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View Full Version : Mark Levin: Fraud in NBC/WSJ Poll Showing Shutdown Has Hurt Republicans

10-13-2013, 08:11 AM
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/10/11/mark_levin_wall_street_journal_poll_showing_shutdo wn_has_hurt_republicans_a_fraud.html

10-13-2013, 09:19 AM
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/10/11/mark_levin_wall_street_journal_poll_showing_shutdo wn_has_hurt_republicans_a_fraud.html
We'll know for sure who the people blamed a year from now.

10-13-2013, 06:13 PM
Let them blame whoever they want. The more they use that tactic, like Obama does so often. The more Americans who can read, comprehend, and count on other than their fingers, or the amounts of their monthly Welfare Checks....will be more informed, and understand how the Liberal, Democrat, Obama tactics of always blaming the OTHER GUY....no longer works.
And that will become even more true, and understood come APRIL 15TH of the next several years as the Crowd who Loved Obama...curse him, and his memory forever.

10-13-2013, 08:23 PM
Wait until people discover that Obamacare is really just a mandate to take what your employer offers for health insurance at a "special" (read higher) premium or pay a penalty. Pay careful attention how limited your choices become if you refuse your employer's health insurance. My case it would have meant having $18,000 per year deducted from my paychecks.

10-13-2013, 11:33 PM
Wait until people discover that Obamacare is really just a mandate to take what your employer offers for health insurance at a "special" (read higher) premium or pay a penalty. Pay careful attention how limited your choices become if you refuse your employer's health insurance. My case it would have meant having $18,000 per year deducted from my paychecks.

Just take a peek at 'no out-of-pocket' included benefits for: 'Adults', 'Women', (guess they are not adults?), and children:


Gives a hint to why the premiums and deductibles and co-pays on 'lower' end policies are going to skyrocket.

10-13-2013, 11:44 PM
Wait until people discover that Obamacare is really just a mandate to take what your employer offers for health insurance at a "special" (read higher) premium or pay a penalty. Pay careful attention how limited your choices become if you refuse your employer's health insurance. My case it would have meant having $18,000 per year deducted from my paychecks.

Wait.. What? You would have to pay out $18k a year for obamacare? If that was Australia and Medicare, your salary would have to be about $1.2m!

10-14-2013, 06:44 AM
Wait.. What? You would have to pay out $18k a year for obamacare? If that was Australia and Medicare, your salary would have to be about $1.2m!

Assuming that Australia has many similarities to Canada regarding healthcare, a family of four earning low six figures pays much more than $18K for healthcare. There's the 50% more for gasoline. Income taxes are double. A 4 litre jug of milk is $6. In Canada, a family of four earning low six figures realistically pays about $35K per year for healthcare.

10-14-2013, 06:56 AM
Assuming that Australia has many similarities to Canada regarding healthcare, a family of four earning low six figures pays much more than $18K for healthcare. There's the 50% more for gasoline. Income taxes are double. A 4 litre jug of milk is $6. In Canada, a family of four earning low six figures realistically pays about $35K per year for healthcare.

This is very true, when I was in Halifax a liter of gas was more than our gallon and when we went food shopping back then what we paid for a can of tuns fish hear in the states was tripled but yea they have free medical :rolleyes:

10-14-2013, 09:37 AM
This is very true, when I was in Halifax a liter of gas was more than our gallon and when we went food shopping back then what we paid for a can of tuns fish hear in the states was tripled but yea they have free medical :rolleyes:

That part is a LITTLE better now. I remember back in 2001-2002 that a US GALLON of fuel was 79 cents in Atlanta and about 79 cent for a LITRE in parts of Canada. Obama has partially "solved" that problem. As you know, it's just now under $3 per Gallon in the deep South and about $1.30 per Liter in Montreal. $1.30 x 3.785 ~ $5 per US Gallon.

10-16-2013, 12:25 PM
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/10/11/mark_levin_wall_street_journal_poll_showing_shutdo wn_has_hurt_republicans_a_fraud.html

Mark Levin Lied

While it is true that only 8% of people work for the federal government, the survey's respondents were not "20%" employed by the federal government as Mark Levin insists. According to the survey, page 17, only 9 out of 100 work for the federal government. I'm not surprised that Mark Levin lied.

Actually, 22% of survey respondents work for Fed+State+Local government which is consistent with national average of 19.6% Nationally.

10-16-2013, 01:18 PM
Mark Levin Lied

While it is true that only 8% of people work for the federal government, the survey's respondents were not "20%" employed by the federal government as Mark Levin insists. According to the survey, page 17, only 9 out of 100 work for the federal government. I'm not surprised that Mark Levin lied.

Actually, 22% of survey respondents work for Fed+State+Local government which is consistent with national average of 19.6% Nationally.

Bingster. I don't really care whether Levin lied. What is more important is...HOW OBAMA, and everyone around him, and Congress LIE...and the American people with NO BRAINS like it!

10-16-2013, 02:45 PM
Bingster. I don't really care whether Levin lied. What is more important is...HOW OBAMA, and everyone around him, and Congress LIE...and the American people with NO BRAINS like it!

Calm down, dude. Just saying the poll is real and true. Conservatives denying polls again? That didn't do you much of a service in 2012.

10-16-2013, 02:50 PM
Calm down, dude. Just saying the poll is real and true. Conservatives denying polls again? That didn't do you much of a service in 2012.

Only one kind of Poll I believe, or take seriously. Someone from Poland.

10-16-2013, 02:56 PM
We'll know for sure who the people blamed a year from now.Behgahzi was Bush's fault, too.

10-16-2013, 03:24 PM
Calm down, dude. Just saying the poll is real and true. Conservatives denying polls again? That didn't do you much of a service in 2012.

The election is more than a year away. Those braying that the shutdown will lead us to a glorious one-party state defy history.

10-16-2013, 04:46 PM
The election is more than a year away. Those braying that the shutdown will lead us to a glorious one-party state defy history.

Well, it ain't over yet. You're right, though. If cons keep their heads down for the next 12 months. Problem is, they won't. They're talking about extending this until February. Another opportunity for the "suicide caucus" to look like a-holes.

10-16-2013, 05:10 PM
Bingster. I don't really care whether Levin lied.

It doesn't matter if the documents are fakes, the point behind it is real! Said Dan Rather. :laugh:

10-16-2013, 06:10 PM
Mark Levin Lied

While it is true that only 8% of people work for the federal government, the survey's respondents were not "20%" employed by the federal government as Mark Levin insists. According to the survey, page 17, only 9 out of 100 work for the federal government. I'm not surprised that Mark Levin lied.

Actually, 22% of survey respondents work for Fed+State+Local government which is consistent with national average of 19.6% Nationally.

Somebody is fudging something somewhere, and since this is an MSNBC poll, I can guess to what extent the survey was fudged. Don't believe me? What is 9+8+5 ? The survey report say it's 20. These idiots can't even cheat intelligently. I also notice that the poll "conveniently" left the Democrat controlled Senate completely out of the question about who is responsible for the shutdown. I know why, can you guess?

10-16-2013, 06:15 PM
Somebody is fudging something somewhere, and since this is an MSNBC poll, I can guess to what extent the survey was fudged. Don't believe me? What is 9+8+5 ? The survey report say it's 20. These idiots can't even cheat intelligently. I also notice that the poll "conveniently" left the Democrat controlled Senate completely out of the question about who is responsible for the shutdown. I know why, can you guess?

5671No guess involved.