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10-19-2013, 12:04 AM
We lost a messenger he died Wednesday. Video at link:


Food drive planned for Sept. 1-7
By george morris
September 09, 2013<fb:comments-count class="" fb-xfbml-state="rendered" href="http://theadvocate.com/features/people/6832468-123/trevors-wish"></fb:comments-count>


Sometimes, Trevor Sims wakes up screaming in pain. Earlier this year, a tumor in his throat turned what should have been a fun time — a day at the beach — into the worst moment of his 10-year-old life.
“I was just falling to the sand,” he said. “I couldn’t do anything. I could barely breathe.”

He was diagnosed with Stage 4 embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma five years ago. Initially, doctors thought his odds were good. But, the cancer kept returning, and is now terminal.

After this grim diagnosis was delivered, Trevor’s mother, Allison, and staff at Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge asked him for things he wanted to do before he died. Some of his answers were expected, like certain toys and a trip to Disney World. Another wish caught everyone by surprise. He said he wanted to feed the homeless.
“At one point, my mom, she couldn’t work because she had to watch me because I had cancer, and we didn’t have no food because we couldn’t afford any,” Trevor said. “So, I thought it was so bad for us that nobody should have to be hungry.”

Next week, a citywide effort will take place to help make that a reality.
Called “Trevor’s Wish,” a food drive to benefit the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank will be held Sept. 1-7. Donation barrels will be located at 10 area Community Coffee stores, as well as more than three dozen other locations listed at brfoodbank.org.

Jeanne McCollister McNeil organized the effort after Trevor appeared at a Healing Place Church worship service on July 28. The congregation prayed for him and others connected to the church’s cancer ministry, and he spoke about his desire to help the less fortunate.

“He’s very articulate, and he’s very aware,” McNeil said. “It’s uncommon to hear a child … talk about, ‘Well, I’m dying, and this is what I want to be remembered for, and I want everyone to know I’m thankful.’ It’s crazy to listen to someone who has come to terms with it, but he’s still so positive and optimistic about life in general.”

When Trevor was 5, he began having headaches, which a doctor diagnosed as an ear infection. After two and a half months, he was referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

“I knew something was terribly wrong, because Trevor never was sick or complained of any pain,” Allison Sims said. “Finally, whenever we went to the ENT, as soon as he looked inside of his throat he saw the mass.”

That tumor was located behind nasal cavities and his left cheek and extended into the back of his throat and base of his brain. Eleven months of chemotherapy and six months of radiation treatments sent the cancer into remission, but it reappeared along Trevor’s spine. Treatment achieved remission again, but the tumors returned. Now there are tumors in to his lungs and throat.

“His body is too weak to receive any more high-dose chemotherapy like he’s had in the past, and he’s maxed out on radiation,” Allison Sims said.



October 17, 2013 (BATON ROUGE, La.) (WLS) -- An 11-year-old boy who made it his mission to feed the world's hungry has died

Trevor Simms died of rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare childhood cancer, according to ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/10/boy-whose-dying-wish-was-to-feed-the-hungry-dies-at-age-11/). Just weeks before he passed away, Trevor helped start a citywide food drive that is expected to provide 200,000 meals to hungry people in Baton Rouge, La.

More than 23,000 lbs of foodo and $34,000 were donated to the Baton Rouge Food bank thanks to Trevor's food drive. His mother hopes that the food drive will continue annually in his name.

Trevor and his family went hungry for days at a time when he was first diagnosed. "I don't want anyone to feel that way," he said.