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View Full Version : Woman fired after reporting sex act in town library

red states rule
11-04-2013, 03:26 AM
Another example of how fouled up government is.

A now-former assistant librarian claims the mayor fired her after she witnessed two town employees having sex in the children’s section of the Estancia Public Library.
“Right in the middle of the library, in front of God and everybody,” attorney Joseph CampBell said. He’s representing Jaime Kurz who was terminated last week.

CampBell said Kurz arrived at the library just before it opened on August 20th. He said she heard noises, set down her bags, and quickly discovered the employees having sexual intercourse.

Later that day, he said Kurz contacted Julie Carter, who was the town clerk at the time, to report what she witnessed. CampBell said Carter then contacted Mayor Sylvia Chavez.

In early October, CampBell said Kurz wrote a letter to the mayor requesting time off to avoid a “hostile work situation.” The mayor signed the letter, he said.

A few days later, CampBell said Kurz and Carter both learned that they would lose their jobs.

The town terminated Carter’s employment two weeks ago.

“They’re two outsiders, non-locals,” he said. “You know, they stumbled upon and kicked up a hornets nest.”

KOB Eyewitness News 4 attempted to contact Mayor Chavez in-person on Friday, but learned that she was out of town.

In a phone conversation with Catherine Robinson, the city’s attorney, Robinson said Kurz and Carter were not terminated for reporting the alleged sex act, but said she could not elaborate since it was a personnel matter.

Robinson confirmed that the sex allegations were addressed and dealt with after they were reported.

A KOB Eyewitness News 4 crew found one of the accused employees at work on Friday.

In a letter from Mayor Chavez to Kurz dated October 10th, Mayor Chavez told Kurz that she was being terminated for failing to turn over keys to the library when asked and for failing to meet with the mayor to discuss the hostile work claims.

CampBell said the city’s arguments don’t hold water.

“Yeah, it’s like a sieve,” he said.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2013, 10:20 AM
Another example of how fouled up government is. I'll give you 5 to 1 odds the sex act witnessed was a gay one. And that's why the termination because we must let gays have sex were ever the mood strikes them!! Otherwise its homophobic discrimination ! Most of these people pushing this insanity are more ffed up that Charles Manson IMHO.. WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE IF I AM RIGHT AND IT WAS A GAY SEX ACT THAT WAS WITNESSED.--Tyr

11-04-2013, 10:39 AM
I'll give you 5 to 1 odds the sex act witnessed was a gay one. And that's why the termination because we must let gays have sex were ever the mood strikes them!! Otherwise its homophobic discrimination ! Most of these people pushing this insanity are more ffed up that Charles Manson IMHO.. WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE IF I AM RIGHT AND IT WAS A GAY SEX ACT THAT WAS WITNESSED.--Tyr

Such an active imagination. Must suck to have to live one's life constantly looking for a boogie man to blame.

Abbey Marie
11-04-2013, 11:45 AM
This has all the signs of a story that tells very little of what truly happened. And knowing what poor follow-up news outlets tend to have, we may never know.

11-04-2013, 03:21 PM
How small and boring of a town is this even news? And how is Obama responsible?

11-04-2013, 03:23 PM
How small and boring of a town is this even news? And how is Obama responsible?

They didn't say it was Obama's fault, they blamed it on homosexuals. Even more funny. :laugh:

11-04-2013, 04:31 PM
Another example of how fouled up government is.

red states rule. Before I had a chance to read the information. I was thinking this story would be an actual, ironic report of a sex act, taking place in the CLINTON Library.57495750

red states rule
11-05-2013, 03:07 AM
How small and boring of a town is this even news? And how is Obama responsible?

I am sure if you walked into a similar situation at work you would not be offended in the least Gabby and would never think of reporting it to your manager.

Of course what you are ignoring is the women who reported it was fired and being a liberal and a champion of women's right I thought you would at least be in her corner. But it seems you are more loyal to government then those you claim to care so much about

No surprise there