View Full Version : The redcoats are coming

10-04-2013, 08:13 AM
That bothers you, does it, Logroller ?

-- OK. Interesting.

In reply to my challenge, I see you ducked it, with ...

Rather more to the point, you made an accusation based upon, apparently, your BELIEF regarding what you claim I myself believe. You cannot justify your assertion with any evidence that you're correct - you've been challenged to, but you've failed that challenge.

Nonetheless, you made your assertion, certainly initially, as though it were fact. WHICH IT IS NOT - at absolute best, it's a 'belief' you CANNOT SUBSTANTIATE.

Doesn't this argument miss the point ?

A relative newcomer to this forum may read your assertion and just assume that what you say must be true, (a) because why would you claim what you do except from certain knowledge (WHICH YOU DO NOT HAVE) and (b) because, being a Mod, you're surely meant to treat members of this forum reputably and responsibly ??

Such a newcomer would expect any Mod on a publicly-posted forum such as this to uphold a standard of integrity, since this itself represents the value of this forum in the mind of any viewer of it. BUT .. are you doing any such thing, by stating - as though it were fact - something you have, in the final analysis, NO GOOD REASON TO CLAIM ??

Perhaps, Logroller, you don't think the reputation of a forum such as this actually matters. I say - PERHAPS. After all, it would explain why you want to make assumptions about others' beliefs, and then, with you being a Mod here, you run with that, NOT KNOWING THAT WHAT YOU PUBLICLY STATE IS TRUE.

I don't believe that Jim backed your being a Mod here, thinking that you'd go on to act in a manner that reflects adversely on this forum's reputation.

Am I not right about that ?

So I will ask you, once more, for your apology.

Right because your bog lefty terrorist sympathizer comments to me and others just reaks of integrity and what's good for the board...I'm surprised you haven't been brought on as staff... What a dolt you are.

You got a problem with my actions being detimental to the board, Pm admin. Youve had your fun picking at me in a thread when it was first announced and here I am, unscathed. Your and others bringin up staff appointments and challenging the direction of admin and staff here has brought down the character of this forum-- imagine what some new member might think. I'll tell what I think, I was more recognizant of a name being gold than green because it means you'll put your money where your mouth is, because this board is something you value. You treat it like a borrowed mule. The simple fact of the matter is the power that staff has comes with far greater burdens, not that you'd understand because you don't do shit for this board other than take up server space. Just because its a free board doesn't mean you're entitled to shit.

Posters have come and gone, mostly the latter due to thing like constant vitriolic demeanor, red herrings and ad hominem attacks. Your and your cohorts, from wherever it was you all got ran off from, arrived here and ever since its been a constant shitstorm. So where's your apology to the board? I'm certainly not apologizing for calling it as I see it.

10-04-2013, 08:23 AM
Right because your bog lefty terrorist sympathizer comments to me and others just reaks of integrity and what's good for the board...I'm surprised you haven't been brought on as staff... What a dolt you are.

You got a problem with my actions being detimental to the board, Pm admin. Youve had your fun picking at me in a thread when it was first announced and here I am, unscathed. Your and others bringin up staff appointments and challenging the direction of admin and staff here has brought down the character of this forum-- imagine what some new member might think. I'll tell what I think, I was more recognizant of a name being gold than green because it means you'll put your money where your mouth is, because this board is something you value. You treat it like a borrowed mule. The simple fact of the matter is the power that staff has comes with far greater burdens, not that you'd understand because you don't do shit for this board other than take up server space. Just because its a free board doesn't mean you're entitled to shit.

Posters have come and gone, mostly the latter due to thing like constant vitriolic demeanor, red herrings and ad hominem attacks. Your and your cohorts, from wherever it was you all got ran off from, arrived here and ever since its been a constant shitstorm. So where's your apology to the board? I'm certainly not apologizing for calling it as I see it.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 08:39 AM
Right because your bog lefty terrorist sympathizer comments to me and others just reaks of integrity and what's good for the board...I'm surprised you haven't been brought on as staff... What a dolt you are.

You got a problem with my actions being detimental to the board, Pm admin. Youve had your fun picking at me in a thread when it was first announced and here I am, unscathed. Your and others bringin up staff appointments and challenging the direction of admin and staff here has brought down the character of this forum-- imagine what some new member might think. I'll tell what I think, I was more recognizant of a name being gold than green because it means you'll put your money where your mouth is, because this board is something you value.
You treat it like a borrowed mule. The simple fact of the matter is the power that staff has comes with far greater burdens, not that you'd understand because you don't do shit for this board other than take up server space. Just because its a free board doesn't mean you're entitled to shit. So again its a matter of money the value of a member or that of that members words presented here!?? -Tyr

Posters have come and gone, mostly the latter due to thing like constant vitriolic demeanor, red herrings and ad hominem attacks. Your and your cohorts, from wherever it was you all got ran off from, arrived here and ever since its been a constant shitstorm. So where's your apology to the board? I'm certainly not apologizing for calling it as I see it. FFing bullshit! So now you bring in that a member must contribute money to matter here! Who got ran off? Not Drummond nor I.. WE BOTH CAME HERE VOLUNTARILY AND WERE NOT RAN OFF FROM ANY BOARD. Speaking for myself, I left my old forum because of how badly and dishonorably it treated my friend when they banned him on trumped up charges and then immediately allowed a lefty member there to issue a real threat against another member but excused it. . Since then that forum has fallen like a rock to the bottom of the pond. There is no damn cabal of united refugees from another forum. -Tyr

Last but not least who the hell are you to insult members for not contributing money here? Do you know each of our financial situations? fk no. I've tried to give you the ffing benefit of the doubt but this post from you reeks of arrogance, ignorance and elitism brought to a whole new level. You started the damn exchange up there and now you toss it down here. Well Hoss, it was your DAMN baby TO START WITH so why toss it away? DID THE PONTS MADE IN MY AND DRUMMOND'S REPLIES TO YOU PISS YA OFF THAT MUCH? :laugh: I AINT MAD but sure am sorry you felt the need to piss and moan like this. As I previously thought much better of you. Since you brought it up making so many bones about people sending money I am going to ask Jim should I just leave. Since my financial obligations to my family and my son and wife's medical problems have so drastically damaged our finances I simply can not contribute money and now see that posting here is put down to mean nothing unless on sends money--your words not mine!-Tyr

10-04-2013, 08:53 AM
-page of stupidity deleted to save space-


10-04-2013, 08:53 AM
^^ Do you know what a bracket is tyr?

10-04-2013, 09:06 AM
I never said one had to contribute money to be valued, I said contributing to the board shows a vested interest and I was recognizant of that early on. I too had a friend run off. But I didn't run off like a scorned schoolboy, much to the chagrin of that friend. I value this board and appreciate the direction of administration even when I disagree. Nor do I publicly profess my displeasure because its detrimental to the board-- been that way for the entirety of my membership. Not that you know shit about that because you don't really care about the board unless you get to rule th roost. You're a bully and I don't back down. Its quite clear this bothers you. :bunny4:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 09:14 AM
^^ Do you know what a bracket is tyr? Do you know how to comment on points made in a post or is the best you can do is making diversionary comments on my posting methods? When an opponent stoops to the level of attacking the opposition on spelling , grammar and posting methods one must conclude that he has no counter to the points made in the post by the opponent. I had previously thought much better of you.. Sure we disagree on many political subjects but this recent post you made even if in anger shows a much lesser man than that I had envisioned you to be. I make no excuses for my posts because I do not pretend to be a great speaker nor a fantastic expert on all things political. I do however stand on principles the world has long held to be honorable despite my many short comings and mistakes. Not perfect, never claimed to be. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 09:21 AM
I never said one had to contribute money to be valued, I said contributing to the board shows a vested interest and I was recognizant of that early on. I too had a friend run off. But I didn't run off like a scorned schoolboy, much to the chagrin of that friend. I value this board and appreciate the direction of administration even when I disagree. Nor do I publicly profess my displeasure because its detrimental to the board-- been that way for the entirety of my membership. Not that you know shit about that because you don't really care about the board unless you get to rule th roost. You're a bully and I don't back down. Its quite clear this bothers you. :bunny4: Really? Had you noticed this wasn't about me to start with but was about my friend Drummond? So how and why is that bullying on my part. I defend his integrity and my interpretation of his words against your attack on his character and you now call that bullying!! Simply ridiculous! When have I ruled this board? Man, you sure give me a damn lot of credit with that accusation! Since it's not in red, I guess it's just your very own musings. To which I say poppycock! Are we still friends? ;)--Tyr

10-04-2013, 09:28 AM
Do you know how to comment on points made in a post



10-04-2013, 11:10 AM
In the future, I would ask that members don't use ones moderation skills, or them even being a moderator, as part of the debate. I don't think whether one is a moderator or not should change their argument, and it goes against our rules/precedent of asking that kind of stuff not be discussed publicly. I know when I look at other boards myself, I don't give a crap what their moderator status is. All that matters is their words really. No biggie, I just think we should avoid that going forward.

And no, no way att all is any kind of donation here required, or change anything with respect to the board. Some of the people I have been closest with have never been able to. Some of my better friends have. We all have different situations. In no way does it make a difference, and in no way is it required. I know others might look at things differently, and that's cool, but one's ability at any given time to donate to another, this shouldn't reflect anything about them IMO.