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View Full Version : Man Imprisoned for Legally Purchased Guns

10-16-2013, 07:01 AM
What a law this is, the gun locked up in a box in the truck of the vehicle , it was legally bought but yet the man is still received a 7 year sentence. When I lived in NJ and wanted to shoot I had to be en route to the range ( another words if I was not on the quickest route from my house to the range I could be charged , so yes if the coffee shop you wanted to get a cup at was off the route to the range you could go to jail, man these liberal states are just wonderful .

The story of Brian Aitken, a man who moved from Colorado to New Jersey in 2009 to be closer to his son, should be a wakeup call any conservative or liberty minded person who is thinking of moving to New Jersey. Aitken was found with legally purchased, locked and unloaded handguns in the trunk of his car. As a result, he was arrested, imprisoned and denied access to his son. He was sentenced to seven years. That's the minimum sentence for armed robbery of a bank!


10-16-2013, 09:27 AM
Yes, Christie is not a conservative. This has been said before, yet many conservatives do not believe it.