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View Full Version : Military Heroes: Happy Veterans Day to our Nation's true Heroes

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-11-2013, 09:16 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/video/whoknew-military-heroes-happy-veterans-060000633.html ..

Military Heroes: Happy Veterans Day to our Nation's true Heroes..

20 hrs ago, Who Knew? Videos

We’ve all heard of George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower, but there are other war veterans whose deeds are equally as heroic, even if their names are less familiar. Major Tommy Macpherson was a Scottish World War II soldier who played a vital role during the D-Day invasion in 1944. Nicknamed the “Kilted Killer” because he wore full Highlander battledress, Macpherson rallied French resistance fighters against the Germans and also tricked a Nazi General into surrendering 23,000 troops by pretending he had special radio uplink to Royal Air Force bombers. The success of D-Day helped lead to the surrender of the Germans less than a year later. The most decorated American solider from World War II is another name you may not know: Audie Murphy. Murphy was wounded three times during the war and awarded 33 military medals, including three Purple Hearts and one Medal of Honor, for his bravery in killing over 200 enemy soldiers during the war. In the Navy, Revolutionary War Captain John Paul Jones fought a bloody sea battle with the British in 1779 while commanding the “Bonhomme Richard.” When asked to surrender, Jones famously said, “I have not yet begun to fight!” and later won the battle. And not all unsung heroes are men. In 2005 Leigh Ann Hester, a member of the Army National Guard, became the first woman ever to be awarded the Silver Star for direct combat. Hester’s convoy was ambushed in Iraq. She and her squad leader engaged the enemy in ground combat for 45 minutes, saving everyone in her unit. No doubt George and Ike would have been very proud…. Click on link for the video.. --Tyr

11-11-2013, 10:59 PM
One hour remaining in Veterans day 2013.


