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View Full Version : Single women go for McAwful 67 to 25%

11-07-2013, 08:10 PM
Unmarried women are looking at government for everything, and when unmarried women look to government for everything, they find Democrats.

Basically Obamacare and the entire Democrat agenda basically says to unmarried women, "You are discriminated against, you're treated unfairly, you get taken advantage of, you don't get any relationships. Nobody loves you. You end up having babies that you can't support. The dreaded fathers are never around; they walk out on you. They don't pay their child support; we will. They don't pay your prenatal, your postnatal; we will.
"They don't pay for your little garden in the back of your 800-square-foot studio apartment. We will. They don't pay for your bus tokens to ride our mass transit; we will. They're not gonna give you birth control pills so you go out and do whatever you want with whoever you want however many times; we will. But we're here to help you because we know that men have mistreated you, and men have taken advantage of you, and men have done unspeakable things to you.

"We Democrats, we are here to take care of you," and, you know, go back to the soccer mom era where maybe some of this start, but this is a fundamental aspect of militant feminism. And it has basically taught that men are the enemy, that they are the power structure, that they are predatory. They're brutes, they're uncaring, they will beat you up, they'll beat up your kids. They will never show up for work. They won't give you any money, all of this.

The Democrat Party rides into the rescue to make up for all of that that these brute men do not give women.

Gee, and I thought adults wanted to take care of themselves!

http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2013/11/07/virginia_exit_polls_confirm_when_unmarried_women_l ook_to_government_for_everything_they_find_democra ts

11-07-2013, 09:13 PM
Gee, and I thought adults wanted to take care of themselves!

http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2013/11/07/virginia_exit_polls_confirm_when_unmarried_women_l ook_to_government_for_everything_they_find_democra ts

tailfins. What they intentionally LEFT OUT of all of their reporting was...those unmarried women are also among the most uneducated, but easiest led who depend on government for everything since the males in their lives...are too busy playing Hoods, and selling drugs as Pimps for the other young women who are about to become Unmarried, Pregnant, and just as Uneducated.

11-07-2013, 09:32 PM
tailfins. What they intentionally LEFT OUT of all of their reporting was...those unmarried women are also among the most uneducated, but easiest led who depend on government for everything since the males in their lives...are too busy playing Hoods, and selling drugs as Pimps for the other young women who are about to become Unmarried, Pregnant, and just as Uneducated.

Virginia is just over 20% black. If you distill that out, you still get a 25+ point lead among single non-black women.