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View Full Version : Obamacare Operator Fired After Taking Call From Hannity; Hannity To Give Her A Year’s

10-26-2013, 06:35 AM
Was the woman fired for talking to the enemy ? She was polite and helpful but yet fired just the same , Or was she fired justifiable for talking on the air? Personally I believe a little of both, Obama can't have someone trying to trip up his operators ( but she was helpful and informative ) This just goes to show how sneaky any thing this administration gets involved in must be, no he doesn't want someone to maybe talk his operator into a corner and have to give out info they don't want going out, so if she is willing to be helpful to the enemy fire her ( that is my opinion what do y'all think )

Liberals hate it when the truth comes out.
Check it out:
Earline Davis on being let go after answering questions on Sean Hannity’s radio program


red states rule
10-26-2013, 06:40 AM
Great minds think alike Jeff


But so much for the left bellowing how conservatives hate women, blacks, and single moms

10-26-2013, 06:48 AM
Great minds think alike Jeff


But so much for the left bellowing how conservatives hate women, blacks, and single moms

I should of known to check what you had posted as it seems we get much mail a like, but its all good ya can't have to many reporting the dis honest behavior of this man/boy of a president we have .

This is another article on the same subject

An on-air call from Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity to the Obamacare hotline on Monday led to a world of hurt — followed by a life-altering offer — for the operator who answered the call.
Hannity — an outspoken opponent of Obamacare — dialed up the phone number and was connected to a woman named Earline Davis, a mother of two working for a private contractor


red states rule
10-26-2013, 06:51 AM
I should of known to check what you had posted as it seems we get much mail a like, but its all good ya can't have to many reporting the dis honest behavior of this man/boy of a president we have .

This is another article on the same subject


No problem Jeff

But I do want to know where all the liberal do gooders were after this women lost her job

And why was she fired?

For telling the truth about Obamacare?

Meanwhile the people who lied about the murder of 4 US citizens, and targeted US citizens over the political views are till on the payroll, got a promotion, or were allowed to retire with full taxpayer benefits

10-26-2013, 07:17 AM
No problem Jeff

But I do want to know where all the liberal do gooders were after this women lost her job

And why was she fired?

For telling the truth about Obamacare?

Meanwhile the people who lied about the murder of 4 US citizens, and targeted US citizens over the political views are till on the payroll, got a promotion, or were allowed to retire with full taxpayer benefits

I couldn't agree more, it blows my mind to see Hilliary marching forward with a presidential run and Benghazi still hasn't been sorted out, it just goes to show what is in the mind of a lib, I guess what difference does it make really falls into there game plan ( hell there dead and we can't bring them back so why dwell on it, it makes me sick to see the morals of this country ) NO ONE involved in any way shape or form with the Benghazi deal should be moving anywhere but to a court room to get answers and find out exactly who is responsible and they must be punished for it.( if found responsible of course)

red states rule
10-26-2013, 07:20 AM
I couldn't agree more, it blows my mind to see Hilliary marching forward with a presidential run and Benghazi still hasn't been sorted out, it just goes to show what is in the mind of a lib, I guess what difference does it make really falls into there game plan ( hell there dead and we can't bring them back so why dwell on it, it makes me sick to see the morals of this country ) NO ONE involved in any way shape or form with the Benghazi deal should be moving anywhere but to a court room to get answers and find out exactly who is responsible and they must be punished for it.

Where the hell is Rev Al and Jesse? If there was ever a case of blatant racism this is it. A black women does her job in a professional manner and is fired by a bunch of white folks

Or could it be since she told the truth about Obamacare Al and Jesse see her as a sellout, traitor to her race, and a Aunt Jemima