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View Full Version : Complete with Bloomberg exemption!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2013, 07:13 AM
We have now sunk to a depth at which
restatement of the obvious
is the first duty of intelligent men.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Queens, NY Show of Force: Muslims Pray In Streets
This is a Military Incursion:

NEW YORK — The Astoria neighborhood in Queens, New York, is home to thousands of Egyptian Americans and other groups.

Friday is the holiest day in the Muslim week, and many residents of the Little Egypt neighborhood of Astoria Queens took the day off to try to relax from the work week.

For some, that meant more time at a crowded local mosque, where they listened to sermons.
Brooklyn: Muslims illegally praying in the street (pic)

NYC street closed every Friday for Muslims to pray…in the street

Call to prayer in the streets of Brooklyn (video)

Islam in the streets of Manhattan (video)

Muslim call to prayer in NYC (video)

posted by Pastorius at 1:41:00 am permanent link#

Blogger Jason Pappas said...
This was once an Italian, Irish, and Greek neighborhood. The area around Steinway Street and Astoria Blvd has become little Egypt. Bloomberg actually exempted the Egyptian establishments from his anti-smoking laws so that they can smoke their Hookah pipes.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:23:00 am
http://ibloga.blogspot.com/2013/08/queens-ny-show-of-force-muslims-pray-in.html Yes sir, they invade and conquer right out in the open with Bloomberg's blessings. A special exemption just for them. Yet we hear and read their appeasers swear how they can not take over here! As they already are doing so!! They have a mosque yet choose to block the streets to pray! That's a contemptuous expression of arrogance, disrespect and criminality all rolled in to one, yet they are allowed to do so with the police's blessings. They used to conquer nations one city at a time. Old habits never go away.-Tyr

red states rule
11-11-2013, 05:07 AM