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View Full Version : The best euphemisms for victims of Obamacare losing their insurance plans

red states rule
11-05-2013, 03:42 AM
Once again liberals show their concern and compassion for the working class and retired folks who are losing their health care coverage thanks to Obamacare

Here is a list of some of the excuses offered up by left to those whose lives are being decimated by Obama's crowning achievement

1. Dan Amira of New York Mag: (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/10/video-obama-keep-your-plan-compilation.html)
“overly simplistic guarantee”

2. Rep. Steny Hoyer, Minority Leader, House of Representatives: (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/362484/top-dem-admits-we-knew-jonathan-strong)
“accurate…not precise enough.”

3. Carrie Budoff Brown of Politico:
(http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/white-house-playing-defense-on-obamacare-99070.html#ixzz2jAKKFVoD)“sweeping generalizations that can be contradicted by individual experiences”
“pithy promises”

4. James Carville on “The O’Reilly Factor”: (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/10/29/carville_obama_didnt_mislead_the_nation_he_could_h ave_made_a_more_nuanced_accurate_statement.html)
“I think what he could have made is a more nuanced, accurate statement.”

5. Josh Barro, Business Insider: (http://www.businessinsider.com/obamacare-should-change-your-health-plan-2013-10#ixzz2jAOBWNBB)
“never a reasonable promise…yes, that statement is proving false — and it’s a good thing.”

6. Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary
“You can make that point if you want.”
Also, argle, bargle, blerg.
7. Sen. Harry Reid, U.S. Senate (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/bill-let-americans-keep-their-health-insurance-makes-senate-democrats-squirm_765563.html), along with Carney, just eschewing euphemism for more lies:
“He didn’t say anything wrong. That was true.”

8. Chuck Todd, MSNBC: (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/10/29/chuck_todd_obama_made_promises_he_hoped_insurance_ companies_would_keep.html)
“promises that they were hoping the insurance companies were going to keep.”

9. Sam Stein, The Huffington Post (http://thefederalist.com/2013/10/29/dont-like-data-just-call-anecdotal-ignore/)
“impractical vision”

10. The New York Times
11. LA Times
“overpromised” (http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-health-policy-cancellations-20131101,0,781858.story#axzz2jjT4cOqA)

Like my first installment, “The best euphemisms for Obama’s giant ‘if you like your plan you can keep it’ lie,” (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/29/the-best-euphemisms-for-obamas-giant-if-you-like-your-plan-you-can-keep-it-lie/) this will be updated to reflect new euphemisms as the story progresses. Tweet or e-mail with additions to the list.

1. Paul Waldman of The American Prospect (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/29/the-best-euphemisms-for-obamas-giant-if-you-like-your-plan-you-can-keep-it-lie/)
“phony Obamacare victims”

2. Sam Stein, The Huffington Post (http://thefederalist.com/2013/10/29/dont-like-data-just-call-anecdotal-ignore/)

3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/11/04/bill-maher-to-dws-cmon-admit-keep-your-plan-was-a-lie-n1736112)

4. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/11/04/pelosi-its-fine-the-people-receiving-insurance-cancellations-will-do-better/)
“a small number in the private market”

5. The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/03/opinion/sunday/insurance-policies-not-worth-keeping.html?hp&rref=opinion&_r=3&)
“overblown controversy”

6. Jay Carney (http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/10/31/confirmed-youre-never-gonna-get-the-truth-out-of-jay-carney/)
“5% of the population”
people with “crummy plans”

7. The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/01/business/when-insurers-drop-policies-three-stories.html?smid=tw-share&_r=0) (via @justkarl (https://twitter.com/justkarl))
“the relatively small part of America that the Obama administration did not talk about while campaigning for the Affordable Care Act”


11-05-2013, 07:05 AM
I am rather amused by the comments pointing out “the relatively small part of America ... " adversely affected by this bill. IMO, this whole bill and fisaco was created to address the relatively small part of America that could have benefitted from this bill had it even been implemented correctly. That, folks, is the biggest underlying lie of all!

11-05-2013, 10:08 AM
the crumby , or sub standard plans one is the one that is the most annoying to me.
It's another Blanket statement where they assume the worse. And are trying to convince people ObamaCare is doing you a FAVOR by canceling your policy.

It's a veiled mafia like comment.

But Darth Vader told you honestly he just change the deal on you.
Politicians just lie on both ends of the deal.


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/qd8hy032uLc?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red states rule
11-06-2013, 03:52 AM
Now we are finding out the administration knew folks could not keep their doctor's under Obamacare

It is getting better with each passing day folks

CNN: ObamaCare “war room” worried about reaction when some enrollees figure out they can’t keep their doctors

This is the big unexploded landmine in the ObamaCare mine field. There have been little booms about it here and there — the NYT story last week about rural counties suffering (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/24/nyt-say-obamacare-doesnt-really-lower-costs-in-rural-areas/) under O-Care is one, as was that U.S. News story about high-end hospitals (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/31/new-glitch-if-you-like-your-hospital-you-might-not-be-able-to-keep-your-hospital/) being excluded from many plans on the exchanges — but it hasn’t fully detonated yet. That’s because most consumers are still comparison-shopping for plans, which means cost is foremost in their minds right now. Not until next year, after they’ve received their new coverage and begun making doctor appointments, will they start focusing on the shrinking size of their provider networks. It’s one thing to be told that you need to pay a higher premium and deductible because you’re getting more “comprehensive” insurance. It’s another to be told that the “comprehensiveness” you’re paying for includes a less comprehensive network than you used to have under your old, ahem, “cut-rate” plan. That was the whole point of the op-ed by Edie Sundby (http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304527504579171710423780446) that everyone’s linking today, in fact. Sundby’s complaint wasn’t that the price of her insurance has skyrocketed, it was that she was essentially being forced to choose between her doctor and her hospital because she couldn’t find a plan in California whose network included both. If you like your doctor, you can’t necessarily keep him/her.
This is going to blow up. Not just yet — website woes and rate shock are of more immediate media concern — but it’s coming and the White House knows it (http://thelead.blogs.cnn.com/2013/11/04/obamacare-war-room-docs-fewer-options-higher-prices/).

Officials expressed concern that the next shoe to drop in the evolving story about the Affordable Care Act would be disappointment from consumers once they are able to get on the troubled HealthCare.gov website – disappointment because of sticker shock and limited choice, according to a new document obtained by CNN.

“Mike described a general concern of PM (Project Management): getting to the point where the website is functioning properly and individuals begin to select plans; the media attention will follow individuals to plan selection and their ultimate choices; and, in some cases, there will be fewer options than would be desired to promote consumer choice and an ideal shopping experience. Additionally, in some cases there will be relatively high cost plans,” say the notes from the Obama administration’s Obamacare ‘War Room’ from one week ago…
Other notes from the war room meeting describe specific “problem plans,” and a problem with the site that prevents certification, perhaps due to a misspelling on the website.
