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View Full Version : Why was manfrommaine banned?

01-25-2007, 03:33 AM
I hate it when the bastards do that, I thought this board was trying to be a little less childish and personal with banishments.I might not like it here:confused:

I feel as if I am posting on the annexe board.

01-25-2007, 03:35 AM
I hate it when the bastards do that, I thought this board was trying to be a little less childish and personal with banishments.I might not like it here:confused:

I feel as if I am posting on the annexe board.

Being looked into, I wasn't online last evening...

01-25-2007, 03:36 AM
Being looked into, I wasn't online last evening...

Thanks jimnyc.

01-25-2007, 03:40 AM
Thanks jimnyc.

No prob...

The ban will either stick or I will lift it, depending on circumstances. I'm waiting to hear back and we'll take it from there.

01-25-2007, 07:43 AM
I was banned? I was unaware.


It sure seems to me like the mods on this board are all of one political persuasion and apply their "rules" somewhat selectively. People claim that I am personally insulting to people, yet the very moderators on her call me a traitor. Moderators denigrate my service and claim it is no more than summer camp. Here is a newsflash: people who spent a career wearing the uniform of the US Navy find it profoundly insulting to be called a traitor. People who think that service in the Navy is not difficult obviously have never been there. I would hope that either someone teaches the moderators to show some consistency, or to grow some thicker skin, or to learn some manners...preferrably all three.

01-25-2007, 07:46 AM
I was banned? I was unaware.


It sure seems to me like the mods on this board are all of one political persuasion and apply their "rules" somewhat selectively. People claim that I am personally insulting to people, yet the very moderators on her call me a traitor. Moderators denigrate my service and claim it is no more than summer camp. Here is a newsflash: people who spent a career wearing the uniform of the US Navy find it profoundly insulting to be called a traitor. People who think that service in the Navy is not difficult obviously have never been there. I would hope that either someone teaches the moderators to show some consistency, or to grow some thicker skin, or to learn some manners...preferably all three.

If you didn't even know....
Then what are you bitching for??

Move on, and enjoy the board...

And stop the damn whining....It's grating on my nerves...:mad:

01-25-2007, 08:13 AM
If you didn't even know....
Then what are you bitching for??

Move on, and enjoy the board...

And stop the damn whining....It's grating on my nerves...:mad:

It would be easier if you listed who and what didn't grate on your nerves:wink2:

01-25-2007, 08:15 AM
If you didn't even know....
Then what are you bitching for??

Move on, and enjoy the board...

And stop the damn whining....It's grating on my nerves...:mad:

I am certainly not whining, but I simply MUST tell you, madame, that the fact that I may be grating on your nerves is totally insignificant to me and will not cause me to alter my behavior one iota.

thought you should know.

01-25-2007, 08:18 AM
It would be easier if you listed who and what didn't grate on your nerves:wink2:

Ummmmmmmm...Let me see...

This damn subject has run it's couse....Is all I'm trying to say....
In the most lady like manner........:wink2:


01-25-2007, 08:19 AM
I was banned? I was unaware.


It sure seems to me like the mods on this board are all of one political persuasion and apply their "rules" somewhat selectively. People claim that I am personally insulting to people, yet the very moderators on her call me a traitor. Moderators denigrate my service and claim it is no more than summer camp. Here is a newsflash: people who spent a career wearing the uniform of the US Navy find it profoundly insulting to be called a traitor. People who think that service in the Navy is not difficult obviously have never been there. I would hope that either someone teaches the moderators to show some consistency, or to grow some thicker skin, or to learn some manners...preferrably all three.

Stop the drama - you're joking if you think you'd be banned because of your views; Anyone could be banned for how they Talk, however, regardless of their viewpoint.