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View Full Version : Fascist Government Arrest Man for Box of Ammunition

10-28-2013, 11:39 AM
And there are those that question any type of uprising :rolleyes: A man looking at 2 years in prison for having a box of shells used for antique replica, single shot, muzzle loading rifles , and a couple of others shells that where no good anymore but yet he is still looking at 2 years in prison . If we don't stop this we certainly won't be in America any longer .

The “progressive” cities of our nation are swiftly turning in to fascist police states where the government believes it bears the authority to rule over their people as if in some medieval feudal kingdom. In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel singlehandedly takes rights and wastes money without so much as a "by your leave" from the people who elected him. In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg believes his authority so absolute that he has taken to trying to outlaw sugary drinks from the people. In San Antonio, the city council, with the Mayor’s blessing, have turned Christians (and anyone else who believes in a traditional definition of marriage) into second-class citizens. In Washington, D.C., the government with its fascist police has turned its capricious attention to gun owners – even if they are abiding by the law.
