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View Full Version : Assault by civil forfeiture

10-04-2013, 03:32 PM

In January 2013, the federal government obtained a secret warrant and took every dollar out of the Dehko's grocery store bank account — more than $35,000 — without any warning or explanation. Only later would Terry and Sandy discover that, despite doing absolutely nothing wrong, the IRS and the U.S. Department of Justice teamed up to seize their money using an increasingly abusive tactic called civil forfeiture.

Civil forfeiture is now one of the most serious assaults on individual rights in America. It allows the government to take cash, cars, homes and other property from people without ever convicting or even charging them with a crime. Worse, civil forfeiture turns the American principle of innocent until proven guilty on its head. To get their money back, Terry and Sandy must go to court against the full might of the Department of Justice to prove their innocence. In fact, the vast majority of civil forfeiture cases nationwide are never heard by a judge or jury because victims can seldom afford to fight the seizures.

More info civil forfeiture here (http://www.forbes.com/2011/06/08/property-civil-forfeiture.html). While it seems that there COULD be a case made for such things, under some circumstances, it goes against the entire idea of 'presumed innocent' and in general this practice should be banned.

10-04-2013, 04:03 PM

More info civil forfeiture here (http://www.forbes.com/2011/06/08/property-civil-forfeiture.html). While it seems that there COULD be a case made for such things, under some circumstances, it goes against the entire idea of 'presumed innocent' and in general this practice should be banned.

One way to reduce your exposure is that an open line of credit is not an asset. Had they used that $35K to pay off debts, keeping an open credit line, there would be nothing to seize.

10-04-2013, 05:50 PM

More info civil forfeiture here (http://www.forbes.com/2011/06/08/property-civil-forfeiture.html). While it seems that there COULD be a case made for such things, under some circumstances, it goes against the entire idea of 'presumed innocent' and in general this practice should be banned.
"In general" the Constitution forbids such practices. What are the exceptions and did this one qualify?

10-04-2013, 06:34 PM
One way to reduce your exposure is that an open line of credit is not an asset. Had they used that $35K to pay off debts, keeping an open credit line, there would be nothing to seize.

One should not have to fear government seizing their money without being charged of a crime.

"In general" the Constitution forbids such practices. What are the exceptions and did this one qualify?

I suppose it would be better to say that it ALWAYS forbids such practices, the only reason they are around is governmental abuse of power.

10-15-2017, 08:34 AM
You know that you live in a police state when everything is illegal and you have no rights.

You have no free speech rights, religious rights, gun rights, there is civil forfeiture, the government wiretaps your phone, records your web history, reads your email, takes away your right to silence, can torture you, and can extrajudicuallly assassinate you.

Your taxes fund illegal immigrants, debt, endless wars, curfews, checkpoints, no fly lists, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA laws, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm.

http://www.desototimes.com/opinion/columns_editorials/we-re-all-inmates-in-the-american-police-state/article_e81415aa-16c8-11e5-8c24-bbaf57c99d50.html (http://www.desototimes.com/opinion/columns_editorials/we-re-all-inmates-in-the-american-police-state/article_e81415aa-16c8-11e5-8c24-bbaf57c99d50.html)

http://blog.pennlive.com/capitol-notebook/2015/03/adios_land_of_the_free_-_new_s.html (http://blog.pennlive.com/capitol-notebook/2015/03/adios_land_of_the_free_-_new_s.html)

http://journalstar.com/news/opinion/editorial/columnists/george-will-when-everything-is-a-crime/article_5b97f1cf-5168-59c2-99ce-8540d5ce6182.html (http://journalstar.com/news/opinion/editorial/columnists/george-will-when-everything-is-a-crime/article_5b97f1cf-5168-59c2-99ce-8540d5ce6182.html)

http://nevadanewsandviews.com/welcome-to-post-constitutional-america/ (http://nevadanewsandviews.com/welcome-to-post-constitutional-america/)

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tsa-begins-testing-fingerprint-check-082000663.html (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tsa-begins-testing-fingerprint-check-082000663.html)

http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/10/as_trial_ends_surreal_scene_le.html (http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/10/as_trial_ends_surreal_scene_le.html)

https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-california-fighting-caffeine-dui-192312988.html (https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-california-fighting-caffeine-dui-192312988.html)

http://www.chattanoogan.com/2017/4/7/345647/Tennessee-Supreme-Court-Upholds-Police.aspx (http://www.chattanoogan.com/2017/4/7/345647/Tennessee-Supreme-Court-Upholds-Police.aspx)

http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/12/judge_orders_man_arrested_for.html?ath=57736eac0e2 c3addf91479a82deb9e5d (http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/12/judge_orders_man_arrested_for.html?ath=57736eac0e2 c3addf91479a82deb9e5d)

http://www.telegram.com/news/20160505/woman-arrested-for-staying-silent-during-traffic-stop-sues (http://www.telegram.com/news/20160505/woman-arrested-for-staying-silent-during-traffic-stop-sues)

http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article153373524.html (http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article153373524.html)

http://libertarian.forumbuild.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4 (http://libertarian.forumbuild.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4)