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View Full Version : ESPN Panelist Unloads on ‘War Anthem’ and ‘Mythology’ of Fallen Army Soldier

red states rule
11-09-2013, 05:11 AM
This guy embodies the modern far left moon bat. In one outburst he smears the US, the National Anthem, and a soldier who paid the ultimate price

If you ask journalism Professor Kevin Blackistone what he thinks about the special and controversial Northwestern University football jerseys (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/05/uniforms-honoring-wounded-warriors-criticized-for-looking-like-a-flag-covered-in-blood/) adorned with an American flag, he’ll tell you the country should nix the playing of a “war anthem” before sporting events and that the NFL has bought into the “mythology” of a fallen soldier that once played for the Arizona Cardinals.

How do we know? Because that’s exactly the rant he went on during a Wednesday afternoon segment of “Around the Horn” on ESPN.

The segment — which features a panel of sports commentators from around the country — was part of the show’s “Buy or Sell” section where guests affirm whether they would like to “buy” things they like or “sell” things they don’t. Host Tony Reali brought up the uniforms and asked each panelist if they would like to “buy” or “sell” them.

Blackstone didn’t hold back.

“I’m going to sell it too…,” Blackistone said, agreeing with a fellow panelist. “And if you sell this along with me you should also be selling the rest of the military symbolism embrace of sports: whether it’s the singing of a war anthem to open every game, whether it’s going to get a hotdog and being able to sign up for the Army at the same time, whether it’s the NFL’s embracing of the mythology of the Pat Tillman story. It’s has been going on in sports since the first National Anthem was played in the World Series back in 1917, and it’s time for people to back away.”


11-09-2013, 07:01 AM
"journalism professor" these days equates to liberal political hack with a socialist agenda.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:03 AM
"journalism professor" these days equates to liberal political hack with a socialist agenda.

And it is amazing to see such and "educated" person does not grasp that those men and women (and that includes you) fought to protect the freedom he is using to smear those men and women

I would love to see him try that crap in say Cuba, Russia, Syria, or anywhere else in the Middle East

11-09-2013, 07:14 AM
Fortunately for all of us, we do not live in any of those other countries. He has a right to say whatever he pleases. His assertions do not make his statements true, no matter how vehemently he espouses them of how many others agree. All that being said, it is my assumption that professors such as he make these kinds of statements for much the same reason some posters here make asinine posts. They love watching the ensuing controversy and it lends some excitement to their otherwise dull and dreary existence.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:19 AM
Fortunately for all of us, we do not live in any of those other countries. He has a right to say whatever he pleases. His assertions do not make his statements true, no matter how vehemently he espouses them of how many others agree. All that being said, it is my assumption that professors such as he make these kinds of statements for much the same reason some posters here make asinine posts. They love watching the ensuing controversy and it lends some excitement to their otherwise dull and dreary existence.

Everyone is the nation has the right to be an asshole but "professors" like him are now abusing the privilege. I disagree with you however as he said it because he actually believes what he says

Again, because of folks like you he is able to exercise that right

11-09-2013, 07:37 AM
Everyone is the nation has the right to be an asshole but "professors" like him are now abusing the privilege. I disagree with you however as he said it because he actually believes what he says

Again, because of folks like you he is able to exercise that right

It is pretty hard to determine if he truly believes what he says and it doesn't really matter as long as others believe what he says! That he is able to exercise the right to free speech is a testament to the concepts of freedom contained in our Constitution. I don't agree with the good professor (obviously) but I don't have to believe every utterance from the village idiot either. That is another beautiful aspect of our form of government as well. So, in this case I prefer to believe I that I defended MY right not believe the idiot! That lets me sleep better at night ...

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:44 AM
It is pretty hard to determine if he truly believes what he says and it doesn't really matter as long as others believe what he says! That he is able to exercise the right to free speech is a testament to the concepts of freedom contained in our Constitution. I don't agree with the good professor (obviously) but I don't have to believe every utterance from the village idiot either. That is another beautiful aspect of our form of government as well. So, in this case I prefer to believe I that I defended MY right not believe the idiot! That lets me sleep better at night ...

I doubt if many people agree with the idiot CSM. However it will be interesting to see if ESPN does anything to him for his over the top smear. If they do, he can play the victim card - something that libs are always doing

11-09-2013, 07:48 AM
I doubt if many people agree with the idiot CSM. However it will be interesting to see if ESPN does anything to him for his over the top smear. If they do, he can play the victim card - something that libs are always doing

ESPN will do nothing. Sadly, there are some who will not only believe but embrace his stance. Never underestimate the depths of ignorance among the sheep.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:51 AM
ESPN will do nothing. Sadly, there are some who will not only believe but embrace his stance. Never underestimate the depths of ignorance among the sheep.

I believe it was JFK who said you can tell a lot about a nation on how it treats their returning vets. If they do nothing, ESPN will show unmistakably how they view our vets

11-09-2013, 07:57 AM
It is really sad that political ideology has somehow managed to intermingle with sports. It won't be long before we execute members of our Olympic teams for failing to bring home the gold. I exaggerate ... maybe

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:00 AM
It is really sad that political ideology has somehow managed to intermingle with sports. It won't be long before we execute members of our Olympic teams for failing to bring home the gold. I exaggerate ... maybe

You nailed it

Tune in to watch a football game and you get a lecture on gun control and how the Redskins need to change their name

Like a cancer, liberalism simply continues to spread and grow