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View Full Version : Obama Boehner negotiations at a standstill; focus moves to the Senate

10-12-2013, 03:07 PM
Washington (CNN) -- [Breaking news update, 3:05 p.m.]
(CNN) -- The Democratic leadership of the U.S. Senate will meet with President Barack Obama at about 3:15 p.m. ET Saturday, White House officials said.
Original story, published 1:23 p.m.
Talks between House Speaker John Boehner and President Barack Obama over the government shutdown and looming debt limit deadline have hit a brick wall. Attention now turns to the Senate, where members are working on a separate plan to reopen the government.
The standstill between Boehner and Obama has put on hold any the possibility that the House would vote on its proposal to reopen the government this weekend. While leadership would remain in Washington to continue work, rank-and-file members have begun returning home to their districts until Monday afternoon.
In the Senate's court
The Senate is now front and center. The upper chamber defeated a procedural measure Saturday afternoon to extend the debt limit with no strings attached. While a vote had little chance of passing, the real work is being done behind the scenes.


Okay, now I've continued to put forth that both parties are responsible for the shutdown, but that has now changed. I was reading this article on CNN.com, when I read this particular part:

Reid also noted that a proposal by a bipartisan group of senators is no longer on the table.

The proposal, led by Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, would fund the government for six months, extend the debt limit and delay a medical device tax that is part of the Affordable Care Act.

But Democrats rejected that plan because it treats opening the government as a "concession."

My immediate, visceral reaction was: "Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"

Really? they hand you pretty much everything you could have wanted, minus one little thing that they could have walked away with as a victory point, a simple delay of one piece of ACA, and you reject it out of hand?! NO, that's it, it is no longer the fault of Republicans that the government is shutdown. When you throw out a deal that hands you pretty much everything you wanted, and you still throw it back in their faces, it's YOUR fault.

The Democrats want nothing shy of complete and unconditional surrender of the Republicans, screaming to the heavens about reason, while calling the Republicans terrorists and hostage-takers, rejecting every deal that comes down the pike.

It wasn't even a huge tax that they delayed. Delayed, not got rid of, just delayed like most of the rest of the ACA already has been. Oh no, it would've come online with the rest of Obamacare.

10-12-2013, 10:15 PM
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Reid and power is/has been destructive for America.

10-14-2013, 10:12 AM
I've known all along that this was purely a democrat caused problem. Two primary people are the cause of the whole shut down. obama and reid. They both need to be removed from office in any way possible.

There isn't, and never has been, a case of they are both responsible. It's purely the democrats.

10-14-2013, 11:49 AM
I find it sickening how both parties are involved in this and yet Obama on down blame the Republicans for "extortion". Both are fighting for what they want and both are refusing to back down and/or negotiate what is in the best interest of America. And in the end, they will ignore everything, raise the debt limit and simply place us further and further into debt.

There REALLY needs to be an initiative set going forth for 2014-2016. The country has been able to band together like the truckers, various million marches over the years, bikers to DC... you get the point. But there should be a MAJOR push now. Polls around the country show that Americans are pissed at both parties and tired of their games. Polls show they want term limits and everyone out of office. Someone needs to pop out, like a tea party, or ANY party, and get all political affiliations aboard, and push for massive changes. If we can make this happen, that will remind those in Washington that we the people are in charge, not them.

Making a new post in a second about term limits....