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View Full Version : You’re Full of Crap!’: A Fired-Up Sean Hannity Rips Into Democrat Rep. Over Obamacare

10-05-2013, 06:49 AM
More truth about Obamacare , if we must use this program all must use it . Dems sure can lie with the best of them.

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D., N.J.) and Fox News host Sean Hannity got into a heated exchange Thursday over whether members of the U.S. Congress receive a 72 percent health care subsidy from Obamacare not afforded to individuals. Hannity said he was so sure that Congress had a special subsidy that wasn’t available to average Americans, he would bet $10,000 from his charity against the same amount from one of Pascrell’s. Pascrell declined the offer, and the two kept calling each other liars. “You’re getting special perks and special breaks for yourself, so cut the crap, and stop lying to the audience!” Hannity said.


10-05-2013, 07:29 AM
More truth about Obamacare , if we must use this program all must use it . Dems sure can lie with the best of them.


Oh, this is good stuff ! Many thanks, Jeff. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Hannity get the better of that Dem liar ! :clap:

10-05-2013, 04:47 PM
Wonderful to see how defensive that Liberal, Democrat became.

Kinda makes me feel like donating some funds into the purchase of

"PAMPERS, and DEPENDS" for all of those CRAPPY Democrat Lying Congresscritters.