View Full Version : This is what inviting in mslims will get you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 08:20 AM
▼ Thursday, 3 October 2013
Copenhagen prisons filled to the roof: 63 % of prisoners do not have Danish citizenship
EU's open borders policy - the Schengen Agreement - is destabilising its member countries.

"Warden Peter Vesterheden of Copenhagen Prisons speaks of an acute overcrowding in Copenhagen prisons. Vestre Prison now is crammed with prisoners.
Nearly 63 percent of the prisoners are foreign nationals."
Source: EB

Nicolai Sennels at 09:13

Charles Martel MoiEtMoi3 October 2013 11:11

This document has been published on "Islam : danger planétaire" http://ScoopItIslam.chickenkiller.com , http://storify.com/CharlesMartel/islam-is-a-doctrine-of-hate-subjugation-and-exterm and on https://twitter.com/CharlesMartelu1

Islam is a doctrine of hate, subjugation and extermination that some are struggling to call 'religion of love, tolerance and peace' ^_^

Anonymous3 October 2013 13:30

If they are not citizens deport them. Change your laws to fix this problem. Have you ever wondered about asylum seekers? They come to your country claiming persecution by others and possible death if they remain. Its not because of religion or politics that they left its because the majority of them are the trouble makers which the local community was driving out!

Anonymous4 October 2013 05:07

In Australia the Moslems have become a very troublesome minority, similar to their presence in Europe. Most Aussies would rather see immigration from those countries being severely curtailed.

Reply leonore3 October 2013 16:46

Can't argue with that!

Jake-a-runi3 October 2013 19:21

If there two concrete pillars one hundred meters high and one hundred meters apart, connected by an elastic band woven from ten thousand truck tire inner tubes, would this slingshot device store enough energy to propel a rolled up Muslim from the North Sea to Mecca?
Just imagine 6 out of 10 prisoners in our prisons being illegals. Such is liberal/leftist policies put into action . And why have those people been allowed or encouraged to come in? Every where this crap is tried we see nothing but crime, misery and negative results. Yet here in America we have a corrupt and traitorous political party dedicated to do just that. They have even set up our legal immigration system to bring in our sworn enemies! --Tyr

10-04-2013, 08:42 AM
Spamming of Blog posts is what inviting Muslims in will get us?
Wow I'm sold on the evils of it now.:rolleyes:

10-04-2013, 08:48 AM
And was there a suggestion for a giant slingshot to deport Muslims? That's some serious policy consideration to be debated...what a joke.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 08:55 AM
And was there a suggestion for a giant slingshot to deport Muslims? That's some serious policy consideration to be debated...what a joke. Yes,, thought it quite humorous myself. How about that 63% number ,doesn't it rate even a passing comment? or how about this

http://islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/ This is perfect example of how the infinite compassion policy costs lives. If these invaders had known that they would be greeted with machine gun fire at the other side instead of blankets and food, they wouldn't have come and they would still be alive. Obviously I don't care about their lives, but presumably humanitarians do. So, judging a policy purely by its effects, paradoxically the policy of machine-gunning incoming boatloads of immigrants produces the optimal humanitarian outcome. It minimises the loss of life over the long term.

The compassion our elites promote is a false compassion. It demonstrably produces worse outcomes. But it lets them feel good about themselves and make public displays of what fine people they are. That what's this is about: not improving the lives of people in the real world, but engaging in a kind of moral preening much like a peacock displaying its feathers.

red state
10-04-2013, 09:10 AM
Just imagine 6 out of 10 prisoners in our prisons being illegals. Such is liberal/leftist policies put into action . And why have those people been allowed or encouraged to come in? Every where this crap is tried we see nothing but crime, misery and negative results. Yet here in America we have a corrupt and traitorous political party dedicated to do just that. They have even set up our legal immigration system to bring in our sworn enemies! --Tyr

Didn't have time to read this particular article through and through BUT it is SPOT ON from what I've learned over the years and am still surprised that the percentages of illegals (not to mention a majority of other types of people) are so prevalent in our prison system as well as our "welfare" program.

Tyr, we have a regime that is still wanting to bring those dangerous America haters on our own ground by closing GITMO. They are our enemies more than those whom we officially classify as our enemies. I say we need to keep GITMO and have some other island (preferably where bomb tests or some other military exercises are done so as not to muck up a nice, pretty island just to house these illegal, criminal border invaders.....they at least need to be far away from the general public and possibly on sugar plantations (or salt mines).

Common sense and logic would dictate that they do NOT need to be among the general population of legal or criminal citizens but we have idiots who see none of this as a good plan and believe that we have it going on just fine right now....we DON'T. These idiots scoff and ridicule true Patriots who see the warning signs and bad agendas for what they are but that only exposes them for the idiots or evil they truly have within their intellect or heart.

Perhaps these illegals are or will be B.O.'s future army. B.O. has stated that his little private army needs to be as well funded as our HONORABLE military and I can't think of anyone better (other than the filthy liberals who still support this fraud). It could be any number of groups that we've seen the B.O. administration turn a blind eye to but we know for sure that such an "extra", equally well funded force isn't going to be any of OUR OWN....be it Conservatives, those serving honorably within our military or any other REAL American. After all, we are the enemy of America's enemy and must be disarmed and made third class citizens or victims of those the liberals wish to turn a blind eye to. It could be that we, ourselves, soon find our residency in GITMO. That is the way and mentality of these bots.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 09:32 AM
Didn't have time to read this particular article through and through BUT it is SPOT ON from what I've learned over the years and am still surprised that the percentages of illegals (not to mention a majority of other types of people) are so prevalent in our prison system as well as our "welfare" program.

Tyr, we have a regime that is still wanting to bring those dangerous America haters on our own ground by closing GITMO. They are our enemies more than those whom we officially classify as our enemies. I say we need to keep GITMO and have some other island (preferably where bomb tests or some other military exercises are done so as not to muck up a nice, pretty island just to house these illegal, criminal border invaders.....they at least need to be far away from the general public and possibly on sugar plantations (or salt mines).

Common sense and logic would dictate that they do NOT need to be among the general population of legal or criminal citizens but we have idiots who see none of this as a good plan and believe that we have it going on just fine right now....we DON'T. These idiots scoff and ridicule true Patriots who see the warning signs and bad agendas for what they are but that only exposes them for the idiots or evil they truly have within their intellect or heart.

Perhaps these illegals are or will be B.O.'s future army. B.O. has stated that his little private army needs to be as well funded as our HONORABLE military and I can't think of anyone better (other than the filthy liberals who still support this fraud). It could be any number of groups that we've seen the B.O. administration turn a blind eye to but we know for sure that such an "extra", equally well funded force isn't going to be any of OUR OWN....be it Conservatives, those serving honorably within our military or any other REAL American. After all, we are the enemy of America's enemy and must be disarmed and made third class citizens or victims of those the liberals wish to turn a blind eye to. It could be that we, ourselves, soon find our residency in GITMO. That is the way and mentality of these bots. They saw how well that worked out for Britain! Which is about to go headlong down the tubes... Remember the horse thieves always like to shoot the people pointing out who they are ! Their big problem is that we (our kind) love guns and can shoot back much. much, much better than they..- :beer:

10-04-2013, 06:22 PM
And was there a suggestion for a giant slingshot to deport Muslims? That's some serious policy consideration to be debated...what a joke.

That sounds like fun!


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-04-2013, 09:36 PM
That sounds like fun!

WWWWWWHHHHHHEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeeee! All just fine until the landing. :laugh:--Tyr