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View Full Version : UC Berkeley Student Government Bans Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’

11-09-2013, 11:49 AM
What the hell is wrong with these people? I know this is liberal central, but still. I didn't know that meant that you toss out ALL common sense and facts. Apparently now labeling someone based on the FACTS is something that can't be tolerated. :rolleyes:

The UC Berkeley student government has banned the term “illegal immigrant” from its discourse, deeming the phrase racist, offensive, unfair and derogatory.

In an unanimous vote, student senators passed a resolution that stated the word “illegal” is “racially charged,” “dehumanizes” people, and contributes to “punitive and discriminatory actions aimed primarily at immigrants and communities of color.”

The “resolution in support of drop the I-word campaign” was approved 18 to 0 with one abstention on Oct. 30, according to a copy of the meeting’s minutes obtained by The College Fix.

Its approval marks at least the second time this semester that a public university’s student government has voted to eradicate the phrase. UCLA passed a nearly identical measure in late August.

There are an estimated 900 students in the country illegally who are currently enrolled in the 10-campus, University of California system, according to UC officials. These students live in “fear” because former Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano is now president of the UC system, according to the resolution, which aims to “create a safe campus environment for all students.”

“The ‘I’ word is legally inaccurate since being out of status is a civil rather than criminal infraction,” states the resolution, which notes some journalists have stopped using the term.

“No human being is illegal,” the resolution continues. “ ‘Foreign nationals,’ ‘undocumented immigrants,’ ‘immigrants without papers’ and ‘immigrants seeking status’ are examples of terms we can use that do not dehumanize people.”

The resolution also calls for administrators and faculty to attend an “UndocuAlly training workshop.”

Several student senators praised the resolution, the meeting’s minutes state.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-09-2013, 01:57 PM
What the hell is wrong with these people? I know this is liberal central, but still. I didn't know that meant that you toss out ALL common sense and facts. Apparently now labeling someone based on the FACTS is something that can't be tolerated. :rolleyes:

http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/15260/ Just more proof of what many of us have been saying about the Socialist higher education centers.. Media first, socialist professors second... --Tyr

11-09-2013, 02:35 PM
They can call them unregistered democrats now. Or more correctly undocumented communists.

11-09-2013, 05:43 PM
What the hell is wrong with these people? I know this is liberal central, but still. I didn't know that meant that you toss out ALL common sense and facts. Apparently now labeling someone based on the FACTS is something that can't be tolerated. :rolleyes:


What about non-citizen counterfeiters?

11-09-2013, 06:26 PM
All anyone needed to say were the words "UC Berkeley". Much like saying Ninth Circuit Court, Nancy Pelosi, Than Fran Thisco, or Political Correctness...sung by the Village People.

It's CRAZYFORNIA. What else should anyone expect from the home of Hollyweird????

11-10-2013, 08:18 AM
LOL. Yeah, that will fix the problem. Let's wait a few years and see how those students feel when their home is broken into or worse by an "immigrant seeking status". These students may be 'educated' but they sure seem to lack intelligence.

11-10-2013, 08:30 AM
foreign nationals residing here without benefit of justification......

11-10-2013, 04:34 PM
Think about it everyone. Of course UC Berkeley students would ban that term.

It probably applies to all of them, and their families who are here Illegally, and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for every day.

11-10-2013, 06:32 PM
and Illegal is only dehumanizing if you read it that way.

an Illegal driver, someone without a license
an illegal drinker, a kid below legal drinking age.
an illegal passenger, someone on plane/train/boat trip they didn't pay for.

It may not be flattering but it's not De-Humanizing. And in fact it's fairly technical.
But i'm trying to be logical. This is obviously just left wing emotional hot whiz. More style over substance politics.

I wonder if they've banned any terms the left uses against the Tea-Party or republicans as dehumanizing? Some of the terms used against Rick Santorum certainly weren't very tolerant.
And Is Woman hater a technical term when used against pro-lifers?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-10-2013, 08:00 PM
and Illegal is only dehumanizing if you read it that way.

an Illegal driver, someone without a license
an illegal drinker, a kid below legal drinking age.
an illegal passenger, someone on plane/train/boat trip they didn't pay for.

It may not be flattering but it's not De-Humanizing. And in fact it's fairly technical.
But i'm trying to be logical. This is obviously just left wing emotional hot whiz. More style over substance politics.

I wonder if they've banned any terms the left uses against the Tea-Party or republicans as dehumanizing? Some of the terms used against Rick Santorum certainly weren't very tolerant.
And Is Woman hater a technical term when used against pro-lifers? Now, now Rev the terms of degradation used by the enlightened few, the chosen ones are never to be abandoned . Why stoop to such a low level? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:--Tyr

11-10-2013, 11:56 PM
Think about it everyone. Of course UC Berkeley students would ban that term.

It probably applies to all of them, and their families who are here Illegally, and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for every day.

Of course, being a demented cartoon character with a 9th grade education, you don't understand the fact that Cal is not only one of the most expensive schools in the country, but also one of the most selective. It is doubtful that any illegal immigrant could afford to attend, nor would they qualify for admission.
When I went to Cal, most students were too busy studying to care about student government. It was just a small group of people trying to get noticed. Sort of like the City of Berkeley itself.
I am surprised that so many of you still envision Cal-Berkeley as a relic of the late 60's. There are more conservatives now than liberals. They just don't go yelling about it.
Of course, this response will fly way over the head of senile folks who still go to Haight-Ashbury looking for hippies and stoners. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2013, 10:28 AM
Of course, being a demented cartoon character with a 9th grade education, you don't understand the fact that Cal is not only one of the most expensive schools in the country, but also one of the most selective. It is doubtful that any illegal immigrant could afford to attend, nor would they qualify for admission.
When I went to Cal, most students were too busy studying to care about student government. It was just a small group of people trying to get noticed. Sort of like the City of Berkeley itself.
I am surprised that so many of you still envision Cal-Berkeley as a relic of the late 60's. There are more conservatives now than liberals. They just don't go yelling about it.
Of course, this response will fly way over the head of senile folks who still go to Haight-Ashbury looking for hippies and stoners. :rolleyes: That is not the way your favored Obama/dem owned supporting media portrays Cal.. Why do they represent it as a liberal hotbed of supreme enlightenment? Is it to garner unjustified and very much undeserved respect for its graduating liberal/socialist members? Face it California and its colleges(Cal included) are by and large totally ffed up as a whole.. I plan on my son taking college classes in about 11 years and I wouldn't send him to California for that even if it was offered for free! Not even the very few conservative type colleges there because I never want my son to ever be in California for a visit even! Why would any loving parent want to send their child to such a cesspool? California has been a totally ffed up place since the late 60's IMHO.. My aunt Faye lived there from 1942 until her death in 1998= 56 years. She loved the climate and the scenery but dearly hated the culture of liberal idiocy as she called it. As an adult I've researched it a lot since I once had a fantastic ,very high paying job offer there over 16 years ago. I turned it down because my daughter was 8 years old then and no way was I going to subject her to such a cesspool , liberal education and liberal minded asshats.. She has now grown up to be a successful , responsible, very loving and generous person.. I being an adult could have stood it but her being a child could not have IMHO. --Tyr

11-15-2013, 11:41 AM
Of course, being a demented cartoon character with a 9th grade education, you don't understand the fact that Cal is not only one of the most expensive schools in the country, but also one of the most selective. It is doubtful that any illegal immigrant could afford to attend, nor would they qualify for admission.
When I went to Cal, most students were too busy studying to care about student government. It was just a small group of people trying to get noticed. Sort of like the City of Berkeley itself.
I am surprised that so many of you still envision Cal-Berkeley as a relic of the late 60's. There are more conservatives now than liberals. They just don't go yelling about it.
Of course, this response will fly way over the head of senile folks who still go to Haight-Ashbury looking for hippies and stoners. :rolleyes:

i couldn't speak to the general political bent of the students on campus. but those in student gov't are clearly off the edge leftist.
Concerning the faculty there's 1 notably notorious Neo-con law prof John Yoo, Mr. -crush testicles is legal if needed-, Mr. torture memo Bush council, John Yoo.

I just took a quick trip to the UCB.edu website and did a search for "illegal immigrant" (http://www.berkeley.edu/search/index.shtml?cx=005819902514904969462%3Ag_ef7-0cl6u&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=%22Illegal+Immigrant%22&sa=Search&siteurl=www.berkeley.edu%2Fsearch%2Findex.shtml%3F q%3Dillegal%2Balien%26cx%3D005819902514904969462%2 53Ag_ef7-0cl6u%26cof%3DFORID%253A11&ref=www.berkeley.edu%2Facademics%2Fdept%2Fp.shtml&ss=2312j5011382j4)
there were almost 200 hits of the use of the term. I guess the ban policy is just for the students in council and that going forward.
Jack Citrin, the director, UCB Institute of Governmental Studies on 6/24/13 wrote a piece where he uses the term.

so yeah looks like the kids in the Student Council got a lot of media traction for something others on campus don't seem that "sensitive" to.

11-15-2013, 11:57 AM
Of course, being a demented cartoon character with a 9th grade education, you don't understand the fact that Cal is not only one of the most expensive schools in the country, but also one of the most selective. It is doubtful that any illegal immigrant could afford to attend, nor would they qualify for admission.
When I went to Cal, most students were too busy studying to care about student government. It was just a small group of people trying to get noticed. Sort of like the City of Berkeley itself.
I am surprised that so many of you still envision Cal-Berkeley as a relic of the late 60's. There are more conservatives now than liberals. They just don't go yelling about it.
Of course, this response will fly way over the head of senile folks who still go to Haight-Ashbury looking for hippies and stoners. :rolleyes:

Read the story in the OP, then you will understand why some people still see Cal-Berkeley the way they do. It's a FACT that these people are illegals, and they want to somehow hide this or change the meaning.

But it is funny that you admit the liberals need to make a spectacle, while the conservatives don't find a need to be yelling about certain things. :)

11-15-2013, 02:37 PM
I am still nearly fully convinced that Gabby lives very close to THAN FRAN THISCO!

11-15-2013, 05:13 PM
The student government of pretty much any large university has very little power. Nothing they vote on has any meaning unless voted on by students and approved by the university as a while. It is sort of like if the city council of a city decides it wants to recommend something.

If any students at Cal are illegals, they are illegals with a lot of money and a lot of power. Or else they are extremely smart.
As I said before, it is usually the uneducated people who oppose higher education.

11-15-2013, 05:20 PM
The student government of pretty much any large university has very little power. Nothing they vote on has any meaning unless voted on by students and approved by the university as a while. It is sort of like if the city council of a city decides it wants to recommend something.

If any students at Cal are illegals, they are illegals with a lot of money and a lot of power. Or else they are extremely smart.
As I said before, it is usually the uneducated people who oppose higher education.

That I agree with, that they have little to no power. BUT, their words will speak for the school, especially from afar. I can't speak for others, but I don't think there are illegals at Cal, unless the government is giving out huge grants these days to legally challenged students.

11-15-2013, 05:28 PM
That I agree with, that they have little to no power. BUT, their words will speak for the school, especially from afar. I can't speak for others, but I don't think there are illegals at Cal, unless the government is giving out huge grants these days to legally challenged students.

They don't speak for anyone except themselves.
If I went on another board and wrote "I am from Debate Policy and I favor gun control," would my words speak for this board?

11-15-2013, 05:32 PM
They don't speak for anyone except themselves.
If I went on another board and wrote "I am from Debate Policy and I favor gun control," would my words speak for this board?

You wouldn't be a PART of the board, merely a member speaking for yourself. Maybe if you were staff it would be different. We're not talking about students speaking for themselves elsewhere, but rather the student government.


11-15-2013, 06:00 PM
The student government of pretty much any large university has very little power. Nothing they vote on has any meaning unless voted on by students and approved by the university as a while. It is sort of like if the city council of a city decides it wants to recommend something.

If any students at Cal are illegals, they are illegals with a lot of money and a lot of power. Or else they are extremely smart.
As I said before, it is usually the uneducated people who oppose higher education.

Right you are gabby. It IS usually the uneducated people who oppose higher education. Which is exactly why the Democrats, and Obama are so successful, and have been...at least, since the 60's, and the LBJ years.
Democrats, and Obama always convince the LESS educated...(their typical voters) that they (Democrats) want more money for Education. When the reality is. Democrats, and Obama need those people to remain Uneducated...making them easier targets, and more easily led into believing their DEMOCRAT/OBAMA lies.