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View Full Version : Something I'm just not getting

10-02-2013, 07:13 PM
Okay, so we've got all this drama going over the government shut down, and the CR the Republicans tried to pass that democrats won't even discuss. The thing is, a CR is supposed to be there to keep already operating systems running, not add new ones, so why would it be shocking that ACA isn't included in the CR when it's not really supposed to be there in the first place?

But then, why try to push through ACA when it isn't full ready to be implemented, and what bits were supposed to start aren't hitting more than half the states in the union anyway? Wouldn't it be better to start the thing all once, rather than piece by piece?

Like with a car: Say I've gotta leave the house in an hour, I don't head out to the car turn the battery on without ignition, then go back inside, get ready, and whatnot. I get ready, and then, when it's time to go, I hop in the car, turn it all the way on, and depart.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Okay, so we've got all this drama going over the
government shut down, and the CR the Republicans tried to pass that democrats won't even discuss. The thing is, a CR is supposed to be there to keep already operating systems running, not add new ones, so why would it be shocking that ACA isn't included in the CR when it's not really supposed to be there in the first place?

But then, why try to push through ACA when it isn't full ready to be implemented, and what bits were supposed to start aren't hitting more than half the states in the union anyway? Wouldn't it be better to start the thing all once, rather than piece by piece?

Like with a car: Say I've gotta leave the house in an hour, I don't head out to the car turn the battery on without ignition, then go back inside, get ready, and whatnot. I get ready, and then, when it's time to go, I hop in the car, turn it all the way on, and depart. Drama is there because the media seeks to help Obama capitalize on this.