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View Full Version : Obama Firing of Military Reminiscent of Stalin's Purge .

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2013, 10:12 AM
: http://batr.org/gulag/102113.html#sthash.EGSr10EC.dpuf
Are we witnessing the beginning of an American version of a parallel motivation just at lower levels at this point? The latest edition of our BATR RealPolitik Newsletter is devoted to Obama's Military Purge. Most of the following sources focus on developments that the mainstream media is afraid to cover. A good primer on the firing of senior American commanders is provided in Obama's Purge: Military Officers Replaced Under the Commander-in-Chief.

"High-ranking officers in the United States military are being replaced by the Obama administration and for a number of dubious reasons." The author of this list, Kyle Becker, concludes: "If the federal government is being abused to silence critics of the administration, or if it is being wielded against those who refuse to carry out illegal and immoral acts, representative government demands not just investigation, but decisive action."
Do your duty and get fired
Bob Livingston, almost a year ago provided this assessment in What’s Behind Obama’s Military Purge?
"The recent casualties of the high command are CIA Director (formerly top Afghanistan commander) David Petraeus, General Carter F. Ham (AfriCOM) and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette (Carrier Task Force Stennis), who were sacked; General William "Kip" Ward (former AfriCOM), who was stripped of a star; and Afghanistan commander Marine General John R. Allen, who has been tied to the Petraeus "sex scandal" in a guilt-by-association sort of way.

This is reminiscent of Joseph Stalin’s and Adolf Hitler’s purges and executions of top military commanders who did not toe the line — without the bullets."

If you have doubts about Obama’s intentions, the toadies at the government funded PBR lays out the policy in Defense Cuts To Reshape U.S. Military Strategy, their radio viewpoint. For a far more insightful assessment, popular writer Zen Gardner, in Obama’s Soviet Style Purge of Military Brass Escalates Ahead of Looming Martial Law, sets the context correctly.

"One thing you have to admit about Obama, he is a unifier. But of one thing only - the people against him…even though we know he’s only a cardboard cut out mouthpiece representing the hidden manipulators. The partisan left-right paradigm political divide is fading extremely quickly right now as people start to realize they’ve been screwed once again–only worse than ever."

He then goes on to feature an important and forbidding analysis, by Brandon Walker that explains the Stalinist Syndrome that Barack Obama shares. The link sources within the article Obama Preparing "My Military" For Next Step?, are crucial to understand the mindset.

"Well, there seems to be some very credible evidence that since last year and through this year that there has been a "litmus test" given to American Military Officers. The Main point of that test, "Would you fire on an American Citizen?" If you say no, then as Donald Trump would say, "Your fired!" Since the beginning of the year these retired officer’s have came forward with ""President Obama is preparing for war against the U.S.". We even know Dr. Garrow and others confirmed this litmus test. Then we have heard President Obama himself talk about "My Military".

Such horror of a personal Praetorian Guard for want-to-be emperor begs the question, what is the mission of this "Obama Military"? A hint appears in Soldiers Trained to Regard American Family Association as a "Hate Group".

"Don’t be alarmed that the Obama Regime has been systematically purging the US Armed Forces of Christians who take their faith seriously. No doubt this is just yet another isolated incident:

Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values."
- See more at: http://batr.org/gulag/102113.html#sthash.EGSr10EC.dpuf The new dictator had to remove officers that would not go along with his unconstitutional plans. Officers that would not sign a pledge to fire upon masses of citizens for protesting! We are in the midst of a radical overthrow that has been disguised by playing it off to just be actions taken to stem the harmful results of one trumped up emergency after another!--Tyr

10-25-2013, 11:29 AM
The new dictator had to remove officers that would not go along with his unconstitutional plans. Officers that would not sign a pledge to fire upon masses of citizens for protesting! We are in the midst of a radical overthrow that has been disguised by playing it off to just be actions taken to stem the harmful results of one trumped up emergency after another!--Tyr

Tyr. I personally went through this, saw it, and watched highly experienced Officers, and Enlisted people forced to leave active duty during the Clinton Fiasco Years.

Just imagine Obama following Bubba's tactics. Then...think of how much more damage WILL be done if someone like HITLERY would be elected??
Democrats despise the military across the board. All while Pretending to ADMIRE, and LOVE them...at the same time they STICK KNIVES in their back. As in the PENTAGON today.

The Majority party in the Senate, and in the White House have the power to control, and get rid of any High Ranking Military Officers who dare to DISAGREE with the administration in any way.

The present Sec Def is a pawn, and just doing the Evil Deeds of the Obama-idiot, who hasn't had a real MANLY day since he arrived in this nation.
Our military is being destroyed from WITHIN. D.A.D.T. was just the first step.
This is what Obama, Kerry, Reid, and Pelosi want our MARINES to look like soon....
Instead of using SEMPER FI....It will become KUMBAYA SWEETIE PIE!