View Full Version : Inarticulate Republicans by Thomas Sowell

10-09-2013, 05:47 PM

All very good points. If you can't get your point across, you lose. This has been an issue on the right for quite some time.

10-10-2013, 04:37 AM

All very good points. If you can't get your point across, you lose. This has been an issue on the right for quite some time.

True, it has been an issue. Nothing is more annoying than flipping to a MSM channel and watching them decimate the republican guest, while he just sits there and stutters.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2013, 12:14 PM
True, it has been an issue. Nothing is more annoying than flipping to a MSM channel and watching them decimate the republican guest, while he just sits there and stutters. And if we saw the Dems being interrogated the same way by facing well prepared drillings we'd see the same results. Their hero ,top man reads a teleprompter like a child reads a book. He can not even talk when not reading. The hmms haws, ahhs and uhhhs are so numerous its comical. So no I do not buy this piece of propaganda simply because it comes from a stacked deck when the opposition almost never faces such treatment. Its like saying look how tough my son is he never cries when being beaten with a horsewhip like my neighbor's son does. Then when asked how often do you beat your son like that the guy says ,, well uuhh never. And it should be noted how the dems avoid and never guest on shows that would ask them any hard to answer questions. The dems are religious about that too. -Tyr

10-11-2013, 12:29 PM
And if we saw the Dems being interrogated the same way

Always on the defense making excuses. If you never want 'your party' to win, keep it up. Hell, the establishment (R)'s are spending more time trashing and blaming the 'tea party' than the left. Idiots. And recent polls show over 60% of (R)'s see a real need for a 3rd party. The establishment will continue on it's path of stupidity, those who are fed up will vote 3rd party, and the (R)'s will lose AGAIN.

10-11-2013, 08:40 PM
And if we saw the Dems being interrogated the same way by facing well prepared drillings we'd see the same results. Their hero ,top man reads a teleprompter like a child reads a book. He can not even talk when not reading. The hmms haws, ahhs and uhhhs are so numerous its comical. So no I do not buy this piece of propaganda simply because it comes from a stacked deck when the opposition almost never faces such treatment. Its like saying look how tough my son is he never cries when being beaten with a horsewhip like my neighbor's son does. Then when asked how often do you beat your son like that the guy says ,, well uuhh never. And it should be noted how the dems avoid and never guest on shows that would ask them any hard to answer questions. The dems are religious about that too. -Tyr

Tyr, you're missing the point of what he's saying. Basically, the Republicans try to win a rigged game straight up, using terms that don't reach people when they are able to properly state their claims. Look for a moment back to the RNC, when 5 out of 7 of the Republican speakers were basically "written out" by the media, and why? Because they were minorities, and women, which jibed with the pillorying of republicans as sexists and racists, and it was the same for the TEA Party. While you can be pissed at the Liberal Media for pulling the stunt, it was the Republicans who allowed them to get away with it.

Seriously, Roles reversed, the Dems would have screamed race and sexism to the rooftops, but the aside from some grumbling, the Republicans didn't kick up a proper fuss. That should have been the moment where the Republican Party flatout refused to have MSNBC doing any news coverage of their events, slapped them for slander, and railed them as hard as possible about their blatant racism and sexism against the Republican Party.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2013, 09:46 PM
Tyr, you're missing the point of what he's saying. Basically, the Republicans try to win a rigged game straight up, using terms that don't reach people when they are able to properly state their claims. Look for a moment back to the RNC, when 5 out of 7 of the Republican speakers were basically "written out" by the media, and why? Because they were minorities, and women, which jibed with the pillorying of republicans as sexists and racists, and it was the same for the TEA Party. While you can be pissed at the Liberal Media for pulling the stunt, it was the Republicans who allowed them to get away with it.

Seriously, Roles reversed, the Dems would have screamed race and sexism to the rooftops, but the aside from some grumbling, the Republicans didn't kick up a proper fuss. That should have been the moment where the Republican Party flatout refused to have MSNBC doing any news coverage of their events, slapped them for slander, and railed them as hard as possible about their blatant racism and sexism against the Republican Party. I do not disagree with the fact that the Republicans do not raise enough hell about the stacked deck they face. They also foolishly think they must go on these rigged shows for some strange reason. The dems flat out refuse to go on conservative shows, The Republicans should do the same thing on the mainstream media shows. Why keep giving the lousy dems all the advantages?-Tyr

10-11-2013, 10:32 PM
I do not disagree with the fact that the Republicans do not raise enough hell about the stacked deck they face. They also foolishly think they must go on these rigged shows for some strange reason. The dems flat out refuse to go on conservative shows, The Republicans should do the same thing on the mainstream media shows. Why keep giving the lousy dems all the advantages?-Tyr

That's exactly the point of the article. The Republicans are locked into a strategy that doesn't work, and they keep doubling down on it. Think about it: Gore was the more intelligent and eloquent of the two when he and Bush ran against each other, and yet, Bush won. Why? Because he was able to talk to the common man and did not continuously use political terms. People understood where he was at, and thus he was elected.

It was the same with Bill Clinton, he ran using down south charm as a weapon. The current breed of Republicans seem to have abandoned this tack completely, and keep trying to use technical terms that only get understood by those who keep an eye on politics. That's maybe 1/4 of those that actually vote, with most having little understanding of how things actually work.

10-12-2013, 10:12 PM
That's exactly the point of the article. The Republicans are locked into a strategy that doesn't work, and they keep doubling down on it. Think about it: Gore was the more intelligent and eloquent of the two when he and Bush ran against each other, and yet, Bush won. Why? Because he was able to talk to the common man and did not continuously use political terms. People understood where he was at, and thus he was elected.

It was the same with Bill Clinton, he ran using down south charm as a weapon. The current breed of Republicans seem to have abandoned this tack completely, and keep trying to use technical terms that only get understood by those who keep an eye on politics. That's maybe 1/4 of those that actually vote, with most having little understanding of how things actually work.

Car Rove = Republican demise.

10-12-2013, 11:41 PM
Car Rove = Republican demise.

Basically, yeah. Conservatives need to speak more simply, and more openly. When the Dems pull something like with the RNC, Republicans need to wall up, and call them out on it specifically, not by saying "Main-stream Media", but going "MSNBC is slandering the Republican Party as sexists and racists, while cutting off ALL of our black and female candidates," and show the evidence. Don't tell people, show them.

When talking about why they dislike Obamacare, it needs to be more simple and straightforward, "This country has broken Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Benefits. When they fix the broken programs, we can talk about a new one. Until then, it's like borrowing money for rims for your car while the wheelhouse is coming off."

10-15-2013, 09:36 PM
Basically, yeah. Conservatives need to speak more simply, and more openly. When the Dems pull something like with the RNC, Republicans need to wall up, and call them out on it specifically, not by saying "Main-stream Media", but going "MSNBC is slandering the Republican Party as sexists and racists, while cutting off ALL of our black and female candidates," and show the evidence. Don't tell people, show them.

When talking about why they dislike Obamacare, it needs to be more simple and straightforward, "This country has broken Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Benefits. When they fix the broken programs, we can talk about a new one. Until then, it's like borrowing money for rims for your car while the wheelhouse is coming off."

So, DS, when are you throwing your hat into the ring? I like your style ... tell it like it is and expect more common sense from everyone.

10-15-2013, 09:54 PM
Basically, yeah. Conservatives need to speak more simply, and more openly. When the Dems pull something like with the RNC, Republicans need to wall up, and call them out on it specifically, not by saying "Main-stream Media", but going "MSNBC is slandering the Republican Party as sexists and racists, while cutting off ALL of our black and female candidates," and show the evidence. Don't tell people, show them.

When talking about why they dislike Obamacare, it needs to be more simple and straightforward, "This country has broken Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Benefits. When they fix the broken programs, we can talk about a new one. Until then, it's like borrowing money for rims for your car while the wheelhouse is coming off."

All good points, that should be on GOP sites.

I'd add:

Regarding Obamacare, the premise is to make medical access more affordable to all, without resorting to emergency care when in extremis. How is this accomplished with even $180 per month and $5000 deductible for a single person working minimum wage for 21 hours per week? With a family? How is a family of 4 with $20k per year income supposed to pay $100 per month with that $5k deductible, not to mention co-pays? They can't.

Many will be suckered into the the premiums for a few months, when the details become clear, back to ER.