View Full Version : That was a bit unexpected :)

10-05-2013, 06:52 AM

10-05-2013, 07:20 AM

... I have absolutely no idea what to say to this .... :confused: :puke::popcorn:

10-05-2013, 08:09 AM
So I wonder what his next gig will be. :laugh:

10-05-2013, 02:29 PM
So I wonder what his next gig will be. :laugh:

I hope it's President vs Wild where he drinks his own piss.

10-05-2013, 02:32 PM
Looks like we should sign Putin up as the Newest Member of The Village People as the CZAR.


10-05-2013, 03:30 PM
I received this in my email this morning from a friend.

Hope you enjoy.....
Paddy - The Irish Fireman.

Paddy was walking along the street during his once-in-a-lifetime visit to New York when he rounds a corner and there's a high rise building on fire.

Paddy, ever the kind-hearted and resourceful Irishman, runs up to the building to see if he can help and notices people trapped five stories up.

Paddy yells to the people, "I'm Paddy Michael Fitzpatrick, an Irish Fire Fighter on holiday. I'm also a Rugby Union fullback! If you jump, I'll catch you!"

One lady, in desperation, jumps and sure enough Paddy catches her.

Then a man sees that Paddy catches the woman and jumps. Sure enough, Paddy catches him as well.

Then President Obama jumps out and crashes to the sidewalk.

Paddy didn't even attempt to catch him. Paddy looks up and yells, "Don't be throwin' down the burnt ones!"

Warning! If you laugh at this, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Rev. Wright will be coming after you!