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View Full Version : Cartoonist Toles Compares ObamaCare Critics to Segregationist George Wallace

red states rule
11-09-2013, 04:34 AM
Anytime one disagrees with a liberal on any topic - sooner or later you will be tagged a racist. As the left finds itself boxed into a corner defending Obamacare - it is only natural some of those defenders pull the race card from the bottom of the deck

We here at NewsBusters usually pay no mind to Tom Toles, the editorial cartoonist for the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/toles). He's paid to render his opinion through his work -- although the quality of both his cartooning the cleverness of his observations are, to be charitable, debatable -- so it takes something really egregious to get on our radar.
That happened today when Mr. Toles compared Republican critics of ObamaCare with segregationist Democrat George Wallace, depicting the iconic Republican elephant mascot standing in a doorway marked "health care door" and proclaiming

Non-universal coverage now, Non-universal coverage tomorrow, Non-universal coverage forever, Has a certain ring to it.
That is patently reprehensible and utterly offensive to the real victims of segregation, not to mention it's a ham-handed attempt at shaming Republicans for their legitimate policy disagreements with ObamaCare.

The last time we criticized Toles was back in May 2012 for a cartoon in which he suggested that it would be great if critics of same-sex marriage would "hurry up" and die off (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2012/05/10/washpost-cartoonist-opponents-same-sex-marriage-hurry-and-die).

The Washington Post would do well to look at today's editorial cartoon as one of many reasons the broadsheet is hemorrhaging subscribers


Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2013/11/08/washpost-cartoonist-toles-compares-obamacare-critics-segregationist-ge#ixzz2k8hgMvtE

11-09-2013, 05:08 PM
Maybe someone should tell him George Wallace was a democrat.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-09-2013, 07:57 PM
Maybe someone should tell him George Wallace was a democrat.Wallace described himself as a proud nig*** hating democrat... perhaps he should be told that.. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

11-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Hey, Everybody! Shhhhhhhhhh! Don't give liberals any honest facts, like Wallace being a Democrat. That will send all of them into an Obama Tizzy. Trying to fathom how a Democrat like Wallace ever managed to expose Liberals, Democrats, and Progressives so long ago. And setting the STANDARDS they HIDE behind today.

11-09-2013, 09:03 PM
It's shooting fish in a barrel to point out the prejudices of Democrats over the past 150 years. Yes, even in the past 50 years in spades, no pun intended. Republicans, not conservatives need to man up here though, many of those 'democrats' now feel a safe haven in GOP. That is wrong and they should feel the heat. It needs to be addressed, loudly and without caveats. Conservatives are for good government for all, smaller and more responsive. They are for the most local control possible, acknowledging that some issues are really too big to be local, but striving for reducing the issues to such. In point, healthcare. Sort of a current topic, no? Currently too big and too expensive for any state to address on their own, especially those states that have many below the poverty line. Solution possible? Find a way to help the very poor get healthy through direct benefits and education on nutrition and how to achieve best results. Use federal for medical and supplementing food, while using state and local resources for education on nutrition and how to do so. Failure to participate results in cuts in benefits and visits from DCFS. Continued resistance results in children being put in foster care, with short steps towards adoptions. Not well thought out, I admit. Bottom line, I believe most parents, single or not, want their children to thrive. They also want themselves to thrive, but are punished for taking steps to free themselves from the 'government help.' Men and women thrive best with a partner, children do so more with two loving adults than one or none. The government should make it worth the effort for sustaining long term relationships, not punishing those that have two adults. This has been an issue since the 1960's, Daniel Patrick Moniyihan saw it early on, but it's never too late. The 'war on poverty' rendered the black male, (long term, any impoverished male) impotent. Unsurprisingly with the female and offspring 'cared for' the male kept up the booty call life. Nothing there to tie him down. The kids suffered for lack of male models. They ate and were housed, but had no strong models. Women lost benefits if they began to succeed in careers beyond sustenance. Thus success was absent for the children. No male or female success. Criminals though? Oh yeah, they succeeded, without tax problems. Unless arrested, but how likely was that?

red states rule
11-10-2013, 08:59 AM
One of the biggest left wing racist bomb thrower is Chris Matthews. Here are a couple of his worst racist comments

Click the link to see the rest of his Top 20 "hits"

Unlike Some Racist Republicans, Christie Doesn’t Have a ‘Physical Rejection’ of Obama

<IFRAME height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/123883" frameBorder=0 width=520></IFRAME>

If You’re Anti-ObamaCare, You Must Be a Bigot

<IFRAME height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/123555" frameBorder=0 width=520></IFRAME>

Any Scrutiny of Obama is Racism

<IFRAME height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/121502" frameBorder=0 width=520></IFRAME>

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/geoffrey-dickens/2013/11/07/top-20-worst-chris-matthews-quotes-calling-obama-critics-racist#ixzz2kFclvQNv