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05-19-2010, 04:27 PM
Yes. Even as a Libertarian I know what you mean.

I'll bet I'm more libertarian than you... :)))):beer::poke:

05-22-2010, 06:38 AM
I am kinda curious, you never heard the number "10%" persistently being claimed as the number of homosexuals in our society? Cuz it was the "standard" accepted claim for a period of time, until it came out that the study that made such a claim was a totally bogus one involving child molestors or some such thing. That's right the actual number is more like 1%, which does not meet the statistical definition of "normal", and by touting the 10% figger for so long they are liars.

05-22-2010, 09:54 AM
I'll bet I'm more libertarian than you... :)))):beer::poke:

Libertarians rum the gamut of political differences. Some are misplaced republicans, others are green party misfits. Where do you fit in there?

05-22-2010, 06:01 PM
Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman--specifically designed to discriminate against the gay community. You stand corrected.

Defining marriage does not discriminate against anyone...it clarifies what the word marriage means and has always meant...
Words have meanings and marriage being the union of one man and one women has endured for centuries throughout the world....only with the advent of pinheads into our society has clarification been required.

Now you stand corrected.

05-22-2010, 06:09 PM
Of course not, example, I believe in legalizing drugs, prostitution and I think we should have open borders (Jesus didnt have a passport)

Basically, I think Libertarians, who are conservatives, have a number of philosophical differences based mostly on philosophy and not based on misuse, abuse and delusional denial of facts, like liberals do.

Speaking of delusional facts..(Jesus didnt have a passport)???

How deep did you have to reach for that ?

Abbey Marie
05-23-2010, 03:00 PM
Speaking of delusional facts..(Jesus didnt have a passport)???

How deep did you have to reach for that ?

He didn't have a flushing toilet either. Should we do away with those? :laugh2:

05-23-2010, 03:40 PM
this thread has been around longer than I have.....

05-24-2010, 03:25 AM
Speaking of delusional facts..(Jesus didnt have a passport)???

How deep did you have to reach for that ?is

no digging at all, passports are relatively new, people used to be able to go anywhere they wanted

today a lot of people are basically prisoners in their country
why should someone have that power over me?

dig for an answer to that one

Freedom first,
safety third

08-24-2010, 07:20 PM
In another thread I have been attacked as having "issues" because I have a adverse opinion of queers and post my opinion often on the queer threads. The fact is that I do it because I don't like being lied to, and the entire queer "industry" is based on several huge lies.
The fact is you do it because you are a queer and don't want to admit it. I mean, come on, who do you think you're fooling?

11-27-2010, 04:49 AM
People label others, put them down and feel happy about it.
Happy = gay. You're happy = You're GAY! Sport the rainbow. Hater!:laugh2:

11-30-2010, 10:48 AM
I cannot believe this thread is still active. It pissed me off so much a few years ago and I haven't been back to this site since. I was attacked by a buch of nasty people here because I'm Conservative AND gay.
So what's the first thing I see at the top of the page when I come back today? THIS thread. :lame2:
Dear God, give me strength.

11-30-2010, 10:53 AM
I cannot believe this thread is still active. It pissed me off so much a few years ago and I haven't been back to this site since. I was attacked by a buch of nasty people here because I'm Conservative AND gay.
So what's the first thing I see at the top of the page when I come back today? THIS thread. :lame2:
Dear God, give me strength.

The stats at the top of the board are there for just that, stats. This thread exists there because it has so many replies, not because of it's current activity. Looked to me like it was dying a slow death - at least until you put it at the top of the threads again. :)

11-30-2010, 11:00 AM
Well it's the least I could do. Anything to bring on more snide remarks and I'm all for it.

11-30-2010, 11:15 AM
I'm just curious. Why does it seem so many people on this forum have to put their know-it-all, smart ass, nasty two cents in? :(
How disheartening. How can you have real, meaningful debates here when every comment is replied to by some smart ass?
I've been reading thru the threads. It's everywhere. How about substantive, thoughtful replies instead of putting people down? :(

11-30-2010, 11:32 AM
I'm just curious. Why does it seem so many people on this forum have to put their know-it-all, smart ass, nasty two cents in? :(
How disheartening. How can you have real, meaningful debates here when every comment is replied to by some smart ass?
I've been reading thru the threads. It's everywhere. How about substantive, thoughtful replies instead of putting people down? :(

I'm one of those smart asses! LOL

But yes, people get very passionate about politics and heated subjects. Most can be pricks, then fine an hour later. Some are always pricks, and you can put them on ignore and never see their posts again.

But as stated in a thread we discussed recently - it's the nature of political forums and you'll likely find "flaming" on all those boards unless you go to a place that doesn't allow any of that - then people complain that they have too many rules and are like nazis.

Better and easier to just ignore those you don't like.

12-29-2010, 12:34 PM
I cannot believe this thread is still active. It pissed me off so much a few years ago and I haven't been back to this site since. I was attacked by a buch of nasty people here because I'm Conservative AND gay.
So what's the first thing I see at the top of the page when I come back today? THIS thread. :lame2:
Dear God, give me strength.

You got be fucking kidding, right. Conservative and GAY. I bet you are a Christian too. You fucking queers should be burned right along with the Muslims. If you assholes could handle your business( No GAY Parades, No expectation of marriage, etc. no crying from the roof tops about your rights) then you would not catch any shit.

Y'all want to throw all your fag crap in people's faces and expect them to like it. If it was up to me, you clowns would be dropped off in Antarctica and allowed to suck each other off all you want. You queers deserve every piece of crap slung your way, because that is where you stick your dick anyway, in the crapper. Right?

I guess you believe you were born queer. The problem is your parents are why you are queer. There are a number of reasons your upbringing will influence your gayness. It varies from one person to the next, but the general concensus is that queers do not come from 2 normal traditional parents. That is not always true, but normally true.

People are sick of you whining fags. Stop whining. You are not equal, and never will be. Get over it and move on. I just got to this site, but like the boss said, you can always block anything you don't care about. Good day.

12-29-2010, 03:47 PM
I'm just curious. Why does it seem so many people on this forum have to put their know-it-all, smart ass, nasty two cents in? :(
How disheartening. How can you have real, meaningful debates here when every comment is replied to by some smart ass?
I've been reading thru the threads. It's everywhere. How about substantive, thoughtful replies instead of putting people down? :(

KJP, this is an Internet discussion forum. You are going to get responses to just about everything you post and to expect people not to put in their two cents is a bit silly, don't you think?

12-29-2010, 03:51 PM
You got be fucking kidding, right. Conservative and GAY. I bet you are a Christian too. You fucking queers should be burned right along with the Muslims. If you assholes could handle your business( No GAY Parades, No expectation of marriage, etc. no crying from the roof tops about your rights) then you would not catch any shit.

Y'all want to throw all your fag crap in people's faces and expect them to like it. If it was up to me, you clowns would be dropped off in Antarctica and allowed to suck each other off all you want. You queers deserve every piece of crap slung your way, because that is where you stick your dick anyway, in the crapper. Right?

I guess you believe you were born queer. The problem is your parents are why you are queer. There are a number of reasons your upbringing will influence your gayness. It varies from one person to the next, but the general concensus is that queers do not come from 2 normal traditional parents. That is not always true, but normally true.

People are sick of you whining fags. Stop whining. You are not equal, and never will be. Get over it and move on. I just got to this site, but like the boss said, you can always block anything you don't care about. Good day.

Not sure I got your POV there, can you tell me how you REALLY feel about queers? Give it to me straight, Cap!! :coffee:

12-29-2010, 04:04 PM
Oh well, i had a modicum of respect for CaptDash before seeing this thread, not that you'll care but your open hatred is vile imo.

12-29-2010, 07:39 PM
Oh well, i had a modicum of respect for CaptDash before seeing this thread, not that you'll care but your open hatred is vile imo.


I will say the things that many people want to say but they worry about what others will think about them. I don't give a shit what anyone thinks. You must be a queer atheist.:laugh2:

12-29-2010, 07:40 PM
Not sure I got your POV there, can you tell me how you REALLY feel about queers? Give it to me straight, Cap!! :coffee:


12-29-2010, 07:53 PM

I will say the things that many people want to say but they worry about what others will think about them. I don't give a shit what anyone thinks. You must be a queer atheist.:laugh2:

Oh the irony :laugh:

12-29-2010, 09:47 PM
Gays don't bother me, I get along quite well with the gay men.

12-29-2010, 10:44 PM
You got be fucking kidding, right. Conservative and GAY. I bet you are a Christian too. You fucking queers should be burned right along with the Muslims. If you assholes could handle your business( No GAY Parades, No expectation of marriage, etc. no crying from the roof tops about your rights) then you would not catch any shit.

Those are some serious issues man. A gay person can't be a Christian? And by "handle your business" you must mean hide in a closet.

12-29-2010, 10:59 PM
Those are some serious issues man. A gay person can't be a Christian? And by "handle your business" you must mean hide in a closet.

Ever read Romans chapter 1?

12-29-2010, 11:05 PM
Ever read Romans chapter 1?

That one always seems to slip right past them.

12-29-2010, 11:11 PM
Ever read Romans chapter 1?

I'm sure many gay people have and are still gay and are still Christian.

The Bible and Homosexuality
Romans Chapter 1 (http://www.createdgay.com/rom1)

12-29-2010, 11:17 PM
Those are some serious issues man. A gay person can't be a Christian? And by "handle your business" you must mean hide in a closet.

A gay person can be a Christian by repenting of his or her abominable lifestyle and not doing it anymore. To say you are a Christian and purposely live contrary to what the Bible teaches is hypocracy. That is not to say we can't sin and ask for forgiveness, but when you do it daily and intentionally, that is against God and is very close to the unforgiveable sin. There is a difference in saying a curse word and saying your prayers at night and asking forgiveness versus every moment of your day includes perverse behavior and lifestyles. Do you see the difference?

Yeah I agree the fags have some serious issues. If they kept their shit in the closet or where ever besides cramming it down people's throats, it would be more tolerable. The Don't Ask Don't Tell is just another example. Personally I don't want to deal with all the issues surrounding a liberated fag soldier. I just assume let ABSO blow him up. Just like the fags at various fag events around the country, fag soldiers will make a big deal about their gay rights. What they will get from me is a butt stroke to the head(no pun intended):laugh: If you don't know what that is, that is the butt end of the military issue rifle to the forehead of your enemy's skull.

I am so sick of all the liberal bullshit, no matter which sect they come from. If conservative white people did any of the shit blacks and queers do, we would have hate crime charges and civil suits against us. Yet, the perverse among us have the liberty to impose their will on the rest of us because they have Rights. They also have the right to stick the business end of a 9mm to their head and blow their perverse brains out.

12-29-2010, 11:18 PM
I'm sure many gay people have and are still gay and are still Christian.

The Bible and Homosexuality
Romans Chapter 1 (http://www.createdgay.com/rom1)

You can't truthfully be both, anymore than you can be a womanizing adulterer. It cuts both ways.

12-29-2010, 11:20 PM
Yeah I agree the fags have some serious issues.

I wasn't talking about the "fags." My apologies if I didn't make that clear.

12-29-2010, 11:21 PM
You can't truthfully be both, anymore than you can be a womanizing adulterer. It cuts both ways.

Not to your god I guess.

12-29-2010, 11:29 PM
Not to your god I guess.

That is right. You can't continuously live the same sin day in and day out, and expect forgiveness. I don't take my God for granted.

12-30-2010, 12:05 AM
In another thread I have been attacked as having "issues" because I have a adverse opinion of queers and post my opinion often on the queer threads. The fact is that I do it because I don't like being lied to, and the entire queer "industry" is based on several huge lies. I would argue that the queer enablers are the ones with "issues", as they don't mind being lied to, and in fact perpetuate the lies.

Some of the Big Lies about Homosexuality. It is:

1. normal
2. natural
3. healthy
4. 10% of the population
5. not a choice
6. moral
7. queers are no more likely to be child molesters

Any that I missed? :poke:

:laugh: Glock was a real character

12-30-2010, 01:48 PM
I'm sure many gay people have and are still gay and are still Christian.

The Bible and Homosexuality
Romans Chapter 1 (http://www.createdgay.com/rom1)

This is a common error made by those who would enable those bound up in the sin of homosexuality, fj. What does the text say about homosexual practices?

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

Their desires were called vile affections and in verse 26 the practices are called "that which is against nature." Homosexuality is spoken of as being the product of a reprobate mind in verse 28.

If you wish to blindly post internet propaganda, you should actually make an attempt to look into the text that your chosen site is twisting, my friend.

12-30-2010, 07:03 PM
This is a common error made by those who would enable those bound up in the sin of homosexuality, fj. What does the text say about homosexual practices?

Their desires were called vile affections and in verse 26 the practices are called "that which is against nature." Homosexuality is spoken of as being the product of a reprobate mind in verse 28.

If you wish to blindly post internet propaganda, you should actually make an attempt to look into the text that your chosen site is twisting, my friend.

I didn't know your interpretation was the only good and right interpretation of the bible, who knew?

I read it, reviewed the commentary noted, and accepted it as someone's reading of it. Are they right? Are you right? I don't know but I don't think God/Jesus are going to condemn them to hell for those that accept Jesus.

I don't think they are any worse than someone who would use "fag" 5 times in one paragraph on to of advocating their death and violence against them. Is that love?

12-30-2010, 07:57 PM
I didn't know your interpretation was the only good and right interpretation of the bible, who knew?

I read it, reviewed the commentary noted, and accepted it as someone's reading of it. Are they right? Are you right? I don't know but I don't think God/Jesus are going to condemn them to hell for those that accept Jesus.

I don't think they are any worse than someone who would use "fag" 5 times in one paragraph on to of advocating their death and violence against them. Is that love?

Umm, what interpretation? It condemns homosexuality as sin, clearly and simply. Your personal feelings about anything are not at issue here, what is at issue is a clear condemnation of sin.

12-31-2010, 12:11 AM
I didn't know your interpretation was the only good and right interpretation of the bible, who knew?

I read it, reviewed the commentary noted, and accepted it as someone's reading of it. Are they right? Are you right? I don't know but I don't think God/Jesus are going to condemn them to hell for those that accept Jesus.

I don't think they are any worse than someone who would use "fag" 5 times in one paragraph on to of advocating their death and violence against them. Is that love?

HAHA. What a joke you are. Are they fags? yes. That is a fact. Did I use fag 5 times? I don't know & don't care, not counting. The earth would be a better place for all normal folks if it was rid of perverse fags and carpet munchers, or GAYs if you wish me to be PC. So if their death is necessary to achieve this,then hell lets line them up. :boom2: :flameth: :blowup:

12-31-2010, 07:59 AM
Umm, what interpretation? It condemns homosexuality as sin, clearly and simply. Your personal feelings about anything are not at issue here, what is at issue is a clear condemnation of sin.

Yours. Are you contending that the bible, any set of verses, is read only one way?

12-31-2010, 08:02 AM
HAHA. What a joke you are. Are they fags? yes. That is a fact. Did I use fag 5 times? I don't know & don't care, not counting. The earth would be a better place for all normal folks if it was rid of perverse fags and carpet munchers, or GAYs if you wish me to be PC. So if their death is necessary to achieve this,then hell lets line them up.

I don't care if your PC or not, wouldn't want you to hide your true feelings from your fellow posters. I noticed you didn't bold my question too and answer it.

12-31-2010, 08:04 AM
Yours. Are you contending that the bible, any set of verses, is read only one way?

No they are not, but it is quite clear gay sex is a sin, no matter how you read it

12-31-2010, 08:06 AM
No they are not...

Thank you.

12-31-2010, 08:13 AM
Thank you.

Seems to me I understand why you cant distinguish what the bible is saying if you had that much trouble reading my post

I am not going to spell the verses out to you cause I dont think you are Gay just one of those wanting to stir trash up

But in the bible it clearly says Man with Woman, how hard is that to confuse ?

12-31-2010, 08:29 AM
Seems to me I understand why you cant distinguish what the bible is saying if you had that much trouble reading my post

I am not going to spell the verses out to you cause I dont think you are Gay just one of those wanting to stir trash up

But in the bible it clearly says Man with Woman, how hard is that to confuse ?

I didn't have any trouble reading your post although I do admit to not having all the answers, if any at all, that are laid out in the bible.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends, gay neighbors, and go to church and Sunday school with fellow worshipers who are gay; I don't condemn them to hell or anywhere.

So is it not OK for me to "stir trash up" but those who don't like "fags" can start dropping the fag-bomb without stirring it up? I'm just a bit tired of all that without making comment. It's pretty easy to see why there aren't any gay posters here with their opinions.

12-31-2010, 08:38 AM
I didn't have any trouble reading your post although I do admit to not having all the answers, if any at all, that are laid out in the bible.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends, gay neighbors, and go to church and Sunday school with fellow worshipers who are gay; I don't condemn them to hell or anywhere.

So is it not OK for me to "stir trash up" but those who don't like "fags" can start dropping the fag-bomb without stirring it up? I'm just a bit tired of all that without making comment. It's pretty easy to see why there aren't any gay posters here with their opinions.

First Fj I never said you couldn't stir the pot, secondly if you are going to church and Sunday school with Gays and you are a true Christian you should be trying to show them the correct way, if you go to church as you say you know without a doubt homosexuality is a sin

I also know people that are gay, I try in a polite way to help them understand, but in all honesty I am not the one judging them God is, and when a Gay man or woman is standing in front of God neither you nor I will be there

See Fj neither you or I or anyone but God will condemn anyone to hell or anywhere else, all we can do is try to help out as many as we can

12-31-2010, 08:42 AM
I didn't have any trouble reading your post although I do admit to not having all the answers, if any at all, that are laid out in the bible.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends, gay neighbors, and go to church and Sunday school with fellow worshipers who are gay; I don't condemn them to hell or anywhere.

So is it not OK for me to "stir trash up" but those who don't like "fags" can start dropping the fag-bomb without stirring it up? I'm just a bit tired of all that without making comment. It's pretty easy to see why there aren't any gay posters here with their opinions.

The "fag bomb" LOL

These abnormalities call themselves fags and queers all over the place!! Hell, they even have a TV show calling themselves queers. But "non fags" get upset when we call them what they call themselves? Hell, half the disgusting websites these maggots congregate at are using the fag and queer terms too! They shouldn't call themselves those terms if they don't want to be called that. Makes sense, no?

12-31-2010, 08:42 AM
I didn't have any trouble reading your post although I do admit to not having all the answers, if any at all, that are laid out in the bible.

I'm not gay but I have gay friends, gay neighbors, and go to church and Sunday school with fellow worshipers who are gay; I don't condemn them to hell or anywhere.

So is it not OK for me to "stir trash up" but those who don't like "fags" can start dropping the fag-bomb without stirring it up? I'm just a bit tired of all that without making comment. It's pretty easy to see why there aren't any gay posters here with their opinions.

I'm certainly not an apologist for gays, personally I don't think other's sexuality should be a cause of my concern. I really wish that there weren't the parades or gays having sex or implied sex on television. I also wish there weren't advertisements for douches, Viagra, laxatives, etc. I really don't like any sex or strongly implied sex on television. I'm an adult, I can find the dvd's if that's what I want to watch. I can easily access any of it online.

Talking about 'killing all of them'. Nonsense. That don't ask, don't tell became a law was kind of goofy, imo. To me that's what most people should do. If I had a co-worker speaking about going out and hooking up, I'd find that in very poor taste. She'd/He'd never get beyond a not-so-respected co-worker with me, never a friend.

I'll leave the final bible interpretations up to God, along with judging others.

12-31-2010, 09:09 AM
Yours. Are you contending that the bible, any set of verses, is read only one way?

If one is reading it Honestly, most of the time you'll get basically one meaning. Maybe several applications and several lessons or it may apply in a specific context but there'll be primarily 1 basic idea.

when the Bible says
"Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharaoh."
it doesn't have 12 "interpretations" unless you have an agenda ABOVE the text, the many interpretations of every verse idea is BS. Many people generally don't like the Bible because they DO understand exactly what some parts mean.

(sure when you get into prophecy you may have issues, but even there , if your honest , you won't come up with walking bridge to mars.)

Incest, Bestiality, Necrophilia, Premarital sex, Adultery and Homosexuality are all sins.
the Bible is very clear and unambiguous in this area.
Sex is for 1 man and 1 woman in marriage, period, NO exceptions.

That's not right wing propaganda it's an Honest reading of the Bible.
Anything else is just trying to accommodate what's trying to be a NEW cultural norm.

And It's not loving to lie to people about sin.

If people want to say that homosexuality is OK. At least be honest enough to admit that the Bible clearly says it is NOT. People who cheat on their spouses don't usually claim that the Bible says adultery is "celebrated" in the Bible.
Just say you don't like that part of the Bible and go on doing what you want to do. Just don't claim that the God of the Bible has got your back.

12-31-2010, 09:12 AM
First Fj I never said you couldn't stir the pot, secondly if you are going to church and Sunday school with Gays and you are a true Christian you should be trying to show them the correct way, if you go to church as you say you know without a doubt homosexuality is a sin

I'd have to agree with your interpretation wouldn't I?

I also know people that are gay, I try in a polite way to help them understand, but in all honesty I am not the one judging them God is, and when a Gay man or woman is standing in front of God neither you nor I will be there

I bet you get invited to ALL the best parties.

See Fj neither you or I or anyone but God will condemn anyone to hell or anywhere else, all we can do is try to help out as many as we can


12-31-2010, 09:14 AM
I'll leave the final bible interpretations up to God, along with judging others.

Yes ma'am.

12-31-2010, 09:18 AM
I'd have to agree with your interpretation wouldn't I?

I bet you get invited to ALL the best parties.


Man with woman hmmm tuff one to interpret

as for the rest read my post in the other thread

See Ya

12-31-2010, 10:34 AM
Man with woman hmmm tuff one to interpret

as for the rest read my post in the other thread

See Ya

So whenever the bible is clear you follow it without question?

12-31-2010, 11:03 AM
So whenever the bible is clear you follow it without question?

We are supposed to, but all fall short of the Glory of God. That does not mean you can go commit adultery everyday and expect forgiveness, without changing your lifestyle. It is no different for gays.

12-31-2010, 11:05 AM
[QUOTE=fj1200;457420]I'd have to agree with your interpretation wouldn't I?

I bet you get invited to ALL the best parties.

And your priorities are where? Who wants to party with a bunch of fags? That speaks to your so called Christianity. Another pretender.It is not judgment on my part but an observation of facts.

12-31-2010, 11:30 AM
We are supposed to, but all fall short of the Glory of God. That does not mean you can go commit adultery everyday and expect forgiveness, without changing your lifestyle. It is no different for gays.

Weird, I thought y'all thought Jesus died for all sins and that god was all-forgiving (except for denying the holy sprit ofcourse) Apparently not.

But anyways, do you believe that all sodomy is a sin?

12-31-2010, 12:48 PM
Yours. Are you contending that the bible, any set of verses, is read only one way?

Your assertion here would make God the author of confusion, is that what you are claiming?

Are you actually telling me that text of Romans 1 that clearly calls homosexuality a sinful practice is somehow not a sinful practice? Text that says it is of a reprobate mind and unnatural can be somehow read to claim that homosexuality is now of a reprobate mind and natural?

Let me ask you a question. How do we know that it is wrong to murder? Based on your argument here the text of the Bible that tells us murder is wrong could be read any number of ways.

12-31-2010, 08:52 PM
And your priorities are where? Who wants to party with a bunch of fags? That speaks to your so called Christianity. Another pretender.It is not judgment on my part but an observation of facts.

It was a joke. I'll try to use a smilie next time so you don't miss it.

But I'm pretty sure I know who I would rather party with. That's based on judgment AND facts. ;)

12-31-2010, 09:03 PM
Your assertion here would make God the author of confusion, is that what you are claiming?

Are you actually telling me that text of Romans 1 that clearly calls homosexuality a sinful practice is somehow not a sinful practice? Text that says it is of a reprobate mind and unnatural can be somehow read to claim that homosexuality is now of a reprobate mind and natural?

Let me ask you a question. How do we know that it is wrong to murder? Based on your argument here the text of the Bible that tells us murder is wrong could be read any number of ways.

No, I'm saying that any part of the bible can have many messages that speak to different people in different stages of life. It's also very important to understand context of the whole text, not just a verse here and there. It's also important to understand historical context.

I posted another commentary on those verse in Romans 1, they had a different interpretation based on context. Who's right? I don't know and I've not claimed otherwise.

Did you miss the book with the 10 commandments? Or are you going on those instances where murder was praised?

01-01-2011, 05:55 AM
So whenever the bible is clear you follow it without question?

Absolutley Noir, I try, not always perfect but yes I try, the bible says though shall not committ aldutry , pretty clear correct ? so I don't cheat on my wife, now the bible also says lusting after another woman ( looking at her in a sexual way) this I am not perfect at but am trying and doing better all the time

The Bible also says though shall not take the Loards name in vain, again clear as a bell and yes I try to live by that also, nope I am not perfect but I am forgivine , when one tries and falls and asks for forgivness God will forgive, but before you go there, if I get all dressed up put my best perfume on and head out to knowingly do either of these time and time again then I am not trying am I ?

01-01-2011, 07:47 AM
Okay Jeff, what then do you make of Timothy 2? Seems very clear to me.

A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety

01-01-2011, 11:30 AM
Does that mean when supposed straight men have butt sex on women they are closet cases?

01-01-2011, 12:01 PM
Does that mean when supposed straight men have butt sex on women they are closet cases?

Why would it? The attraction is to the woman. I have known many women who enjoy it, does that somehow make her a female with male gay tendencies for wanting some erotic sensation elsewhere? I don't think so. I think you are getting waaaayyy offpoint.

01-01-2011, 12:07 PM
Weird, I thought y'all thought Jesus died for all sins and that god was all-forgiving (except for denying the holy sprit ofcourse) Apparently not.

But anyways, do you believe that all sodomy is a sin?

Jesus did die for all sins and God is all forgiving. The hypocracy come from one who thinks they can continuously live a lifestyle contrary to the Bible and jesus' teachings. I could not commit adultery on a regualr basis and expect forgiveness. If you do expect to live a disobedient lifestyle, no matter what it is, then you are in for a rude awakening. I do not believe you can continuously sin without making an attempt to change and expect to be forgiven. If you are a TRUE CHRISTIAN, then you will have so much guil that you could not continue those sinful ways. Since you are not a Christian, and probably lack a conscience, I would not expect you to understand any of the concepts of Christianity.

To answer your sodomy question, I suspect it is, but at this very moment, I don't have time to check Biblical references. I will check it later, unless you care to provide some.

01-01-2011, 12:16 PM
Why would it? The attraction is to the woman. I have known many women who enjoy it, does that somehow make her a female with male gay tendencies for wanting some erotic sensation elsewhere? I don't think so. I think you are getting waaaayyy offpoint.

Is it wrong to ask a question when you wonder something?

If a Gay Man has Butt sex does it matter if the butt is male or female?

If a straight man has butt sex does it really matter if the butt is male or female?

Butt sex in itself doesn't have a gender, only a butt, the rest is just a human making a preference.

01-01-2011, 12:23 PM
Is it wrong to ask a question when you wonder something?

If a Gay Man has Butt sex does it matter if the butt is male or female?

If a straight man has butt sex does it really matter if the butt is male or female?

Butt sex in itself doesn't have a gender, only a butt, the rest is just a human making a preference.

It's not who you eat, it's who eats you. ;)

01-01-2011, 12:29 PM
Is it wrong to ask a question when you wonder something?

If a Gay Man has Butt sex does it matter if the butt is male or female?

If a straight man has butt sex does it really matter if the butt is male or female?

Butt sex in itself doesn't have a gender, only a butt, the rest is just a human making a preference.

I am going to just say, "OK". either you like opposite sex or same-sex, the butt doesn't matter as for determining one's sexual orientation.

01-01-2011, 12:37 PM
2 weiners should never be bare near one another, there's like a "personal space" zone or something like that where they can't come within 3-5 feet of one another. Therefore, male on male sex is against the rules, as the personal space zone has been breached.

01-01-2011, 12:48 PM
2 weiners should never be bare near one another, there's like a "personal space" zone or something like that where they can't come within 3-5 feet of one another. Therefore, male on male sex is against the rules, as the personal space zone has been breached.

Very reasonable. :thumb: :cool:

Never pondered this question in such a precise manner, (as you just did).

A menage a trois is fine without "dp"; IMHO, butt: "dp" with a real weiner, ewwwwwwwwww............... yuk......

01-01-2011, 12:58 PM
Jesus did die for all sins and God is all forgiving. The hypocracy come from one who thinks they can continuously live a lifestyle contrary to the Bible and jesus' teachings. I could not commit adultery on a regualr basis and expect forgiveness. If you do expect to live a disobedient lifestyle, no matter what it is, then you are in for a rude awakening. I do not believe you can continuously sin without making an attempt to change and expect to be forgiven. If you are a TRUE CHRISTIAN, then you will have so much guil that you could not continue those sinful ways. Since you are not a Christian, and probably lack a conscience, I would not expect you to understand any of the concepts of Christianity.

To answer your sodomy question, I suspect it is, but at this very moment, I don't have time to check Biblical references. I will check it later, unless you care to provide some.

Well you may or may not know that in legal term for the word sodomy is 'Deviant sexual intercourse' which is defined as 'any act of sexual gratification involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another, anus to mouth or involving invasion of the anus or vagina of one person by a foreign object manipulated by another person' (ie oral and anal sex and assisted female masturbation)

With that knowledge, can anyone be a true Christian in your opinion and have oral sex etc?

01-01-2011, 01:45 PM
Well you may or may not know that in legal term for the word sodomy is 'Deviant sexual intercourse' which is defined as 'any act of sexual gratification involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another, anus to mouth or involving invasion of the anus or vagina of one person by a foreign object manipulated by another person' (ie oral and anal sex and assisted female masturbation)

With that knowledge, can anyone be a true Christian in your opinion and have oral sex etc?

How about "a** 2 m****" since were are gettin' into details: Noir? :laugh2:

01-01-2011, 02:49 PM
2 weiners should never be bare near one another, there's like a "personal space" zone or something like that where they can't come within 3-5 feet of one another. Therefore, male on male sex is against the rules, as the personal space zone has been breached.

What about girl-on-girl action? Is that OK because it's not mentioned in the bible or because it's just hotter?

01-01-2011, 03:01 PM
What about girl-on-girl action? Is that OK because it's not mentioned in the bible or because it's just hotter?

That kind of thing is also condemned as sin in Romans chapter 1.

01-01-2011, 03:07 PM
No, I'm saying that any part of the bible can have many messages that speak to different people in different stages of life. It's also very important to understand context of the whole text, not just a verse here and there. It's also important to understand historical context.

I posted another commentary on those verse in Romans 1, they had a different interpretation based on context. Who's right? I don't know and I've not claimed otherwise.

Did you miss the book with the 10 commandments? Or are you going on those instances where murder was praised?

You don't seem to care what the text says, fj. You also don't seem to care that the text of Romans chapter 1 is quite clear in it's condemnation of homosexuality. It calls homosexuality the product of a reprobate mind and of vile affections. Homosexuality is directly called unnatural in Romans chapter 1:26.

Do you read stop signs or do they have some other meaning as well? The condemnation of homosexuality in Romans 1 is as clear as a stop sign. I certainly hope I never have to drive on the same road with you to find out.

01-01-2011, 03:56 PM
How about "a** 2 m****" since were are gettin' into details: Noir? :laugh2:

The details may seem a little crude, but it's important. I memo following the same line of questions against the maker of this thread, Glockmail, a long time ago, he used the cover of it being crude & personal to avoid the questions. Hopefully that doesn't happen again :3
But yeah, anything involving asses and mouths is well in the turf of sodomy.

01-01-2011, 04:15 PM
What about girl-on-girl action?

M...MM...MMM. :thumb:

Is that OK because it's not mentioned in the bible or because it's just hotter?

It's jus' hot. :thumb: :dance:

01-01-2011, 05:12 PM
You don't seem to care what the text says, fj. You also don't seem to care that the text of Romans chapter 1 is quite clear in it's condemnation of homosexuality. It calls homosexuality the product of a reprobate mind and of vile affections. Homosexuality is directly called unnatural in Romans chapter 1:26.

Do you read stop signs or do they have some other meaning as well? The condemnation of homosexuality in Romans 1 is as clear as a stop sign. I certainly hope I never have to drive on the same road with you to find out.

I care just like I said I care.

Is murder in all cases a sin?

01-02-2011, 01:13 PM
Your assertion here would make God the author of confusion, is that what you are claiming?

Are you actually telling me that text of Romans 1 that clearly calls homosexuality a sinful practice is somehow not a sinful practice? Text that says it is of a reprobate mind and unnatural can be somehow read to claim that homosexuality is now of a reprobate mind and natural?

Why should it carry any more weight than verses against making cloth from different types of thread or planting more than one type of crop in a field or eating shellfish or a whole truckload of verses of other practices which are all acceptable now? The Bible is a product of cherry-picking and more than a few of it's followers carry on the tradition.

01-03-2011, 01:49 PM
Okay Jeff, what then do you make of Timothy 2? Seems very clear to me.

It is very clear Noir, the Bible also states a woman shouldn't speak in church she should do so threw her husband

My best answer to that Noir ( and yes you will have a field day with it ) is these were written long ago, since they have been written woman now have the same rights as men, The bible says live by the law of the land and I would presume that is why it has changed

Now before you get excited woman having the same rights as men is a good thing, there are some very intelligent woman that we all gain cause they are now in the work force, with that said what good do homosexuals do for man kind ?

It is JMO but the woman's role in the church and society have changed to better things , and I know if the rules can change for them why not the Homosexuals , simple , what positive can come from gay sex?

Also Noir back when woman became equal, Blacks became Equal these laws where changed for the better of all man kind, now a days we are changing laws to appease certain groups

01-03-2011, 02:12 PM
Damn right I'll have a field day with it, so basically you think we should follow the bible as closely as we can, unless we personally decide that in our opinion the passages to be outdated. (reflected by the 'law of the land')

It just so happens that you think that homosexuals are undesirable, ergo you point to 'very clear' passages against homosexuality. In the same way, someone who is against womens rights could easily use 'very clear' passages in the bible to support their beliefs.

If you do not see how this makes you a hypocrite, then you are both a hypocrite and a fool.

As for the whole 'betterment of humanity' argument. That's not one I'm interested in, but if it makes peoples lives happier to live and leads to less discrimination, and so forth, then I cam see the good in equality. But again, I'm not really interested in that, because I don't think it has a bearing on the debate.

01-03-2011, 02:31 PM
Damn right I'll have a field day with it, so basically you think we should follow the bible as closely as we can, unless we personally decide that in our opinion the passages to be outdated.*

It just so happens that you think that homosexuals are undesirable, ergo you point to 'very clear' passages against homosexuality. In the same way, someone who is against womens rights could easily use 'very clear' passages in the bible to support their beliefs.*

If you do not see how this makes you a hypocrite, then you are both a hypocrite and a fool.*

As for the whole 'betterment of humanity' argument. That's not one I'm interested in, but if it makes peoples lives happier to live and leads to less discrimination, and so forth, then I cam see the good in equality. But again, I'm not really interested in that, because I don't think it has a bearing on the debate.*

Noir I tried to explain it to you the best I could, you twisted and changed things to your liking, hey man have at it, don't believe in anything, if you choose to have gay sex, I don't really care, I tried to explain something to you, which was a stupid idea cause you are just a kid wanting to put down Christianity any which way you can , this was my mistake to think there was any chance in trying to explain to you, but a fool, LOL, Noir one day you will stand before God and wish you had listened to this fool, but that isn't my problem now is it, Good Luck with that one , OOO and Noir threw my entire explanation I stated it was my Opinion, maybe someone knowing the bible much better than I can explain better to you, but as I see it they all gave up already, so have fun

01-03-2011, 02:53 PM
It is very clear Noir, the Bible also states a woman shouldn't speak in church she should do so threw her husband

My best answer to that Noir ( and yes you will have a field day with it ) is these were written long ago, since they have been written woman now have the same rights as men, The bible says live by the law of the land and I would presume that is why it has changed

Now before you get excited woman having the same rights as men is a good thing, there are some very intelligent woman that we all gain cause they are now in the work force, with that said what good do homosexuals do for man kind ?

It is JMO but the woman's role in the church and society have changed to better things , and I know if the rules can change for them why not the Homosexuals , simple , what positive can come from gay sex?

Also Noir back when woman became equal, Blacks became Equal these laws where changed for the better of all man kind, now a days we are changing laws to appease certain groups

Seems like your cherry picking. What positive from gays? How about NOT having kids these days.

BTW, what is the ancient word for "homosexual"?

01-03-2011, 03:53 PM
Noir I tried to explain it to you the best I could, you twisted and changed things to your liking, hey man have at it, don't believe in anything, if you choose to have gay sex, I don't really care, I tried to explain something to you, which was a stupid idea cause you are just a kid wanting to put down Christianity any which way you can , this was my mistake to think there was any chance in trying to explain to you, but a fool, LOL, Noir one day you will stand before God and wish you had listened to this fool, but that isn't my problem now is it, Good Luck with that one , OOO and Noir threw my entire explanation I stated it was my Opinion, maybe someone knowing the bible much better than I can explain better to you, but as I see it they all gave up already, so have fun

Yay, talk about me rather than the topic >,>

01-03-2011, 08:41 PM
Why should it carry any more weight than verses against making cloth from different types of thread or planting more than one type of crop in a field or eating shellfish or a whole truckload of verses of other practices which are all acceptable now? The Bible is a product of cherry-picking and more than a few of it's followers carry on the tradition.

If you insist on bringing in text from the OT, which you obviously don't understand that we are no longer under, how do you expect a serious discussion?

You might wish to do some study before making comments that show you lack understanding.

01-03-2011, 09:06 PM
If you insist on bringing in text from the OT, which you obviously don't understand that we are no longer under, how do you expect a serious discussion?

You might wish to do some study before making comments that show you lack understanding.

So since the 10 Commandments are from the OT we're no longer restricted from committing murder or adultery or perjury or theft? Or maybe cherry-picking THOSE from the OT is acceptable?

01-03-2011, 09:10 PM
So since the 10 Commandments are from the OT we're no longer restricted from committing murder or adultery or perjury or theft? Or maybe cherry-picking THOSE from the OT is acceptable?

Are you aware that 9 of the 10 commandments are in the New Testament? Once again, some study would do your ability to hold up your end of this argument a great deal of good.

01-03-2011, 11:04 PM
Are you aware that 9 of the 10 commandments are in the New Testament? Once again, some study would do your ability to hold up your end of this argument a great deal of good.

Have the links to those?

01-04-2011, 07:54 AM
Have the links to those?

You are kidding me, right? Read the New Testament. Nine of the original 10 commandments are restated in the New Testament in one form or another. The only one of the 10 commandments not restated in the NT is the 4th commandment instructing man to keep the sabbath.

Your original assertion erroneously comingled OT and NT without understanding in a failed attempt to discredit Romans chapter 1. It failed spectacularly.

01-04-2011, 08:07 AM
Yay, talk about me rather than the topic >,>

I apologize if I had done so Noir , I posted what I thought as I stated and told you to have a field day, I forget to who and where I am speaking, I posted my thoughts thinking we where discussing the bible and you ( rightfully so ) have to try to win, and yes it is a debate board you are right, myself I am still learning much about the bible so again I was looking for your opinion not a flag of victory, so I felt the need to show you the real flag of victory is and that is with God

FJ as I told you I am done discussing the bible with you, tell you what I see you are in GA meet me any Sunday and I will be glad to take ya to church, cause honestly I don't believe no one that says they go to church with many gays ( may I ask what denomination you go to ?)

Look what a man or woman do in there private space is there business but I don't believe they are strolling into church, and I simply don't believe I or anyone in my household should have to be subject to it.

01-04-2011, 09:19 AM
I apologize if I had done so Noir , I posted what I thought as I stated and told you to have a field day, I forget to who and where I am speaking, I posted my thoughts thinking we where discussing the bible and you ( rightfully so ) have to try to win, and yes it is a debate board you are right, myself I am still learning much about the bible so again I was looking for your opinion not a flag of victory, so I felt the need to show you the real flag of victory is and that is with God

Yes. And what you think is the the bibles views on women are outmoded, but the views on gays are correct. For no other reason than your own personal judgement. That makes a mockery of the idea that the bible sets out a moral code, and makes you look like a cherry picking hypocrite.

But dont worry, almost all moderate Christians are cherry picking hypocrites, because the only way to not be one is to believe that the bible is right about everything, which is the path to maddness.

Please don't try and deny your own hypocacy however by panning things of as 'your opinion' as if that somehow seperates it from real scrutiny.

01-04-2011, 09:28 AM
Yes. And what you think is the the bibles views on women are outmoded, but the views on gays are correct. For no other reason than your own personal judgement. That makes a mockery of the idea that the bible sets out a moral code, and makes you look like a cherry picking hypocrite.

But dont worry, almost all moderate Christians are cherry picking hypocrites, because the only way to not be one is to believe that the bible is right about everything, which is the path to maddness.

Please don't try and deny your own hypocacy however by panning things of as 'your opinion' as if that somehow seperates it from real scrutiny.

And what about your hypocrisy? Although to continually state otherwise, the only religion I see you continually going after is Catholics/Christians.

Muslims blew up a church in Egypt the other day and killed 23 people. Did you even comment in that thread? But I guess supporting people who act like animals and are hugely abnormal compared to the rest of society is more important than people being murdered.

01-04-2011, 09:50 AM
And what about your hypocrisy? Although to continually state otherwise, the only religion I see you continually going after is Catholics/Christians.

Muslims blew up a church in Egypt the other day and killed 23 people. Did you even comment in that thread? But I guess supporting people who act like animals and are hugely abnormal compared to the rest of society is more important than people being murdered.

I wish you could spend a day in my head to understand just how wrong you are about that, but no matter.

Also, do t know if you've noticed, but I havent posted much in any thread over the past few days, internets been limited + allot of time working. Though I was having a discussion about it with a girl from Abu Dhabi lastnight via email after she took exception to a (sarcastic) post I made on another forum. Not that you should care about that, just believe i'ma hypocrite instead, that's easier :3

01-04-2011, 09:57 AM
I wish you could spend a day in my head to understand just how wrong you are about that, but no matter.

Also, do t know if you've noticed, but I havent posted much in any thread over the past few days, internets been limited + allot of time working. Though I was having a discussion about it with a girl from Abu Dhabi lastnight via email after she took exception to a (sarcastic) post I made on another forum. Not that you should care about that, just believe i'ma hypocrite instead, that's easier :3

All I know is that your are a hypocrite HERE. Of course I have no idea what you do at other forums or on your own time offline. But if you come HERE and have time to continually respond to posts about the Bible, surely you have time to condemn the action of MURDER in at least one post. But you didn't, but you have replied in here quite a few times over various days since the MURDERS in Egypt.

01-04-2011, 11:10 AM
All I know is that your are a hypocrite HERE. Of course I have no idea what you do at other forums or on your own time offline. But if you come HERE and have time to continually respond to posts about the Bible, surely you have time to condemn the action of MURDER in at least one post. But you didn't, but you have replied in here quite a few times over various days since the MURDERS in Egypt.

I replied to this thread because I was being directly quoted. I'd rather reply to posts directed at me rather than be seen to ignore them and starting to post in new thread instead, i'd consider that a point of manors if nothing else.

01-04-2011, 11:15 AM
FJ as I told you I am done discussing the bible with you, tell you what I see you are in GA meet me any Sunday and I will be glad to take ya to church, cause honestly I don't believe no one that says they go to church with many gays ( may I ask what denomination you go to ?)

What's wrong with discussing the bible? That's the source of your belief so I assumed that you would be comfortable discussing the subject. I've been doing some study as a result of our conversation and it's fascinating stuff; Have you done the same?

I'm baffled as to why you don't take my statement at face value but nevertheless it seems to me that any gays equals "many" gays in your book but does that mean that you would come to church down here then. I'm guessing that is the only way to prove it to you; would I need to point out the gays to you? Baptist by the way.

Look what a man or woman do in there private space is there business but I don't believe they are strolling into church, and I simply don't believe I or anyone in my household should have to be subject to it.

It shouldn't surprise you there are gay Christians but it doesn't surprise me that there wouldn't be more, or at least more visible, given the prevalent attitudes in some denominations.

01-04-2011, 06:17 PM
Nine of the original 10 commandments are restated in the New Testament in one form or another.

Can you provide the book, chapter, and verse because I'm not having any luck finding the ones I looked for in ANY form, e.g. Honor thy father and mother...nothing in the NT unless it's very obscure.

01-04-2011, 07:17 PM
Can you provide the book, chapter, and verse because I'm not having any luck finding the ones I looked for in ANY form, e.g. Honor thy father and mother...nothing in the NT unless it's very obscure.

Why don't we use the commandment you listed above as an example. I will give you one. Ephesians 6:1-3.

1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

01-04-2011, 08:07 PM
Why don't we use the commandment you listed above as an example. I will give you one. Ephesians 6:1-3.

There are references in the NT in Mark and Luke to THE 10 commandments from the OT so it seems that they felt they were still in force, which brings us back to my original question.

And the Romans Chapter 1 you refer to lists a whole slew of other "offenses" which one deserves to DIE for including slander, gossip, even bragging, yet I hear no cries to drum braggarts and gossips out of the military...I wonder why.

01-04-2011, 10:20 PM
There are references in the NT in Mark and Luke to THE 10 commandments from the OT so it seems that they felt they were still in force, which brings us back to my original question.

Do you understand the timeline that you are trying to discuss?

And the Romans Chapter 1 you refer to lists a whole slew of other "offenses" which one deserves to DIE for including slander, gossip, even bragging, yet I hear no cries to drum braggarts and gossips out of the military...I wonder why.

You love to opine on that which you have spent about 5 seconds considering! :)

It says that those who know better but are bound up in the sins listed are WORTHY of death, it never tells ANYONE to kill anybody. The whole context of the chapter speaks to those who have turned away from God to their own lusts. At least try to read the whole context.....wow.

Why do the other sins not elicit a "get out" type attitude? Could it be that the sin of homosexuality as described in the text we are discussing is taken into great detail to show that it is born out of a depraved mind and that it is not natural.

01-04-2011, 10:58 PM
It says that those who know better but are bound up in the sins listed are WORTHY of death, it never tells ANYONE to kill anybody. The whole context of the chapter speaks to those who have turned away from God to their own lusts. At least try to read the whole context.....wow.

I didn't say anything about KILLING anyone, you did.

Why do the other sins not elicit a "get out" type attitude? Could it be that the sin of homosexuality as described in the text we are discussing is taken into great detail to show that it is born out of a depraved mind and that it is not natural.

Could it be just a case of cherry-picking as I've already argued?

01-05-2011, 12:50 AM
I apologize if I had done so Noir , I posted what I thought as I stated and told you to have a field day, I forget to who and where I am speaking, I posted my thoughts thinking we where discussing the bible and you ( rightfully so ) have to try to win, and yes it is a debate board you are right, myself I am still learning much about the bible so again I was looking for your opinion not a flag of victory, so I felt the need to show you the real flag of victory is and that is with God

FJ as I told you I am done discussing the bible with you, tell you what I see you are in GA meet me any Sunday and I will be glad to take ya to church, cause honestly I don't believe no one that says they go to church with many gays ( may I ask what denomination you go to ?)

Look what a man or woman do in there private space is there business but I don't believe they are strolling into church, and I simply don't believe I or anyone in my household should have to be subject to it.

Hey Jeff, I will go with you to church with FJ. I think he is full of shit, but nonetheless, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe we could go in holding hands or something and see what kind of reception we get. I assure youthat I will show up. Just tell me the time and place anytime after Feb 10th. I am leaving for about 35 days or so for some Army Training. Getting ready to go over to Afghanistan and smoke some Muslims.
:boom2: :blowup: :dev:

01-05-2011, 01:22 AM
I think he is full of shit...

You have issues with critical thinking don't you? Tell me, why would I lie about something like that? And it's exactly your attitude why I wouldn't take you to my church.

01-08-2011, 08:54 PM

Seems my questions on sodomy shall yet again pass by without answer.

People are quick as sticks to denounce the gays for their sinful ways, but as soon as you use the same point to question the righteousness of their blowjobs then a sudden science falls, maybe on day...

01-08-2011, 10:47 PM

Seems my questions on sodomy shall yet again pass by without answer.

People are quick as sticks to denounce the gays for their sinful ways, but as soon as you use the same point to question the righteousness of their blowjobs then a sudden science falls, maybe on day...

It would seem Romans 1 is pretty clear. ;)

01-10-2011, 07:00 PM
I didn't say anything about KILLING anyone, you did.

Could it be just a case of cherry-picking as I've already argued?

There is absolutely no cherry picking going on by anyone but yourself. There are 9 of the 10 commandments restated as "do this" kind of instructions in the New Testament. The one that is not is the command to "remember the sabbath."

This has little to do with the fact that the New Testament calls homosexuality sin, nice distraction technique you have there.

01-10-2011, 07:26 PM
There is absolutely no cherry picking going on by anyone but yourself. There are 9 of the 10 commandments restated as "do this" kind of instructions in the New Testament. The one that is not is the command to "remember the sabbath."

This has little to do with the fact that the New Testament calls homosexuality sin, nice distraction technique you have there.

And you've yet to answer why braggarts shouldn't be culled from the military the same as homosexuals as both are listed as "deadly" sins in the NT. BTW, two other questions for ya...what did Jesus say about homosexuality and if homosexuality is this "super" sin as the thumpers like to make it out to be, why didn't it even make the top 10 list?

01-10-2011, 07:40 PM
It would seem Romans 1 is pretty clear. ;)

Lots of the bible is clear. It's which parts you then chose to practice that causes the (very human) problems.

01-15-2011, 12:01 AM
You have issues with critical thinking don't you? Tell me, why would I lie about something like that? And it's exactly your attitude why I wouldn't take you to my church.

You are a chicken shit liar is why you won't take me to church. It is your duty as a Christian to reach out, witness and love everyone,or are you a HYPOCRITE?

What is the name of the church you go to? I will come go and I don't even need to know who you are. i will just come check it out. Try me.

01-15-2011, 08:44 AM
You are a chicken shit liar is why you won't take me to church. It is your duty as a Christian to reach out, witness and love everyone,or are you a HYPOCRITE?

:rolleyes: I'm pretty sure the reason to go to church is to worship not gawk, that's why you won't be coming with me. If you're so interested in worshiping where gays might be worshiping I'm sure it won't be that hard to find, be ready though if you start to "witness." Besides if the "reaching out" I've done on this thread is any indication of your attitude then I'm comfortable not taking you to my church.

01-15-2011, 06:25 PM
:rolleyes: I'm pretty sure the reason to go to church is to worship not gawk, that's why you won't be coming with me. If you're so interested in worshiping where gays might be worshiping I'm sure it won't be that hard to find, be ready though if you start to "witness." Besides if the "reaching out" I've done on this thread is any indication of your attitude then I'm comfortable not taking you to my church.

You are a fucking hypocrite, Queer enabler= liar. The church you go to probably meets in a circus tent with rubbers hanging from the seams and KY on the tables and you fudge packing the preacher. You are NO ChRISTIAN. There is no way. If you were, you would reach out instead of act like a fucking bullshit lying ass clown. You are truly the worse kind of individual, and to call yourself a Christian to make yourself feel good is so GAY, Imagine that.

01-15-2011, 06:27 PM

Seems my questions on sodomy shall yet again pass by without answer.

People are quick as sticks to denounce the gays for their sinful ways, but as soon as you use the same point to question the righteousness of their blowjobs then a sudden science falls, maybe on day...

I think everyone is IGNOIRing your lack of reading comprehension skills. I answered your question the best way i knew how to. I don't have time to research it.

01-15-2011, 09:39 PM
You are a fucking hypocrite, Queer enabler= liar. The church you go to probably meets in a circus tent with rubbers hanging from the seams and KY on the tables and you fudge packing the preacher. You are NO ChRISTIAN. There is no way. If you were, you would reach out instead of act like a fucking bullshit lying ass clown. You are truly the worse kind of individual, and to call yourself a Christian to make yourself feel good is so GAY, Imagine that.

I just had to quote that for posterity. I can't help what's in your imagination (fantasy?) so...

One question though, who should I be reaching out too? You or the gays :eek: ?

01-15-2011, 10:46 PM
I just had to quote that for posterity. I can't help what's in your imagination (fantasy?) so...

One question though, who should I be reaching out too? You or the gays :eek: ?

The mere fact that you have to ask proves my assumption of your dumbass.

01-16-2011, 07:13 AM
The mere fact that you have to ask proves my assumption of your dumbass.

Did I forget to ;) on that post? My mistake.

04-26-2011, 12:33 PM
You are a chicken shit liar is why you won't take me to church. It is your duty as a Christian to reach out, witness and love everyone,or are you a HYPOCRITE?

What is the name of the church you go to? I will come go and I don't even need to know who you are. i will just come check it out. Try me.

Baloney. Another distortion of the New Test. You have to read the ENTIRE book to fully understand most of the individual phrases.

Jesus also said, "go and sin no more"
"I came, not to unite, but to divide, a mother from her daughter, a father from his son"

Jesus NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, approved of sinning of any form. He approved of people repenting, and changing.

04-26-2011, 01:15 PM
^Ah, the fun that was Capt. Dash... another that succumbed to the ban stick.

04-26-2011, 01:41 PM
I'm very tempted to just close this thread. Reasons not to? Listening.

04-27-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm very tempted to just close this thread. Reasons not to? Listening.

Close it.

04-27-2011, 11:32 AM
I'm very tempted to just close this thread. Reasons not to? Listening.

Don't close it. If you didn't do it when Dash was spewing his garbage there's no reason to do it now.

04-27-2011, 11:38 AM
Don't close it. If you didn't do it when Dash was spewing his garbage there's no reason to do it now.

I have to go with Gaffer on this. This thread keeps being revisited just for keeping the nonsense alive. So, closed.