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View Full Version : Hundreds of strangers mourn veteran with no family after online appeal

red states rule
11-12-2013, 04:12 AM
If this story does not make you tear up - you are not human

It began with a tiny notice placed by undertakers in a Lancashire newspaper: “Harold died peacefully in Alistre Lodge Nursing Home on 25th October 2013, aged 99 years. A single man, he has no close family who can attend his funeral. Served in RAF Bomber Command as ground crew in world war two. Any service personnel who can attend his funeral service would be appreciated.”

The notice was picked up last Friday by Sgt Rick Clement, who lost both of his legs in Afghanistan in 2010. “Need a big favour from any military or ex serving members …” began his tweet.

The appeal went viral.
Hundreds showed up on Armistice Day for Harold Jellicoe “Coe” Percival:


The Guardian: (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/11/war-veteran-harold-percival-cremation)

Uniformed veterans, teenage air cadets and serving soldiers joined members of the public, including a lad in wellies from a nearby carwash. One man, his jacket heavy with medals, clutched his toddler tightly, thumbing away tears as Lytham Community Choir sang Jerusalem. Clement was there, too, in his wheelchair.

So few people were expected that the pallbearers had been considering staying in the chapel to make up the numbers. But on the day, it was standing room only in the crematorium, with well over 200 mourners left outside.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-12-2013, 03:45 PM
A heart warming story to see that the man finally got the respect and proper funeral he deserved. A shame he couldn't get more such while he lived in his old age at the nursing home IMHO. All that fail to study history and appreciate the sacrifices of others that gave them such life and liberty are indeed poorer for embracing and not ever correcting their ignorance IMHO.-Tyr