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11-01-2013, 05:17 PM
who will get the nomination, and who will you support/vote for?

red states rule
11-01-2013, 05:25 PM
It is irrelevant at this point

In 2008 we were all told that Hillary was shoe in and would be the first female President

Lets get through the 2014 midterm first shall we?

11-01-2013, 05:26 PM
It is irrelevant at this point

In 2008 we were all told that Hillary was shoe in and would be the first female President

Lets get through the 2014 midterm first shall we?

If you have no input, that would be the best thing to say. No doubt others actually think ahead and might have some ideas. Could be an interesting discussion of who might get there and if they can win.

red states rule
11-01-2013, 05:27 PM
If you have no input, that would be the best thing to say. No doubt others actually think ahead and might have some ideas. Could be an interesting discussion of who might get there and if they can win.

OK go ahead and amuse yourself

BTW I gave you my opinion. Oh I forgot you only want opinions you agree with

11-01-2013, 05:30 PM
It is irrelevant at this point

In 2008 we were all told that Hillary was shoe in and would be the first female President

Lets get through the 2014 midterm first shall we?

If something isn't done to Literally STOP Obama, and his minions who are out to destroy this nation. We may not have an election in 2016. Socialist governments just pretend to go through the paces of a Democracy...to save face, while FIXING any elections in their favor.

Anyone remember the Old U.S.S.R.? Or...How Bout CUBA?

If anyone doubts it can happen. Just remember. If Obama and the Democrats manage to pass an Immigration bill....WE ALL KNOW...is Amnesty.
Who do you think the ILLEGALS will vote for with their NEW Social Security numbers, drivers licenses, and FREE Health Care????

11-01-2013, 05:31 PM
BTW I gave you my opinion. Oh I forgot you only want opinions you agree with

I asked for opinions on the 2016 elections, you gave no opinion, you avoided the topic. At least show some honesty when you are trying to derail threads.

11-01-2013, 05:35 PM
If something isn't done to Literally STOP Obama, and his minions who are out to destroy this nation. We may not have an election in 2016.

Quoted because it's the same thing the left said about Bush, and because it's funny as hell CT stuff.

Now do you have any idea who might make it into the 2016 race, or who you would like to see make it there?

red states rule
11-01-2013, 05:45 PM
I asked for opinions on the 2016 elections, you gave no opinion, you avoided the topic. At least show some honesty when you are trying to derail threads.

OK big shot who are you supporting 4 years from the election?

11-01-2013, 05:46 PM
I really don't think Hillary will get the nomination. She has too much excess baggage and would never survive the primary. Same thing with any member of the Bush family.
I think the GOP nomination should go to Marco Rubio. If the Republicans nominate another old DC guy (especially one backed by the Tea Party), he will get slaughtered in the general election. Remember who constitutes a large portion of the current voting base -- young people and Latinos.

red states rule
11-01-2013, 05:49 PM
I really don't think Hillary will get the nomination. She has too much excess baggage and would never survive the primary. Same thing with any member of the Bush family.
I think the GOP nomination should go to Marco Rubio. If the Republicans nominate another old DC guy (especially one backed by the Tea Party), he will get slaughtered in the general election. Remember who constitutes a large portion of the current voting base -- young people and Latinos.

Again way to early to try and pick nominees. BTW Gabby the Tea Party was 100% when it comes to Obamacare

It will be fun to see any Dem explain Obamacare Gabby

The shutdown is a distant memory thanks to Obama's crowning achievement. Dems are panic stricken and trying to pass the buck to anyone except themselves

and it is fun to watch

11-01-2013, 05:54 PM
There is no way anyone can even consider any candidates for the 2016 elections TODAY.

We have no idea who will be the winners in the upcoming elections next Tuesday in many states, or the 2014 Congressional elections

So anyone who attempts to make an predictions on this question would need a Chrystal Ball to even hope to come up with a possible candidate.

Now. I stick to my first post about Possibilities...that are just as viable as any other answer to this thread.

11-01-2013, 06:07 PM
who are you supporting 4 years from the election?

4 years from the election? You mean 2020? :laugh:

They might bomb out before then, but someone with a pair of balls and a belief in the Constitution like Cruz. I think there are a few others like him out there. Can they win? Probably not. But that is the kind of person I will vote for.

I really don't think Hillary will get the nomination. She has too much excess baggage and would never survive the primary. Same thing with any member of the Bush family.
I think the GOP nomination should go to Marco Rubio. If the Republicans nominate another old DC guy (especially one backed by the Tea Party), he will get slaughtered in the general election. Remember who constitutes a large portion of the current voting base -- young people and Latinos.

I agree, though at this point many keep saying it will be Hillary and Jeb … lord help us if that's the case. I don't think Rubio would make it, he has been behind the recent push for amnesty, and that will kill him down the road.

It will be fun to see any Dem explain Obamacare Gabby

This thread isn't about Obamacare, there are 20+ or so other threads for that.

There is no way anyone can even consider any candidates for the 2016 elections TODAY.

It's impossible to consider who may run in 2016, but it's possible to imagine the end of America due to the current president. Now that's funny. :laugh:

red states rule
11-02-2013, 03:50 AM
From the Land of Fruits and Nuts comes this from a deranged liberal for Hillary

The media drumbeat for Hillary Clinton to be the next president is truly nauseating.

Consider Rob Reiner, aka Meathead in the famed sitcom All in the Family, saying on HBO’s Real Time Friday, “If she decides to run, you will have the single most qualified person ever to run for President of the United States”

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=281 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/123819" frameBorder=0 width=500 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>Now take a moment to consider the absurdity of that statement.

Because Hillary was senator for eight years and Secretary of State for four, she’s the most qualified person EVER to run for president of our country?

More qualified than George Washington who led our troops to victory against the British?

More qualified than Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

More qualified than John Adams who was a pivotal figure in achieving our independence?

More qualified than Abraham Lincoln? And Franklin Delano Roosevelt? And Ronald Reagan?

Would any of these Hillary supporters be so gushing if she were a man with the exact same qualifications?
Of course not.

Much as these people championed Barack Obama despite his lack of qualifications, Hillary is the left’s current ideal not because of what she’s done, but for what she represents.

No wonder Archie Bunker referred to this idiot as Meathead.


Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/11/02/rob-reiner-aka-meathead-hillary-would-be-most-qualified-person-ever-r#ixzz2jTaotLQR

11-02-2013, 04:29 AM
who will get the nomination, and who will you support/vote for?

Is Giuliani going to give it another go?

red states rule
11-02-2013, 04:31 AM

11-02-2013, 09:32 AM
Is Giuliani going to give it another go?

Sorry, I almost missed your post due to the noise via troll. I don't know, but at this point I'd hope he realizes he'd never win and not waste his money or our time.

11-02-2013, 11:04 AM
My gut feeling is that Hillary wins the nomination and then the presidency. As a country we will be screwed, if that happens. And it's partly because she has been running for 5 years already without even saying it, and of course partly because the R's haven't put anyone forth as of yet that will appeal to more people than Hillary will. It's simple math at this point - for now.

11-02-2013, 11:34 AM
He may not make it in 2016, but the next Dem leader may be the current mayor of San Antonio, Juan Castro. He is extremely popular among Anglos and Latinos alike. Young people and women are also in his camp.
If Republicans are smart, they will unite behind Rubio. I don't believe any other GOP candidate has a chance under the current political and cultural climate.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2013, 11:42 AM
My gut feeling is that Hillary wins the nomination and then the presidency. As a country we will be screwed, if that happens. And it's partly because she has been running for 5 years already without even saying it, and of course partly because the R's haven't put anyone forth as of yet that will appeal to more people than Hillary will. It's simple math at this point - for now. She may win but it will be because the American citizens have allowed their kids to be indoctrinated and dumbed down for decades now ! Which is why and how Obama won twice. The sad and tragic truth is we've allowed it to go too damn far to be corrected by voting alone. SCOTUS corruption , clearly evidenced by the insane and totally corrupt decision on obamacare points that out ever so clearly IMHO. How many years before war erupts here is not known but its sure to come. Best to prepare your kids for that eventual catastrophe and our sons be trained how to use guns as it's their 2nd Amendment right and was also put there just for this type of calamity. My daughter now 25 is an extremely good shooter. Shoots far above the level of the average male shooter. Genetic talent nurtured by a caring parent , not that I ever want her to be fighting as that's a man's role IMHO. THEY WILL NOT TAKE THIS COUNTRY WHILE I'M ALIVE THATS A DAMN FACT. No brag, a fact.. BECAUSE I'LL PROTECT MY FAMILY COME HELL OR HIGH WATER.. -Tyr

11-02-2013, 01:31 PM
Sorry, I almost missed your post due to the noise via troll. I don't know, but at this point I'd hope he realizes he'd never win and not waste his money or our time.

IIRC he was the only unashamedly pro-growth candidate out there in '04 and that's precisely what we need. Possibly a bit to much gung-ho, shoot-em-up, bang-bang though.

11-02-2013, 02:15 PM
My gut feeling is that Hillary wins the nomination and then the presidency. As a country we will be screwed, if that happens. And it's partly because she has been running for 5 years already without even saying it, and of course partly because the R's haven't put anyone forth as of yet that will appeal to more people than Hillary will. It's simple math at this point - for now.

I have no doubt she want's the position, but I HOPE that enough people have woken up and would never accept her (or anyone on her side) next go round. But you are right, the right does not appear to have anyone that is viable. If the establishment R's push Jeb Bush and spend money and time trashing those that are L's or tea party, they will doom us to another 4 years of D control.

He may not make it in 2016, but the next Dem leader may be the current mayor of San Antonio, Juan Castro. He is extremely popular among Anglos and Latinos alike. Young people and women are also in his camp.
If Republicans are smart, they will unite behind Rubio. I don't believe any other GOP candidate has a chance under the current political and cultural climate.

Never heard of Juan Castro. I don't think Rubio stands a chance, he's made a few bad moves that mark him as flawed and now good.

IIRC he was the only unashamedly pro-growth candidate out there in '04 and that's precisely what we need. Possibly a bit to much gung-ho, shoot-em-up, bang-bang though.

I think just a bit too floppy. And after a few attempts, I think the odds drop drastically.

11-02-2013, 02:20 PM
I think just a bit too floppy. And after a few attempts, I think the odds drop drastically.

Giuliani was floppy?

11-02-2013, 02:23 PM
Giuliani was floppy?

His strength was 9/11. On most everything else I recall, he was just a bit too much like a typical weasely politician. YMMV.

11-02-2013, 02:27 PM
His strength was 9/11. On most everything else I recall, he was just a bit too much like a typical weasely politician. YMMV.

I was more happy with his fiscal policy... and yes, MMdV. :slap:

11-02-2013, 02:33 PM
I have no doubt she want's the position, but I HOPE that enough people have woken up and would never accept her (or anyone on her side) next go round. But you are right, the right does not appear to have anyone that is viable. If the establishment R's push Jeb Bush and spend money and time trashing those that are L's or tea party, they will doom us to another 4 years of D control.

I don't know, her side has played a good game. Not many candidates get a full 8 years of full on press about them being the next president. And those that are (D) or already liked her, NOTHING she could do would change their mind. And to be honest, (R)'s likely wouldn't change their mind either. The problem is the unknowns, and I don't see enough of the negative about Obama being broadcast. I'm not being a conspiracy theorist, I just see too many issues not getting the coverage to keep some uninformed. Hillary alone though - the "what difference does it make" quote alone should be her undoing, but I'd be willing to bet that half the nation wouldn't even know what that quote was from or who. But she's been a walking scandal with her husband from the early 90's, probably earlier, and there are still millions that would vote for her on name alone. Some actually think she's on the up and up, honest, and a good leader. Hell, all the women in Congress (mostly) have pledged their support to her. Shows you why we're fucked there too.

Putting another Bush forward I think would be a horrid mistake. We need a newcomer, who is conservative, who will lead by example and grab the reigns. Someone who will put the security of our nation first, followed by fixing our economy, and fixing our economy with less out of control spending. Also, someone who will claim to run a transparent administration, and actually do that.

11-03-2013, 12:18 AM
I really don't think Hillary will get the nomination. She has too much excess baggage and would never survive the primary. Same thing with any member of the Bush family.
I think the GOP nomination should go to Marco Rubio. If the Republicans nominate another old DC guy (especially one backed by the Tea Party), he will get slaughtered in the general election. Remember who constitutes a large portion of the current voting base -- young people and Latinos.

I've my doubts about Hillary too, for the same reasons. Ditto Bush family. Rubio? I don't think he's ready, but neither was Obama, look where that has gotten the U.S. I don't want a repeat on amateur hour.

I'm guessing the Democrats will nominate Hillary, barring her getting nailed on Benghazi. Biden is likely second.

The Republicans are totally without a leader, too split.

May we see a third party try? Possible-not likely, but possible.

red states rule
11-03-2013, 07:55 AM
He may not make it in 2016, but the next Dem leader may be the current mayor of San Antonio, Juan Castro. He is extremely popular among Anglos and Latinos alike. Young people and women are also in his camp.
If Republicans are smart, they will unite behind Rubio. I don't believe any other GOP candidate has a chance under the current political and cultural climate.

First of all anytime a loyal and devoted liberal like Gabby give the Republican advice to succeed must be taken with several grains of salt

Gabby I would like to answer a question for me (I know it is a waste of time) but you state how women and young people are in Castro's camp. Please tell us why they would continue to vote for a liberal Dem when they are so much worse off after 5 years of Obama and his liberal policies

Dems are in a free fall and in total damage control right now. Watching them right now try and pass the buck and blame others for their massive failure of Obamacare which is devastating the young and women is a joy to watch. I admit I am enjoying watching the Dems stumble and fumble around trying to lie their way out the disaster they created

That's is why I say trying to pick who will be in the running in 2016 is a crap shoot. Lets see what happens this Tuesday, see the amount of damage Obamacare inflicts of millions of people, how Obamacare hampers job growth and see how the voters reward or punish Dems in 2014 midterms

THEN we will have a better idea of how 2016 will shape up

red states rule
11-03-2013, 11:38 AM
I don't know, her side has played a good game. Not many candidates get a full 8 years of full on press about them being the next president. And those that are (D) or already liked her, NOTHING she could do would change their mind. And to be honest, (R)'s likely wouldn't change their mind either. The problem is the unknowns, and I don't see enough of the negative about Obama being broadcast. I'm not being a conspiracy theorist, I just see too many issues not getting the coverage to keep some uninformed. Hillary alone though - the "what difference does it make" quote alone should be her undoing, but I'd be willing to bet that half the nation wouldn't even know what that quote was from or who. But she's been a walking scandal with her husband from the early 90's, probably earlier, and there are still millions that would vote for her on name alone. Some actually think she's on the up and up, honest, and a good leader. Hell, all the women in Congress (mostly) have pledged their support to her. Shows you why we're fucked there too.

Putting another Bush forward I think would be a horrid mistake. We need a newcomer, who is conservative, who will lead by example and grab the reigns. Someone who will put the security of our nation first, followed by fixing our economy, and fixing our economy with less out of control spending. Also, someone who will claim to run a transparent administration, and actually do that.


11-03-2013, 12:58 PM

red states rule
11-03-2013, 01:10 PM

11-03-2013, 02:43 PM
They just can't use their words and actually discuss things can they? So many potentially good discussions trashed by morons.

red states rule
11-03-2013, 02:48 PM
They just can't use their words and actually discuss things can they? So many potentially good discussions trashed by morons.

When most here thinks of trash you do come to mind :laugh2:

11-03-2013, 02:51 PM
When most here thinks of trash you do come to mind :laugh2:

Oh wow! That's so BLAM in my face! You must be so proud!

Good lord, get a life AND a clue.

red states rule
11-03-2013, 03:23 PM

11-03-2013, 06:44 PM
To get this back on topic:


I think the VA race shows what the left tactic is going to be… anti-tea party and 'they shut down the government'… even though the 'shut down' was a freaking joke.

11-03-2013, 07:58 PM
I think the VA race shows what the left tactic is going to be… anti-tea party and 'they shut down the government'… even though the 'shut down' was a freaking joke.

It may not be that much of a bellweather:

Northern Virginia's Washington suburbs, where many government employees and contractors live, was hit particularly hard by the government shutdown last month that resulted from a stalemate over the U.S. budget and debt ceiling that Americans for the most part blamed on Republicans.

"Hit hard by the shutdown." :laugh:

11-03-2013, 08:19 PM
When most here thinks of trash you do come to mind :laugh2:

So says DP's favorite cartoon character. Come on dude, you have no more common sense than Mickey Mouse's tail. It's really embarrassing when you try to argue with people.

11-03-2013, 08:59 PM
So says DP's favorite cartoon character. Come on dude, you have no more common sense than Mickey Mouse's tail. It's really embarrassing when you try to argue with people.

Actually gabby. You are totally wrong about DP'S favorite cartoon character. That character is YOU, and you are FAR from being anybody's favorite anything but....a TROLL.

red states rule
11-04-2013, 02:38 AM
So says DP's favorite cartoon character. Come on dude, you have no more common sense than Mickey Mouse's tail. It's really embarrassing when you try to argue with people.

Thank you for proving I am 100% correct in my posts Gabby. Once again you run away from a simple and direct question regarding what you posted

Gabby I would like to answer a question for me (I know it is a waste of time) but you state how women and young people are in Castro's camp. Please tell us why they would continue to vote for a liberal Dem when they are so much worse off after 5 years of Obama and his liberal policies

Dems are in a free fall and in total damage control right now. Watching them right now try and pass the buck and blame others for their massive failure of Obamacare which is devastating the young and women is a joy to watch. I admit I am enjoying watching the Dems stumble and fumble around trying to lie their way out the disaster they created

That's is why I say trying to pick who will be in the running in 2016 is a crap shoot. Lets see what happens this Tuesday, see the amount of damage Obamacare inflicts of millions of people, how Obamacare hampers job growth and see how the voters reward or punish Dems in 2014 midterms

THEN we will have a better idea of how 2016 will shape up

11-04-2013, 09:25 AM
Thank you for proving I am 100% correct in my posts Gabby. Once again you run away from a simple and direct question regarding what you posted

Not answering stupid questions doesn't make you correct in any manner. To paraphrase some of your goon squad members, you have no right to expect others to answer any questions you pose, or how they answer them. Of course, if you are consistent you follow what your brothers say when it comes to them not answering questions. But the lack of consistency is pretty clear to everyone but you and your buddies. LOL.

Now once again, how about you quick fucking up every damn thread? No wonder so many discussions die, you keep appearing…

Abbey Marie
11-04-2013, 10:31 AM
I was more happy with his fiscal policy... and yes, MMdV. :slap:

I'd be THRILLED to hear the words "President Giuliani".

But I fear this country is too far gone to elect anyone even mildly Conservative for a while. We apparently need to hit rock bottom before that. The good news is we aren't too far off.

As for Hillary, while she is pretty much a nightmare herself, I actually think she will be a bit less-so than Obama. I think she would be more of a return to back-room evildoings, than outright attempts at socialism. I could be wrong; just my gut feeling there. God help us either way.

11-04-2013, 10:43 AM
I'd be THRILLED to hear the words "President Giuliani".

But I fear this country is too far gone to elect anyone even mildly Conservative for a while.

And that's the thing, I don't even recall him being that hard-core conservative. But I wasn't too focused on the social conservative stuff.

11-04-2013, 01:12 PM
I really don't think Hillary will get the nomination. She has too much excess baggage and would never survive the primary. Same thing with any member of the Bush family.
I think the GOP nomination should go to Marco Rubio. If the Republicans nominate another old DC guy (especially one backed by the Tea Party), he will get slaughtered in the general election. Remember who constitutes a large portion of the current voting base -- young people and Latinos.

I agree with you on Hillary, I do think she'll run, but I don't think she has a snowball's chance of getting the nomination.

As for Rubio, I think he shot himself in the foot with the immigration overhaul. I don't think he will have the support he needs. I am interested to see what Cruz does.

As for the young vote. They historically don't show up to vote. Sure they came out big for Obama, but I think that was just the excitement of electing the First Black President.

11-04-2013, 01:41 PM
IMO, Some middle class guy will get pissed and start to rally the rest of america behind him and start up a revolution to bring america back to the beginning. Execution to all of congress and the senate and president and etc. So uh, yeah. I vote for that guy.

11-04-2013, 03:27 PM
I agree with you on Hillary, I do think she'll run, but I don't think she has a snowball's chance of getting the nomination.

As for Rubio, I think he shot himself in the foot with the immigration overhaul. I don't think he will have the support he needs. I am interested to see what Cruz does.
As for the young vote. They historically don't show up to vote. Sure they came out big for Obama, but I think that was just the excitement of electing the First Black President.

Cruz can't run because he was born in Canada. He is not a natural born citizen. Plus he is a huge liability to the GOP.
Rubio is the GOP's only chance to galvanize the youth and Latino vote. Those two groups don't normally vote, but they will come out in force for a candidate that they believe in.
As Republicans have seen in the last two elections, the country is running short on older conservative white people. You need young people and minorities to carry a national election. If the GOP nominates another old white guy, they are destined for failure.

11-04-2013, 07:13 PM
Cruz can't run because he was born in Canada. He is not a natural born citizen. Plus he is a huge liability to the GOP.
Rubio is the GOP's only chance to galvanize the youth and Latino vote. Those two groups don't normally vote, but they will come out in force for a candidate that they believe in.
As Republicans have seen in the last two elections, the country is running short on older conservative white people. You need young people and minorities to carry a national election. If the GOP nominates another old white guy, they are destined for failure.

I haven't seen anywhere that Cruz can't run, also he's as much a Latino as Rubio. BTW they're both white guys, they just happen to also be Hispanic's.

I know you like to say that republican's are all old white guys, but it isn't true. There are plenty of minorities, women and younger people in the party. This country is is basically 70% dem or republican. The rest of the votes come from independents. They're the ones who decide the votes, that and whoever has the most excitement behind their candidate.

11-04-2013, 07:17 PM
Cruz can't run because he was born in Canada. He is not a natural born citizen. Plus he is a huge liability to the GOP.
Rubio is the GOP's only chance to galvanize the youth and Latino vote. Those two groups don't normally vote, but they will come out in force for a candidate that they believe in.
As Republicans have seen in the last two elections, the country is running short on older conservative white people. You need young people and minorities to carry a national election. If the GOP nominates another old white guy, they are destined for failure.

Gotta agree with you Gabby. If they nominate somebody as old as you. Failure isn't an option. But then. You already know that.

11-04-2013, 07:40 PM
Gotta agree with you Gabby. If they nominate somebody as old as you. Failure isn't an option. But then. You already know that.

Translation: I have nothing to add to the discussion as my talking heads haven't told me what to think on this issue yet, so I will default to attacking instead to cover for my lack of knowledge.

11-04-2013, 07:57 PM
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Thus, he can't be POTUS. All of you should know that.
When I say "Old White People," I mean White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Males, preferably from wealthy, elite families. Not those of Hispanic or Latino heritage.
If the GOP power structure decides to update their image and endorse some like Rubio, they have a good chance to win the White House. If it is someone backed by the Tea Party or some other fringe group, they will lose.

11-04-2013, 08:03 PM
His mother was an American citizen, so it doesn't matter where he was born, he is a natural born citizen.

11-04-2013, 08:40 PM
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Thus, he can't be POTUS. All of you should know that.
When I say "Old White People," I mean White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Males, preferably from wealthy, elite families. Not those of Hispanic or Latino heritage.
If the GOP power structure decides to update their image and endorse some like Rubio, they have a good chance to win the White House. If it is someone backed by the Tea Party or some other fringe group, they will lose.

Gabby. I thought YOU THOUGHT you were smarter than the rest of us here?

Would you like to RETRACT your statement about Cruz?
Ya know? Just to help yourself not look like such a fool?

11-04-2013, 09:37 PM
who will get the nomination, and who will you support/vote for?Provided this Nation last that long, As of right Now Ted Cruz with Allen West.

red states rule
11-05-2013, 02:50 AM
I'd be THRILLED to hear the words "President Giuliani".

But I fear this country is too far gone to elect anyone even mildly Conservative for a while. We apparently need to hit rock bottom before that. The good news is we aren't too far off.

As for Hillary, while she is pretty much a nightmare herself, I actually think she will be a bit less-so than Obama. I think she would be more of a return to back-room evildoings, than outright attempts at socialism. I could be wrong; just my gut feeling there. God help us either way.

Rudy did a fine job cleaning up NY City and as a Federal Prosecutor he did take out the heads of NY five crime families (One was killed and the rest went to prison for life)

It is amazing to watch the left scream how anyone with an R at the end of their name is "extreme" When compared to real conservatives like Ronald Reagan how could anyone call Bush 41 and 43, McCain, Dole, and Mitt as "extreme"?

red states rule
11-05-2013, 02:56 AM
Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Thus, he can't be POTUS. All of you should know that.
When I say "Old White People," I mean White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Males, preferably from wealthy, elite families. Not those of Hispanic or Latino heritage.
If the GOP power structure decides to update their image and endorse some like Rubio, they have a good chance to win the White House. If it is someone backed by the Tea Party or some other fringe group, they will lose.

Why not answer questions in addition to asking them?

Please tell us why women and Latino's continue to vote for a liberal Dem when they are so much worse off after 5 years of Obama and his liberal policies?

Seems you think a discussion is a one way street Gabby. Of course when you cannot defend Obama's polices it is much easier to simply ignore the question and move on

As far as old white people do you mean people like Joe Biden, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, and Mark Warner?

11-05-2013, 09:03 AM
Rudy did a fine job cleaning up NY City

Yes he did.

It is amazing to watch the left scream how anyone with an R at the end of their name is "extreme"

Can you point out where that has occurred in this thread?

Why not answer questions in addition to asking them?

As other members of the goon squad have pointed out, nobody has the right to tell anyone else when or how to respond. Perhaps you need to not miss the next goon squad meeting or re-read the handbook so there is some consistency.

Seems you think a discussion is a one way street Gabby.

That is slightly better than what you offer up, which is just making random shit up that has nothing to do with the conversation. A hint, this thread is not about Obama.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 04:04 AM

11-09-2013, 11:02 AM

I know you like the humor, which is cool at times - but can you try and only insert them into threads when fully appropriate and directly on topic? Thanks!

red states rule
11-11-2013, 11:01 AM

11-11-2013, 11:42 AM
I know you like the humor, which is cool at times - but can you try and only insert them into threads when fully appropriate and directly on topic? Thanks!

Well said Jim! :salute:


red states rule
11-11-2013, 11:46 AM

11-11-2013, 02:28 PM
Cruz can't run because he was born in Canada. He is not a natural born citizen. Plus he is a huge liability to the GOP.
Rubio is the GOP's only chance to galvanize the youth and Latino vote. Those two groups don't normally vote, but they will come out in force for a candidate that they believe in.
As Republicans have seen in the last two elections, the country is running short on older conservative white people. You need young people and minorities to carry a national election. If the GOP nominates another old white guy, they are destined for failure.

I have seen the discussion regarding Cruz not being a natural born citizen, but I haven't seen anything that states he positively can't run.

You've repeated twice regarding Rubio and the latino vote, Cruz and Rubio both have parents from Cuba, so both are latino. They also happen to be white guys in their 40's, so their aren't old.

I don't see Rubio doing better than Cruz with the youth vote, since they are a fickle bunch. You are correct about the hispanic/latino vote leaning democrat, but they are a diverse group. Most Cuban's are republican and hispanics have a large and growing middle class. I think their involvement in the republican party will grow. In the future I see them splitting their votes between both parties much like whites do.

We have a few years and I don't think those years are going to be kind to Obama, especially if he can't get the healthcare debacle straightened out. He may be quite a large liability to the Dems.

11-11-2013, 10:10 PM
Not sure where I read it, but today. I saw a story about Hillary having some competition.

The DING BAT Ellizebeth Warren...may become a Democrat IDIOT running against Hillary.

A FULL HOUSE could never beat that PAIR.

red states rule
11-12-2013, 04:03 AM
Not sure where I read it, but today. I saw a story about Hillary having some competition.

The DING BAT Ellizebeth Warren...may become a Democrat IDIOT running against Hillary.

A FULL HOUSE could never beat that PAIR.

On some lib sites the folks there are giddy over a Hillary/Warren ticket. One lib at work told me how he would vote for that.

My response to him was "Yea I can see the benefit of that ticket. You could have 4 boobs in the White House with that ticket"

His smirk disappeared and we walked off

But should the success of Obamacare continue, dems will be on the defensive and the voters will be VERY pissed off

11-12-2013, 03:27 PM
On some lib sites the folks there are giddy over a Hillary/Warren ticket. One lib at work told me how he would vote for that.

Supporting Hillary is bad enough, but that they would support Warren just shows a lack of mental stability. But to be fair the same could be said for supporting a Jeb Bush or Christie... as both of those are just as worthless as a Warren.