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View Full Version : CBS News: Obamacare's Entire Financial Model is In Danger of Collapsing

red states rule
10-26-2013, 05:52 AM
Gee, I could have sworn many were saying this would happen while Dems were ramming Obamacare through Congress

The reaction from the left and liberal media reminds of this movie classic


With so much of the media's attention fixated on Obamacare's technological meltdown (http://money.cnn.com/2013/10/23/technology/obamacare-website-fix/), some important storylines have gone under-explored. CBS news, to its credit delved into one of them today, noting that of the people who have successfully obtained coverage under the new law, it appears that the vast majority (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505267_162-57609254/medicaid-enrollment-spike-a-threat-to-obamacare-structure/) of them are new Medicaid enrollees. And that poses a mortal threat (http://nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/361925/why-it-matters-how-many-early-signups-are-medicaid-jim-geraghty) to the entire structure of the law:

The disastrous rollout of HealthCare.gov may have another serious problem: A CBS News analysis shows that in many of the 15 state-based health insurance exchanges more people are enrolling in Medicaid rather than buying private health insurance. And if that trend continues, there's concern there won't be enough healthy people buying health insurance for the system to work...The newly insured in some of those states are overwhelmingly low-income people signing up for Medicaid at no cost to them. Matt Salo, executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors, said, "We're seeing a huge spike in terms of Medicaid enrollments." He says the numbers have surprised him and state officials. CBS News has confirmed that in Washington, of the more than 35,000 people newly enrolled, 87 percent signed up for Medicaid. In Kentucky, out of 26,000 new enrollments, 82 percent are in Medicaid. And in New York, of 37,000 enrollments, Medicaid accounts for 64 percent...Gail Wilensky, a former Medicaid director, said the numbers are causing concern in the insurance industry, which needs healthy adults to buy private insurance in large numbers for the system to work. "Either the private insurance enrollments come up somewhere around the expected amount or there's going to be a problem. ... You need a volume and you need a mix of people that are healthy as well as high users in private insurance, in order to have it be sustainable," she said.
