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red states rule
10-25-2013, 04:20 AM
I am sure the Obama lap dogs will sneer and may even try to defend Obama - but this article is spot on

Barack Obama is on schedule to leave office, widely acknowledged as America's worst president. Somewhere, Jimmy Carter is smiling.

Everything Barry has touched in four years and three quarters has turned to dog excrement. He has the reverse Midas touch, although there is always plenty of gold for friends, associates and cronies.

Take ObamaCare, for instance -- the ACA is a metaphor for the entire Obama presidency. Despite polls (http://www.jargon.net/jargonfile/h/HanlonsRazor.html) showing that 85% of Americans were happy with their health insurance, Barry insisted that there was a healthcare "crisis." Then, never the hardest worker, he allowed Nancy Pelosi and her minions, along with Harry Reid and his minions, to write a 2,000-plus-page monstrosity of a bill, including every liberal fantasy wish from the last half-century.

Afterward, the "I won (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/01/23/obama-to-gop-i-won/)" president, through bribes and legislative trickery, shoved the Affordable Care Act down the throat of America, on a strictly partisan vote and before anyone even knew what was in it.

As Nancy Pelosi famously said (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/pelosi-defends-her-infamous-health-care-remark/2012/06/20/gJQAqch6qV_blog.html), "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it."

Well...now we know what's in it.

Joe Biden, always a classy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHKq9tt50O8) guy, and another metaphor for the Obama presidency, called it "a big [effing] deal."

Here is the good part. Barry, surely not having read the bill, welcomed it being nicknamed "ObamaCare." It never occurred to him that having his handpicked mandarins take over one sixth of the nation's economy might turn out to be a disaster. How could it fail? It had his name on it!

This is a man who named his dog after himself (Barack Obama = "Bo"). He had his legacy, and that was all that mattered. Yet the reality of ObamaCare is that in order for it succeed, the young and healthy must sign up and pay more so that the old and sick can pay less.

America is a nation founded on the tenets of capitalism (http://www.adamsmith.org/adam-smith) and freedom. During the last 100 years, capitalism has been successful in improving the quality of life for billions. This is because it is the only societal system that takes into account man's inherent greed and selfishness. Free people striving for more, to serve their self-interest, created a world where everyone had more.

Barry, as a low-rent King Canute (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnut_the_Great) commanding the tides, was never going to work. He actually believes that people will do things not in their best interest financially to make ObamaCare function and keep his signature accomplishment accomplished.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/10/the_fall_of_barack.html#ixzz2iiwOO1Ie

10-25-2013, 07:05 AM
Truly, I cannot think of anythng that better symbolizes Obama's philosophy of wealth redistribution, socialism and petty arrogance than Obamacare. It is an ill-conceived, poorly implemented and disastorous end forced on others but not applicable to Obama and the rest of the elite ruling class. It is my opinion that the Obamacare bill should be printed out in it's entirety and placed in a sealed glass container adjacent to the copy of the US Constitution. The Constitution, of course, would be labelled "RIGHT" and the Obamacare bill would be labelled "WRONG".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2013, 07:18 AM
Truly, I cannot think of anythng that better symbolizes Obama's philosophy of wealth redistribution, socialism and petty arrogance than Obamacare. It is an ill-conceived, poorly implemented and disastorous end forced on others but not applicable to Obama and the rest of the elite ruling class. It is my opinion that the Obamacare bill should be printed out in it's entirety and placed in a sealed glass container adjacent to the copy of the US Constitution. The Constitution, of course, would be labelled "RIGHT" and the Obamacare bill would be labelled "WRONG". Right you are. And the obamacare bill is the first attempt at rewriting the Constitution IMHO. IF FULLY IMPLEMENTED IT WILL HAVE THAT EFFECT. ----Tyr

red states rule
10-25-2013, 08:31 AM