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View Full Version : LA Times: Middle-class Californians feeling surprised, dismayed

red states rule
10-28-2013, 02:52 AM
I have zero sympathy for the libs in CA. They voted for hope, change, Obamacare, higher taxes, and Obama. So let them enjoy the benefits.

Hey we told you people this would happen and the left sneered at as and screamed we were racist. So stretch out in your Obama bed - you made it

My only question is was Gabby interviewed for this article in the LA Times?

Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Many middle-class Californians with individual health plans are surprised they need policies that cover more — and cost more.

Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare (http://www.latimes.com/topic/health/healthcare-laws/affordable-care-act-%28obamacare%29-EVGAP00039.topic) will cost them — and many don't like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Although recent criticism of the healthcare law has focused on website glitches and early enrollment snags, experts say sharp price increases for individual policies have the greatest potential to erode public support for President Obama (http://www.latimes.com/topic/politics/government/barack-obama-PEPLT007408.topic)'s signature legislation.

"This is when the actual sticker shock comes into play for people," said Gerald Kominski, director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. "There are winners and losers under the Affordable Care Act."

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc. (http://www.latimes.com/topic/economy-business-finance/health-net-inc.-ORCRP007164.topic) She got a rude surprise this month when the company said it would cancel her policy at the end of this year. Her current plan does not conform with the new federal rules, which require more generous levels of coverage.

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

"It doesn't seem right to make the middle class pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else," said Harris, who is three months pregnant. "This increase is simply not affordable."


10-28-2013, 08:17 AM
"It doesn't seem right to make the middle class pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else," ...

This person is obviously a teabagging Republican, therefore only cares about herself and so obviously a racist. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-28-2013, 08:38 AM
I have zero sympathy for the libs in CA. They voted for hope, change, Obamacare, higher taxes, and Obama. So let them enjoy the benefits.

Hey we told you people this would happen and the left sneered at as and screamed we were racist. So stretch out in your Obama bed - you made it

My only question is was Gabby interviewed for this article in the LA Times? She is a lawyer so let her shaft a few more clients to make up the difference at just over 200 bucks that could easily be adding one more client a month to the ff over list. Her being a CALI ASSHAT SHE MOST LIKELY CAMPAIGN FOR AND DONATED TO OBAMA . BUY A PIG IN A POKE ENJOY WHAT YOU GET EVEN IF IT IS A DEAD DOG. I haven't an ounce of sympathy for her. --Tyr

10-28-2013, 07:02 PM
This is one of those moments when the words "Paybacks are a Biatch".

Long before Obama became our pretender in chief. People have been trying to warn the people of California about how the Democrat machine, combined with an Obama presidency, then slapped with another few years of a Jerry Brown...would bring destruction to the Once, Golden State that has now....lost all of it's glow.

You just refused to listen to anyone because ALL OF YOU thought you were smarter than the rest of us.

So...How's that HOPE and CHANGE thing working out for all of you these days?

Bet you all wish you were Hollyweird actors who could afford to Move out of La La Land.

red states rule
10-29-2013, 02:24 AM
This is one of those moments when the words "Paybacks are a Biatch".

Long before Obama became our pretender in chief. People have been trying to warn the people of California about how the Democrat machine, combined with an Obama presidency, then slapped with another few years of a Jerry Brown...would bring destruction to the Once, Golden State that has now....lost all of it's glow.

You just refused to listen to anyone because ALL OF YOU thought you were smarter than the rest of us.

So...How's that HOPE and CHANGE thing working out for all of you these days?

Bet you all wish you were Hollyweird actors who could afford to Move out of La La Land.

It is also about libs inability to grasp Economics 101. If the government passes laws and regulations that increases the cost of doing business - libs believe the private sector will eats those costs

Then they are shocked and angry when those costs are passed along to the public. Again, I have no sympathy for the libs in CA that are getting these notices. They were warned and yet voted for Obama anyway

They made their Obama bed - now they can stretch out on it

red states rule
10-30-2013, 03:08 AM
and the policy cancellations continue
