View Full Version : 11/11 off topic

11-08-2013, 05:21 PM
You seem to think that I haven't backed up what I've been asserting ? I fail to understand that.

Observe, study FULLY, the contents of the post I'm supplying a link to, here ...

A post full of links that has font sizes changing all over the place? No thanks, how about prove your point rather than rambling and making a post look like a 3rd grade project?

Start anew… show that I am a 'lefty'. Have at it.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 04:06 AM
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh::laugh::lau gh:

I saw this and thought of FU and his women hating comments :laugh2:


11-09-2013, 06:36 AM
A post full of links that has font sizes changing all over the place? No thanks, how about prove your point rather than rambling and making a post look like a 3rd grade project?

Start anew… show that I am a 'lefty'. Have at it.

This is a joke ??

The fact that you're staunchly supporting a Leftie, Arbo, has to be indicative of SOMETHING. How can this not indicate one comrade fighting for the cause of another comrade ? H'mm ?

And, even more ludicrously, .... let me get this right ... you're rejecting consideration of the post I offered because it has different FONT SIZES ? And .. you don't like the links it contained ? What's the matter, Arbo .. are you afraid that those links might lead to evidence that I'm right ??

I thought it was YOU who suggested that a trawl through past posts should be able to prove past positions taken, and what they show us ? YET ... when confronted with a post giving links to JUST THOSE SORT OF EXAMPLES, YOU SUDDENLY DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT IT ????

... what a joke.

My answer to (and summary of) your post .... it's simply answered, with ....


red states rule
11-09-2013, 06:49 AM
This is a joke ??

The fact that you're staunchly supporting a Leftie, Arbo, has to be indicative of SOMETHING. How can this not indicate one comrade fighting for the cause of another comrade ? H'mm ?

And, even more ludicrously, .... let me get this right ... you're rejecting consideration of the post I offered because it has different FONT SIZES ? And .. you don't like the links it contained ? What's the matter, Arbo .. are you afraid that those links might lead to evidence that I'm right ??

I thought it was YOU who suggested that a trawl through past posts should be able to prove past positions taken, and what they show us ? YET ... when confronted with a post giving links to JUST THOSE SORT OF EXAMPLES, YOU SUDDENLY DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT IT ????

... what a joke.

My answer to (and summary of) your post .... it's simply answered, with ....


He is a joke Drummond. He is alike a small child desperate for attention. The only good thing Arbo is doing is getting in Jim's face every chance he gets. Hopefully we will not have to deal with him much longer as it is not a good idea to piss off someone with the power of the ban button

11-09-2013, 07:09 AM
He is a joke Drummond. He is alike a small child desperate for attention. The only good thing Arbo is doing is getting in Jim's face every chance he gets. Hopefully we will not have to deal with him much longer as it is not a good idea to piss off someone with the power of the ban button

No worries ... (and thanks for the reply) ..

I think my post above to Arbo hits the spot, frankly. Having been challenged to come up with evidence from past posts of what I've been asserting, only to then have me prove that I already had (!!!) ... was obviously too much for our friend. To chuck excuses back at me for not looking at that, on the grounds that he doesn't like the differing font sizes (!!!!!!) .. is too lame for words.

How ridiculous. I have to wonder how Arbo had the nerve to come up with that one.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:13 AM
No worries ... (and thanks for the reply) ..

I think my post above to Arbo hits the spot, frankly. Having been challenged to come up with evidence from past posts of what I've been asserting, only to then have me prove that I already had (!!!) ... was obviously too much for our friend. To chuck excuses back at me for not looking at that, on the grounds that he doesn't like the differing font sizes (!!!!!!) .. is too lame for words.

How ridiculous. I have to wonder how Arbo had the nerve to come up with that one.

Like FU, Arbo is a typical internet tough guy


11-09-2013, 07:46 AM
... FU ... women hating comments

Do you mean woman hating comments like this?

As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger jumps up frantically and announces, "If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman." She removes all her clothing and asks, "Is there someone on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?" A man stands up, removes his shirt and says, "Here, iron this!".


... FU ...

In your head I am. :laugh:

11-09-2013, 07:47 AM
Like FU, Arbo is a typical internet tough guy



... and with outdated equipment, no doubt (.. is that an old IBM monitor I see there, from the 1990's ?) ....

Maybe this explains his irritation over the fonts used ? Maybe his equipment can't cope with it all ??

That's what he gets for using his dad's stuff, after rescuing it from the garbage .. ? :laugh:

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:49 AM

... and with outdated equipment, no doubt (.. is that an old IBM monitor I see there, from the 1990's ?) ....

Maybe this explains his irritation over the fonts used ? Maybe his equipment can't cope with it all ??

That's what he gets for using his dad's stuff, after rescuing it from the garbage .. ? :laugh:

They are legends in their own mind Drummond, and when they want your opinion they will give it to you. A couple of tough guys who need backup when the punch a time clock

11-09-2013, 07:50 AM
Liberal Christians would disagree.

... and you would know .. ??:laugh:

.. whoops ..

11-09-2013, 07:51 AM
They are legends in their own mind Drummond, and when they want your opinion they will give it to you. A couple of tough guys who need backup when the punch a time clock:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

red states rule
11-09-2013, 07:53 AM
... and you would know .. ??:laugh:

.. whoops ..

That is what is known as a Freudian slip. Oh well, it is well known that confession is good for the soul Drummond

11-09-2013, 07:53 AM
... and you would know .. ??:laugh:

.. whoops ..

Sure, I go to church with plenty of them. :dunno:

11-09-2013, 07:58 AM
Sure, I go to church with plenty of them. :dunno:

As part of some sort of fraternity setup ?

Do you all meet up before the church service, or afterwards ?

Or maybe, both ?

11-09-2013, 08:00 AM
As part of some sort of fraternity setup ?

Do you all meet up before the church service, or afterwards ?

Or maybe, both ?

WTF are you even talking about???

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:02 AM
As part of some sort of fraternity setup ?

Do you all meet up before the church service, or afterwards ?

Or maybe, both ?

FU at church? I suspect the only time he perks up at the service is when the collection plate reaches him

and he is making change

11-09-2013, 08:04 AM
FU at church?

Of course. I wanted to make sure you didn't miss this:

... FU ... women hating comments

Do you mean woman hating comments like this?

As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger jumps up frantically and announces, "If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman." She removes all her clothing and asks, "Is there someone on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?" A man stands up, removes his shirt and says, "Here, iron this!".

Confession of hypocrisy is good for the soul... and lying too. ;)

11-09-2013, 08:08 AM
WTF are you even talking about???

Memory problems, FJ ? That attention-span thing coming back to plague you, perhaps ?

Actually ... taking THIS, from you, entirely literally ...

Sure, I go to church with plenty of them

... it seems I already have my answer. You GO TO church with PLENTY of them ... literally meaning ...

1. That if you GO TO the church with them, you journey there with them. From where ? A previous meeting-place ?

2. How do you KNOW they're all liberals, anyway, unless you've been in detailed conversation with them ??

Cue the consideration of HOW and WHERE all this came to be true ....

... whoops ...

11-09-2013, 08:11 AM
Memory problems, FJ ? That attention-span thing coming back to plague you, perhaps ?

Actually ... taking THIS, from you, entirely literally ...

... it seems I already have my answer. You GO TO church with PLENTY of them ... literally meaning ...

1. That if you GO TO the church with them, you journey there with them. From where ? A previous meeting-place ?

2. How do you KNOW they're all liberals, anyway, unless you've been in detailed conversation with them ??

Cue the consideration of HOW and WHERE all this came to be true ....

... whoops ...

:facepalm99: So the WTF of what you're talking about is your imagination.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:12 AM
Memory problems, FJ ? That attention-span thing coming back to plague you, perhaps ?

Actually ... taking THIS, from you, entirely literally ...

... it seems I already have my answer. You GO TO church with PLENTY of them ... literally meaning ...

1. That if you GO TO the church with them, you journey there with them. From where ? A previous meeting-place ?

2. How do you KNOW they're all liberals, anyway, unless you've been in detailed conversation with them ??

Cue the consideration of HOW and WHERE all this came to be true ....

... whoops ...

He attends the church of Liberalism, and bows at the alter of Obama

and the church's #1 sacrament is abortion

11-09-2013, 08:13 AM
He attends the church of Liberalism, and bows at the alter of Obama

and the church's #1 sacrament is abortion

:facepalm99: WTF are you even talking about??? Nevermind, run along little girl.

11-09-2013, 08:16 AM
:facepalm99: So the WTF of what you're talking about is your imagination.

1. I didn't imagine what YOU posted. If you're going to claim something, it needs to be TRUE ... us true Conservatives, FJ, already understand that.

2. My logical mind is not my 'imagination'. Your claim, to be true, adds up as I say it does.

So tell us. How DO you have the ability to identify these 'plenty' of 'liberal Christians' you claim to know about .. unless you've talked to them all ... in detail ?

Perhaps they all attend church, wearing whacking great sandwich boards, saying 'I am a liberal' .. ??

.... Inquiring minds want to know .... :laugh::laugh:

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:19 AM
1. I didn't imagine what YOU posted. If you're going to claim something, it needs to be TRUE ... us true Conservatives, FJ, already understand that.

2. My logical mind is not my 'imagination'. Your claim, to be true, adds up as I say it does.

So tell us. How DO you have the ability to identify these 'plenty' of 'liberal Christians' you claim to know about .. unless you've talked to them all ... in detail ?

Perhaps they all attend church, wearing whacking great sandwich boards, saying 'I am a liberal' .. ??

.... Inquiring minds want to know .... :laugh::laugh:

It is so sad Drummond. A self professed brilliant "conservative" has been reduced to dropping the F bomb and making women bashing comments

But it could not happen to a nicer guy!!!!

11-09-2013, 08:21 AM
He attends the church of Liberalism, and bows at the alter of Obama

and the church's #1 sacrament is abortion

... AHA !!

All is explained !!!
It's OK, FJ, don't fret. Red states has explained it for you !:laugh2:

11-09-2013, 08:25 AM
It is so sad Drummond. A self professed brilliant "conservative" has been reduced to dropping the F bomb and making women bashing comments

But it could not happen to a nicer guy!!!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to red states rule again.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:26 AM
... AHA !!

All is explained !!!
It's OK, FJ, don't fret. Red states has explained it for you !:laugh2:

Now he will make his now standard reply

F bomb, women hating comment, and lame attempt to play dumb

11-09-2013, 08:26 AM
... adds up as I say it does.

There's your problem right there, nothing adds up as you say.

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:27 AM
Called it again.

Damn it is scary how right I am

11-09-2013, 08:27 AM
... women hating comment...

I'm sure you "missed" the proof of your hypocrisy eh? :laugh:

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:29 AM
My FU is on a streak today. All those posts and he never says anything

But he is good at cherry-picking, hyperbole, and playing dumb. However I am beginning to wonder if he is playing or just being himself

11-09-2013, 08:32 AM
Called it again.

Damn it is scary how right I am:laugh2::laugh2::clap::clap::clap::clap:

11-09-2013, 08:32 AM
But he is good at cherry-picking...

So you did see the proof of your hypocrisy; Awesome. Let the denials begin. :)

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:35 AM

FU is so easy to predict. You know that yourself Drummond. Both of us have played his sorry ass like a violin. He lectured me to put Conhog on ignore and look at him - he keeps coming back for more.

The more his as is kicked and his ego deflated - the more he keeps coming back. He reminds me of a stray cat. Feed it once and it never goes away

11-09-2013, 08:38 AM
There's your problem right there, nothing adds up as you say.:laugh2::laugh2:

RSR evidently has you pegged, FJ.

And your comment above is untrue. In fact, my posting is logical, and properly addresses the 'strange' knowledge you have of somehow knowing you attend church with so many liberals.

You haven't explained how you have this knowledge, FJ. You have my explanation .. so, OK, let's have yours. How do you KNOW of their liberalism .. ??

-- Cue some crossings-out in lieu of an answer ? The 'playing dumb' tactic isn't really working for you (although there may be some ironic accuracy involved ..).

red states rule
11-09-2013, 08:45 AM

RSR evidently has you pegged, FJ.

And your comment above is untrue. In fact, my posting is logical, and properly addresses the 'strange' knowledge you have of somehow knowing you attend church with so many liberals.

You haven't explained how you have this knowledge, FJ. You have my explanation .. so, OK, let's have yours. How do you KNOW of their liberalism .. ??

-- Cue some crossings-out in lieu of an answer ? The 'playing dumb' tactic isn't really working for you (although there may be some ironic accuracy involved ..).

Drummond, try reading this before you attempt to have a discussion with FU


11-09-2013, 09:09 AM
Drummond, try reading this before you attempt to have a discussion with FU


Hah !

Believe it or not, I already have ! I fully understand what you're saying - and of course, as even these recent posts prove, she - and you - are right.

What's amusing about this is that a certain boss of mine at work, a hardline Leftie (... of the type I was recently assured I couldn't spot !!) recommended I become familiar with Ann Coulter, her works, her interviews, etc. His thinking was that her no-nonsense 'stridency' and so-called 'extremism' would help persuade me against my own Conservatism.

Instead, I took to her style and stellar observations like a duck to water. That gal is BRILLIANT ... I'm the first to say that I'm a fan of hers (I've seen several of her interviews on the Hannity and Colmes show). If ONLY she'd visit the UK !!!!

I used to post regularly, years ago, on that segment of another forum devoted to her weekly articles. I found some friends there (.. and some troll adversaries, too .. the place became infested with trolls ...).

Yes, it was a proud day when I rolled into work, copy of the very book you've illustrated under my arm, and offered to lend it to my boss. Strangely, he declined the offer.

[I really must catch up to her more recent books, though.]

This might interest you. Here, Ann gets the BBC treatment (sorry, the sound quality isn't great) from the nastiest interviewer they have .. Jeremy Paxman.


red states rule
11-09-2013, 09:13 AM

11-09-2013, 09:21 AM

.... mind you ... once you got the TV to work, what came out of it, MIGHT be common sense. But, as for a liberal ... !! .....

red states rule
11-09-2013, 09:25 AM
.... mind you ... once you got the TV to work, what came out of it, MIGHT be common sense. But, as for a liberal ... !! .....

FU and Arbo are masters at this Drummond


11-09-2013, 10:26 AM
This is a joke ??

Yes, you are a joke, the challenge is not. Act like an adult, use your words, prove something. We can have a party and cake and such to celebrate your first time doing it.

11-09-2013, 03:12 PM



F bomb, women hating comment...

Your hypocrisy is so easy to spot. Any more jokes about women ironing shirts?

11-09-2013, 03:20 PM
RSR evidently has you pegged, FJ.

And your comment above is untrue. In fact, my posting is logical, and properly addresses the 'strange' knowledge you have of somehow knowing you attend church with so many liberals.

You haven't explained how you have this knowledge, FJ. You have my explanation .. so, OK, let's have yours. How do you KNOW of their liberalism .. ??

-- Cue some crossings-out in lieu of an answer ? The 'playing dumb' tactic isn't really working for you (although there may be some ironic accuracy involved ..).

Actually he is a scared little girl who is unable to have an intelligent conversation... which may explain the commonality between you two. The only other poster who has failed more than you to back up your blather is rsr but take heart, you're catching up fast. Do you notice how he never responds directly to me? He can't hang in an actual discussion.

And it's not exactly hard to spot liberals based on comments they make. Your problem is that you see liberals, err lefties everywhere...

... spot a Left winger from a mile away... Left-leaning politicians ... They're everywhere... spot them in the workplace.

... even where they are not. My comment is dead fact as I've shown repeatedly.

11-09-2013, 05:58 PM
Yes, you are a joke, the challenge is not. Act like an adult, use your words, prove something. We can have a party and cake and such to celebrate your first time doing it.

What business or judgement is that of yours? Just asking.

11-09-2013, 06:23 PM
What business or judgement is that of yours? Just asking.

Are you bucking for a promotion or something? :laugh:

Perhaps you can help him figure out how to response without all the silly effects.

red states rule
11-10-2013, 09:04 AM
I need no lectures from you, thanks.

Let me simply say that anyone asserting that I can't spot a Left winger from a mile away (.. or in this case, a couple of thousand ?) just isn't being realistic. In my society, we've had GENERATIONS of Left-leaning politicians and their many sympathisers positively swamp our culture. They're everywhere ! The BBC is riddled with it, the Guardian, the Daily Mirror likewise, I can't recall a time when I couldn't spot them in the workplace.

Socialist influence, I'm sure, is more widespread and more entrenched here than in the US, and its supporters even less bashful about promoting it than in your part of the world. So to suppose I 'can't' spot them is, frankly, a ludicrous suggestion of yours.

I shall continue to tell it as I see it, Arbo, whether or not you approve.

Drummond, FU and Arbo both need a lengthy time out


11-10-2013, 12:17 PM
Drummond, FU and Arbo both need a lengthy time out

It is noted you have yet to offer any evidence via the post of others that they are 'lefties' or 'lapdogs'. Instead you continue down the same path…

11-10-2013, 04:03 PM
Actually he is a scared little girl who is unable to have an intelligent conversation... which may explain the commonality between you two. The only other poster who has failed more than you to back up your blather is rsr but take heart, you're catching up fast. Do you notice how he never responds directly to me? He can't hang in an actual discussion.

All of this is diversionary.

I challenged you, with ...

In fact, my posting is logical, and properly addresses the 'strange' knowledge you have of somehow knowing you attend church with so many liberals.

You haven't explained how you have this knowledge, FJ. You have my explanation .. so, OK, let's have yours. How do you KNOW of their liberalism .. ??

Needless to say, you've ducked this. Of course you have. You well know that you had to.

FJ .. what we have here is the latest proof of your liberalism. You CANNOT explain your assertion of knowing how many in the church congregation you spoke of are liberals. Yet, you say you have that knowledge. HOW ? Did you pass census forms amongst them all ? Did you stand at the head of the congregation and ask for a show of hands on the subject ???

No, you have been put in a spot of difficulty, FJ, and of course, you're ducking it.

And not for the first time ... !!!

11-10-2013, 04:33 PM
Such gratuitous denigration is

.. pretty much all and your little clan put forth.

Come on now, backing up your claims and using reason and logic and civility will not cause you to stroke out.

But your support for FJ remains rock solid.

More of the mindless drivel. I don't support people, I support ideas. Thus the odds that it would ever look like I support you are slim, as I have yet to see an idea cross your fingertips.

11-10-2013, 08:36 PM
"Such gratuitous denigration is ....." >>

.. pretty much all and your little clan put forth.

This is rich !!!

So tell me, what on earth makes you think that FJ is part of, as you claim, one of MY 'little clan' .. ??? Because if gratuitous denigrations are what you're complaining about, he must be the LEADER, AND MENTOR, of the 'clan' !!

Come on now, backing up your claims and using reason and logic and civility will not cause you to stroke out.

No, it won't. So, here's one 'claim' .. FJ is way more guilty of the charge you aim in 'our' direction, than anyone else !

Here's the post showing you a rather long list (which was added to, afterwards !!) of FJ's own denigrations ....


.. but of course, you won't want to look at it, because it has, ahem, differing font sizes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

More of the mindless drivel. I don't support people, I support ideas. Thus the odds that it would ever look like I support you are slim, as I have yet to see an idea cross your fingertips.

Then try supporting the 'idea' that FJ doesn't get what he dishes out in kind ! For that to be true, I and my so-called 'clan' (an invention of yours) would have to post using far worse and far more attacking language than we ever do !!

Besides, you're not shy about posting denigrations yourself. Perhaps I should draw up a list of yours ? Starting with ...

"More of the mindless drivel."

"I have yet to see an idea cross your fingertips."

Does that seem like a good idea to you ? I look forward to your support of it ....

11-10-2013, 08:41 PM
So tell me, what on earth makes you think that FJ is part of, as you claim, one of MY 'little clan' .. ???

Either you are far less intelligent than I thought, or you just fail a little harder with each post.

11-10-2013, 08:52 PM
Either you are far less intelligent than I thought, or you just fail a little harder with each post.


you are far less intelligent than I thought

you just fail a little harder with each post

You didn't answer my last post in any worthwhile detail. But, you DID just add to your own denigration list .. as I'm showing you here.

Can I take this as meaning that you support my idea ???

11-10-2013, 09:36 PM
Arbo, enjoy this list of your own denigrations -

You and a few others are utter morons

you all should grow up and learn

Applause for brainless babble
speaks to a retarded mental development
You all are so far down the well of stupidity
one of the guys that can't think for himself
.. which were ignorant blather
You really are a moron
... can barely put together a clear thought
it shows their ignorance, or inability to read things other write
you really are as clueless as you appear to be
you appear to be very clueless
perhaps it might sink through your thick skull
anyone with 2 functioning brain cells
Yes, you are a joke

Some congratulations for you ... this thread was entirely free of your denigrations for the first 174 posts. Although ... the fact that it was free of ANYTHING from you at all for the first 174 posts might well explain this ...

... and, yes. What I've listed above is ONLY from THIS thread !!!

11-10-2013, 10:24 PM
You didn't answer my last post in any worthwhile detail.

Are you pissed you are getting back what you put out?

Keep the tears flowing.. I'll keep laughing.

11-10-2013, 10:46 PM
Are you pissed you are getting back what you put out?

Keep the tears flowing.. I'll keep laughing.

Very funny.

You have been posting in the same style as that which I've illustrated for you, for a long while. If memory serves, you were doing this when you first arrived.

And tell me, Arbo .. which of us posts more to the Steel Cage ? Haven't you been busy there ?

11-10-2013, 10:53 PM
Talking of the Steel Cage, Arbo, here's just one sentence of yours from it. And NO, you weren't posting to me there ... or to anyone else you have identified on this thread.

You idiots of the right keep on believing in your fantasy.
I offer this as a clear indication - perhaps outright proof ? - that you are certainly NOT a Right winger.

Which explains, of course, your consistent support of FJ.

11-10-2013, 11:02 PM
If memory serves,

It doesn't.

Talking of the Steel Cage, Arbo, here's just one sentence of yours from it.

From the rules, "There will be no discussion of the cage in other forums, as some members might wish to completely avoid this atmosphere." I'm guessing putting from that sub forum to post in other sub forms is probably a no-no as well.

BTW, there are idiots and partisans on both sides, saying 'the idiots on the left' or 'the idiots on the right' doesn't mean the speaker is on the opposite side of the statement. To think so it really to run around with blinders… do you really think everyone on 'your side' is an intelligent individual and good for that 'side'?

11-11-2013, 04:05 AM
From the rules, "There will be no discussion of the cage in other forums, as some members might wish to completely avoid this atmosphere."

Nice try. But there hasn't been any discussion of the cage.

11-11-2013, 04:10 AM
From the rules, "There will be no discussion of the cage in other forums, as some members might wish to completely avoid this atmosphere."

Adding this comment to my last post ... your comment doesn't, certainly of itself, import cage 'conditions'.

And that's as far as I'll go on the matter .. in recognition of the rules.

red states rule
11-11-2013, 04:11 AM
Nice try. But there hasn't been any discussion of the cage.

Drummond, please consider this before responding to FU or Arbo


11-11-2013, 04:15 AM
Drummond, please consider this before responding to FU or Arbo

http://static.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/MjAxMi01MjAzM2JkZDU0MDZiN2Jl.png:laugh::laugh::lau gh::laugh:

red states rule
11-11-2013, 05:00 AM
Drummond, before you try to talk to libs- you need to know as much about them as possible.


11-11-2013, 09:29 AM
Nice try. But there hasn't been any discussion of the cage.


And tell me, Arbo .. which of us posts more to the Steel Cage ?


Talking of the Steel Cage, Arbo, here's just one sentence of yours from it.

What is the term you guys use for such thing? Lie?

11-11-2013, 09:31 AM
Drummond, please consider

Oh look, a picture! :laugh:

red states rule
11-11-2013, 09:35 AM


What is the term you guys use for such thing? Lie?


11-11-2013, 09:38 AM
I challenged you, with ...

Needless to say, you've ducked this. Of course you have. You well know that you had to.

FJ .. what we have here is the latest proof of your liberalism. You CANNOT explain your assertion of knowing how many in the church congregation you spoke of are liberals. Yet, you say you have that knowledge.

Stupid challenge is stupid. In what possible way is this relevant? Because I know someone is a liberal that I'm a liberal myself?

Arbo, enjoy this list of truths that you have stated about me -

You and a few others are utter morons

you all should grow up and learn

Applause for brainless babble
speaks to a retarded mental development
You all are so far down the well of stupidity
one of the guys that can't think for himself
.. which were ignorant blather
You really are a moron
... can barely put together a clear thought
it shows their ignorance, or inability to read things other write
you really are as clueless as you appear to be
you appear to be very clueless
perhaps it might sink through your thick skull
anyone with 2 functioning brain cells
Yes, you are a joke

Note to the weak of mind - above post was altered to show truth. :)

11-11-2013, 09:41 AM
nonrelevant picture removed

Oh look, inflating the post count with another picture. Of course it is meant as an attack, but it has nothing to do with the reality that his buddy talked about another sub form, then posted text from that sub forum, then denied talking about that sub forum, thus was caught in a lie.

This is the normal tactic of this guy. Busted? Oh, just throw up a picture and then run away. And it goes on and on and on and on and on.

So lame, so transparent.

red states rule
11-11-2013, 09:53 AM

11-11-2013, 09:57 AM
irrelevant image removed

Liberals are dumb? Yeah, probably to the same ratio as conservatives are. But where are the liberals in this thread? Oh that's right, you just call people that but don't back up your images. Hell, you are barely capable of using words.

11-11-2013, 10:02 AM
Guys, please drop the cage talk and other fighting and please get back to the topic. :salute:

11-11-2013, 10:32 AM
I tried to cleanup the thread the best I could, but wasn't going longer than 4-5 pages back out of a 24 page thread. Hopefully this will be enough to get the thread back on track, and keep the crap down here.

11-11-2013, 06:35 PM
I tried to cleanup the thread the best I could, but wasn't going longer than 4-5 pages back out of a 24 page thread. Hopefully this will be enough to get the thread back on track, and keep the crap down here.

This seems fair - not least because the result is an even-handedness applied to all concerned.

... anyway, Jim, if you'll excuse me, I have some crap to post :eek: ....

11-11-2013, 06:41 PM
Jim. Perhaps you'd like to explain in a little more detail, as to WHY you have a CAGE at all. If you don't want anyone to use CAGE TALK????

Threads get shifted to the cage, then, eventually. You shut them down.

Wouldn't it be a better deal to 1. Either not have a Cage? or
2. Allow the members in the cage to fight it out?????

Kinda sounds like one of those Oxymoron kinds of thingy's. Don't it???

11-11-2013, 07:14 PM
Stupid challenge is stupid. In what possible way is this relevant? Because I know someone is a liberal that I'm a liberal myself?

We weren't discussing just 'someone', FJ, and well you know it. The point was that you claimed to know a number of people in your church congregation to be liberals. And, as has been pointed out - with you ducking the necessary explanation of HOW - there have to be circumstances in play which made that possible.

The only one I can conceive of is that you would be in a position of affinity to those other 'liberals' in order to have a chance to know what you claim to know.

FJ, you posted this 'rewrite', claiming it showed 'truth'. Such as, '.. enjoy this list of truths that you have stated about me'

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Drummond http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=674037#post674037)
Arbo, enjoy this list of truths that you have stated about me -

You and a few others are utter morons

you all should grow up and learn

Applause for brainless babble
speaks to a retarded mental development
You all are so far down the well of stupidity
one of the guys that can't think for himself
.. which were ignorant blather
You really are a moron
... can barely put together a clear thought
it shows their ignorance, or inability to read things other write
you really are as clueless as you appear to be
you appear to be very clueless
perhaps it might sink through your thick skull
anyone with 2 functioning brain cells
Yes, you are a joke

Let's see, shall we ?

You and a few others are utter morons

Ignoring the fact that it can't be just 'about me' with that wording (!), it came from an Arbo post answering ABOUTIME, from post #174 of the original thread.

you all should grow up and learn

I am 'all', am I, FJ ? This one's from the very same post ...

You all are so far down the well of stupidity

That one did answer a post from me. But again, am I 'all' ...?

How incredibly impressive of me ...

one of the guys that can't think for himself

'Guys', PLURAL. Post #183 from the original thread, this time answering RSR, not me !!

So there we have it.

Even ONE of these examples blows your case out of the water, FJ. But I've just picked out FOUR which defy your assertion. And .. of course, this ignores the additional point, that of the UNtruths involved in these statements (denigrations) from Arbo.

With 'accuracy' like this, FJ, why should all your claims about your 'conservatism' be deemed accurate in themselves ?

Note to the weak of mind - above post was altered to show truth.:)

-- No comment needed !!!!

11-11-2013, 07:30 PM
The point was that you claimed to know a number of people in your church congregation to be liberals. And, as has been pointed out - with you ducking the necessary explanation of HOW - there have to be circumstances in play which made that possible.

Now that this is in the cage…. good lord you are really a fucking moron. You say FJ must be a liberal because he has identified others in his congregation as liberal… yet you call him a liberal. Based on your logic, that means YOU must be a liberal in order to identify him as such.

What a moron. What's funny as you don't see how stupid what you post is.

11-11-2013, 07:55 PM
Now that this is in the cage…. good lord you are really a fucking moron. You say FJ must be a liberal because he has identified others in his congregation as liberal… yet you call him a liberal. Based on your logic, that means YOU must be a liberal in order to identify him as such.

What a moron. What's funny as you don't see how stupid what you post is.


Thank you for such distinctive 'eloquence', Arbo. Frankly, I'm not sure I can match it. I think this must come from the altogether greater time you have spent in 'cage' posts, than have I ...

... 'Practice makes perfect', presumably ...

Anyway, your 'logic' doesn't hold together. I know FJ (.. just as others do, too ..) to be a liberal because he's spent, shall we say, 'an extended time' posting JUST AS A LIBERAL WOULD. So, there's been quite an opportunity to study all this.

Compare that to FJ, as he claims, going to church, and knowing .. well, how DID our friend FJ put it .. ?

I go to church with plenty of them

So sorry about the font size change, my son.

Arbo ... 'plenty' is more than one, more than a couple. Hey, we could be talking about an entire herd of them here !!!

So - maybe you can answer this, even though FJ could not ? How would FJ get to know that 'plenty' of his fellow churchgoers are liberals ? Unless he had particular opportunities to establish who, and WHAT, they are ???

I did ask if he passed census forms around, or had asked for a show of hands. Sadly, however, FJ was not forthcoming with confirmations of either ...

This, therefore, leaves me with one simple question. In deference to this section of the forum, and with you as my enthusiastic mentor in these matters, it's this ...

Who really IS the fucking moron around here .. ??

11-11-2013, 08:03 PM
... 'Practice makes perfect', presumably …

You have plenty of practice, as most everything you post belongs down here. It's all crap and trolling nonsense.

But keep spinning, it shows everyone how stupid you are, a little bit more each time.

Who really IS the fucking moron around here .. ??

I already told you that you were. Deaf as well as dumb eh?

11-11-2013, 08:22 PM
You have plenty of practice, as most everything you post belongs down here.

Yet so little of it DOES get here. Can you say the same (truthfully, I mean) ?

But keep spinning, it shows everyone how stupid you are, a little bit more each time.

And yet my posts offer logical reasoning. Which you are at a loss to counter with anything of substance (e.g in your last post, where none was to be found).

I already told you that you were. Deaf as well as dumb eh?

Not at all. Just truthful.

If only you could match me in that.

For example - why not finally admit you persistently support FJ because you see him as a kindred spirit .. he being a liberal, and all .....

Come on, Arbo .. OUT YOURSELF. I promise you you'll feel better afterwards.

11-11-2013, 11:11 PM
... I have some crap to post ....

Why should today be any different?

The only one I can conceive of is that you would be in a position of affinity to those other 'liberals' in order to have a chance to know what you claim to know.

That is the most insanely stupid leap of "logic" I've seen you make yet. Truly mind boggling.

FJ, you posted this 'rewrite', claiming it showed 'truth'. Such as, '.. enjoy this list of truths that you have stated about me'

This one was awesome.

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Drummond http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=674037#post674037)
Arbo, enjoy this list of truths that you have stated about me -

You and a few others are utter morons

you all should grow up and learn

Applause for brainless babble
speaks to a retarded mental development
You all are so far down the well of stupidity
one of the guys that can't think for himself
.. which were ignorant blather
You really are a moron
... can barely put together a clear thought
it shows their ignorance, or inability to read things other write
you really are as clueless as you appear to be
you appear to be very clueless
perhaps it might sink through your thick skull
anyone with 2 functioning brain cells
Yes, you are a joke

It couldn't have been set up any better.

-- No comment needed !!!!

Exactly. I see you received the message. Did the big fonty maker help in your understanding?

Who really IS the fucking moron around here .. ??

It's quite obvious. The one who screams, "LEFTIE," at everyone and who doesn't understand the difference between affinity and proximity.

11-11-2013, 11:15 PM
And yet my posts offer logical reasoning.


Come on, Arbo .. OUT YOURSELF.

:laugh: You say you offer logical reasoning but when you can't prove your own posit you beg others to just, "OUT YOURSELF." :laugh:

red states rule
11-12-2013, 05:20 AM

Thank you for such distinctive 'eloquence', Arbo. Frankly, I'm not sure I can match it. I think this must come from the altogether greater time you have spent in 'cage' posts, than have I ...

... 'Practice makes perfect', presumably ...

Anyway, your 'logic' doesn't hold together. I know FJ (.. just as others do, too ..) to be a liberal because he's spent, shall we say, 'an extended time' posting JUST AS A LIBERAL WOULD. So, there's been quite an opportunity to study all this.

Compare that to FJ, as he claims, going to church, and knowing .. well, how DID our friend FJ put it .. ?

So sorry about the font size change, my son.

Arbo ... 'plenty' is more than one, more than a couple. Hey, we could be talking about an entire herd of them here !!!

So - maybe you can answer this, even though FJ could not ? How would FJ get to know that 'plenty' of his fellow churchgoers are liberals ? Unless he had particular opportunities to establish who, and WHAT, they are ???

I did ask if he passed census forms around, or had asked for a show of hands. Sadly, however, FJ was not forthcoming with confirmations of either ...

This, therefore, leaves me with one simple question. In deference to this section of the forum, and with you as my enthusiastic mentor in these matters, it's this ...

Who really IS the fucking moron around here .. ??

Drummond, Arbo bellowed "what liberals are posting here"

The response is hey look in the mirror

Of course he would have to get FU out of the way since he stands for hours in front of the mirror admiring himself. Just as it is not healthy to get in the way of a politician and a TV camera -one does not want to get between FU and a mirror

and IF FU attends church I am sure he is asking God why he made him so perfect and left no room for improvement

Ah the burdens FU must carry

11-12-2013, 08:54 AM

Why don't you man up for once and try to add some substance to your blather? I know it's hard for you because you're an empty shell but give it a try for once. We could start with the source of your hatred.

11-12-2013, 03:13 PM
This seems fair - not least because the result is an even-handedness applied to all concerned.

... anyway, Jim, if you'll excuse me, I have some crap to post :eek: ....

I hope I didn't offend. I refer to anything off topic or fighting as crap, even though I know much of it can have meaning to others. Hell, 50% of what I post here is crap! LOL I'm just trying to separate the in-fighting from the conservatism thread. I didn't even try and look at names when I clipped OT posts. I figured this keeps the action same for all.

Jim. Perhaps you'd like to explain in a little more detail, as to WHY you have a CAGE at all. If you don't want anyone to use CAGE TALK????

Threads get shifted to the cage, then, eventually. You shut them down.

Wouldn't it be a better deal to 1. Either not have a Cage? or
2. Allow the members in the cage to fight it out?????

Kinda sounds like one of those Oxymoron kinds of thingy's. Don't it???

If someone wants to call out another or fight over something that pops up in a good debate, take it down here. If non-stop feuding is occurring, we will do our best to separate it and move it down here. I try to let them run their course unless it gets out of hand, with something like threats or discussion of family, or discussion of board moderation. If straight out fighting and it doesn't get out of hand, some can live in here for all I care. All I've ever asked was to keep the fighting and off topic stuff separated, and to keep mention of others family or threats off the board & of course to please keep questioning of staff decisions in private where it should be. If those few can be honored, the board would be 500% better.

11-12-2013, 03:21 PM
Come on, Arbo .. OUT YOURSELF. I promise you you'll feel better afterwards.

Strange, I swear I replied to this already, but it doesn't seem to be here. Perhaps it never actually posted when I hit submit due to whatever issue the hosting company is causing.

Either way, you continue to prove yourself quite the joke. You need to leave this one thread and read what others have posted, then come back and explain how anyone you call a liberal (like myself) is based on postings across the forum. Until then you just continue to show a massive amount of ignorance.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-12-2013, 04:29 PM
I hope I didn't offend. I refer to anything off topic or fighting as crap, even though I know much of it can have meaning to others. Hell, 50% of what I post here is crap! LOL I'm just trying to separate the in-fighting from the conservatism thread. I didn't even try and look at names when I clipped OT posts. I figured this keeps the action same for all.

If someone wants to call out another or fight over something that pops up in a good debate, take it down here. If non-stop feuding is occurring, we will do our best to separate it and move it down here. I try to let them run their course unless it gets out of hand, with something like threats or discussion of family, or discussion of board moderation. If straight out fighting and it doesn't get out of hand, some can live in here for all I care. All I've ever asked was to keep the fighting and off topic stuff separated, and to keep mention of others family or threats off the board & of course to please keep questioning of staff decisions in private where it should be. If those few can be honored, the board would be 500% better. I am fine with the cage and top board remaining totally separate. I certainly try to do the greater amount of my posting outside of the cage but had to place two people on ignore to do so. I highly recommend that policy.... Some people just aren't ever worth the effort to discuss one's political and life views with. Only recently adding the second person to permanent ignore list. What's amazing is this is the first forum I've ever used the ignore function at. I survived at a larger forum with at least 20 times greater as many dedicated opponents as I encountered here so I guess those two making the list here deserve top honors for their idiocy. --Tyr

11-12-2013, 04:38 PM
I hope I didn't offend.

No offense, you were just about two weeks late though. :slap:


11-13-2013, 03:45 AM
I hope I didn't offend. I refer to anything off topic or fighting as crap, even though I know much of it can have meaning to others. Hell, 50% of what I post here is crap! LOL I'm just trying to separate the in-fighting from the conservatism thread. I didn't even try and look at names when I clipped OT posts. I figured this keeps the action same for all.

Not at all, Jim ! I typed what I did in a spirit of amusement ... meant lightheartedly (.. though of course, it gave an 'opening' to someone else to comment in their own way). I fully get where you're coming from, and I think, as I've said, that you handled things even-handedly. I'm fine with your action, and your comment.:beer:

11-13-2013, 03:53 AM
Why don't you man up for once and try to add some substance to your blather? I know it's hard for you because you're an empty shell but give it a try for once. We could start with the source of your hatred.

Classic 'Cage' fayre. You must feel so proud, FJ. Still, you DO have this facility to use, so I suppose I can't complain.

.. I can comment, though ...

RSR has just added substance, as you require .. though you may not like what it is. Let me requote ..

Drummond, Arbo bellowed "what liberals are posting here"

The response is hey look in the mirror
I call that some definite substance, not to mention an excellent answer for you, as well as Arbo, of course. He is exactly right !

11-13-2013, 04:03 AM
Strange, I swear I replied to this already, but it doesn't seem to be here. Perhaps it never actually posted when I hit submit due to whatever issue the hosting company is causing.

... Or perhaps you just dreamed it. Anyway, regardless, it's a nice explanation.

Care to try again ? Because you seem to have ducked doing so, during this opportunity to ...

Either way, you continue to prove yourself quite the joke. You need to leave this one thread and read what others have posted, then come back and explain how anyone you call a liberal (like myself) is based on postings across the forum. Until then you just continue to show a massive amount of ignorance.

You'd be a lot more convincing in this, Arbo, if you stopped your totally solid support for an individual already PROVEN to be a liberal !! And if you, or he, want to contend that, I'll happily prove it by reposting that proof AGAIN (.. and I may even add to it, if I can be bothered ...).

As for leaving this thread, I'll happily do so as and when I choose (or if it's closed). In the meantime, tell me, why are you anxious for me to leave it ? Do you perhaps want to claim that I ran away from confrontation ?

Dream on, my son. Dream on .... you clearly don't know me very well ....

11-13-2013, 06:15 AM
Classic 'Cage' fayre. You must feel so proud, FJ. Still, you DO have this facility to use, so I suppose I can't complain.

.. I can comment, though ...

RSR has just added substance, as you require .. though you may not like what it is. Let me requote ..

I call that some definite substance, not to mention an excellent answer for you, as well as Arbo, of course. He is exactly right !

You bozos couldn't ID a liberal if one was sitting on your head. You've been challenged on several occasions to post examples of their support for Obama and his policies. You have as yet neglected to do so. Before your next "leftie" attack, how about backing it up with a couple?

11-13-2013, 07:29 AM
He is a joke Drummond. He is alike a small child desperate for attention. The only good thing Arbo is doing is getting in Jim's face every chance he gets. Hopefully we will not have to deal with him much longer as it is not a good idea to piss off someone with the power of the ban button

I disagree, Arbo is quite useful as a laughingstock.

11-13-2013, 08:34 AM
.. I can comment, though ...

RSR has just added substance...

He hasn't added substance since 2007. Unless you call reposting other people's words and ideas substance.

I call that some definite substance...

That was substance? :laugh: I hear there's a movie coming out about you knuckleheads; it's called Scared Girls Walking. :slap:

... already PROVEN to be a liberal !! And if you, or he, want to contend that, I'll happily prove it by reposting that proof AGAIN ...

:laugh: Repeating refuted points doesn't magically grant them any more substance the second time around, it does however grant an air of desperation that grows with your mindless repetition. Even your imagination fails you. ;)

Dream on, my son. Dream on .... you clearly don't know me very well ....

You've been pretty well pegged for quite some time now, your insistence on repeating your "leftie" blather only cements your status.

11-13-2013, 09:13 AM
... Or perhaps you just dreamed it.

LOL, you really are quite clueless, do you just pick a thread to infect and not leave it? For if you paid even a bit of attention you would have seen Jim's other thread about how several posts were lost the other day when the hosting provider switched the forum to a different server. Again, keep up.

So again, you make the mistake of saying I am supporting a person, and because of that I am a leftie? You really are probably one of the dumbest members on this forum. Perhaps it's just not possible for you to understand the most basic of concepts and that's why you continue the same old same old, no matter that it makes you look like a dumbass.

You bozos couldn't ID a liberal if one was sitting on your head. You've been challenged on several occasions to post examples of their support for Obama and his policies. You have as yet neglected to do so. Before your next "leftie" attack, how about backing it up with a couple?


11-13-2013, 02:57 PM
No offense, you were just about two weeks late though. :slap:


I think I opened that thread on day one and then never went back. Silly me for thinking it was growing into a long and mature debate when I opened it back up. :)

11-13-2013, 04:17 PM
I disagree, Arbo is quite useful as a laughingstock.

--- Very good point !! :clap:

11-13-2013, 04:40 PM
Well, now, hello, boys and girls (if any) .. !! And, are we having fun here today ?

He hasn't added substance since 2007. Unless you call reposting other people's words and ideas substance.

... oh, yes, indeedy !!!

Now I'll move on, to ...

That was substance? :laugh: I hear there's a movie coming out about you knuckleheads; it's called Scared Girls Walking. :slap:

... for some more of the same. Oh, joy ....:rolleyes:

Two comments, FJ. One ... have you stopped to consider that RSR's picture contributions have salient, highly appropriate messages behind them ? Have you ever paused to consider them ? Or do you just like to think of them as nothing more than pretty pictures ??

How you ever manage to interpret a picture of Obama as 'pretty' is beyond me, FJ. But then, I'm no supporter of his ! Any time you feel like explaining it, give it your best shot.

Try not to get too carried away with the effort in the process ...

Point two - I think you'll find this funny. Having never heard of 'Scared Girls Walking', I actually - get this !! - thought there was at least a chance that it existed as a film !! Now, isn't that hilarious ? I did a search engine search, and failed to find evidence of any such titled film.

... Now ... if I'd had my wits about me, I'd have thought something like ... 'Er'm, this is FJ talking. How CAN you take anything from him as face value ???'

Sure enough, FJ ... I can't ...

Will I never learn ?

You can have a good laugh about that one at my expense, if you like, FJ. I admit it .. I deserve it. I should've really known better !!!

:laugh: Repeating refuted points doesn't magically grant them any more substance the second time around, it does however grant an air of desperation that grows with your mindless repetition. Even your imagination fails you. ;)

Such flattery there, FJ. Do you feel at home here in the Cage, by any chance ?

'Refuting' points ... meaning what, that you think you've trounced them, defeated them, given them a pasting ? SINCE WHEN ?? FJ, 'points' I make are valid, and remain valid, if I post them once or twenty times. We actually agree ... repeating the points doesn't add to their substance. But then, NO SUCH ADDITION IS NECESSARY ... A GOOD POINT REMAINS WHAT IT WAS, BEFORE.

Why does any repetition confer any interpretation of 'desperation', FJ ?

Has it not occurred to you that I'm trying to compensate for your attention-span problems ??

Oh, and by the way, has it not occurred to you that I'm trying to compensate for your attention-span problems ??

You've been pretty well pegged for quite some time now, your insistence on repeating your "leftie" blather only cements your status.

Why, thank you very much !!! I truly appreciate that. I'm very happy indeed with my status as an 'anti-Leftie' figure.:cool:

Thanks for helping me end this post on such a high note, there, FJ !!! And here in the Cage, too !!!!:clap:

11-13-2013, 04:47 PM
... I think you'll find this funny. Having never heard of 'Scared Girls Walking', I actually - get this !! - thought there was at least a chance that it existed as a film !! Now, isn't that hilarious ? I did a search engine search, and failed to find evidence of any such titled film.

:laugh: I do find that funny. ;)

'Refuting' points ... meaning what, that you think you've trounced them, defeated them, given them a pasting ?

Good, you understand the definition and the pasting that your imagination received. Awesome.

I'm very happy indeed with my status as an 'anti-intelligence' figure.

So close. And you're welcome for me making the appropriate correction. :)

11-13-2013, 04:55 PM
You bozos couldn't ID a liberal if one was sitting on your head.

In my case, that's simply ridiculous. I've pointed this out before, just recently: my own society has been riddled with liberal types for generations, I think rather more than yours has in the US. In the face of that, to then 'take' your point would be an exercise in sheer absurdity.

Trust me in this. I know a Left-wing mentality when I deal with one. And I've been dealing with them all my life !

You've been challenged on several occasions to post examples of their support for Obama and his policies. You have as yet neglected to do so. Before your next "leftie" attack, how about backing it up with a couple?

As I recall it, I've been actually challenged to prove Left-wing bona fides, which I have indeed done .. certainly where FJ is concerned. It wasn't really very difficult in FJ's case, for example (.. and it actually DID include a pro-Obama example or two, as I recall ... would you care to check ?). As I see it ... proving liberalism is a far wider issue than just limiting this to Obama and his policies. Obama isn't forever .. his viability, not only as President, but as a Leftie capable of introducing policies, has a very definite shelf life.

Socialism's shelf life - sadly - can be expected to be altogether greater than this. Though, Missileman, you may be interested to know that I think Socialism will one day ITSELF be spurned, universally, as any credible philosophy to base any social model on. Human nature will make sure of it.

I'm sure you're looking forward to that day, Missileman ...

... well, aren't you ??

What may I have spotted here by any chance, Missileman ? H'm ?

11-13-2013, 05:03 PM
:laugh: I do find that funny. ;)

Exactly. I absolutely don't blame you one bit. By all means, enjoy the joke.

I'll be even MORE guarded about accepting anything you say on face value in the future, FJ. Point well and truly taken.

Good, you understand the definition and the pasting that your imagination received. Awesome.

More than that, in fact. I understand the typically Left-wing tinkering with context ....

So close. And you're welcome for me making the appropriate correction. :)

... not to mention actual rewrites, as well .. again, this is classically Left wing of you. If the truth is unwelcome, just ... rewrite it !

11-13-2013, 05:11 PM
... which I have indeed done .. certainly where FJ is concerned.

And thusly refuted. Your imagination is a failure.

... FJ. Point well and truly taken.

I can't imagine how that one went right over your head... oh wait, yes I can. And of course I need to rewrite truth for you when you get it so obviously wrong.

11-13-2013, 05:26 PM
LOL, you really are quite clueless, do you just pick a thread to infect and not leave it? For if you paid even a bit of attention you would have seen Jim's other thread about how several posts were lost the other day when the hosting provider switched the forum to a different server. Again, keep up.

Thanks, Arbo. Oh, this is a good one !!

I see you AGAIN seem to be trying to suggest that I leave. Why ? Are you actually desperate to try and claim that I scuttled away, 'too afraid' to continue to take you on ?

Granted, it may not be that simple .. you might just be indulging your sense of humour. Well, enjoy the joke ...

As for your second sentence .. you might care to look at this post ....


Quoting from it:

Just caught up with the latest comments here.

Yep, quicker and smoother for me, too.

Also ... perhaps worth saying .. in 'another place', I just answered a comment from a contributor who claimed possible loss of a comment of his. I didn't take him seriously. After reading this latest crop of posts, I wonder if that was actually a mistake.

So thanks for this insight. When I'm next on here, I may address that issue directly with him.:beer:

Check out its timing, compared to the timing of your own criticism. Then consider the truth of your 'paying attention' jibe.

But I would say this. Even if posts disappeared, it doesn't necessarily have to mean that any of YOURS were involved. Yes, MAYBE so. But no specific proof exists, either way.

So again, you make the mistake of saying I am supporting a person, and because of that I am a leftie?

It's maybe a bit more complicated than that. But in essence, yes, certainly. We're not talking about a one-off here ... why, even I have been known to agree with an FJ post !!!! [Yes, it only happens very rarely, I can barely believe it myself, but even so ...]. In your case, though, support persists, POST after POST after POST. And, Arbo, this can only mean that you not only support posts, but the thinking behind them, and the basis for that !!!

Done consistently enough .. AS YOU INDEED HAVE .. the conclusion is ultimately inescapable. You support both the person, and what they represent.

You really are probably one of the dumbest members on this forum.

Look ... I really do KNOW that you're at home here ! You've no need to keep on proving it !!!!

Perhaps it's just not possible for you to understand the most basic of concepts and that's why you continue the same old same old, no matter that it makes you look like a dumbass.

Would that be ... the same old, same old, TRUTH ?

I think it would, Arbo.

And IS.

You may tire of the truth, Arbo. Us Conservatives are very different, however .....

11-13-2013, 05:36 PM
And thusly refuted. Your imagination is a failure.

You're persisting, if I get this right, with a claim that I've been PROVED wrong ???

FJ, I think you're setting me a test.

Don't worry. THIS time, I'm not taking your assertion on face value. Like the fictitious 'film title', I should obviously disbelieve you.

And of course I need to rewrite truth for you ......

A double bluff, FJ ? OR, an admission, from you, of what you TRULY do ???

Would 'whoops' be appropriate, FJ ?

11-13-2013, 06:23 PM
--- Very good point !! :clap:

More fail from the idiot across the pond. The laughingstock is the guy that screams 'lefty' non-stop, but has yet to back it up.

Why, thank you very much !!! I truly appreciate that.

You are even too stupid to know that you were being slammed. :rolleyes:

11-13-2013, 06:34 PM
I see you AGAIN seem to be trying to suggest that I leave.

You really don't understand anything you read do you? I suggested you read other threads, had you done so you wouldn't have made the stupid comment you did when I mentioned a post had disappeared. But it is dually noted you preferred to be an asshat in that situation. No surprise really.

Done consistently enough .. AS YOU INDEED HAVE .. the conclusion is ultimately inescapable. You support both the person, and what they represent.

Again, you misinterpret everything you see. Perhaps one day you will grow a pair and attempt to prove your claims. Of course, the reality is you don't bother because you have dug this whole of stupidity, and you know damn well you have.

11-13-2013, 07:03 PM
Us Conservatives are very different, however .....


... a claim that I've been PROVED wrong ???

No claim, just fact.

11-13-2013, 09:55 PM
In my case, that's simply ridiculous. I've pointed this out before, just recently: my own society has been riddled with liberal types for generations, I think rather more than yours has in the US. In the face of that, to then 'take' your point would be an exercise in sheer absurdity.

Trust me in this. I know a Left-wing mentality when I deal with one. And I've been dealing with them all my life !

As I recall it, I've been actually challenged to prove Left-wing bona fides, which I have indeed done .. certainly where FJ is concerned. It wasn't really very difficult in FJ's case, for example (.. and it actually DID include a pro-Obama example or two, as I recall ... would you care to check ?). As I see it ... proving liberalism is a far wider issue than just limiting this to Obama and his policies. Obama isn't forever .. his viability, not only as President, but as a Leftie capable of introducing policies, has a very definite shelf life.

Socialism's shelf life - sadly - can be expected to be altogether greater than this. Though, Missileman, you may be interested to know that I think Socialism will one day ITSELF be spurned, universally, as any credible philosophy to base any social model on. Human nature will make sure of it.

I'm sure you're looking forward to that day, Missileman ...

... well, aren't you ??

What may I have spotted here by any chance, Missileman ? H'm ?

You want to use a different goal post, go for it. Post examples of fj1200 or Arbo voicing support for a liberal ideal or policy. And for the purposes of this thread, consider me from Missouri...show me these examples you recall of either supporting Obama or his policies along with those supporting liberal policies. As for that last sentence, you wouldn't be the first poster to accuse me of being a leftie who subsequently got that little tidbit shoved up their ass so far it put a twinkle in their eye. I'd be more than happy to add you to the list if you want to proceed along those lines. Wanna give it a go? H'm?

11-14-2013, 05:08 PM
You want to use a different goal post, go for it.

Thank you kindly.

Post examples of fj1200 or Arbo voicing support for a liberal ideal or policy.

Well .. are you unaware that, where FJ is concerned, I've already done so ??

And for the purposes of this thread, consider me from Missouri...

Maybe this has a significance I'm unaware of. Remember that I'm British, and there will be some things about America that'll be unknown to me .. just as I'd expect you to lack certain understandings about the British.

show me these examples you recall of either supporting Obama or his policies along with those supporting liberal policies.

... ah. So, you DON'T want me 'to use a different goal post', after all ?

But, actually, this doesn't matter - as it so happens. You see, when I posted on FJ before, I included Obama as part of what I was considering.

Perhaps I should just show you what I mean and be done with it. Observe .....


The thread post this leads to had two purposes - partly as a supplement to a previous posting, showing FJ's gratuitous usage of denigrations (.. far better suited to a Cage environment, although as FJ proved, he, as a Leftie, doesn't make these distinctions at all ..) ... and partly to offer some examples taken from other postings of his in the past where he'd variously indicated a preference for having liberal posters join us (.. in response to previous postings which had themselves exposed bias, by the way ... you should study all of that) ... also he was denigratory towards GW Bush in one .. oh, and yes, a couple of pro-Obama offerings.

Anyway, use the link. See it all for yourself. You have what you require from it.

As for that last sentence, you wouldn't be the first poster to accuse me of being a leftie who subsequently got that little tidbit shoved up their ass so far it put a twinkle in their eye.

I haven't checked. Are you a 'regular' in the Cage ?

My previous comment on that fell short of an outright accusation, so if you insist I clearly made one, you are misrepresenting me. That said ... I will NOW clearly state that, whether or not you truly are one, you definitely argue as though you're one. Oh, and in common with what you'd expect of the Left, I see you're combative against one Conservative ... ME.

Isn't it strange, how all these so-called 'conservatives', starting with FJ, want to FIGHT those who you'd think would be natural allies ? Far more sensible to instead infer that, in truth, they're nothing of the kind.

As to your threatening comment, though ... is that just Cage talk, or, are you expressing an actual enthusiasm for what you threaten ?

I'd be more than happy to add you to the list if you want to proceed along those lines.

.. it would seem so.

I'm wondering whether some counselling might not help you ...

Wanna give it a go? H'm?

... er'm, perhaps as a matter of some urgency ??

Anyway, the case which you've been keen to so far deny existed as anything presented, in FJ's case, HAD been, and you have your proof of that presented to you. Will that proof satisfy you, or, will you insist that it doesn't ?

I've a funny feeling that I know just what your answer will be. Still, we shall see ... who knows, maybe you'll genuinely surprise me.

Should be interesting.

11-14-2013, 05:20 PM
Maybe this has a significance I'm unaware of.

Missouri is known as the 'show me' state.

Perhaps I should just show you what I mean and be done with it. Observe …..

Yes, you keep going back to that post. Oh wow, a link to someone saying the claims that he can be impeached may be overstated. There are many others on the right that said similar things, or do you suggest because they do not agree with you, they are lefties?

What your list of links shows, more than anything else, is that you really do not understand anything you read, and think that anyone that doesn't fall in step with you is a 'leftie'. Lord, you are incapable of simply showing solid items that would show someone to be a leftie.

I will NOW clearly state that, whether or not you truly are one, you definitely argue as though you're one. Oh, and in common with what you'd expect of the Left, I see you're combative against one Conservative ... ME.

You just keep digging the whole of stupidity, don't you? Do you really think that anyone that might argue with someone on the right or disagree with them is a 'leftie'? That is so shallow it should embarrass you, if you were capable of seeing the bigger picture.

As if the world is simply black and white, left and right and each side is solid in their beliefs. You really have to be a simple minded fuck to think like that, as you seem to do.

I still await actual evidence I am a 'leftie'. :laugh:

Man you are such a fucking joke.

11-14-2013, 05:24 PM
More fail from the idiot across the pond. The laughingstock is the guy that screams 'lefty' non-stop, but has yet to back it up.

Tiresome. See what's just been posted to Missileman. A post including a link which BACKS MY CASE UP.

You are even too stupid to know that you were being slammed. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry to have to point out what SHOULD be obvious. The stupidity involved here, in this instance, is actually yours. I chose to interpret as .. well, as I CHOSE .. to do !!

Get it ?

You should ... since this borrows from Leftie methodology, after all. Lefties do a lot of 'preferential' perceiving .. I would've expected, therefore, for you to pick up on that immediately.

It's puzzling that you didn't.

But heyy ... here's an interesting feature of your comment. Not content with just indicating support for FJ's posts every chance you get, and yet denying the obvious in the process ... you've EVEN gone FURTHER this time, and borrowed from a reply I made TO FJ, to offer support of him from it !!!!

My question is obvious. Is there truly no extent you'll not go to, in order to support your comrade ? You're now, even answering for him !!!

11-14-2013, 05:46 PM

... natural allies...

And here is the link where, well, you know:

The post where drummond's imagination gets smoked like a blunt at an OWS convention:

Oh, and the "natural allies" bit again... :rolleyes: But now you've got three people to prove out as "lefties." :laugh:

11-14-2013, 05:52 PM
Missouri is known as the 'show me' state.

You learn a little something every day, it seems. Ok, well, thank you.

Yes, you keep going back to that post.

This is going well .. you actually acknowledge that !!

Kindly remember that you have.

Oh wow, a link to someone saying the claims that he can be impeached may be overstated.

... consistent with a position someone of the Left would offer. Yes, quite. After all, do you see anything there that's anti-Obama, from FJ ?

You might as well answer for him, as you've adopted the habit already ...

There are many others on the right that said similar things, or do you suggest because they do not agree with you, they are lefties?

I say that a Leftie is far more likely to want to.

I challenge you, by the way, to find me examples of anyone definitely Conservative who's clearly as prepared to go that far in Obama's defence.

What your list of links shows, more than anything else, is that you really do not understand anything you read, and think that anyone that doesn't fall in step with you is a 'leftie'.

This is a generalised comment lacking substance. I recognise your difficulty in going any further.

Lord, you are incapable of simply showing solid items that would show someone to be a leftie.

Correction: YOU are incapable of discerning what's in front of you. Add all the examples up that I've offered in the link. Between them, the conclusion is inescapable ... for those not determined to defy it.

You just keep digging the whole of stupidity, don't you?

..... eh ????

Do you really think that anyone that might argue with someone on the right or disagree with them is a 'leftie'?

It's not absolute proof, no. It is, however, a very good indicator. And if they KEEP doing it, and never relent, then it becomes progressively harder to reach any contrary conclusion.

It's rather like your totally unshakeably persistent support of FJ, EVEN, now, answering FOR him !!

As if the world is simply black and white, left and right and each side is solid in their beliefs.

Each is PERSISTENT in their beliefs. And, certainly in the case of the Left, an agenda is followed ... an all-controlling agenda. Consider, for example, that various manifestations of the Left across the world try to copy each other, implement clones of each other. One example .. the British NHS, the first such system of its kind anywhere in the world ... and now, Obamacare, which isn't quite a copy, but nonetheless is the best any American President bent on instituting such a thing could possibly manage within two terms in America.

You really have to be a simple minded fuck to think like that, as you seem to do.

Do you realise that for a moment there, your language approached civil standards ? Still, this is the Cage, and you know this environment a lot better than I do.

I still await actual evidence I am a 'leftie'. :laugh:

Man you are such a fucking joke.

Will lack of civil decency do ?

.. Or your near-slavish support of an established Leftie ?

Or do I have to dig up research, to show you what you already know ?

I don't mind doing so, if you like. Thus far, FJ has been the focus of my attentions. Yes, I'm tired of that, and yes, I can move on.

11-14-2013, 06:08 PM
... consistent with a position someone of the Left would offer.

Uh no, consistent with those that actually understand what is a solidly impeachable offense. It is actually the over emotional screams of 'impeach the traitor' that are more in line with how 'lefties' act. All emotion, nothing solid in the factual department.

I challenge you, by the way, to find me examples of anyone definitely Conservative who's clearly as prepared to go that far in Obama's defense.

Read the whole thread, there are several in there calling out the moronic cries for impeachment based on nonsense. Oh wait, that's right, we have already established your inability to comprehend the written word.

And, certainly in the case of the Left, an agenda is followed …

Both parties are agenda driven, that you are incapable of understanding that doesn't come as a shock at this point.

.. Or your near-slavish support of an established Leftie ?

You have yet to prove anything. I'm not sure you even understand HOW to go about proving ANYTHING.

I don't mind doing so, if you like. Thus far, FJ has been the focus of my attentions. Yes, I'm tired of that, and yes, I can move on.

Yes, and you have failed repeatedly WRT your claims about FJ. I have been asking quite a while for you to prove your claims about me. You have been in uber avoidance mode.

11-14-2013, 06:09 PM
Thank you kindly.

Well .. are you unaware that, where FJ is concerned, I've already done so ??

Maybe this has a significance I'm unaware of. Remember that I'm British, and there will be some things about America that'll be unknown to me .. just as I'd expect you to lack certain understandings about the British.

... ah. So, you DON'T want me 'to use a different goal post', after all ?

But, actually, this doesn't matter - as it so happens. You see, when I posted on FJ before, I included Obama as part of what I was considering.

Perhaps I should just show you what I mean and be done with it. Observe .....


The thread post this leads to had two purposes - partly as a supplement to a previous posting, showing FJ's gratuitous usage of denigrations (.. far better suited to a Cage environment, although as FJ proved, he, as a Leftie, doesn't make these distinctions at all ..) ... and partly to offer some examples taken from other postings of his in the past where he'd variously indicated a preference for having liberal posters join us (.. in response to previous postings which had themselves exposed bias, by the way ... you should study all of that) ... also he was denigratory towards GW Bush in one .. oh, and yes, a couple of pro-Obama offerings.

Anyway, use the link. See it all for yourself. You have what you require from it.

I haven't checked. Are you a 'regular' in the Cage ?

My previous comment on that fell short of an outright accusation, so if you insist I clearly made one, you are misrepresenting me. That said ... I will NOW clearly state that, whether or not you truly are one, you definitely argue as though you're one. Oh, and in common with what you'd expect of the Left, I see you're combative against one Conservative ... ME.

Isn't it strange, how all these so-called 'conservatives', starting with FJ, want to FIGHT those who you'd think would be natural allies ? Far more sensible to instead infer that, in truth, they're nothing of the kind.

As to your threatening comment, though ... is that just Cage talk, or, are you expressing an actual enthusiasm for what you threaten ?

.. it would seem so.

I'm wondering whether some counselling might not help you ...

... er'm, perhaps as a matter of some urgency ??

Anyway, the case which you've been keen to so far deny existed as anything presented, in FJ's case, HAD been, and you have your proof of that presented to you. Will that proof satisfy you, or, will you insist that it doesn't ?

I've a funny feeling that I know just what your answer will be. Still, we shall see ... who knows, maybe you'll genuinely surprise me.

Should be interesting.

So I looked over the 5 linked posts, and it begs this question: Do you have a reading disorder? Seriously, if you consider those posts pro-Obama, English is not your primary or secondary language or you're a fucking idiot. Surprise! :slap:

11-14-2013, 06:12 PM
Oh, and the "natural allies" bit again... :rolleyes: But now you've got three people to prove out as "lefties." :laugh:

Do you really have to rewrite EVERYTHING according to preference ? Does the truth never strike you as being any more than a malleable commodity ?

Observe ...


From Tyr:

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=668653#post668653)
Recently lost one of my Cabal members here .

From YOU, in reply ...

And the rest are getting smoked like a blunt at an OWS reunion. :poke:

And now, in typical Leftie fashion, you choose another of your rewrites, with ....

The post where drummond's imagination gets smoked like a blunt at an OWS convention

Of course, your contemptuous reply to Tyr at the time ITSELF indicates where your sympathies really lay. Consistent with that of an arrogant LEFTIE pouring scorn (or trying to) against Conservatives.

It's as I say. The more one digs up, the more consistently damning the picture is proven to be.

Oh, by the way, that 'OWS Convention' reference ... being British, I've had to look it up, to know what it signified. Out of interest, here's what I've found ...


A protest by any other name is still a protest. But not all protests are an occupation.

Two months after the major group planning to protest the Democratic National Convention changed its name, a new and bigger demonstration is being planned for the September event. This time, it's being led by "original" Occupy protesters.

Protest organizer John Penley, among the first to join the Occupy protests in Zuccotti Park, says some Occupy protesters were disturbed by the name change, which turned the "Coalition to Protest at the DNC" into the "Coalition to March on Wall Street South — Building People's Power During the DNC."

The change in nomenclature, he said, let Democrats off the hook.

And so despite the perception that Occupy is more liberal than it is conservative, Penley says his demonstration, "Occupy the Military Industrial Complex," will very much target President Barack Obama.

"We're targeting Obama's out of control military spending," he told Whispers. "It's the key to so many problems in the U.S. That, and the drone strikes on American citizens. And the NDAA. People feel so upset with Obama."

Interesting stuff.

11-14-2013, 06:31 PM
So I looked over the 5 linked posts, and it begs this question: Do you have a reading disorder? Seriously, if you consider those posts pro-Obama, English is not your primary or secondary language or you're a fucking idiot. Surprise! :slap:


And there we have it. A surprise genuinely hoped for ... but NONE forthcoming.

But of COURSE you'll fail to perceive what's obvious.

Missileman, you had your chance to trounce me, to prove that whatever suspicion I might've had about you was wrong. Really, I've played totally fair with you.

But now we have it. Clear as day.

You're just defending a Leftie comrade.

No more needs to be said. Unless, of course, you want to reply with more of your crude, yet pointless, threats.

-- Which itself tells its own story.

Enjoy your time in the Cage.

11-14-2013, 08:25 PM

And there we have it. A surprise genuinely hoped for ... but NONE forthcoming.

But of COURSE you'll fail to perceive what's obvious.

Missileman, you had your chance to trounce me, to prove that whatever suspicion I might've had about you was wrong. Really, I've played totally fair with you.

But now we have it. Clear as day.

You're just defending a Leftie comrade.

No more needs to be said. Unless, of course, you want to reply with more of your crude, yet pointless, threats.

-- Which itself tells its own story.

Enjoy your time in the Cage.

I freely admit it, I was wrong. You have a reading disorder AND you're a fucking idiot. OR never came into play. I've never threatened you in any way. As is your wont, you see what you want to in people's posts.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2013, 09:13 PM
I freely admit it, I was wrong. You have a reading disorder AND you're a fucking idiot. OR never came into play. I've never threatened you in any way. As is your wont, you see what you want to in people's posts. I am not taking sides in this exchange but it is possible Drummond may have taken this little tidbit in a previous post by you to be a threat. Not being used to how we Americans often talk he could have easily gotten that idea on reading that. Could look to a person not so used to American colorful language as a threat. Now had you said that to me I wouldn't have taken it as a physical threat but then again I use language like that myself often.. My suggestion to my friend Drummonds is that( if it was his primary thought when saying you gave a threat) it is very colorful American smack talk and hell I thought it ok as far as it was intended. I didn't see enough in it to represent a real threat but you and I had our go round way back and both came to friendly terms over it. So I have a bit of insight he does not have. So not a reading disorder but rather a misunderstanding. I trust this message may help both you guys as it's intended to do just that. -Tyr

As for that last sentence, you wouldn't be the first poster to accuse me of being a leftie who subsequently got that little tidbit shoved up their ass so far it put a twinkle in their eye. I'd be more than happy to add you to the list if you want to proceed along those lines. Wanna give it a go? H'm

11-14-2013, 09:45 PM
I am not taking sides in this exchange but it is possible Drummond may have taken this little tidbit in a previous post by you to be a threat. Not being used to how we Americans often talk he could have easily gotten that idea on reading that. Could look to a person not so used to American colorful language as a threat. Now had you said that to me I wouldn't have taken it as a physical threat but then again I use language like that myself often.. My suggestion to my friend Drummonds is that( if it was his primary thought when saying you gave a threat) it is very colorful American smack talk and hell I thought it ok as far as it was intended. I didn't see enough in it to represent a real threat but you and I had our go round way back and both came to friendly terms over it. So I have a bit of insight he does not have. So not a reading disorder but rather a misunderstanding. I trust this message may help both you guys as it's intended to do just that. -Tyr

It was metaphorical for a drubbing via debate. You can't physically shoves words or ideas up someone's ass. Yours and my eventual smoothing of a rocky road was a result of us looking at all of each other's posts and realizing for the most part, our politics are similar. Certainly not different enough to be online enemies over. There are some of us on the board who like to play devil's advocate to provoke thought and debate, it doesn't mean we're liberals. If and when a couple other posters on the board can arrive at their own understanding of who is and isn't a commie-pinko-fag-liberal, the board will smooth out. Yes...I continue to hope. BTW, honing arguments against those of us who like to ask tough questions can only improve one's ability to champion one's beliefs. One shouldn't feel threatened by tough questions unless one's shit is weak argument-wise.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-14-2013, 09:59 PM
It was metaphorical for a drubbing via debate. You can't physically shoves words or ideas up someone's ass. Yours and my eventual smoothing of a rocky road was a result of us looking at all of each other's posts and realizing for the most part, our politics are similar. Certainly not different enough to be online enemies over. There are some of us on the board who like to play devil's advocate to provoke thought and debate, it doesn't mean we're liberals. If and when a couple other posters on the board can arrive at their own understanding of who is and isn't a commie-pinko-fag-liberal, the board will smooth out. Yes...I continue to hope. BTW, honing arguments against those of us who like to ask tough questions can only improve one's ability to champion one's beliefs. One shouldn't feel threatened by tough questions unless one's shit is weak argument-wise. Speaking for myself I was sorry to see you and Drummond get off to a bad start as was the case. You and I did the same and then I cranked my temper down enough to see some things. Some of us Americans are high strung , sitting on ready and ripping on go! :laugh: Can not blame a Brit for not having had the experience we have grown up with here. Just as his keen insights on socialists beats ours because he has had first hand experience for over 4 decades there in Britain. I tossed out a bit of info for both you guys and am glad to see it was as well received as it was intended to be. I suspect strongly that D will see it much the same way.. Carry on.. --Tyr

11-14-2013, 10:00 PM
It was metaphorical for a drubbing via debate. You can't physically shoves words or ideas up someone's ass. Yours and my eventual smoothing of a rocky road was a result of us looking at all of each other's posts and realizing for the most part, our politics are similar. Certainly not different enough to be online enemies over. There are some of us on the board who like to play devil's advocate to provoke thought and debate, it doesn't mean we're liberals. If and when a couple other posters on the board can arrive at their own understanding of who is and isn't a commie-pinko-fag-liberal, the board will smooth out. Yes...I continue to hope. BTW, honing arguments against those of us who like to ask tough questions can only improve one's ability to champion one's beliefs. One shouldn't feel threatened by tough questions unless one's shit is weak argument-wise.

It merely goes to his inability to understand much of anything. You hit the nail on the head, and appear to be pretty clear and free thinking. I agree with your bit about 'at their own understanding', but unfortunately it appears such a thing may never come. It's them against everyone that is not 110% with them. Funny to watch, but sad for our nation.

Have enjoyed your participation in the thread greatly.

11-15-2013, 09:51 AM
Do you really have to rewrite EVERYTHING according to preference ? Does the truth never strike you as being any more than a malleable commodity ?

I thought we've been over this; I was offering a summary so that future readers would know what to expect. :poke:

The post where drummond's imagination gets smoked like a blunt at an OWS convention

Of course, your contemptuous reply to Tyr at the time ITSELF indicates where your sympathies really lay. Consistent with that of an arrogant LEFTIE pouring scorn (or trying to) against Conservatives.

It's as I say. The more one digs up, the more consistently damning the picture is proven to be.

:facepalm99: I wonder if you'll ever wise up to the truth or if you will always see what you want to see. And my reply wasn't "contemptuous," I was ribbing him in a lighthearted manner in the same lighthearted manner that he posted the thread in the first place.

Oh, by the way, that 'OWS Convention' reference ... being British, I've had to look it up, to know what it signified. Out of interest, here's what I've found ...

Interesting stuff.

It's really not that interesting and I'd be shocked that is the first time you've heard about OWS even being British and all. Besides, it was an analogy. ;)

But now we have it. Clear as day.

You're just defending a Leftie comrade.

No more needs to be said.

:laugh: OMG. Dude, when you find yourself in a hole the first thing you need to do is stop digging. No wonder you see "lefties" everywhere, whenever someone doesn't agree with your POV 100% they are deemed "leftie."

Abbey Marie
11-15-2013, 12:49 PM
I thought we've been over this; I was offering a summary so that future readers would know what to expect. :poke:

:facepalm99: I wonder if you'll ever wise up to the truth or if you will always see what you want to see. And my reply wasn't "contemptuous," I was ribbing him in a lighthearted manner in the same lighthearted manner that he posted the thread in the first place.

It's really not that interesting and I'd be shocked that is the first time you've heard about OWS even being British and all. Besides, it was an analogy. ;)

:laugh: OMG. Dude, when you find yourself in a hole the first thing you need to do is stop digging. No wonder you see "lefties" everywhere, whenever someone doesn't agree with your POV 100% they are deemed "leftie."

FJ, I am sure you are aware that opinion is a matter of personal perspective. What is Leftie to Drummond, may not be Leftie to you, and vice versa. But that doesn't make him wrong or you correct. It just makes you appear Leftie to him, but not to yourself.

As I think I've said here recently, I have a fave song lyric: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor". Given that, (insert non-mod voice here) perhaps it's time to stop beating this rather subjective dead horse?


11-15-2013, 01:10 PM
I never saw FJ or Logroller as lefties. Just leaning a little more in that direction than some of the hardcore conservatives is all. I might even think more center of the road, but definitely not lefties. And then our new member, Arbo. The same thing, I don't see him as a leftie either. I see him being similar to the aforementioned. But Abbey is correct, what is considered middle of the road, or a left leaning conservative to me, might be outright leftie to others.

But then I think of Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Obama, Hillary... And I can go on for quite awhile with that nut list. Suffice to say, I don't think these fellas are anywhere in the same universe, stance wise, as the liberal idiots we see helping run our country.

11-15-2013, 01:31 PM
FJ, I am sure you are aware that opinion is a matter of personal perspective.

To some extent. But there are definitely certain 'stances' that someone that is a liberal or someone that is a conservative is understood to either support or stand against. The point in all of this exchange is that drummond is an idiot that doesn't have a clue and is incapable of backing up his claims, and if anyone disagree's with him his first go to move is to scream 'leftie!'

11-15-2013, 02:08 PM
FJ, I am sure you are aware that opinion is a matter of personal perspective. What is Leftie to Drummond, may not be Leftie to you, and vice versa. But that doesn't make him wrong or you correct. It just makes you appear Leftie to him, but not to yourself.

As I think I've said here recently, I have a fave song lyric: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor". Given that, (insert non-mod voice here) perhaps it's time to stop beating this rather subjective dead horse?


Umm, no. There is nothing subjective about it; he sees everything that is opposed to his view as "leftie" even when I can show that it's not... and in case you haven't noticed that anyone who dares suggest that his view is incorrect is also deemed as "leftie;" even Missileman for Pete's sake. If that doesn't give you a clue then I don't know what will. It comes down to conservative is more or less small government and liberal, or leftie in d's world, is big government. If you can show me where I have advocated big government as the solution to almost anything I might grant you your point. And he has more big government position than I. ;)

And BTW you might want to direct your comments in the future to the one who is actually beating the dead horse. :)

11-15-2013, 02:18 PM
I never saw FJ or Logroller as lefties. Just leaning a little more in that direction than some of the hardcore conservatives is all. I might even think more center of the road, but definitely not lefties. And then our new member, Arbo. The same thing, I don't see him as a leftie either. I see him being similar to the aforementioned. But Abbey is correct, what is considered middle of the road, or a left leaning conservative to me, might be outright leftie to others.

Well then we should define what is actually conservatism if you want to say that someone is middle of the road. I would argue that Libertarians are more conservative than Republicans and most of my positions are in the Libertarian camp.

11-15-2013, 02:27 PM
People, or Members who claim to be Libertarian are far closer to being Liberal than any of them want to be seen, or recognized.

This is why I see Drummond using the Liberal Tags for a few of you. There is such a fine line between Libertarian, and Liberal thinking, policies, and practices. Most of you...and you know who you are. Convince most of us...you are far more Liberal minded than anything else. Even to the point of the EXTREME Leftiness you bring here...disguised as something else.

11-15-2013, 02:44 PM
An experiment:

People, or Members who claim to be Libertarian are far closer to being Liberal than any of them want to be seen, or recognized.

This is why I see Drummond using the Liberal Tags for a few of you. There is such a fine line between Libertarian, and Liberal thinking, policies, and practices. Most of you...and you know who you are. Convince most of us...you are far more Liberal minded than anything else. Even to the point of the EXTREME Leftiness you bring here...disguised as something else.

Really? How so?

11-15-2013, 03:06 PM
To some extent. But there are definitely certain 'stances' that someone that is a liberal or someone that is a conservative is understood to either support or stand against. The point in all of this exchange is that drummond is an idiot that doesn't have a clue and is incapable of backing up his claims, and if anyone disagree's with him his first go to move is to scream 'leftie!'

I would LOVE to hear where you consider yourself on the intelligence meter if you think Drummond is an idiot. I don't always agree with 100% of what he posts, but I have little doubt that he is much smarter than yourself. Do I think he is wrong in labeling certain members a leftie? IMO, yes, but that hardly makes him an idiot.

11-15-2013, 03:08 PM
An experiment:

Really? How so?

They both start with liber...that has to mean they're kinda the same thing right? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Oh, and for the bozos...:rolleyes:

11-15-2013, 03:10 PM
Well then we should define what is actually conservatism if you want to say that someone is middle of the road. I would argue that Libertarians are more conservative than Republicans and most of my positions are in the Libertarian camp.

Perhaps, perhaps. But that only backs up what Abbey said and I followed up with. Ones definition of what specifically makes someone a rightie, a leftie, a liberal, conservative or libertarian - these change. Sure, you can point a specific definition, but then it needs to be applied somehow with each and every issue and stance come up. With that stance, some will have different takes on whether it is a conservative, libertarian, constitutionalist... I think after time, and many issues, it's easier to get a grasp on where someone lies, but not all people will agree on that designation. It also shouldn't be REAL far apart either.

11-15-2013, 03:11 PM
Buncha fake dope smoking conservatives is all I see 'round these parts! :coffee:

11-15-2013, 03:12 PM
I would LOVE to hear where you consider yourself on the intelligence meter if you think Drummond is an idiot. I don't always agree with 100% of what he posts, but I have little doubt that he is much smarter than yourself. Do I think he is wrong in labeling certain members a leftie? IMO, yes, but that hardly makes him an idiot.

Our standards may be different, but I find this idiotic:
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Drummond http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=674545#post674545) But now we have it. Clear as day.

You're just defending a Leftie comrade.

No more needs to be said

11-15-2013, 03:12 PM
They both start with liber...that has to mean they're kinda the same thing right? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Oh, and for the bozos...:rolleyes:

That's what I'm calling FJ and LR for now one - libers!! :lol:

11-15-2013, 03:15 PM
That's what I'm calling FJ and LR for now one - libers!! :lol:

How about LINOs...liberals in name only?

11-15-2013, 03:15 PM
Our standards may be different, but I find this idiotic:

Well, I already agreed that members in question, IMO, are not lefties. In some minds that may be seen as an idiotic statement. Even if though, I don't think that makes HIM an idiot though.

11-15-2013, 03:17 PM
How about LINOs...liberals in name only?

Works for me!! But the next time either of the fuckers disagrees with me, back to being liberals!!

11-15-2013, 03:17 PM
Well, I already agreed that members in question, IMO, are not lefties. In some minds that may be seen as an idiotic statement. Even if though, I don't think that makes HIM an idiot though.

Stupid is as stupid does Mrs. Gump....:laugh::laugh::laugh:

11-15-2013, 03:36 PM
People, or Members who claim to be Libertarian are far closer to being Liberal than any of them want to be seen, or recognized.

This is why I see Drummond using the Liberal Tags for a few of you. There is such a fine line between Libertarian, and Liberal thinking, policies, and practices. Most of you...and you know who you are. Convince most of us...you are far more Liberal minded than anything else. Even to the point of the EXTREME Leftiness you bring here...disguised as something else.

This is perhaps the most insane thing I have ever seen posted. A serious break from reality. If one's ideas are based on a 100% lack of understanding of what a libertarian is I could see this. Considering the source, it might make sense.

11-15-2013, 03:40 PM
I don't always agree with 100% of what he posts, but I have little doubt that he is much smarter than yourself.

Like I wouldn't have guessed that little bit of predictable bias. :laugh:

Would love to hear what would ever make you believe he is much beyond the ability to simply think 'breath in, breath out'…

11-15-2013, 03:42 PM
Well, I already agreed that members in question, IMO, are not lefties.

You need to quit defending your liberal comrades you commie!!!!


11-15-2013, 04:29 PM
Like I wouldn't have guessed that little bit of predictable bias. :laugh:

Would love to hear what would ever make you believe he is much beyond the ability to simply think 'breath in, breath out'…

You need to quit defending your liberal comrades you commie!!!!


Funny how you call out my bias as I agree with you guys about wrongly being labeled lefties. Then again, almost every time you have accused me of being biased has been incorrect, and the board statistics, aka facts, will back that up each and every time.

11-15-2013, 04:49 PM
Funny how you call out my bias as I agree with you guys about wrongly being labeled lefties. Then again, almost every time you have accused me of being biased has been incorrect, and the board statistics, aka facts, will back that up each and every time.

1) it is noted you had no explanation for why you think drummond is smart. that is what the bias comment was about.
2) I'm not shifting into your little game, as you own the board, there's no such thing as a fair fight on that one.

11-15-2013, 05:06 PM
That's what I'm calling FJ and LR for now one - libers!! :lol:

I might settle for that. It's not exactly right but at least it's not completely wrong. :slap:

Perhaps, perhaps. But that only backs up what Abbey said and I followed up with.

If you look at it on a scale of big government on one end and limited government on the other end then that takes the vagaries out of it. There are many positions that the "hard-core conservatives" here hold that I have suggested is not in the conservative (limited government) camp. Nevertheless those issues aside the fact remains that the "leftie" definition that drummond applies is nowhere near accurate.

11-15-2013, 05:20 PM
Funny how you call out my bias as I agree with you guys about wrongly being labeled lefties. Then again, almost every time you have accused me of being biased has been incorrect, and the board statistics, aka facts, will back that up each and every time.

Jim. That Libbers idea can also apply to LIBERTARIANS as well. Which seems to be the identity of the libs you are speaking to here.
These libs are so close to being Democrats...as Libertarians. There are very few real differences. So they really don't feel insulted...in many respects. IMO.

11-15-2013, 05:36 PM
1) it is noted you had no explanation for why you think drummond is smart. that is what the bias comment was about.

I've read hundreds of his posts since he came to this board. It's that simple, I can tell if someone is intelligent or not simply by reading how they post. Even people I dislike, if they are intelligent, it shows in their posts. Ask FJ, cause I detest that fucker, but will readily admit he's a rather intelligent bloke!

11-15-2013, 05:38 PM
Ask FJ, cause I detest that fucker...


11-15-2013, 05:39 PM
Jim. That Libbers idea can also apply to LIBERTARIANS as well. Which seems to be the identity of the libs you are speaking to here.
These libs are so close to being Democrats...as Libertarians. There are very few real differences. So they really don't feel insulted...in many respects. IMO.

Ah, a repeat of this whole fantasy that liberals and libertarians are the same thing. One must work hard to show such a high level of stupidity. Great job for a little boy who's balls have yet to drop.

11-15-2013, 05:42 PM
An experiment:

Really? How so?

Preliminary findings?

Jim. That Libbers idea can also apply to LIBERTARIANS as well. Which seems to be the identity of the libs you are speaking to here.
These libs are so close to being Democrats...as Libertarians. There are very few real differences. So they really don't feel insulted...in many respects. IMO.

Not looking good.

11-15-2013, 05:42 PM
I can tell if someone is intelligent or not simply by reading how they post.

So a load of smilies and big fonts, as well as poor english (that you just gave someone else shit for pointing out), makes someone intelligent? Because that is how he posts. Amusing.

I personally judge on content over style.

11-15-2013, 05:46 PM
I might settle for that. It's not exactly right but at least it's not completely wrong. :slap:

We could shorten even further and just call ya a "lib". That way everyone is happy and correct in what they call you? :dunno:

If you look at it on a scale of big government on one end and limited government on the other end then that takes the vagaries out of it. There are many positions that the "hard-core conservatives" here hold that I have suggested is not in the conservative (limited government) camp. Nevertheless those issues aside the fact remains that the "leftie" definition that drummond applies is nowhere near accurate.

I think far too often that people get labeled by whether or not they agree with certain initiatives. I've often seen liberals in the webosphere labeled chicken hawks and neo-cons, simply because they didn't go full hook, line and sinker for the far kooky left liberal way. I call myself a far right chickenhawk neocon conservative, but I often have stances that are more in line with libertarian, strictly consitutional & even a tiny itty bitty handful of liberal stances in my years.

11-15-2013, 05:51 PM
So a load of smilies and big fonts, as well as poor english (that you just gave someone else shit for pointing out), makes someone intelligent? Because that is how he posts. Amusing.

I personally judge on content over style.

If you disagree, that's cool. But I've watched him post for a LOT longer than you have. The majority of what I have seen him post and have engaged him with, was not loaded with smilies or the larger font. I have seen him use the larger font from time to time though. I don't see the big deal though, it's something many do to make a point of their own stand out. It hardly makes them less intelligent. And I definitely do not see him as someone with a poor grasp of the English language. The only thing I see is a different type of speaking at times, based on him being from the UK of course. But I never saw him type unintelligibly, or like someone who wasn't educated. I'm sorry we disagree on this, but I'm willing to point out anyone's intelligence here, whether I agree with them or not.

Oh, and while you were quick to point out that he has poor English, you failed to capitalize. :lol: :beer:

11-15-2013, 05:58 PM
Our standards may be different, but I find this idiotic:

Maybe you do find it idiotic. But I fail to find it to be anything other than true.

I offered you your chance to see evidence that showed my case to be well founded. You came back with comments I could see no reason not to interpret as total loyalty ... and something had to explain that loyalty.

Since evidence didn't sway you ... what else could I believe ?

This isn't all I shall post before finally quitting this Cage environment (.. which I'm rapidly tiring of).

11-15-2013, 06:00 PM
I think far too often that people get labeled by whether or not they agree with certain initiatives. I've often seen liberals in the webosphere labeled chicken hawks and neo-cons...

That's probably about right. My current working theory is that everyone likes to argue the stereotypes rather than get deeper into issues. Not much to be done about that I suppose.

11-15-2013, 06:06 PM
If you disagree, that's cool. But I've watched him post for a LOT longer than you have. The majority of what I have seen him post and have engaged him with, was not loaded with smilies or the larger font. I have seen him use the larger font from time to time though. I don't see the big deal though, it's something many do to make a point of their own stand out. It hardly makes them less intelligent. And I definitely do not see him as someone with a poor grasp of the English language. The only thing I see is a different type of speaking at times, based on him being from the UK of course. But I never saw him type unintelligibly, or like someone who wasn't educated. I'm sorry we disagree on this, but I'm willing to point out anyone's intelligence here, whether I agree with them or not.

Oh, and while you were quick to point out that he has poor English, you failed to capitalize. :lol: :beer:

Much appreciated, Jim. Thank you.

I've picked up, in an earlier post, on an example of Arbo being disinterested in proper consideration of something posted for no other good reason than it contained different sized fonts !!!! To my mind, that's about as feeble an excuse for avoidance of text that I've ever seen.

One has to wonder (to the point it's even necessary to ..) what would drive anyone to dismiss evidence posted on such an obviously flimsy basis (and I'm being kind, here !!!). Certain conclusions are rather difficult to avoid.

Cue some more denigratory posting from Arbo, in response ? Ah, well ......

11-15-2013, 06:09 PM
This is perhaps the most insane thing I have ever seen posted. A serious break from reality. If one's ideas are based on a 100% lack of understanding of what a libertarian is I could see this. Considering the source, it might make sense.

Denigration in lieu of proper substance. Not a totally unusual sort of offering from you, Arbo.

Yes, this is the Cage. Even so ...

11-15-2013, 06:09 PM
Much appreciated, Jim. Thank you.

I've picked up, in an earlier post, on an example of Arbo being disinterested in proper consideration of something posted for no other good reason than it contained different sized fonts !!!! To my mind, that's about as feeble an excuse for avoidance of text that I've ever seen.

One has to wonder (to the point it's even necessary to ..) what would drive anyone to dismiss evidence posted on such an obviously flimsy basis (and I'm being kind, here !!!). Certain conclusions are rather difficult to avoid.

Cue some more denigratory posting from Arbo, in response ? Ah, well ......

Sir Drummond. Gonna be a really long, but entertaining Weekend too!

As we say here. "The ball is now in Arbo's court."

Not even a STEEL CAGE can protect any of us now.

11-15-2013, 06:14 PM
1) it is noted you had no explanation for why you think drummond is smart. that is what the bias comment was about.
2) I'm not shifting into your little game, as you own the board, there's no such thing as a fair fight on that one.

1. Because I am. Yah, boo, sucks to you, too ...
2. Spare me ....

Arbo, with posts like this from you, I am beginning to wonder why I ever bothered with you. All this just comes across, to me, like a wilful child coming close to having a tantrum.

Good grief ...

11-15-2013, 06:16 PM
FJ, I am sure you are aware that opinion is a matter of personal perspective. What is Leftie to Drummond, may not be Leftie to you, and vice versa. But that doesn't make him wrong or you correct. It just makes you appear Leftie to him, but not to yourself.

As I think I've said here recently, I have a fave song lyric: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor". Given that, (insert non-mod voice here) perhaps it's time to stop beating this rather subjective dead horse?


A good attempt at much-needed balance, Abbey.

Thanks for this. I appreciate your obvious intent.

11-15-2013, 06:23 PM
Maybe you do find it idiotic. But I fail to find it to be anything other than true.

I offered you your chance to see evidence that showed my case to be well founded. You came back with comments I could see no reason not to interpret as total loyalty ... and something had to explain that loyalty.

Since evidence didn't sway you ... what else could I believe ?

This isn't all I shall post before finally quitting this Cage environment (.. which I'm rapidly tiring of).

I examined your "evidence" and found it totally lacking. Loyalty has nothing to do with it. I understand you believe you've made a case that fj1200 and Arbo are liberals. Your belief doesn't alter the fact that not only have you failed to provide a case of any consequence, you've presented no case at all. Your assessment that ONLY loyalty to other posters could be why I find no evidence to support your conclusion is what's landed you in the idiot camp. If I were the only poster to judge you wrong, you might have a point.

11-15-2013, 06:27 PM
A good attempt at much-needed balance, Abbey.

Thanks for this. I appreciate your obvious intent.

You go past allegations of being politically left of YOU and make unfounded accusations of support for Obama and his policies. Abbey's take on the political spectrum doesn't get you off the hook.

11-15-2013, 06:30 PM
Umm, no. There is nothing subjective about it; he sees everything that is opposed to his view as "leftie" even when I can show that it's not... and in case you haven't noticed that anyone who dares suggest that his view is incorrect is also deemed as "leftie;" even Missileman for Pete's sake. If that doesn't give you a clue then I don't know what will. It comes down to conservative is more or less small government and liberal, or leftie in d's world, is big government. If you can show me where I have advocated big government as the solution to almost anything I might grant you your point. And he has more big government position than I. ;)

And BTW you might want to direct your comments in the future to the one who is actually beating the dead horse. :)

A good try, FJ. And I mean it sincerely. This is actually better than your usual debating standard.

But here's a thought in reply.

Who would regard Obama as anything other than an advocate (... and, of course, much more besides !!) for big Government ?

Now - for your latest posture to hold true, and for you to 'genuinely' not be a Leftie (or 'liberal', to use the more American term) ... it would need to be the case that you would never have posted anything interpretable as supportive of Obama. Yet .. even though the evidence I've repeatedly posted is widely derided (not least by Missileman, note !) ... I have shown that you ARE prepared to find reason to support Obama.

That, FJ, is simple fact.

You say you're anti-big Government. In post after post, you've claimed that I am an advocate, or supporter, of big Government !!! Your claim against me is simply a lie. And you HAVE found the basis, before now, to support Obama.

I need not go on, FJ, and I've long since become tired of you. ENOUGH. I shall now seek out the postings of one individual, here, whose opinions I always respect, without further diversion.

11-15-2013, 06:31 PM
You go past allegations of being politically left of YOU and make unfounded accusations of support for Obama and his policies. Abbey's take on the political spectrum doesn't get you off the hook.

Missileman. Pardon the interruption here, but. Don't you think this has just about played itself out by now? When does the argument end?
Would you like to use this, and make yourself feel better now? 5769

11-15-2013, 06:35 PM
You go past allegations of being politically left of YOU and make unfounded accusations of support for Obama and his policies. Abbey's take on the political spectrum doesn't get you off the hook.

I am not 'on' the hook in the first place.

I am here to seek out Tyr's postings, as I understand he has some insights which I need to consider. HIS insights are always worth doing so.

But keep this up, and I will cease to consider anything from you at all.

11-15-2013, 06:41 PM
Missileman. Pardon the interruption here, but. Don't you think this has just about played itself out by now? When does the argument end?
Would you like to use this, and make yourself feel better now? 5769

Instead of worrying about my posts, you should be worried about explaining how liberals and libertarians are closely related political ideologies as you've alleged.

11-15-2013, 06:43 PM
But keep this up, and I will cease to consider anything from you at all.

OMG! I will be devastated! (Bozo alert...that was sarcasm again)

11-15-2013, 06:47 PM
I am not taking sides in this exchange but it is possible Drummond may have taken this little tidbit in a previous post by you to be a threat. Not being used to how we Americans often talk he could have easily gotten that idea on reading that. Could look to a person not so used to American colorful language as a threat. Now had you said that to me I wouldn't have taken it as a physical threat but then again I use language like that myself often.. My suggestion to my friend Drummonds is that( if it was his primary thought when saying you gave a threat) it is very colorful American smack talk and hell I thought it ok as far as it was intended. I didn't see enough in it to represent a real threat but you and I had our go round way back and both came to friendly terms over it. So I have a bit of insight he does not have. So not a reading disorder but rather a misunderstanding. I trust this message may help both you guys as it's intended to do just that. -Tyr

YES. Thank you, Tyr. I can always rely on you to understand me, and also to offer valuable insights.

Missileman's continued baiting notwithstanding, I'll say this: without your intervention, there would've been no way I'd have ever accepted that I hadn't been on the receiving-end of a threat. Your point concerning differing cultures is, I'm sure, relevant ... I see absolutely no way at all that anyone British would've reacted any differently to myself. What you call 'colourful language' would, in my culture, have been the basis for acrimonious confrontation at absolute minimum, more probably a pitched battle otherwise. Such language would've been deemed highly offensive, even, under certain circumstances, grounds for a breach of the peace, therefore an arrestable offence.

I shall take your word for this, Tyr. And Missileman, Cage or not, I'm telling you to STOP baiting me. Tyr has offered some balance you might be wise to respect. But if you're not, then I wash my hands of you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2013, 07:05 PM
I would LOVE to hear where you consider yourself on the intelligence meter if you think Drummond is an idiot. I don't always agree with 100% of what he posts, but I have little doubt that he is much smarter than yourself. Do I think he is wrong in labeling certain members a leftie? IMO, yes, but that hardly makes him an idiot. I have my top ten list of which members I think are very intelligent and Drummond is right in there. May shock a lot of the members here but a couple my opposition here are represented well on that list too. I will never dare reveal their names here for fear that their heads will explode from either extreme shock or a massively expanding ego. :laugh: Drummond rates very high in my book as do several other members here and along with that list I rate 6 of the ladies here as very intelligent and at least three of them as simply brilliant in their postings.. Gonna piss some people here off but I believe Gabby was on that list last time I checked. When she is not deliberately trolling that is. ;) I note that one doesn't have to be a genius to post great posts with insightful information. Some have had life experiences that they share here and I find that a very valuable gift too .. I am currently on 5 forums but spend 90% of my time here. Must be a damn good reason. Jim giving this place the amount of freedom that he does rates as number one in my book. :beer: --Tyr

11-15-2013, 07:23 PM
Oh, and while you were quick to point out that he has poor English, you failed to capitalize.

It is fun to throw out a bone every now and then.

Denigration in lieu of proper substance. Not a totally unusual sort of offering from you, Arbo.

So yet again you deflect from backing up your claims of my political standing. 'Denigration', 'denigration', not relevant, either be a man and back up your words or STFU. Hows that for more denigration in order for you to make another excuse of not backing up your words? What a fool. :laugh:

Your belief doesn't alter the fact that not only have you failed to provide a case of any consequence, you've presented no case at all.

Spot on. In addition, it is noted that while others offer their opinion (for which drummond would label them a lefty as well if he was consistent) they seem to seek that this all 'end', coming to his aid. It's really quite transparent all the way around.

Missileman. Pardon the interruption here, but. Don't you think this has just about played itself out by now? When does the argument end?

Why do you care? You don't even need to read the thread. Or is this just more diversion from supplying any evidence to support your claim that liberals and libertarians are one in the same? :laugh: You are quite a joke… are you trying to outdo drummond?

I have my top ten list of which members I think are very intelligent

I'd bet anyone with two brain cells could figure out who is on it. It wouldn't be a surprise for sure.

I am currently on 5 forums but spend 90% of my time here. Must be a damn good reason.

Because the others don't put up with your mind numbing zombie posting? I'd love to know which other ones and see the interactions there.

11-15-2013, 07:33 PM
Instead of worrying about my posts, you should be worried about explaining how liberals and libertarians are closely related political ideologies as you've alleged.

I have no need to worry about explaining anything. I posted my opinion, based on what I read here, and oddly, see the similarities of both ideologies many either can't, or won't accept as truth.

If someone wishes to compare both. They might extract some of the denied similarities on their own. If, they have an open mind, and honestly wish to compare fairly.

My basis for my opinion comes from many years of listening to Neal Boortz...a known Libertarian who quite often attempted to explain those similar traits...much to the displeasure of Libertarians. And, oddly enough. Where he found many Liberal followers as well.
So. I have nothing to explain, or to make excuses for.
Just exercising my First amendment.

11-15-2013, 07:42 PM
I have no need to worry about explaining anything. I posted my opinion, based on what I read here, and oddly, see the similarities of both ideologies many either can't, or won't accept as truth.

If someone wishes to compare both. They might extract some of the denied similarities on their own. If, they have an open mind, and honestly wish to compare fairly.

My basis for my opinion comes from many years of listening to Neal Boortz...a known Libertarian who quite often attempted to explain those similar traits...much to the displeasure of Libertarians. And, oddly enough. Where he found many Liberal followers as well.
So. I have nothing to explain, or to make excuses for.
Just exercising my First amendment.

So utterly lame, yet so expected. This guy is worse than drummond when it comes to backing up his words.

Abbey Marie
11-15-2013, 07:49 PM
Umm, no. There is nothing subjective about it; he sees everything that is opposed to his view as "leftie" even when I can show that it's not... and in case you haven't noticed that anyone who dares suggest that his view is incorrect is also deemed as "leftie;" even Missileman for Pete's sake. If that doesn't give you a clue then I don't know what will. It comes down to conservative is more or less small government and liberal, or leftie in d's world, is big government. If you can show me where I have advocated big government as the solution to almost anything I might grant you your point. And he has more big government position than I. ;)

And BTW you might want to direct your comments in the future to the one who is actually beating the dead horse. :)

There is just about everything subjective about it. A person in WWII Italy would have a very different view of Fascism than someone in modern America, for example. Honestly, I am surprised that you cannot see that people's ideas about your beliefs are more based on where they stand, than where you may or may not feel you are.

If you firmly believe you are Conservative, or Libertarian, or at least not "Leftie", I can't imagine why Drummond's perceptions about you bother you so much. Surely a guy like you so firmly rooted in small gov't and anti-liberalism ;) has nothing to worry about if someone else disagrees with your self-identification.

Btw, I don't think you are a Leftie. I don't think you are a social conservative, either. From my POV, you are therefore kind of MOR. Hopefully that doesn't bother you enough to start calling me an idiot or moron, or whatever else some of you have been throwing at Drummond.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-15-2013, 08:22 PM
There is just about everything subjective about it. A person in WWII Italy would have a very different view of Fascism than someone in modern America, for example. Honestly, I am surprised that you cannot see that people's ideas about your beliefs are more based on where they stand, than where you may or may not feel you are.

If you firmly believe you are Conservative, or Libertarian, or at least not "Leftie", I can't imagine why Drummond's perceptions about you bother you so much. Surely a guy like you so firmly rooted in small gov't and anti-liberalism ;) has nothing to worry about if someone else disagrees with your self-identification.

Btw, I don't think you are a Leftie. I don't think you are a social conservative, either. From my POV, you are therefore kind of MOR. Hopefully that doesn't bother you enough to start calling me an idiot or moron, or whatever else some of you have been throwing at Drummond. If Drummond is an idiot then I sure feel sorry for a lot of members here because they are well below him in the intelligence department. Of course he is not but sometimes people toss insults in anger that care not a bit about being true. I've been very angry here a few times and most of those times I never dared to call my opposition idiots. Some of my opposition here are far , far from being idiots. Yet they are wrong on many political subjects. Hell, even geniuses are quite often wrong on many things and even sometimes in the very field they are rated a genius in. A lot of this comes from a failure to understand cultural differences. D misunderstood the intent of one of Missileman's replies because in his culture THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN DEEMED A THREAT BY JUST ABOUT ANYBODY. HOWEVER, HERE IN AMERICA WE SEE IT AS IT WAS INTENDED JUST SOME SMACK TALK FROM A HIGH STRUNG GUY. AND MY DESCRIBING HIM LIKE THAT IS NOT AN INSULT BECAUSE I RATE MYSELF RIGHT IN THERE WITH HIM IN THAT REGARDS. Hell, I even consider being high strung-- as "sitting on ready and hoping for go" as a strong trait for a fighter. And I respect the living hell out of true fighters! I know for a fact that neither Drummond nor Missileman are cowards. Both honorable guys and trust me the world needs more honorable people not less.--Tyr

11-16-2013, 07:02 AM
A good try, FJ. And I mean it sincerely. This is actually better than your usual debating standard.

But here's a thought in reply.

Who would regard Obama as anything other than an advocate (... and, of course, much more besides !!) for big Government ?

Now - for your latest posture to hold true, and for you to 'genuinely' not be a Leftie (or 'liberal', to use the more American term) ... it would need to be the case that you would never have posted anything interpretable as supportive of Obama. Yet .. even though the evidence I've repeatedly posted is widely derided (not least by Missileman, note !) ... I have shown that you ARE prepared to find reason to support Obama.

That, FJ, is simple fact.

You say you're anti-big Government. In post after post, you've claimed that I am an advocate, or supporter, of big Government !!! Your claim against me is simply a lie. And you HAVE found the basis, before now, to support Obama.

I need not go on, FJ, and I've long since become tired of you. ENOUGH. I shall now seek out the postings of one individual, here, whose opinions I always respect, without further diversion.

No you haven't. Stating that BO hasn't committed an impeachable offense in the scenario that was presented it not supporting BO; it is a statement of fact. But I will take your post as admission that you can't find instances of my support of "big government as solution" because I know that you can't.

Since we're discussing big government vs. small government and your choosing the big government side I need only point to your advocating of the biggest government intrusion and that is the unchecked power of the State over the individual; torture in one case and automatically stripping of citizenship rights, directly voiding the US Constitution, in another. You can attempt to justify that it isn't big government but that would be a lie.

And here is a little tidbit of information that you may have overlooked while looking for only what validates you... No one agrees with you on my "leftieness." :laugh:

11-16-2013, 07:22 AM
There is just about everything subjective about it. A person in WWII Italy would have a very different view of Fascism than someone in modern America, for example. Honestly, I am surprised that you cannot see that people's ideas about your beliefs are more based on where they stand, than where you may or may not feel you are.

If you firmly believe you are Conservative, or Libertarian, or at least not "Leftie", I can't imagine why Drummond's perceptions about you bother you so much. Surely a guy like you so firmly rooted in small gov't and anti-liberalism ;) has nothing to worry about if someone else disagrees with your self-identification.

Btw, I don't think you are a Leftie. I don't think you are a social conservative, either. From my POV, you are therefore kind of MOR. Hopefully that doesn't bother you enough to start calling me an idiot or moron, or whatever else some of you have been throwing at Drummond.

I must ask if you have been paying any attention at all to his rants about socialists and "lefties"? We're not talking about the vagaries of Fascist Italy 70 years ago and comparison to today, we're talking about basically his view of the Socialist expansion of government. There really is nothing subjective about it. Sure, you and I can quibble over precise conservatism and Libertarian vs. Republican but that is in no way the differences being discussed. But point taken about from where he stands; he sees then "everywhere," even where they are not. ;)

As far as me being "bothered" you are apparently misreading my laughter ;) because I take notice that no one agrees with him anyway and it's theater to watch him twist and wind his logic around a false assumption.

And FWIW, I note your accurate assessment BTW, ;) I have never claimed to be a social conservative. If, however, you were to take my gay marriage stance, as example, and state that I'm a "social leftie" because of it in direct opposition to my pro-life position and actual position of removing the State from the definition of marriage, which countless here agree with btw, and were to repeat said accusation over hundreds of posts and countless threads... then yes, I might begin to question your intelligence on the matter. But I know that isn't the case. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-16-2013, 02:10 PM
I must ask if you have been paying any attention at all to his rants about socialists and "lefties"? We're not talking about the vagaries of Fascist Italy 70 years ago and comparison to today, we're talking about basically his view of the Socialist expansion of government. There really is nothing subjective about it. Sure, you and I can quibble over precise conservatism and Libertarian vs. Republican but that is in no way the differences being discussed. But point taken about from where he stands; he sees then "everywhere," even where they are not. ;)

As far as me being "bothered" you are apparently misreading my laughter ;) because I take notice that no one agrees with him anyway and it's theater to watch him twist and wind his logic around a false assumption.

And FWIW, I note your accurate assessment BTW, ;) I have never claimed to be a social conservative. If, however, you were to take my gay marriage stance, as example, and state that I'm a "social leftie" because of it in direct opposition to my pro-life position and actual position of removing the State from the definition of marriage, which countless here agree with btw, and were to repeat said accusation over hundreds of posts and countless threads... then yes, I might begin to question your intelligence on the matter. But I know that isn't the case. :) What is the big deal if a Brit member here sees you as a leftie? AT and RSR see you that way as well. We all make our judgments of other members here based upon how far left or how far right we are . If Drummond is that far right then he is in good company . And trust me he is that far right and dedicated to stand against liberalism, socialism and "Allahism" too. At least that's my view of my friend. Lets just suppose that you only go centralist on issues and never go leftist . To some that would still put you into the leftist camp. Myself, I've chosen to not enter this debate on either side. A very rare act for me to do that but I've done so for a good reason. Can you not see that your failure to adamantly and strongly oppose in the "manner that strongly outspoken conservatives do" the enemies of Conservatism, Republicanism and our Constitution would give some the impression that you sometimes bat for the other team?? Know this my friend, some Conservatives look upon Centralists/Moderates as lefties and with just cause. Now Drummond has every right to judge if I spoke correctly about him ,his character and his views on this. I'll not dispute his words should he correct anything I've just posted because he obviously knows himself and his reasons on this far better then I. However, I suggest to you that you not misjudge the man's character based upon this one issue. I met Drummond at another forum and invited him here. I did so because he is a solid , honorable guy and very intelligent IMHO. I made amends with you a short while back because I had let my anger cause me to previously misjudge you greatly. Step back and ponder if you are making the same mistake about him. You should take that as a friendly suggestion. Or even ignore my unsolicited advice as is your right. Neither one will cause me any further concern. As I have on this one issue tried to stay out of it. I've given that explanation to my friend Drummond and he accepts it both as my friend and my sincere view upon the matter. Currently I only view one member here as drag on the board and it sure as hell isn't you nor is it Gabby.. --Tyr

11-16-2013, 02:48 PM
What is the big deal if a Brit member here sees you as a leftie? AT and RSR see you that way as well. We all make our judgments of other members here based upon how far left or how far right we are . If Drummond is that far right then he is in good company . And trust me he is that far right and dedicated to stand against liberalism, socialism and "Allahism" too. At least that's my view of my friend. Lets just suppose that you only go centralist on issues and never go leftist . To some that would still put you into the leftist camp. Myself, I've chosen to not enter this debate on either side. A very rare act for me to do that but I've done so for a good reason. Can you not see that your failure to adamantly and strongly oppose in the "manner that strongly outspoken conservatives do" the enemies of Conservatism, Republicanism and our Constitution would give some the impression that you sometimes bat for the other team?? Know this my friend, some Conservatives look upon Centralists/Moderates as lefties and with just cause. Now Drummond has every right to judge if I spoke correctly about him ,his character and his views on this. I'll not dispute his words should he correct anything I've just posted because he obviously knows himself and his reasons on this far better then I. However, I suggest to you that you not misjudge the man's character based upon this one issue. I met Drummond at another forum and invited him here. I did so because he is a solid , honorable guy and very intelligent IMHO. I made amends with you a short while back because I had let my anger cause me to previously misjudge you greatly. Step back and ponder if you are making the same mistake about him. You should take that as a friendly suggestion. Or even ignore my unsolicited advice as is your right. Neither one will cause me any further concern. As I have on this one issue tried to stay out of it. I've given that explanation to my friend Drummond and he accepts it both as my friend and my sincere view upon the matter. Currently I only view one member here as drag on the board and it sure as hell isn't you nor is it Gabby.. --Tyr

Which would all be fine if they could actually point to specific instances. I've challenged all three and they have thus far come up empty. Two of them won't even answer directly so if that tells you anything. Apparently I gauge intelligence a bit differently when he has obvious trouble in identifying my positions but then judges others based SOLELY on their agreeing with me as also "lefties." These things should tell you something. You guys agree, are friends, trade Christmas cards, whatever... but if he's having this much trouble then you might want to mention something. He could also just drop the subject and not have to relive it every time that he wants to debate about something but that's all he seems to dwell on.

We could also argue about what is "centralist" because I don't recall arguing any point that is opposite to liberty, natural rights, the Constitution as I'm not sure where I don't "adamantly and strongly oppose" where logic and reason dictate that I do. It is my stated position that going batcrazy against Dems/libs is ultimately a losing proposition if your positions are wrong or at the very least poorly thought out.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-16-2013, 03:35 PM
Which would all be fine if they could actually point to specific instances. I've challenged all three and they have thus far come up empty. Two of them won't even answer directly so if that tells you anything. Apparently I gauge intelligence a bit differently when he has obvious trouble in identifying my positions but then judges others based SOLELY on their agreeing with me as also "lefties." These things should tell you something. You guys agree, are friends, trade Christmas cards, whatever... but if he's having this much trouble then you might want to mention something. He could also just drop the subject and not have to relive it every time that he wants to debate about something but that's all he seems to dwell on.

We could also argue about what is "centralist" because I don't recall arguing any point that is opposite to liberty, natural rights, the Constitution as I'm not sure where I don't "adamantly and strongly oppose" where logic and reason dictate that I do. It is my stated position that going batcrazy against Dems/libs is ultimately a losing proposition if your positions are wrong or at the very least poorly thought out. While you judge your approach as even handedness and logical thinking to avoid emotional and far right radical approach so too do others judge that to be in error. On most political message boards you'd get opposition simply because you are not taking a more far right stand. The reason for that is we have been driven so much farther apart by Obama, the Dem party and its leftists. See I used the word "leftists" because its valid in that context. Why not just accept where Drummond comes from your level would be declared leftist to those ever so firmly against socialism? I mean both you guys have presented your case on the matter. Isn't it about time that Conservatives ,Republicans and even Libertarians UNITE TO DEFEAT AN EVER GROWING CENTRAL ALL POWERFUL BIG GOVERMENT MONSTER??? The religious, patriotic and moral issues are played against us by the dem party, liberals and leftists to keep us divided even further at a time when unity is of paramount importance. Hell, when I first came here over a dozen members called me just about every insulting name in the book but I prevailed when I refused to let that get to me. Instead I concentrated on the issues they put forth and apparently didn't do too bad with that since I am still here doing ok and some of them are gone bye-bye. Just sayin'.. --Tyr

11-16-2013, 05:31 PM
While you judge your approach as even handedness and logical thinking to avoid emotional and far right radical approach so too do others judge that to be in error. On most political message boards you'd get opposition simply because you are not taking a more far right stand. The reason for that is we have been driven so much farther apart by Obama, the Dem party and its leftists. See I used the word "leftists" because its valid in that context. Why not just accept where Drummond comes from your level would be declared leftist to those ever so firmly against socialism? I mean both you guys have presented your case on the matter. Isn't it about time that Conservatives ,Republicans and even Libertarians UNITE TO DEFEAT AN EVER GROWING CENTRAL ALL POWERFUL BIG GOVERMENT MONSTER??? The religious, patriotic and moral issues are played against us by the dem party, liberals and leftists to keep us divided even further at a time when unity is of paramount importance. Hell, when I first came here over a dozen members called me just about every insulting name in the book but I prevailed when I refused to let that get to me. Instead I concentrated on the issues they put forth and apparently didn't do too bad with that since I am still here doing ok and some of them are gone bye-bye. Just sayin'.. --Tyr

Because he is wrong. He is also the one who keeps dragging it from thread to thread and blathers on about some agenda that I'm on rather than just arguing the point at hand. I also know that he's wrong because on another message board I am a far right radical. ;)

11-16-2013, 06:48 PM
Which would all be fine if they could actually point to specific instances. I've challenged all three and they have thus far come up empty.

Empty heads lead to empty conclusions… thus explaining why they come up empty.

11-16-2013, 06:50 PM
On most political message boards you'd get opposition simply because you are not taking a more far right stand.

On OTHER message boards? Um, perhaps you are in denial, but the only opposition ever put forth around here is towards those that are not maniacally extremist right wing.

11-16-2013, 08:38 PM
Because he is wrong. He is also the one who keeps dragging it from thread to thread and blathers on about some agenda that I'm on rather than just arguing the point at hand. I also know that he's wrong because on another message board I am a far right radical. ;)

I assume the message board you refer to - if not imaginary - veers towards an especially extremist Left of centre position.

But talking of an 'agenda' .. it's difficult to see that you're not following one, considering that you are still persisting with the nonsense that you are a so-called 'Thatcherite'

You are no such thing.

Why would you persist with the fiction that you are ?

I have set you a challenge once before about that, which you flunked the first time. I shall now set it again, to see if you can do any better. You SHOULD .. since you've had so much time since then to do your belated, PREVIOUSLY LACKING, research --

Observe what's been posted before --- all this viewable from post #103, the 'Conservatism, its meanings' thread ...

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by fj the awesome...when I want Thatcherism I go to the source not the perverted version you spew.
... your 'baseline' comment.

I challenged you, with ...

I'm fascinated by that. OK, so as a supposed 'Thatcherite' yourself, what ARE the sources you rely on ?
Your cop-out reply, proving that you had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DRIVING AT, was ...

My apologies I thought that was one of your blathering rhetorical questions; there are so many. My sources? There are many, news, history, opinion, fact, truth, logic, and reason.
-- A generalised answer, one easily invented, totally lacking the focus you SHOULD have been able to supply .. had you known your subject, and had you been what you claim to be.


You claim that when you want Thatcherism, you 'go to the source'. Describe for me, in some detail, what 'source' (your word, originally) you are referring to.

Let's see if your claim for what you believe in can be better 'proven' this time around, in this second chance to do so.

And you wonder why I doubt your supposed 'Conservative bona fides' .. ?

11-16-2013, 09:33 PM
I assume

That's the problem. Along with the fact that you are stuck on stupid.

Fucking prove I am a liberal… you said you were up to it. And yet all we see is your return to the same blathering bullshit about FJ that you seem to want to KEEP making a fool of yourself with.

No wonder it was so easy to kick your asses during the revolution, a bunch of fucktards that can't back themselves up.

11-16-2013, 09:41 PM
I can only speak for myself, the problem I'm having with this site is the most passionate postings are hateful towards other posters and found in this forum, the cage.

I just want to say to many of you: "I miss you! I hope sometime you will put forward the effort to post beyond the cage."

A word: Notice there are a few or some or one that doesn't post much if not 'cage active' material? The rest of you do control that. Just a word.

I really do miss so many here, but not feeling comfortable explaining what is going on with me, I'm assuming no privacy on any threads. If anyone wishes to know what's up, pm me. Tough times, little to waste.

11-16-2013, 10:09 PM
I assume the message board you refer to - if not imaginary - veers towards an especially extremist Left of centre position.


Originally Posted by fj the awesome...when I want Thatcherism I go to the source not the perverted version you spew.

:laugh: You've got nothing but your imagination and ignorant assumptions. There's nothing left of center about it unless you think that individuals who can think through an issue and add relevant information is "especially extremist." :laugh: Well, you probably do.

11-17-2013, 03:21 PM
That's the problem. Along with the fact that you are stuck on stupid.

Fucking prove I am a liberal… you said you were up to it. And yet all we see is your return to the same blathering bullshit about FJ that you seem to want to KEEP making a fool of yourself with.

No wonder it was so easy to kick your asses during the revolution, a bunch of fucktards that can't back themselves up.

STILL answering for FJ, I see, in answer to posts I make to him ????

This is just crazy. You say, in your characteristically charming way, 'Fucking prove I am a liberal'. Arbo, my being 'up for it' ceased to be the point a number of pages ago. More relevant is the obvious point that YOU ARE UP FOR IT. You KEEP being up for it.

How many pages has it been, Arbo, where you so solidly stick to supporting an outed Leftie that I wonder if you're using superglue ?

It's like saying 'prove the world is round' to, say, NASA ....

Yes. Of course you don't want me to refer again to FJ, because right there, is settlement of the matter !!! What a waste of my time you are.

11-17-2013, 03:26 PM
I can only speak for myself, the problem I'm having with this site is the most passionate postings are hateful towards other posters and found in this forum, the cage.

I just want to say to many of you: "I miss you! I hope sometime you will put forward the effort to post beyond the cage."

A word: Notice there are a few or some or one that doesn't post much if not 'cage active' material? The rest of you do control that. Just a word.

I really do miss so many here, but not feeling comfortable explaining what is going on with me, I'm assuming no privacy on any threads. If anyone wishes to know what's up, pm me. Tough times, little to waste.

Don't worry, Kathianne. This portion of the forum is altogether too dysfunctional for my tastes. One, perhaps two, more posts here, and I'm done.

Make a point, prove it repeatedly, and all you get for your trouble here is sworn at. Well, life's too short for that pointlessness.

I leave this place to those posters who are the best suited to continuing with it.

My best -

11-17-2013, 04:00 PM
:laugh: You've got nothing but your imagination and ignorant assumptions. There's nothing left of center about it unless you think that individuals who can think through an issue and add relevant information is "especially extremist." :laugh: Well, you probably do.

And there it is, FJ. Exactly as expected. A TOTAL EVASION, A COP OUT.

You, the supposed 'Thatcherite', haven't the smallest clue as to what I'm talking about. Fact is that any fan of Lady Thatcher WOULD have understood this by now, and given me the proper answer.

Challenged, repeatedly now, to tell us what your 'source' is for 'Thatcherism' and what you refer to ... and you haven't the slightest idea of an answer ... yes, OF COURSE YOU HAVEN'T.


I shall now tell you what answer(s) I have been looking for .. since you're incapable of producing them yourself.

Anyone knowing of her work and life would know that she wrote about it, and that her work achieved 'best seller' status. Observe ..


From this link, you can see ...

The New York Times bestselling memoirs of Margaret Thatcher provide a riveting inside look at her role as a world leader and the events and personalities that shaped her years as Britain's prime minister.

THE NEW YORK TIMES ... so you can't claim your nationality as any impediment to this knowledge (and the Internet is international, of course).

You can check this out on YouTube, Or via the BBC. Or, 'Thatcherite' that you 'are', you could've bought her book. Couldn't you ?


You 'go to the source' ? Oh, really ? Lady Thatcher wrote that book !!

But here's my other answer .. the other reply you could've given, IF ONLY YOU'D HAD ANY CLUE ABOUT IT !!


Welcome to the official website of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, the largest contemporary history site of its kind.This site offers free access to thousands of documents—many of them previously unpublished—relating to Margaret Thatcher and world events during the last thirty years.

Yes, FJ .. the largest contemporary history site of its kind. And you, the 'Thatcherite', COULDN'T THINK TO TELL US ABOUT IT .. WHEN CHALLENGED .. TWICE.

Your claim to be a 'Thatcherite' is a fraud. The Thatcher Foundation is easily the most natural answer any knowledgeable Thatcher supporter could've given when asked to describe the 'source' of material used. AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE.

So explain why a genuine Conservative would fraudulently claim to be a Margaret Thatcher supporter.

Unless, of course, YOU ARE NO SUCH THING.

... ok .. enough said on this subject. My case, and not for the first time, is a proven one. But, proven or not, that proof will be denied as the proof it is, by those too interested in defending FJ to care about the truth. Yet, despite such deliberate myopia, STILL, we're supposed to believe that those offering these defences are doing so honourably, as 'non liberals' who are 'not' defending a comrade.

What a total waste of time it is to keep slogging away, trying to reason with those who have their own reasons for denying what's right in front of their faces.

I am now leaving the Cage. I shall leave others to their hate messages, insults, selective blindnesses, whatever makes them happy. Enough already ..

11-17-2013, 04:15 PM
STILL answering for FJ, I see, in answer to posts I make to him ????

This is just crazy. You say, in your characteristically charming way, 'Fucking prove I am a liberal'. Arbo, my being 'up for it' ceased to be the point a number of pages ago. More relevant is the obvious point that YOU ARE UP FOR IT. You KEEP being up for it.

How many pages has it been, Arbo, where you so solidly stick to supporting an outed Leftie that I wonder if you're using superglue ?

It's like saying 'prove the world is round' to, say, NASA ....

Yes. Of course you don't want me to refer again to FJ, because right there, is settlement of the matter !!! What a waste of my time you are.

You really are a waste of a human life. First you say your up to it, now you say you are not. All surrounded by nothing more than excuses and made up BS. The norm for you. You and your claims are full of shit and far removed from reality, and you have NEVER supported a single one of them with actual evidence, just more BS each and ever time.

11-17-2013, 05:18 PM
This portion of the forum is altogether too dysfunctional for my tastes. One, perhaps two, more posts here, and I'm done.

Make a point, prove it repeatedly...

And what you mean by dysfunctional is that there is opposition to your blather and not your normal knucklehead crew parroting ignorance. Yeah, that's dysfunction. "Prove it repeatedly..." :laugh:

And there it is, FJ. Exactly as expected. A TOTAL EVASION, A COP OUT.

You, the supposed 'Thatcherite', haven't the smallest clue as to what I'm talking about. Fact is that any fan of Lady Thatcher WOULD have understood this by now, and given me the proper answer.


I am now leaving the Cage. I shall leave others to their hate messages, insults, selective blindnesses, whatever makes them happy. Enough already ..

I do admit that you know all about copping out because you constantly avoid any challenge put forth to you. I have no interest in answer any of your "challenges" because your SOP is to ignore reason and logic and fall back on your "leftie" crutch and ignorant assumptions. Your assertion that I need to recite every bit of information that I've absorbed over the years about the Thatchmeister ;) is patently ridiculous. It's like asking me to source everything I know about Reagan and use that to prove some mindless point. Besides, when I point out something that Mags believed in you discard her words with some sort of suggestion that she would bend to your disgusting positions. I don't buy it and I'm sure she wouldn't either.

So, run along now as you've proven you're not able to hang unless you've got some knuckleheads praising your sort of blather. And I leave you with this:

And here is a little tidbit of information that you may have overlooked while looking for only what validates you... No one agrees with you on my "leftieness." :laugh:
