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View Full Version : *WHY* did Obama tell such an obvious, easily refuted lie?

11-05-2013, 12:46 PM
As detailed elsewhere, Obama said yesterday that he didn't say "If you like your health plan, you can keep it" in the face of dozens of media video showing he did say it.

One of the more common tactics among Democrats, is to tell som lie about a comparatively innocuous subject, in order to focus eveyone's attention on that lie, get them talking about that lie, etc.

And the purpose for doing that, is to get them off some far more serious subject.

I predict that some VERY serious information is about to be revealed, about some totally unrelated matter. Perhaps the IRS abusing conservative groups (an act Nixon was almost impeached for), perhaps Benghazi and the murders of an ambassador, perhaps the complicity of his administration in running guns and bombs to Mexican drug cartels, I don't know what the subject will be.

But something big is coming. That's why Obama is getting everyone worked up about a relatively (he thinks) unimportant lie.

11-05-2013, 01:01 PM
Simple: It would create many crises he wouldn't let go to waste.

11-05-2013, 01:15 PM
And now they're lying about the lies...

11-05-2013, 02:46 PM
And now they're lying about the lies...

Though it may be catching up with him. Gallup has his approval at 39%.

11-05-2013, 02:48 PM
Though it may be catching up with him. Gallup has his approval at 39%.

That means he won't be re-elected in 2016!

(Like he cares)

11-05-2013, 03:02 PM
That means he won't be re-elected in 2016!

(Like he cares)

Oh wise one, it means he will have more difficulty with both the opposition and his own party in Congress, neither of which with few exceptions have ever thought much of him.

11-05-2013, 03:17 PM
That means he won't be re-elected in 2016!

(Like he cares)

Little-Acorn. Hopefully Obama hasn't destroyed, or ignored the Constitution so much that he'd be able to change it, and give him a 3rd Swing at destroying our nation.
I, for one. Am really happy Obama can't run again.

11-05-2013, 03:59 PM
Little-Acorn. Hopefully Obama hasn't destroyed, or ignored the Constitution so much that he'd be able to change it, and give him a 3rd Swing at destroying our nation.
I, for one. Am really happy Obama can't run again.

Sure she can. If Nestor is term limited, let Cristina be the office holder. I wonder if Barack left Moo-chelle the Presidency in his will with his other possessions.


11-05-2013, 04:13 PM
Because he's such a narcissist that he didn't think anyone would mind. Even if they did, He won the election, couldn't run again, so who cares? He got what he wanted and to hell with everyone else.

11-05-2013, 05:31 PM
Oh wise one, it means he will have more difficulty with both the opposition and his own party...

And salvaging his name-sake legislation and legacy. Both of which he likely cares about if he wants growth of government to have any credibility.

11-05-2013, 05:42 PM
Though it may be catching up with him. Gallup has his approval at 39%.

I'm surprised it's that high!

11-06-2013, 12:14 AM
I'm surprised it's that high!

Considering cognitive dissonance for those that voted for him, I'm glad so many are breaking away. It's going to be tough for the Democrats to reclaim them, but considering the GOP tendency to shoot themselves in the foot, unless someone comes out of the blue, not impossible.

The conservatives need someone to speak to the values of smaller government, controlling debt and spending, providing budgets, and creating a safety net based on local controls. Not only calling for the listed, but explaining why that is the way to go. Advocating national organizations like Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, etc., to build a network where money can be funneled from more prosperous areas to more needy.

Hanging Judge
11-06-2013, 12:39 AM
My Mom (God rest her heart) told my family and I when Ovomit was elected that it was the beginning of the end for the US as we know it. My children will never grow up with the freedoms I've enjoyed. We are nothing but government pawns, set to contribute to those whose carbon prints wouldn't make a wart on a dirty pigs arse. We are under the most corrupt regime this country has ever seen and it will only get worse unless Americans wake up and they wake up fast. We must by hook or crook or any way possible demand term limits. We must see to it that the Constitution is upheld and we must do it by any means necessary that does not violate said Constitution. I personally do not believe Ovomit has any intention of relinquishing the WH although it's possible a deal was made with Hellory that will continue their agenda. If we lose the vote in Congress his "fundamentally changed" will be the socialist order of the day. America will not survive under a socialist agenda. There will be blood in the streets and another civil war. What can you hope for? Hope won't get it done, action against it will.

red states rule
11-06-2013, 03:30 AM
What lie? Debbie said NOTHING she of Obama said was a lie. I swear these people have no honor, no conscience, and no morals


11-06-2013, 06:31 AM
Considering cognitive dissonance for those that voted for him, I'm glad so many are breaking away. It's going to be tough for the Democrats to reclaim them, but considering the GOP tendency to shoot themselves in the foot, unless someone comes out of the blue, not impossible.

The conservatives need someone to speak to the values of smaller government, controlling debt and spending, providing budgets, and creating a safety net based on local controls. Not only calling for the listed, but explaining why that is the way to go. Advocating national organizations like Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, etc., to build a network where money can be funneled from more prosperous areas to more needy.

Kathianne... if I weren't virtual, I'd kiss you... that is so well put

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-06-2013, 07:57 AM
And salvaging his name-sake legislation and legacy. Both of which he likely cares about if he wants growth of government to have any credibility. I keep reading that people are saying how much he cares about his legacy but I am convinced he cares far more about advancing his socialist agenda and destroying the nation than his legacy. That is unless you meant that is his legacy! If that was your point then I agree whole heartedly.. ;)--Tyr

11-06-2013, 03:42 PM
Here is the Obama Legacy...understood by even those who do not understand English....

5754 Can be brushed on, or applied LIBERALLY.

11-06-2013, 04:30 PM
The conservatives need someone to speak to the values of smaller government, controlling debt and spending, providing budgets, and creating a safety net based on local controls. Not only calling for the listed, but explaining why that is the way to go. Advocating national organizations like Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, etc., to build a network where money can be funneled from more prosperous areas to more needy.

Is there any reason to think such a conservative wouldn't simply get treated like Sarah Palin? Again?

11-06-2013, 04:53 PM
Is there any reason to think such a conservative wouldn't simply get treated like Sarah Palin? Again?

When/if this conservative has the ability to give an interview and not get had by the likes of Katie Couric.

11-06-2013, 04:57 PM
Is there any reason to think such a conservative wouldn't simply get treated like Sarah Palin? Again?
When/if this conservative has the ability to give an interview and not get had by the likes of Katie Couric.

Wouldn't make any difference. Democrats main key to winning, is denigrating and character-assassinating their opponents. If they can't find reasons to do it, they'll invent some.

The actions of the conservative are irrelevant. He'll get run into the ground regardless.

11-06-2013, 05:04 PM
Wouldn't make any difference. Democrats main key to winning, is denigrating and character-assassinating their opponents. If they can't find reasons to do it, they'll invent some.

The actions of the conservative are irrelevant. He'll get run into the ground regardless.

I disagree, they may try but the media has an uphill battle except when they get an assist from the candidate.

11-06-2013, 05:07 PM
What lie? Debbie said NOTHING she of Obama said was a lie. I swear these people have no honor, no conscience, and no morals

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw-Vuni0EYQ ROFLMAO...She's reading a teleprompter for her reply to the question. Skip to 1:09 ish and listen to her pronunciation of "misled"...she says "myzulld".

11-06-2013, 05:14 PM
ROFLMAO...She's reading a teleprompter for her reply to the question. Skip to 1:09 ish and listen to her pronunciation of "misled"...she says "myzulld".

Missileman. Agreed. FUNNY, FUNNY STUFF. Especially when we consider how people like Debbie Does Obama Wasserman Shits actually are convinced...through constant repetition...that everything they say is True.

Looks like they are depending on the really, really, really dumb, ignorant, stupid Americans who voted for Obammer twice...to be the foolish Americans who would fall for their lies, again, and again.
And the rest of the World who watches, and hears That Woman, and Other Democrats repeat the lies...keep on laughing too!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-06-2013, 11:09 PM
Kathianne... if I weren't virtual, I'd kiss you... that is so well put I know what you mean. Many a time I have felt the same way about her , Sassy and Abbey's posts. Of course could not actually do so because my wife would beat me for it. :laugh:--Tyr

11-07-2013, 12:07 AM
Is there any reason to think such a conservative wouldn't simply get treated like Sarah Palin? Again?

Sarah Palin in many ways had the right messages, but her delivery left a lot to be desired. Michelle Bachman has a similar problem, IMO moreso.

I agree that folks like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie are not going to carry the right, same problem Mitt had.

Obamacare has provided a great opportunity to liberal opposition, but there must be a get the right to vote, while not alienating the undecideds. Sounding like the poor should 'get with the program' and looking at minority crime on whites, isn't the way to go, again IMO.

GW was onto something with 'compassionate conservatism.' 9/11 changed his agenda from domestic to war, but a bright politician would look at what he intended. Government aid isn't going to disappear anytime soon, but efforts can be made to encourage private organizations to provide alternatives that many would find more conducive to finding help that could provide ways to self-sufficiency. Much has to do with the ability to communicate.

One can be pro-life, while acknowledging that Choice is currently the law. One can encourage states to make adoption easier and less expensive. There can be changes made in fostering system, which is again state controlled, but with leadership could provide encouragement to helping the children. Bazinga! The Conservatives could start with 'the children' and 'those that need a hand up, not just handouts.'

red states rule
11-07-2013, 05:20 AM
Right now the flavor of the month is Chris Christie. He is getting fawning press coverage and all they talk about is how he "reaches out to those on the other side"

BS it is all a set up

IF Christie gets the nomination he will find out the same thing John McCain found out. The liberal media HATES anyone who stands in the way of a Dem seeking political office. I suspect Chris will be shocked by the treatment the same way McCain was.

John loved the glowing coverage when he poked his finger in the eye of GWB and Chris loved the coverage as he gave the one finger salute to R's in Congress over trying to take the pork of the Sandy relief bill

But that will change in a heartbeat if Chris takes on Hillary in 2016

red states rule
11-07-2013, 05:27 AM
Here is the Obama Legacy...understood by even those who do not understand English....

5754 Can be brushed on, or applied LIBERALLY.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2013, 11:04 AM
Sarah Palin in many ways had the right messages, but her delivery left a lot to be desired. Michelle Bachman has a similar problem, IMO moreso.

I agree that folks like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie are not going to carry the right, same problem Mitt had.

Obamacare has provided a great opportunity to liberal opposition, but there must be a get the right to vote, while not alienating the undecideds. Sounding like the poor should 'get with the program' and looking at minority crime on whites, isn't the way to go, again IMO.

GW was onto something with 'compassionate conservatism.' 9/11 changed his agenda from domestic to war, but a bright politician would look at what he intended. Government aid isn't going to disappear anytime soon, but efforts can be made to encourage private organizations to provide alternatives that many would find more conducive to finding help that could provide ways to self-sufficiency. Much has to do with the ability to communicate.

One can be pro-life, while acknowledging that Choice is currently the law. One can encourage states to make adoption easier and less expensive. There can be changes made in fostering system, which is again state controlled, but with leadership could provide encouragement to helping the children. Bazinga! The Conservatives could start with 'the children' and 'those that need a hand up, not just handouts.' I agree. To win the Republican candidate will have to be seen as compassionate out the whazoooooo! Equally important is that candidate will have to be smart enough not to let one of the communist media guys trap him into answering a question that is set to up as a trap and the media will attempt that many times. They always do. I hate to have to say this but even should we get such a good candidate the amount of voter cheating that goes on and is systematic with the Dem party will quite likely still defeat that person. As of now that cheating is at such a level in the key states that its just about impossible for our guy to win. And it will continue that way because our government is just that damn corrupt and the people are just that damn stupid and too bought off to demand a stop be put to it. One example would be the huge amount of illegal foreign campaign contributions Obama got both runs. He wins and thus the responsible agencies that possibly would investigate and prosecute are silenced by his authority. As I stated previously I believe its too corrupted for we the people to ever get a chance to put in our guy now. Doesn't mean that we must not try but a stacked deck is hard to beat.. Should we by some miracle ever get our guy in again his top priority must be to break the dem vote corruption machine IMHO. You have no real freedom if you can not fairly elect your representatives . We've seen that these last two elections. -Tyr

red states rule
11-09-2013, 05:42 AM
When it come to Obama, it is all about priorities and what he considers important and what needs his personal attention


red states rule
11-11-2013, 10:57 AM

11-11-2013, 11:56 AM
Sarah Palin in many ways had the right messages, but her delivery left a lot to be desired. Michelle Bachman has a similar problem, IMO moreso.

I agree that folks like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie are not going to carry the right, same problem Mitt had.

Obamacare has provided a great opportunity to liberal opposition, but there must be a get the right to vote, while not alienating the undecideds. Sounding like the poor should 'get with the program' and looking at minority crime on whites, isn't the way to go, again IMO.

GW was onto something with 'compassionate conservatism.' 9/11 changed his agenda from domestic to war, but a bright politician would look at what he intended. Government aid isn't going to disappear anytime soon, but efforts can be made to encourage private organizations to provide alternatives that many would find more conducive to finding help that could provide ways to self-sufficiency. Much has to do with the ability to communicate.

One can be pro-life, while acknowledging that Choice is currently the law. One can encourage states to make adoption easier and less expensive. There can be changes made in fostering system, which is again state controlled, but with leadership could provide encouragement to helping the children. Bazinga! The Conservatives could start with 'the children' and 'those that need a hand up, not just handouts.'

Several republicans have said the right things, some have proposed some of the above. the problem is 2 fold
1 you mentioned before. to many people are concerned with "delivery" or style over content. If the right is looking for a solid republican who is as smooth as Obama was, before people will "get it", well good luck with that.

The other is the one that bugs me the most.
Republicans often SAY a lot of Great things from time to time but FAIL to really deliver. over and over and over again. no new taxes, contract with America, smaller gov't, no nation building, reduce the debt, pro-life agenda, pro family values , no U.N agendas, no corruption like the Ds , ok cough yes tea party ticket cough if we have too... we'll we didn't do it because...
the right has allowed IT'S cognitive dissonance to allow them to be satified with the lame excuses and apologies and to let all of it's so0called values slide, to the point where torture, once condemned by the right, is embraced like it was a command from Jesus.

So OK where's the beef?
I've seen 30 years of republican talk but the votes and executive orders and the steady decline put the lie to all of the fine conservative philosophy and constitutional drum beating served up every election year.
I've asked before do you REALLY want to have the constitution and conservative values or will people be satisfied just to have an R in the whitehouse or congress who "understands " conservative values but votes RINO because that's what it REALLY takes to get into office. how many years of voting to RepublicanLight and MORE big gov't BEFORE people finally "get it"?

some here are willing to talk about revolution others seems willing to compromise nearly everything just to get Rs in the seats in washington.

I just don't understand those extremes. when the middle ground of radial POLITICS is left untried by the right. and thought "impractical".

why the right doesn't want to get it's hands drity with protest, boycots, sit in, taking over from the rinos , but have let the Tea party be taken over and Glen Beck (though he's done some good) sideline the legit actions that could be taken by people that show up and sit on the mall in Washington who should be visiting each congressmans office while there and burning their phones lines up with calls breaking the postman back with letters. and confronting them at every opportunity to DO what they where elected to do. They aren't going to do it by us being polite and leaving them just to do their jobs.
and ..
i'm rambling bye.

red states rule
11-12-2013, 05:05 AM
Missileman. Agreed. FUNNY, FUNNY STUFF. Especially when we consider how people like Debbie Does Obama Wasserman Shits actually are convinced...through constant repetition...that everything they say is True.

Looks like they are depending on the really, really, really dumb, ignorant, stupid Americans who voted for Obammer twice...to be the foolish Americans who would fall for their lies, again, and again.
And the rest of the World who watches, and hears That Woman, and Other Democrats repeat the lies...keep on laughing too!

and as we get closer to Thanksgiving.....................
