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View Full Version : Duck Dynasty. Hollywood goes Christianphobic once again

Abbey Marie
10-05-2013, 12:32 PM
Interesting how godless and Christianphobic Hollywood is. Just scratch the surface a tiny bit, and it's all there to see.

Phil Robertson, the leader of the “Duck Dynasty” clan, confronted producers of the hit A&E reality series over questionable bleeps suggesting profanity that was never spoken, as well as cutting any mention of Jesus.
“They inserted fake bleeps, like someone had used profanity, but no one had used profanity,” Robertson, the founder of Duck Commander, said. “So I asked those guys that produce the show. I said, ‘What’s the point of the fake bleeps?”
The editing trick, as Robertson explains, was used because the Los Angeles-based editors “probably thought that there was some profanity going on.” But there was, in fact, “zero,” which led Robertson to pressure producers to stop the practice.
“If you want that, oh, you can get all of that you want. Just turn the station. There’s plenty of that. If we’re not using profanity, why make it look like we’re using profanity? What is the point?” Robertson continued. “Why don’t you just run it, and say what we say. They’re like, ‘You got a point.’ So they quit doing that.”

Another issue Robertson had with the content featured in the episodes making it to air? Not enough Jesus.
“The other thing was when we prayed, we said, ‘In Jesus name, amen’ … they would just have me say, ‘And thank you, Lord, for the food, thank you for loving us, amen.”’ Robertson added. “So I said, ‘why would you cut out in Jesus’ name?”
According to Robertson’s paraphrased conversation with producers, it was because editors “don’t want to offend some of the Muslims, or something.”
Robertson isn’t worried about offending anyone by saying Jesus on national television, because our calendar year, 2013, is labeled Anno Domini (A.D.), which is translated from Medieval Latin as ”in the year of Our Lord.“
“I said, ‘You Hollywood cats are counting time by Jesus just like I am.’ I would think that out of all of the people that walk planet Earth, if we’ve all decided in America to count time by just one of them, Jesus of Galilee, I don’t think it hurts to throw his name in there from time to time,” Robertson said. “So I noticed now, every once in a while, they’re leaving it in there.”http://tv.yahoo.com/news/duck-dynasty-star-reveals-clash-producers-over-fake-224906242.html

10-05-2013, 12:41 PM
Interesting how godless and Christianphobic Hollywood is. Just scratch the surface a tiny bit, and it's all there to see.

http://tv.yahoo.com/news/duck-dynasty-star-reveals-clash-producers-over-fake-224906242.htmlThe ChristPhobics never cease what are they afraid of?? They will get it right or the Roberson's will take their toys and Leave.

10-05-2013, 02:35 PM
More like Jewphobe. Hollywood is overwhelmingly controlled by Jews, or did you forget about that? Talking about Jesus offends Jews more than it could offend a Muslim.

10-05-2013, 02:39 PM
More like Jewphobe. Hollywood is overwhelmingly controlled by Jews, or did you forget about that? Talking about Jesus offends Jews more than it could offend a Muslim.

The problem is lefties. They look for ways someone "might" be offended, even if no one is. I once had a gig in New Jersey, quite a leftist place. It took the threat of a lawsuit to decorate my cubical for Christmas.

10-05-2013, 02:44 PM
The problem is lefties. They look for ways someone "might" be offended, even if no one is. I once had a gig in New Jersey, quite a leftist place. It took the threat of a lawsuit to decorate my cubical for Christmas.

Nothing but more of the OBAMA divide 'em propaganda at work.

Hollyweird is nothing more than a gathering of WUSSIES who are afraid to actually SAY anything they really believe. Especially about Obama, and Democrats.

They know. Their professional career in Hollyweird will INSTANTLY END if they STEP ON ANYBODY'S TOES WITH.....TRUTH.

10-05-2013, 02:49 PM
More like Jewphobe. Hollywood is overwhelmingly controlled by Jews, or did you forget about that? Talking about Jesus offends Jews more than it could offend a Muslim.

Even if the case, "jewphobe" would mean that they are scared of themselves. It's overwhelmingly Christianity and the like that are getting more and more shut out. So even if Hollywood is predominantly run by Jewish folks, the phobia and/or dislike and/or desire to not allow certain things, is more towards Christians and Christianity. I don't see much of an attempt to hide Hanukkah, or menorahs, or the attempts to call Jewish holidays by something different so as not to offend. For that fact, I really don't see much of that towards any religion outside of Christianity.

10-07-2013, 06:38 AM
This is the number one show on TV for a reason ( or I should say cable TV ) they need to leave it alone, people like the lack of cussing and the respect for Jesus Christ that is shown in this show.

A&E’s Duck Dynasty is the most popular show on Cable TV. People adore the Robertson family, which is close-knit, hard-working, funny, clean-living, and deeply faithful.

The Robertson’s may not be swearing, fighting people, but they won’t back down from a just battle either. Watch as Willie and Phil Robertson talk about how, very politely, they set the A&E people straight when their editors added “bleeps” to cover non-existent swearing, and then deliberately censored Jesus’s name.


10-09-2013, 07:10 AM
No this isn't a slam against Muslims, in fact I have just deleted many post the last few days that had to do with Muslims and could of been taken as a slam, but no way should one religion be asked to stop praying ( in anyway ) as not to offend , this is the #1 rated show on TV because it is a show with Morals and hallywood just doesn't understand Morals Imagine that .

In an interview with sports spectrum magazine Willie & Phil Robertson, stars of Duck Dynasty, talk about fake bleeps, praying in Jesus’ name, and getting flack from Christians. When the editors of Duck Dynasty asked the stars to stop saying “In Jesus Name” during prayers because it might offend Muslims, Phil Robertson had to stand his ground.


10-09-2013, 08:13 AM
No this isn't a slam against Muslims, in fact I have just deleted many post the last few days that had to do with Muslims and could of been taken as a slam, but no way should one religion be asked to stop praying ( in anyway ) as not to offend , this is the #1 rated show on TV because it is a show with Morals and hallywood just doesn't understand Morals Imagine that .

http://conservativevideos.com/2013/10/duck-dynasty-star-told-us-stop-praying-jesus-wouldnt-offend-muslims/Big money making show, and a cast that will walk out on the whole mess, Over the name of Jesus, Hmmmm what to do? Hollywood generally follow the money but now???

10-09-2013, 09:18 AM
I doubt many Muslims watch Duck Dynasty. Our resident Muslim, Jafar doesn't strike me as a fan of the show. Irrespective of that those that wanted to avoid risking an offense to unspecified non-Chistians, they actively discriminated against and offended many Christians. If a large group of Muslims stated they were not offended, the lefties would say it was to avoid offending Atheists. The lefties would specify group after group until they found someone who claimed to be offended.

10-09-2013, 12:46 PM
More like Jewphobe. Hollywood is overwhelmingly controlled by Jews, or did you forget about that? Talking about Jesus offends Jews more than it could offend a Muslim.

Well, exactly. No rational person would be offended. I mean, the guys on Duck Dynasty are self-admitted rednecks, so being Christians here is sorts of a given. I mean, imagine if they were doing a reality series based around some people from the UAE, and got worried about mentioning Allah or Muhammed? Would any Christians get offended? No, we might not like the show, but we wouldn't be offended cause they mentioned their religion, that's just silly.

The problem is lefties. They look for ways someone "might" be offended, even if no one is. I once had a gig in New Jersey, quite a leftist place. It took the threat of a lawsuit to decorate my cubical for Christmas.

Oddly enough, I'm start to actually get offended, but more at the people who keep deciding I'd be offended by this or that.