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View Full Version : Is Obamacare an insurance program, or just a wealth-redistribution program?

10-03-2013, 11:34 AM
Now that people are finally able to go to these "exchanges" the liberals keep proudly pointing to, and get actual numbers for what their own family's charges will be and what govt subsidies they can get, some disquieting facts are coming up.

A family of four, looking at the "bronze" plan (the least expensive up front), found that the charge for it would be $750/month. That was scary to them, a major hit... but then they found out that they might be eligible to get govt subsides to cover part of that cost.

The same family, if they made a lot more money, would have had the same charge... but no govt subsides. They'd have to pay all of it.

The "insurance" part, as the liberals piously protest, isn't coming from government at all. You are getting insurance from the same companies you've always gotten insurance from (well, some of them), not from the government. The govt merely sets the standards, it doesn't provide the actual insurance, the liberals now tell us.

The conclusion is clear.

Obamacare is, at its fundamental nature, just another wealth-redistribution program. It's a program that uses health care as its excuse for redistributing, but its original purpose was, and still is, to redistribute wealth.

It's doing it, as people are finding out, by imposing high costs on everybody... and then "giving" lavish govt subsidies to those who earn less.

Basically it's taking lots of money from those who earn more, and handing it to those who earn less.

All this stuff about exchanges, patient loads, keeping your old plan etc., is merely window dressing. Obamacare is and always has been, a wealth redistribution program.

Is this what the American people wanted?

As the politicians said, we had to pass it just to find out what's in it. Unfortunately, once we found out what's in it, we would NOT be allowed to un-pass it if we didn't like it.

Not without a fight, against the people who tricked us into it.

10-03-2013, 12:05 PM
Obamacare is another way to increase the numbers of people dependent on federal gov't. While I've not seen SNAP direct connection, Obamaphones are there:


Before eve entering the information on comparisons, there's a calculator to figure if one qualifies for medicaid.

Also available is registering to vote, perhaps your Obamacare card can be a voter ID?

10-03-2013, 12:16 PM
the insurance companies are making out like the bandits they are.
people FORCED by the gov't to buy their products.

and again the whole system incentivises being poor.
both on a personal level and at the corporate level.

on the corporate level Wal-mart and other have an incentive to keep people below the poverty level in pay, part timers, so they can get the full blown obamacare benefits and they don't have to bare employees insurance cost.

10-03-2013, 01:36 PM
... the people who tricked us into it. No one tricked us into this. The Democrats had majorities in both houses and the presidency and they passed this thing with a small majority and no votes at all from the Republican Party, in spite of loud screams from the public.

I've said it before, I admire the Democrats for being able to make radical changes to GovCo like this. When the Republicans had a majority in both houses and the presidency they didn't have the balls to make radical changes. There was always a handful of them, McCain always among them, who sided with the Democrats. So they ended up being Democrat lite.

Voters admire parties that lead and they despise parties that don't.

FedCo Republicans need to take a lesson from the GOP in my state. With our TEA Party in full swing we captured both houses in 2010, the first time since Reconstruction. We then passed radical bills and set them on the desk of the Democrat governor, who vetoed them. In 2012 the voters rewarded us by increasing the GOP majority in both houses, and now both are veto-proof. We also took the governor's office. The voters amended the state constitution to define marriage as God intended. Heck, Democrats are an endangered species in Raleigh, North Carolina. Since then we've enacted sweeping changes, lowering tax rates, demolishing departments that haven't performed, and streamlining government.

We now have a voter ID law that The Obama is suing us over, of course flailing the race card. He's wasting his time since the new law is designed with recent court decisions in mind.

The NC Democrat Party was embarrassed when it became public that they had made plans to fight our new governor with personal attacks on his integrity. They are still doing it, but the public knows what the game is and speaking for myself, find every attack predictable.

10-05-2013, 05:40 AM
Now that people are finally able to go to these "exchanges" the liberals keep proudly pointing to, and get actual numbers for what their own family's charges will be and what govt subsidies they can get, some disquieting facts are coming up.

A family of four, looking at the "bronze" plan (the least expensive up front), found that the charge for it would be $750/month. That was scary to them, a major hit... but then they found out that they might be eligible to get govt subsides to cover part of that cost.

The same family, if they made a lot more money, would have had the same charge... but no govt subsides. They'd have to pay all of it.

The "insurance" part, as the liberals piously protest, isn't coming from government at all. You are getting insurance from the same companies you've always gotten insurance from (well, some of them), not from the government. The govt merely sets the standards, it doesn't provide the actual insurance, the liberals now tell us.

The conclusion is clear.

Obamacare is, at its fundamental nature, just another wealth-redistribution program. It's a program that uses health care as its excuse for redistributing, but its original purpose was, and still is, to redistribute wealth.

It's doing it, as people are finding out, by imposing high costs on everybody... and then "giving" lavish govt subsidies to those who earn less.

Basically it's taking lots of money from those who earn more, and handing it to those who earn less.

All this stuff about exchanges, patient loads, keeping your old plan etc., is merely window dressing. Obamacare is and always has been, a wealth redistribution program.

Is this what the American people wanted?

As the politicians said, we had to pass it just to find out what's in it. Unfortunately, once we found out what's in it, we would NOT be allowed to un-pass it if we didn't like it.

Not without a fight, against the people who tricked us into it.

I don't see much talk about the 800 lb. gorilla in the room...maybe they should call it a 5000 lb. gorilla. That bronze plan includes a $5000 deductible, so realistically, that $750 is over $1150. That just doesn't seem "affordable" to me. How many families scraping by, paycheck to paycheck, are going to be able to come up with $5000?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-05-2013, 10:26 AM
Now that people are finally able to go to these "exchanges" the liberals keep proudly pointing to, and get actual numbers for what their own family's charges will be and what govt subsidies they can get, some disquieting facts are coming up.

A family of four, looking at the "bronze" plan (the least expensive up front), found that the charge for it would be $750/month. That was scary to them, a major hit... but then they found out that they might be eligible to get govt subsides to cover part of that cost.

The same family, if they made a lot more money, would have had the same charge... but no govt subsides. They'd have to pay all of it.

The "insurance" part, as the liberals piously protest, isn't coming from government at all. You are getting insurance from the same companies you've always gotten insurance from (well, some of them), not from the government. The govt merely sets the standards, it doesn't provide the actual insurance, the liberals now tell us.

The conclusion is clear.

Obamacare is, at its fundamental nature, just another wealth-redistribution program. It's a program that uses health care as its excuse for redistributing, but its original purpose was, and still is, to redistribute wealth.

It's doing it, as people are finding out, by imposing high costs on everybody... and then "giving" lavish govt subsidies to those who earn less.

Basically it's taking lots of money from those who earn more, and handing it to those who earn less.

All this stuff about exchanges, patient loads, keeping your old plan etc., is merely window dressing. Obamacare is and always has been, a wealth redistribution program.

Is this what the American people wanted?

As the politicians said, we had to pass it just to find out what's in it. Unfortunately, once we found out what's in it, we would NOT be allowed to un-pass it if we didn't like it.

Not without a fight, against the people who tricked us into it. Actually IT IS A GESTAPO-LIKE POPULATION CONTROL MECHCANISM designed and corruptly installed by the party of treason in this nation.. --Tyr