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View Full Version : VA Spent Millions on Florida Conferences

red states rule
11-01-2013, 03:27 AM
These paper pushing assholes pissed through this taxpayer money while our injured vets are waiting for their benefits to be paid.

Must be nice to take a trip to Disney World and have someone else pick up the tab.

Another example of our over worked and under paid Federal work force

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing materials and promotional items for a pair of conferences that cost taxpayers at least $6.1 million.

Included was $50,000 on a parody video of the Oscar-winning movie (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066206/) Patton and a request to have the Washington Redskins cheerleaders appear at a kick-off event.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released a staff report (http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/VA-Conferences-Majority-Staff-Report-10-30-2013-OGR-Committee.pdf)Wednesday on the conferences held in 2011 at the “lavish” Marriott World Center Resort in Orlando near Disney World, which the report said included at least $762,000 in unauthorized and wasteful expenses. The VA paid $863 for an employee to operate karaoke equipment and $98,000 on items such as notebooks, water bottles, and “fitness walking kits,” among other materials.

“The VA’s primary mission is to serve the nation’s veterans in the most efficient manner possible,” the report said. “Any money wasted on events unrelated to that mission does a disservice to the veterans that the VA is meant to serve.”

Conference planners initially traveled to Nashville, Dallas, and Orlando to scout potential locations for the conferences. According to the report, the planners improperly accepted gifts from hotels they were considering, including meals, spa treatments, gift baskets, show tickets, and limousine and helicopter rides.

The planners also sought to “hype” the conferences, designed as training events for human resources employees, by organizing a pre-conference kick-off. When one of the VA marketing consultants was told in an email that the Redskins cheerleaders would be unable to attend the event but “ambassadors” would be available, the consultant asked about the appearance of the stand-ins.

“Could you please explain a little about them? As in do they wear uniforms? Have pom poms…etc,” the consultant wrote in an email.

The planners, who had access to a $450,000 marketing budget for the conferences, “guessed at budget figures, inflated expenditures, and purchased unnecessary items” unrelated to training employees, the report said. After planners inquired about the source of the money for the conferences, VA officials told them that “you don’t have anything to worry about” and “[w]e are a large agency with deep pockets.”

Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.), chairman of the committee, said at a hearing Wednesday that the VA essentially gave the planners a “blank check.” He asked why the VA needed to market the conference at all.

“These are employees,” he said. “You are paying them to come. You can order them to come; you can encourage them to come.”

“Why do you need to advertise?” he continued. “These aren’t buyers. These are in fact recipients of training that they need, and it’s a bit of a perk to get away from the day-to-day job.”


11-01-2013, 05:37 PM
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! red states rule. Us Ignorant, Military type Drones aren't supposed to know, or talk about such waste. We're expected to pretend we don't see what the Obama Idiot Squads are doing with all that Money....Obama claims we don't have.

Of course. The Democrats will deny this stuff. They gotta protect the zerOBama.

11-01-2013, 05:41 PM
How terrible! Let's eliminate this classless activity by abolishing the VA. We can transfer their budget and responsibilities to the White House.

11-01-2013, 05:43 PM
It is a shame the government wastes money like this. But they have been doing it since the start of the nation, all parties guilty.

red states rule
11-01-2013, 05:44 PM
How terrible! Let's eliminate this classless activity by abolishing the VA. We can transfer their budget and responsibilities to the White House.

Yea, the WH can do to our vets health care what they are doing to the nations health care industry