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View Full Version : Most uninsured ignoring healthcare exchanges

red states rule
11-09-2013, 04:47 AM
Who will the Obamacare defenders blame for this? After all they were told this would happen as Dems were ramming the bill through Congress

So what was the point of all this drama? Why did Democrats pass this awful health care law? Wasn’t it to ensure that those without healthcare insurance would finally be covered?

Hmmm … maybe someone should have asked the uninsured whether or not it was a priority for them. Gallup tells us most of them are ignoring the push for them to enroll (http://www.gallup.com/poll/165776/uninsured-americans-ignoring-health-exchange-sites.aspx):
In the midst of widespread news coverage of problems with the federal health exchange website, relatively few uninsured Americans (18%) — the primary target population for the exchanges — have so far attempted to visit an exchange website. The percentage is slightly higher, 22%, among uninsured Americans who say they plan to get insurance through the exchanges.

These results are based on a series of questions Gallup asked uninsured Americans about the health exchanges from Oct. 23-Nov. 6.

Not exactly what one would call a “thundering herd” of uninsured, is it? In fact:
Gallup previously found (http://www.gallup.com/poll/165668/uninsured-aware-health-insurance-requirement.aspx) that less than half of uninsured Americans (44%) who plan to get insurance say they will do so through an exchange, and about one in four say they are more likely to pay a fine instead of getting insurance. These findings help explain the low percentage of the uninsured who have attempted to access the exchange websites.

They certainly do. They also help explain why ObamaCare is likely to fail miserably. The only group which saw this as a huge priority were Democrats in Congress and the White House. Despite anecdotal complaints, the vast majority of Americans were either happy with their health care situation or felt fine without insurance (those usually being the young and healthy who saw no need for it at the time).
