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View Full Version : Old news now, but...

10-18-2013, 09:07 PM
Something to remember, and think about as we await the NEXT round of Government closures after the New Year.

ALL VETERANS who understand how the govt. actually works, compared to how present day govt. is operating AGAINST VETERANS...need to listen.

I understand, it will sound like just another Conspiracy Theory. BUT...Veterans should, and must know better.


10-18-2013, 10:05 PM
I think there's a two year window as to when the martial law will be used. They have to keep stirring the shit and using the brown shirts to agitate. I really expected things to happen over the past two years but as usual I am off on my time frames.

10-19-2013, 01:28 PM
I think there's a two year window as to when the martial law will be used. They have to keep stirring the shit and using the brown shirts to agitate. I really expected things to happen over the past two years but as usual I am off on my time frames.

Gaffer. That window of opportunity will never close as long as Obama feels the power to ignore his own OATH of office, with the full support of Holder who sidesteps the Constitution he is SUPPOSED TO ENFORCE.

I do believe Obama was hoping to INCITE WE Veterans with the closures of the memorials last week. I also suspect. Obama wanted, and needed some kind of EXCUSE to PIT American Police Officers, Secret Service, Park Guards, and Federal officers against FELLOW AMERICAN VETERANS.

He probably hoped someone would do something STUPID...like him, and his phony gang he calls his administration. Anything to have a reason to Cause someone to be involved in UNREST generated by Planted Obama sympathizers like the New Black, Obama Panthers.
He knows...the UNEDUCATED Americans who voted for him would EAT THAT STUFF UP, and back him all the way..as long as they KEEP GETTING THEIR MONTHLY CHECKS.

10-19-2013, 04:45 PM
I agree with what you say. But the window of opportunity I was referring too is ours not his. I'm saying two years, but I suspect it will be less than that.

10-19-2013, 05:00 PM
I agree with what you say. But the window of opportunity I was referring too is ours not his. I'm saying two years, but I suspect it will be less than that.

Gotcha. Sad, ain't it? I do believe he has every intention of attempting it. But...I also believe our Military will finally do their duty, and refuse to obey his orders.
Inciting Americans against Americans while pretending to be our President...just won't fly.

History does....Sadly repeat itself. And, I have little fear. It is about to do so again.