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View Full Version : Students Accept Free Samples of Fake Plan B Contraceptive Drink “Abortion In A Can” R

10-01-2013, 07:56 AM
Liberals at there best, yes we where ready to go to war because 426 kids where killed in gas attacks, we want to outlaw guns because of the tragedy in Newtown but yet we kill 3500 to 3700 babies daily here in America due to abortion and the liberals are all for it .

Political activist Mark Dice offers a fake fruit juice flavored contraceptive drink to students at University of California, San Diego. Despite throwing ridiculous phrases out like “abortion in a can” and “kill your hangover and your baby,” these individuals seemed completely unaware that they were being pranked.


10-01-2013, 01:22 PM
Liberals at there best, yes we where ready to go to war because 426 kids where killed in gas attacks, we want to outlaw guns because of the tragedy in Newtown but yet we kill 3500 to 3700 babies daily here in America due to abortion and the liberals are all for it .


Jeff. As comical as it sounds. I can't doubt any of it. After all. More than 55 million UNEDUCATED, and EDUCATED, Easily-led, convinced, and fooled Americans voted for Obama Twice as well.
So. Nothing new with the GULLIBILITY factor anymore.