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View Full Version : "Obama a Muslim Terrorist"

10-11-2013, 07:10 AM
Interesting i tried to post this a few days ago but it went down before i could, Serious Stuff If True.


10-11-2013, 07:37 AM
Interesting i tried to post this a few days ago but it went down before i could, Serious Stuff If True.


Yes these are all allegations but how many maybe's does one have to be tied to before we start seriously wondering? Facts we know, Obama hates white people ( his book all but told us that ) his spiritual advisory ( Obama's words) travels the country preaching how the white man is the devil and lets not forget his famous words God Da** the U.S.A. Then you have the people Obama surrounded himself with Ayers comes to mind right away ( not really a person ya want the leader of your country associated with ) Now lets look at Syria , who does Obama want to support , the same people responsible for terrorism against us , he sends these same people arms but yet wants to take guns from law abiding citizens, yes at the very least there ought to be some serious investigating going on.

But now common sense kicks in , unless he had done something that the world would know about and it would do our country great harm to try and take him out of office for any of this would make us look like bigger fools than Obama tried to portray us as , it would without a doubt start a civil war because no matter what prof ya had the blacks will swear he was rail roaded do to skin color .

IMO Obama came into office to punish white America and is doing a great job at it, I felt this way the night he was elected and he continues to show us that is exactly what he is doing, lets face it Democrat or Republican they are all corrupt but Obama is not only corrupt but he has a mission and to me that is what makes him the most dangerous president we have ever had or the worst president either way he will go down in history as such.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2013, 07:42 AM
Interesting i tried to post this a few days ago but it went down before i could, Serious Stuff If True.

http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines/just-released-middle-east-report-translated-declares-that-barack-hussein-obama-is-a-muslim-terrorist-video-news-report Here is how it works when people do not want to face the truth. They use any excuse they can find to reject the truth. The abject horror of finding out we have a 100% traitor elected as our President not once but twice sends millions into the total "reject the truth' mode. And there they will stay. We that saw it coming, predicted the coming tragic results are to be vilified, criticized and ridiculed without end. In fact , likely at some point we are to be attacked , arrested and or executed. This nation is headed directly into a great calamity far worse that any its ever faced before! In fact, one so bad that it makes all the other previous calamities pale in comparison. If no justice delivered on Obama this nation will fall and I do not see any justice being delivered.... He should have been impeached and tried for treason long ago! All the living citizens of this nation have failed to insure it's survival. Have failed to protect themselves or their own families and the many reasons are now of no importance because its actually too late. Too late because Americans will not face what must be done. Previous generations faced it and prevailed --we shall not and they bank on that. They educated for exactly that the last 40 years and that tree now bears its bitter fruit. -Tyr

10-11-2013, 07:48 AM
Yes these are all allegations but how many maybe's does one have to be tied to before we start seriously wondering? Facts we know, Obama hates white people ( his book all but told us that ) his spiritual advisory ( Obama's words) travels the country preaching how the white man is the devil and lets not forget his famous words God Da** the U.S.A. Then you have the people Obama surrounded himself with Ayers comes to mind right away ( not really a person ya want the leader of your country associated with ) Now lets look at Syria , who does Obama want to support , the same people responsible for terrorism against us , he sends these same people arms but yet wants to take guns from law abiding citizens, yes at the very least there ought to be some serious investigating going on.

But now common sense kicks in , unless he had done something that the world would know about and it would do our country great harm to try and take him out of office for any of this would make us look like bigger fools than Obama tried to portray us as , it would without a doubt start a civil war because no matter what prof ya had the blacks will swear he was rail roaded do to skin color .

IMO Obama came into office to punish white America and is doing a great job at it, I felt this way the night he was elected and he continues to show us that is exactly what he is doing, lets face it Democrat or Republican they are all corrupt but Obama is not only corrupt but he has a mission and to me that is what makes him the most dangerous president we have ever had or the worst president either way he will go down in history as such.I said the first go around that Obama, was the most Anti-American and Anti-God President in US history, but at the time i honestly had no idea just how bad he was, as for the second time, i absolutely believe wide spread voter fraud is the only way he got back in.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2013, 08:02 AM
I said the first go around that Obama, was the most Anti-American and Anti-God President in US history, but at the time i honestly had no idea just how bad he was, as for the second time, i absolutely believe wide spread voter fraud is the only way he got back in. Nobody can ever convince me otherwise. Does anybody think the corrupt administration would have taken a chance on losing by allowing a fair election? If so I have oceanfront property in Kansas to sell them. --Tyr

11-04-2013, 10:18 AM
Here is how it works when people do not want to face the truth. They use any excuse they can find to reject the truth.

