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View Full Version : Obama on Ocare:"Like having good product in store and the cash registers don't work"

11-07-2013, 12:49 PM
A "good" product???

What good product would that be?

A mandatory insurance plan that usually forces you out of the plan you wanted, and costs more, and has higher deductibles, and has features you'll never use but requires that you pay for them or face stiff penalties?

If that's "good", I'd hate to see what these people consider "bad".

Sure, the website is a train wreck. But that's actually the least of Obamacare's problems.

In fact, Obamacare is something that most people don't want, have never wanted, and resent being forced into against their will. Even if the website worked perfectly, people still wouldn't want it.

And the Obamanites knew that going in. Why else did they feel they had to make it mandatory? Because they knew people wouldn't sign up, unless they were forced to.

Obama said long ago, that he and his cronies were on the verge of fundamentally transforming the United States of America. And he meant it.

And now the American people are finding out just what he intended to transform it to... and they don't want any part of it.



Obama on O'care: "Like having a really good product in a store and the cash registers don't work"

Greg Hengler | Nov 07, 2013

"...and there aren't enough parking spots and nobody can get through the door."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-08-2013, 09:53 AM
Sure thing. Lie about a product to get it on the store shelves and then when customers go there they find it cost double or triple the advertised price and delivers far, far less than advertised. Lets use a car as an example. ADVERTYISED AT THE PRICE OF 10K AND PROMISED TO GIVE A 2500 DOLLAR A YEAR IN GAS SAVINGS. YOU GO TO THE DELEALER SHIP AFTER HAVING PAID ONLINE ONLY TO FIND YOU OWE ANOTHER 20K just to pick it up and the gas mileage is less than half the average of any other car! What a freaking scam , one that would certainly send its creators into a long prison sentence. Yet we that screamed it was a scam and a corrupt vehicle created for the express purpose of gaining more control and more power were called every insulting name in the book. Now those that supported it and screamed for are getting hit hard too but--- their--- screaming now should be laughed at. I feel no pity for the fool that was warned but tried to shoot the person warning him/her... I've always hoped that reality and justice hit that person right in the ass as hard as possible. Looks like it has taken a few years but that is happening. The sad part is we that knew and tried to warn will suffer as well. That applies to the election of the bastard twice that is the main swindler in this scam. And he doesn't give a damn because he got what he wanted twice and can not be touched by justice. Suck on that all you GD lemmings, bambots and other assorted dumbass asshats!! I hope it breaks financially every damn one of you bastards!! --Tyr

11-08-2013, 01:14 PM
The president forgot to mention that the customer is REQUIRED BY LAW to shop at that particular store or face punitive measures.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 03:58 AM