?

Are we all being lead down the garden path so obviously?

Are the Democrats even working on a bill to provide funding for Obamacare?

Or are they counting on this astonishing full-court press of complete BS, to pretend Republicans have somehow "prevented" them from doing so?

09-30-2013, 01:17 PM
I think the repubs should just tell the dems that they have to pass the bill to see what's in it. That was good enough for the US citizen, it should be good enough for the dems.

09-30-2013, 01:31 PM
I think the repubs should just tell the dems that they have to pass the bill to see what's in it. That was good enough for the US citizen, it should be good enough for the dems.

CSM. Somebody should ask Nancy Pelosi to REPEAT her words...as you suggested above.

It sounded stupid then. Maybe the dummies in Congress with 'D' after their name need to hear it again to understand Nancy. 5616