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View Full Version : Liberals Blame Government Shutdown on…George W. Bush?

10-17-2013, 07:31 AM
It is hard to believe some are so stupid, yes it is Gw's fault of course it couldn't be the black guys fault

MRCTV’s Dan Joseph hits the streets to ask people if the government shutdown is more the fault of Obama (http://patriotdepot.com/anti-obama-shirts/) or former President (http://patriotdepot.com/anti-obama-shirts/) George W. Bush. The results are pathetic.


10-17-2013, 07:38 AM
Through this entire debacle I have been amazed that so few can see that the blame lies on both sides of the aisle and the White House. Sure, it started with Ted Cruz and the Republicans, but the petulance and the intransigence of both parties and the lame duck in the Oval Office did just as much to perpetuate the idiocy.

10-17-2013, 08:17 AM
It is hard to believe some are so stupid, yes it is Gw's fault of course it couldn't be the black guys fault

http://conservativevideos.com/2013/10/liberals-blame-government-shutdown-george-w-bush/Unfortunately these Idiots seem to be in the Majority, does not vote well for the Country, to come together.

10-17-2013, 11:20 AM
It is hard to believe some are so stupid, yes it is Gw's fault of course it couldn't be the black guys fault


dude, I don't even post vidoes like this anymore. Anyone can make a video of people being stupid. You really think this video means anything at all?

10-17-2013, 11:25 AM
Through this entire debacle I have been amazed that so few can see that the blame lies on both sides of the aisle and the White House. Sure, it started with Ted Cruz and the Republicans, but the petulance and the intransigence of both parties and the lame duck in the Oval Office did just as much to perpetuate the idiocy.

You guys don't know me well, but I have to tell you. I'm the first guy to want to blame both sides, but not in this issue. A bill gets passed and becomes law. Supreme upholds law. President gets re-elected running on the law and wins. 42 times House tries to repeal the law and it fails. Obama is done dealing on this law, and I think it's completely reasonable for him to do so.

I think he also learned his lesson in 2011 when he attempted to deal with the Republicans and our credit was downgraded. There is no negotiating with a party that has been chanting "No Compromise" since 2010.

I'm sincerely looking for blame on the Obama side, and on this issue, I don't see it.

10-17-2013, 12:08 PM
You guys don't know me well, but I have to tell you. I'm the first guy to want to blame both sides, but not in this issue. A bill gets passed and becomes law. Supreme upholds law. President gets re-elected running on the law and wins. 42 times House tries to repeal the law and it fails. Obama is done dealing on this law, and I think it's completely reasonable for him to do so.

I think he also learned his lesson in 2011 when he attempted to deal with the Republicans and our credit was downgraded. There is no negotiating with a party that has been chanting "No Compromise" since 2010.

I'm sincerely looking for blame on the Obama side, and on this issue, I don't see it.

Forcing the act through congress just so that they can read it? Doing much of the work without the GOP and doing so behind closed doors, refusing to compromise back then? They ONLY got this into law because the rushed it through the senate where they had a majority.

Oh, and the Supremes only upheld in declaring it a tax. And if a tax, where should this bill have emanated from? That's right, those they tried to bypass.

This act is an epic failure and will only serve to cost jobs and cost hard working Americans more money. I can't even recall how many articles I have already read where companies were downsizing as a result. Like I said from DAY ONE on this - the owners will not take a loss on this. When presented, they will pass along the costs to the employee and the consumers. Their bottom dollar is all that matters to them.

10-17-2013, 01:39 PM
You guys don't know me well, but I have to tell you. I'm the first guy to want to blame both sides, but not in this issue. A bill gets passed and becomes law. Supreme upholds law. President gets re-elected running on the law and wins. 42 times House tries to repeal the law and it fails. Obama is done dealing on this law, and I think it's completely reasonable for him to do so.

I think he also learned his lesson in 2011 when he attempted to deal with the Republicans and our credit was downgraded. There is no negotiating with a party that has been chanting "No Compromise" since 2010.

I'm sincerely looking for blame on the Obama side, and on this issue, I don't see it.Your not looking, i wont even attempt to explain.

10-17-2013, 01:41 PM
Forcing the act through congress just so that they can read it? Doing much of the work without the GOP and doing so behind closed doors, refusing to compromise back then? They ONLY got this into law because the rushed it through the senate where they had a majority.

Oh, and the Supremes only upheld in declaring it a tax. And if a tax, where should this bill have emanated from? That's right, those they tried to bypass.

This act is an epic failure and will only serve to cost jobs and cost hard working Americans more money. I can't even recall how many articles I have already read where companies were downsizing as a result. Like I said from DAY ONE on this - the owners will not take a loss on this. When presented, they will pass along the costs to the employee and the consumers. Their bottom dollar is all that matters to them.

and SCOTUS, actually Roberts chose to declare it a tax, contrary to what the DOJ was arguing. Legality by SCOTUS fiat.

10-17-2013, 02:28 PM
Forcing the act through congress just so that they can read it? Doing much of the work without the GOP and doing so behind closed doors, refusing to compromise back then? They ONLY got this into law because the rushed it through the senate where they had a majority.
There were plenty of attempts to compromise with Congress but they started from day one trying to "Make Obama a one term president". Compromise only become impossible with their rising level of bs rhetoric and obstructionist activity. Remember the last straw? Obama wanted to compromise and the entire table of Republicans repeated the same line "Clean sheet of paper". That's not compromise.

Oh, and the Supremes only upheld in declaring it a tax. And if a tax, where should this bill have emanated from? That's right, those they tried to bypass.
Emanated from the House, you mean? Like the CR's have mostly come from the Senate because the House doesn't want to show their hand? Aren't we splitting hairs here?
This act is an epic failure and will only serve to cost jobs and cost hard working Americans more money. I can't even recall how many articles I have already read where companies were downsizing as a result. Like I said from DAY ONE on this - the owners will not take a loss on this. When presented, they will pass along the costs to the employee and the consumers. Their bottom dollar is all that matters to them.

Cost of jobs and higher premiums are completely arguable. I've seen both sides. Factcheck.org and many economists debunk the numerous companies who have come out and blamed Obamacare for their cutbacks. Also, when you look at the trend of part time vs full time jobs, you actually see the part time trend going down.

Premium costs seem to be rising in places that had lower standards on policies and are coming down where they already had higher standards. Thus, coincidentally, red states seem to be going up, while blue state policies seem to be going down. You guys keep denying this, but it's Romneycare. It worked in Massachusettes, it will work (after the bugs are worked out) in the rest of the country. I don't take any "facts" on either side of the aisle as gospel at this point.

It's over now, folks. All of the polls show an overwhelmingly high unfavorability rating on this technique for defunding, delaying, or repealing Obamacare. While the Republican party popularity has dropped to record lows, Obamacare numbers have actually gone up. I hope they don't try this again in February. They have to know they will be equally unsuccessful and cost our economy more money under the guise of being "fiscally responsible".

10-17-2013, 02:36 PM
You guys don't know me well, but I have to tell you. I'm the first guy to want to blame both sides, but not in this issue. A bill gets passed and becomes law. Supreme upholds law. President gets re-elected running on the law and wins. 42 times House tries to repeal the law and it fails. Obama is done dealing on this law, and I think it's completely reasonable for him to do so.

I think he also learned his lesson in 2011 when he attempted to deal with the Republicans and our credit was downgraded. There is no negotiating with a party that has been chanting "No Compromise" since 2010.

I'm sincerely looking for blame on the Obama side, and on this issue, I don't see it.

Hold on, let's get this straight: The man who, upon meeting the Republicans for the first time as president, when they bring forth ideas to him, goes "Elections have consequences." has NO fault in the lack of compromise. He basically looked at the Republicans the moment he got in office, and went, "Shut the fuck up." He ignored every idea they brought forward to him, and claimed they had no ideas, multiple times lied his ass off when he said he would negotiate or talk with Republicans, again ignoring their points to keep doing whatever he wanted.

What world do you live in Bing? He has never compromised in office, not once, and start his reign in an aggressive, partisan manner. Amazingly, Bill Clinton did when he was in office, and somehow, we ended up with a budget surplus by the time he left office.

10-17-2013, 02:45 PM
Cost of jobs and higher premiums are completely arguable. I've seen both sides. Factcheck.org and many economists debunk the numerous companies who have come out and blamed Obamacare for their cutbacks. Also, when you look at the trend of part time vs full time jobs, you actually see the part time trend going down.

Premium costs seem to be rising in places that had lower standards on policies and are coming down where they already had higher standards. Thus, coincidentally, red states seem to be going up, while blue state policies seem to be going down. You guys keep denying this, but it's Romneycare. It worked in Massachusettes, it will work (after the bugs are worked out) in the rest of the country. I don't take any "facts" on either side of the aisle as gospel at this point.

It's over now, folks. All of the polls show an overwhelmingly high unfavorability rating on this technique for defunding, delaying, or repealing Obamacare. While the Republican party popularity has dropped to record lows, Obamacare numbers have actually gone up. I hope they don't try this again in February. They have to know they will be equally unsuccessful and cost our economy more money under the guise of being "fiscally responsible".

I'll do my best to reply, as you quoted within quotes...

Your first reply completely avoided what I wrote - about congress passing a bill in order to read it, doing the work behind closed doors and leaving the GOP out, rushing it through where they had a majority. And keep in mind, that was in reply to you saying you see NO blame on the Democrat side at all. That's not a huge list I provided, but clearly shows what is totally wrong with politics in Washington, working as parties and not as a total group. Are both sides guilty of this? Yes indeed - but to claim you don't see anything wrong from one side, even if just in reference to the ACA - is downright laughable.

Anyone not seeing the math needs to truly look at how the financials work with the ACA. It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for it not to cost the majority extra money, as they are ALL now responsible for all the other people. Then add in companies downsizing, and it IS happening - and as the speaker states, watch how these companies pick off a few employees here and there, less raises. Companies CAN control their bottom dollar, by passing along the costs to the employee and consumer. The employee and consumer don't have that option.

I don't take anything as 100% gospel yet either, but look at just the premiums alone, and its simply GOT TO go up for so many people in order to "afford" the others.

10-17-2013, 03:37 PM
You guys keep denying this, but it's Romneycare. It worked in Massachusettes, it will work (after the bugs are worked out) in the rest of the country. I don't take any "facts" on either side of the aisle as gospel at this point.

Define "worked."

So Massachusetts used not just federal Medicaid money but federal dollars above and beyond that Medicaid money to finance their health reforms. It is difficult to see how Romney's proposal to cut Medicaid spending and hand that reduced share over to the states would allow other states to follow Massachusetts' example. It might not even permit Massachusetts to continue following Massachusetts' example.

10-17-2013, 03:37 PM
I'll do my best to reply, as you quoted within quotes...

Your first reply completely avoided what I wrote - about congress passing a bill in order to read it, doing the work behind closed doors and leaving the GOP out, rushing it through where they had a majority. And keep in mind, that was in reply to you saying you see NO blame on the Democrat side at all. That's not a huge list I provided, but clearly shows what is totally wrong with politics in Washington, working as parties and not as a total group. Are both sides guilty of this? Yes indeed - but to claim you don't see anything wrong from one side, even if just in reference to the ACA - is downright laughable.

Anyone not seeing the math needs to truly look at how the financials work with the ACA. It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for it not to cost the majority extra money, as they are ALL now responsible for all the other people. Then add in companies downsizing, and it IS happening - and as the speaker states, watch how these companies pick off a few employees here and there, less raises. Companies CAN control their bottom dollar, by passing along the costs to the employee and consumer. The employee and consumer don't have that option.

I don't take anything as 100% gospel yet either, but look at just the premiums alone, and its simply GOT TO go up for so many people in order to "afford" the others.

Jim. Do you happen to see a familiar TREND with bingster?
As Yogi Berra once said.....5677......All over again!

10-17-2013, 04:09 PM
Cost of jobs and higher premiums are completely arguable. I've seen both sides. Factcheck.org and many economists debunk the numerous companies who have come out and blamed Obamacare for their cutbacks. Also, when you look at the trend of part time vs full time jobs, you actually see the part time trend going down.

Premium costs seem to be rising in places that had lower standards on policies and are coming down where they already had higher standards. Thus, coincidentally, red states seem to be going up, while blue state policies seem to be going down. You guys keep denying this, but it's Romneycare. It worked in Massachusettes, it will work (after the bugs are worked out) in the rest of the country. I don't take any "facts" on either side of the aisle as gospel at this point.

It's over now, folks. All of the polls show an overwhelmingly high unfavorability rating on this technique for defunding, delaying, or repealing Obamacare. While the Republican party popularity has dropped to record lows, Obamacare numbers have actually gone up. I hope they don't try this again in February. They have to know they will be equally unsuccessful and cost our economy more money under the guise of being "fiscally responsible".I for one disagree, and i hope next time they have the balls to hold there ground all the way, this country needs a reset, i had hopes this would be it, im disgusted they took it as far as this and caved. like other entitlements it will be good for those who get subsidized, payed for by the rest, forced health care is the wrong approach, we need to cut cost, and eliminate profit IMO

10-17-2013, 04:13 PM
... and eliminate profit IMO

I like profit.

10-17-2013, 05:05 PM
I like profit.We all like profit, but if your going to try and cover every citizen it the country, something has to give, its unfordable for any family making less than a Hundred thousand a year, and even then your income will cause you to pay much higher premiums so??

10-17-2013, 05:41 PM
I'll do my best to reply, as you quoted within quotes...

Your first reply completely avoided what I wrote - about congress passing a bill in order to read it, doing the work behind closed doors and leaving the GOP out, rushing it through where they had a majority. And keep in mind, that was in reply to you saying you see NO blame on the Democrat side at all. That's not a huge list I provided, but clearly shows what is totally wrong with politics in Washington, working as parties and not as a total group. Are both sides guilty of this? Yes indeed - but to claim you don't see anything wrong from one side, even if just in reference to the ACA - is downright laughable.

Anyone not seeing the math needs to truly look at how the financials work with the ACA. It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for it not to cost the majority extra money, as they are ALL now responsible for all the other people. Then add in companies downsizing, and it IS happening - and as the speaker states, watch how these companies pick off a few employees here and there, less raises. Companies CAN control their bottom dollar, by passing along the costs to the employee and consumer. The employee and consumer don't have that option.

I don't take anything as 100% gospel yet either, but look at just the premiums alone, and its simply GOT TO go up for so many people in order to "afford" the others.

I disagree with the initial lack of working with the Republicans. I absolutely disagree. Watching it day to day at that time, Democrats tried to work with Republicans, but they insisted on obstruction and lying about it. Eventually, it did virtually get passed in the middle of the night, but that was after months of trying.

If you want to blame Democrats for what happened 3 years ago, I think you have a weak case, but OK, I'll blame them too. Now, when the hell are you guys going to get over it?!! Since then, Obama ran on Obamacare and Romney ran against it. Your side lost! Then you guys wasted a bunch of time and money passing over 40 bills against it. Your party has been trying to kill this thing since it got passed! Now, you really blame Obama for not letting you guys kill it when it comes to closing down the government or passing the debt ceiling?!! REally, you do? (I'm starting to doubt your credibility).

I'm sorry, I think it was outragious, for anyone to use an ounce of sense and actually think Obama was going to kill his signature law after all the attempts made by your crazy party! I think if he would have relented, you might as well forget even having a president. You can't expect to affect legislature by holding up the government like a common criminal.

10-17-2013, 05:44 PM
I disagree with the initial lack of working with the Republicans. I absolutely disagree. Watching it day to day at that time, Democrats tried to work with Republicans, but they insisted on obstruction and lying about it. Eventually, it did virtually get passed in the middle of the night, but that was after months of trying.

If you want to blame Democrats for what happened 3 years ago, I think you have a weak case, but OK, I'll blame them too. Now, when the hell are you guys going to get over it?!! Since then, Obama ran on Obamacare and Romney ran against it. Your side lost! Then you guys wasted a bunch of time and money passing over 40 bills against it. Your party has been trying to kill this thing since it got passed! Now, you really blame Obama for not letting you guys kill it when it comes to closing down the government or passing the debt ceiling?!! REally, you do? (I'm starting to doubt your credibility).

I'm sorry, I think it was outragious, for anyone to use an ounce of sense and actually think Obama was going to kill his signature law after all the attempts made by your crazy party! I think if he would have relented, you might as well forget even having a president. You can't expect to affect legislature by holding it up the government like a common criminal.

bingster. You really are convinced that nobody here will recognize how everything you tried to say above was all based on forcing us to believe ONE lie, covered by a SECOND lie, that developed into many more factually false lies the Democrat party, and Obama depend upon to succeed.
And, once again. YOU and OBAMA have failed.

10-17-2013, 09:27 PM
We all like profit, but if your going to try and cover every citizen it the country, something has to give, its unfordable for any family making less than a Hundred thousand a year, and even then your income will cause you to pay much higher premiums so??

Profit has nothing to do with the problem. Massive regulations have everything to do with the problem.