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View Full Version : Obama admin blocks off roadside turn-out areas to prevent people viewing Mt. Rushmore

10-07-2013, 03:52 PM
When I first heard this one, I figured it had to be a joke. Come on, nobody could get that petty.

Turns out it's true. Along various public roadways with a view of Mt. Rushmore, there are wide spots beside the road where people could pull in, stop safely, and shoot pictures.

Not any more. The Fed govt has coned off many of those viewing areas, starting on Oct. 1 (the first day of the govt shutdown). Now you can only stay in the through lanes, and drive on past. No stopping.

Some wag cobbled up a "picture" of giant helicopters shrouding the carvings of the four Presidents on the mountain, with a giant sheet - an obvious photoshop job. Snopes.com says that one's a lie, in case anyone hadn't already figured it out: No giant helicopters have tried to shroud the mountain with a sheet.

They only coned off the safe-stopping areas.



Mount Rushmore blockage stirs anger in South Dakota

Barring visitors from view an unexpected effect of shutdown

Oct. 5, 2013 |

Cones are shown along the road to Mount Rushmore. The National Parks Service placed the cones there to prevent viewers from stopping on the side of the road to view the monument. / Submitted photo

Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore.

The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument.

The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson, Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff. The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them. The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance.

“I think reasonable people can disagree about that,” Johnson said.

The cones were down again Friday as a blizzard hit the Black Hills and plows needed access to the roads, Johnson said. He said the state would be monitoring to see whether the cones are put back along viewing areas.

“Once the snow’s off the ground, we’re going to be keeping an eye on how the cones go up,” Johnson said.

The Buffalo News reported that a tour group of dozens of people from western New York was unable to take pictures of the monument because highway viewing areas were coned off.

“It’s all closed up,” the newspaper quoted North Collins, N.Y., resident Hilde Werneth as saying. “They won’t even let you stop and take a picture. You can only drive by.”

10-07-2013, 04:03 PM
immature, petty crap.

close the interstate highways, see how that works.
feds want to punish the citizens for congresses 20 years of money mismanagement?
how about closing 50 overseas bases. closing down the UTAH NSA facility.
man this insane immature crap at the open air parks is just infuriatingly annoying.

because i can't play my way, I'm going to take YOUR ball and go home.

This is gonna win votes for noone.

10-07-2013, 04:06 PM
Funny, they don't want Americans to see what REAL leaders look like, or to be reminded of times when responsible and competent people were in office.

10-07-2013, 04:36 PM
When I first heard this one, I figured it had to be a joke. Come on, nobody could get that petty.

Turns out it's true. Along various public roadways with a view of Mt. Rushmore, there are wide spots beside the road where people could pull in, stop safely, and shoot pictures.

Not any more. The Fed govt has coned off many of those viewing areas, starting on Oct. 1 (the first day of the govt shutdown). Now you can only stay in the through lanes, and drive on past. No stopping.

Some wag cobbled up a "picture" of giant helicopters shrouding the carvings of the four Presidents on the mountain, with a giant sheet - an obvious photoshop job. Snopes.com says that one's a lie, in case anyone hadn't already figured it out: No giant helicopters have tried to shroud the mountain with a sheet.

They only coned off the safe-stopping areas.



Mount Rushmore blockage stirs anger in South Dakota

Barring visitors from view an unexpected effect of shutdown

Oct. 5, 2013 |

Cones are shown along the road to Mount Rushmore. The National Parks Service placed the cones there to prevent viewers from stopping on the side of the road to view the monument. / Submitted photo

Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore.

The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument.

The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson, Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff. The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them. The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance.

“I think reasonable people can disagree about that,” Johnson said.

The cones were down again Friday as a blizzard hit the Black Hills and plows needed access to the roads, Johnson said. He said the state would be monitoring to see whether the cones are put back along viewing areas.

“Once the snow’s off the ground, we’re going to be keeping an eye on how the cones go up,” Johnson said.

The Buffalo News reported that a tour group of dozens of people from western New York was unable to take pictures of the monument because highway viewing areas were coned off.

“It’s all closed up,” the newspaper quoted North Collins, N.Y., resident Hilde Werneth as saying. “They won’t even let you stop and take a picture. You can only drive by.”Oh his a Petty Bastard, I wanted to see the giant Helicopters??

10-07-2013, 05:13 PM
Let's not forget. Our Gelding Pretend President is also involved in changing a Professional Football team's NAME...because THE GREAT OFFENDER...is pretending it might offend some Native Americans who generally...haven't been as much of a Hypocrite, or Race Baiter as Obama the Wuss really is???

10-07-2013, 06:14 PM
Don't forget they have run people out of their homes (that sit on federal land), yet the first mother in law lives at the white house. Hm...

10-07-2013, 06:20 PM
Don't forget they have run people out of their homes (that sit on federal land), yet the first mother in law lives at the white house. Hm...


How the Shutdown Threatens Some Home Owners

At first, the government shutdown only seemed to affect bureaucrats in Washington. But the longer it persists, the more it is harming ordinary people who never knew they had a stake in Washington’s nauseating political battles.

The government has told about 60 home owners in southern Nevada, for instance, that they need to leave their property for the duration of the shutdown, because their homes sit on federal land in the Lake Mead Recreational Area. Since Lake Mead is managed by the feds, anybody who happens to own a home within its boundaries is technically a “visitor” subject to the same lockout that applies to tourists, hikers, campers or sportsmen seeking access to federal land.

The rules governing Lake Mead say that the only homes allowed there must be vacation homes, with the owners having a primary residence someplace else, so they’re not considered full-time, year-round residents of the park. But some home owners apparently got into the habit of spending most of their time at Lake Mead, anyway. Joyce Spencer, 77, said she and her husband Ralph, who is 80, had to move in with nearby family after a park ranger told them they had 24 hours to evacuate the Lake Mead home they’ve owned since the 1970s. “I had to buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants," Joyce Spencer told TV station KTNV. “I had to be sure and get his walker and his scooter.”


10-07-2013, 07:15 PM

How the Shutdown Threatens Some Home Owners

At first, the government shutdown only seemed to affect bureaucrats in Washington. But the longer it persists, the more it is harming ordinary people who never knew they had a stake in Washington’s nauseating political battles.

The government has told about 60 home owners in southern Nevada, for instance, that they need to leave their property for the duration of the shutdown, because their homes sit on federal land in the Lake Mead Recreational Area. Since Lake Mead is managed by the feds, anybody who happens to own a home within its boundaries is technically a “visitor” subject to the same lockout that applies to tourists, hikers, campers or sportsmen seeking access to federal land.

The rules governing Lake Mead say that the only homes allowed there must be vacation homes, with the owners having a primary residence someplace else, so they’re not considered full-time, year-round residents of the park. But some home owners apparently got into the habit of spending most of their time at Lake Mead, anyway. Joyce Spencer, 77, said she and her husband Ralph, who is 80, had to move in with nearby family after a park ranger told them they had 24 hours to evacuate the Lake Mead home they’ve owned since the 1970s. “I had to buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants," Joyce Spencer told TV station KTNV. “I had to be sure and get his walker and his scooter.”


I can't believe that about the FIRST Mother-in-Law.
Knowing the Obama's as we have all learned to do since 2008.
I suspect. The FIRST M-I-L is actually a MAID, earning her keep, and as a TAX DEDUCTION for Obama to claim when he whines about PAYING HIGH TAXES....he helped create.

10-08-2013, 06:05 AM
When I first heard this one, I figured it had to be a joke. Come on, nobody could get that petty.

Turns out it's true. Along various public roadways with a view of Mt. Rushmore, there are wide spots beside the road where people could pull in, stop safely, and shoot pictures.

Not any more. The Fed govt has coned off many of those viewing areas, starting on Oct. 1 (the first day of the govt shutdown). Now you can only stay in the through lanes, and drive on past. No stopping.

Some wag cobbled up a "picture" of giant helicopters shrouding the carvings of the four Presidents on the mountain, with a giant sheet - an obvious photoshop job. Snopes.com says that one's a lie, in case anyone hadn't already figured it out: No giant helicopters have tried to shroud the mountain with a sheet.

They only coned off the safe-stopping areas.



Mount Rushmore blockage stirs anger in South Dakota

Barring visitors from view an unexpected effect of shutdown

Oct. 5, 2013 |

Cones are shown along the road to Mount Rushmore. The National Parks Service placed the cones there to prevent viewers from stopping on the side of the road to view the monument. / Submitted photo

Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore.

The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument.

The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson, Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff. The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them. The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance.

“I think reasonable people can disagree about that,” Johnson said.

The cones were down again Friday as a blizzard hit the Black Hills and plows needed access to the roads, Johnson said. He said the state would be monitoring to see whether the cones are put back along viewing areas.

“Once the snow’s off the ground, we’re going to be keeping an eye on how the cones go up,” Johnson said.

The Buffalo News reported that a tour group of dozens of people from western New York was unable to take pictures of the monument because highway viewing areas were coned off.

“It’s all closed up,” the newspaper quoted North Collins, N.Y., resident Hilde Werneth as saying. “They won’t even let you stop and take a picture. You can only drive by.”http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/whoa-see-whats-shut-down-and-whats-not/

10-08-2013, 06:44 AM
With each passing day of the "shutdown" it becomes increasingly obvious that our feckless leader is chossing to shut down only those parts of the government that are most visible and those that will have a visceral impact on the American people. These are the things the media will report, these are the things they will lay at the feet of those who oppose him, this is how the will influence the next elections...

10-08-2013, 07:00 AM

How the Shutdown Threatens Some Home Owners

At first, the government shutdown only seemed to affect bureaucrats in Washington. But the longer it persists, the more it is harming ordinary people who never knew they had a stake in Washington’s nauseating political battles.

The government has told about 60 home owners in southern Nevada, for instance, that they need to leave their property for the duration of the shutdown, because their homes sit on federal land in the Lake Mead Recreational Area. Since Lake Mead is managed by the feds, anybody who happens to own a home within its boundaries is technically a “visitor” subject to the same lockout that applies to tourists, hikers, campers or sportsmen seeking access to federal land.

The rules governing Lake Mead say that the only homes allowed there must be vacation homes, with the owners having a primary residence someplace else, so they’re not considered full-time, year-round residents of the park. But some home owners apparently got into the habit of spending most of their time at Lake Mead, anyway. Joyce Spencer, 77, said she and her husband Ralph, who is 80, had to move in with nearby family after a park ranger told them they had 24 hours to evacuate the Lake Mead home they’ve owned since the 1970s. “I had to buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants," Joyce Spencer told TV station KTNV. “I had to be sure and get his walker and his scooter.”


The vocabulary needs to change here. "Retaliation" needs to replace "shutdown". Most of this is not the result of a shutdown, it's the result of government money being spent to retaliate against its own citizens. It's not the result of money going away.

10-08-2013, 07:09 AM
Let's not forget. Our Gelding Pretend President is also involved in changing a Professional Football team's NAME...because THE GREAT OFFENDER...is pretending it might offend some Native Americans who generally...haven't been as much of a Hypocrite, or Race Baiter as Obama the Wuss really is???

I find it rather ironic that this president has stated that IF he owned a sports team or other organization with a name that some found offensive, he would change the name yet absolutely refuses to consider changing his signature legislation that so many more find offensive. The man is not only a narcisstic hypocrit but petty tyrant as well.

10-08-2013, 07:38 AM
With each passing day of the "shutdown" it becomes increasingly obvious that our feckless leader is chossing to shut down only those parts of the government that are most visible and those that will have a visceral impact on the American people. These are the things the media will report, these are the things they will lay at the feet of those who oppose him, this is how the will influence the next elections...

If conservatives can find a candidate that isn't a loon, then they can use the choices made in this 'shutdown' to highlight the disrespect the ruling powers have had for their subjects. To showcase the pettiness and presumption of ignorance the leaders hold for the people. There can be conversation regarding ACA 'rollout' and 'blowout' and refusal to pay any heed to the will of the people. The mismanagement of billions in dollars over the course of more than 3 years and the 'hope' that problems could be 'fixed' over a weekend.

This administration has taken bad situations and compounded them in a myriad of ways, it's up to the opposition to articulate those to the people.

10-08-2013, 07:56 AM
If conservatives can find a candidate that isn't a loon, then they can use the choices made in this 'shutdown' to highlight the disrespect the ruling powers have had for their subjects. To showcase the pettiness and presumption of ignorance the leaders hold for the people. There can be conversation regarding ACA 'rollout' and 'blowout' and refusal to pay any heed to the will of the people. The mismanagement of billions in dollars over the course of more than 3 years and the 'hope' that problems could be 'fixed' over a weekend.

This administration has taken bad situations and compounded them in a myriad of ways, it's up to the opposition to articulate those to the people.While your right Kat, the Problem is getting it reported, When conservative media or the only ones reporting such issues, we may have better luck posting these issues on our personal social sits? but even then we must remember that those stupid enough to vote for Obama especially twice, have the same mind set, Selfish, Arrogant, Deviant, and Vengeance, for any who dare disagree, and even if such got on Mainstream Media they would just cheer.

10-08-2013, 08:40 AM
If conservatives can find a candidate that isn't a loon...

You mean the kind that don't go all anti-muzzy, "anti-woman," say crazy anti-abortion things, etc., etc.?

10-08-2013, 08:58 AM
You mean the kind that don't go all anti-muzzy, "anti-woman," say crazy anti-abortion things, etc., etc.?It seems we have a Candidate for an Obama supporter in FJ

10-08-2013, 09:10 AM
It seems we have a Candidate for an Obama supporter in FJ

It wouldn't be the first time the point of my posts were misunderstood. :slap:

10-08-2013, 09:23 AM
With each passing day of the "shutdown" it becomes increasingly obvious that our feckless leader is chossing to shut down only those parts of the government that are most visible and those that will have a visceral impact on the American people. These are the things the media will report, these are the things they will lay at the feet of those who oppose him, this is how the will influence the next elections...

This morning I read two stories, one is that the NIH stopped their program of bringing therapy dogs to children with cancer and vets. The other was that the Army just put in an order for a 47k mechanical bull... they claim they use it for recruiting.


10-08-2013, 12:06 PM
It wouldn't be the first time the point of my posts were misunderstood. :slap:Sorry FJ didn't see the humor in it;)

10-08-2013, 12:21 PM
This morning I read two stories, one is that the NIH stopped their program of bringing therapy dogs to children with cancer and vets. The other was that the Army just put in an order for a 47k mechanical bull... they claim they use it for recruiting.


If you think this is out of control right now just wait until the government has control of both your health and wealth. It won't be annoying anecdotes from the media being bandied about.

10-08-2013, 12:34 PM
Sorry FJ didn't see the humor in it;)

Good??? :confused: Because there wasn't any in there.

10-08-2013, 07:17 PM
Good??? :confused: Because there wasn't any in there.

Yet hilarious nonetheless. :laugh:

10-08-2013, 10:46 PM
So it is Obama that is responsible and not Congress? :slap:

10-08-2013, 11:55 PM
So it is Obama that is responsible and not Congress? :slap:

The answer to that would be, yes.

Why you might ask? All enforcement comes under 'executive branch.' It's all under his directives. If he woke up and saw that something was being 'enforced' he thought wrong, he could have that changed in minutes. He has many people to make those calls, even with his 'reduced staff.'