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View Full Version : China ships spotted close to Japan-controlled islands

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-16-2013, 06:43 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/china-ships-spotted-close-japan-controlled-islands-070212932.html Tokyo (AFP) - Four Chinese coastguard ships sailed through disputed waters off Tokyo-controlled islands in the East China Sea Saturday, officials said, as Japan continued a massive drill aimed at bolstering defence of its remote islands.

The vessels entered 12-nautical-mile territorial waters at about 9:25 am (0025 GMT) off one of the Senkaku islands, which China also claims and calls the Diaoyus, the Japan Coast Guard said.

They left the 12-nautical-mile zone about two hours later, the coastguard said.

Nine days ago, four Chinese coastguard ships were also spotted sailing through the waters, according to the Japanese coastguard.

China's state-owned ships and aircraft have approached the Senkakus on and off to demonstrate its territorial claims, especially after Japan nationalised some of the islands in September last year.

They have been spotted inside the territorial zone on 50 days so far this year, the coastguard said.

Those Chinese vessels have been chased by Japanese coastguard ships with the two sides trading warnings and claims of sovereignty.

Usually they stay for a few hours and then move out into waters surrounding the territorial zone.

Japan's defence forces launched an 18-day drill on November 1 with 34,000 military personnel, six vessels and 360 aircraft, making China nervous.

They stationed missiles, albeit not operable, on islands marking the gateway to the Pacific in the exercise.

The exercise comes amid growing nervousness in Japan and other parts of Asia over China's surging military might, which has seen it expand its naval reach into the Pacific Ocean.
If China pushes this and starts a shooting war with Japan our nation is obligated to aid Japan not China. Anybody want to bet if Obama the CiC will honor that? Of course he will not. I look for China to push this until eventually one side or the other fires the first salvo. After that it becomes a U.S. military matter IMHO. An alternative could be that China is pushing this confrontation with Japan to get a deal from America. What deal you may ask? An ok from our President given in secret to allow them to take other territory they claim-say -- Philippines perhaps or other disputed territory they claim. With Obama's assurances we will not do a thing about it they would be there next week taking the place and they could do it in less than a week if its the Philippines they after truly after. And Obama is just the type to sacrifice the Philippines or other territory to save him having to side with Japan against China. I tell ya China will start a war soon, question is where and with whom. The first one will not be with us but eventually they will try us when we are weak enough. With Obama doing his best to weaken our military who knows how soon that becomes a reality?-Tyr

11-16-2013, 06:57 AM
If China pushes this and starts a shooting war with Japan our nation is obligated to aid Japan not China. Anybody want to bet if Obama the CiC will honor that? Of course he will not. I look for China to push this until eventually one side or the other fires the first salvo. After that it becomes a U.S. military matter IMHO. An alternative could be that China is pushing this confrontation with Japan to get a deal from America. What deal you may ask? An ok from our President given in secret to allow them to take other territory they claim-say -- Philippines perhaps or other disputed territory they claim. With Obama's assurances we will not do a thing about it they would be there next week taking the place and they could do it in less than a week if its the Philippines they after truly after. And Obama is just the type to sacrifice the Philippines or other territory to save him having to side with Japan against China. I tell ya China will start a war soon, question is where and with whom. The first one will not be with us but eventually they will try us when we are weak enough. With Obama doing his best to weaken our military who knows how soon that becomes a reality?-Tyr

Tyr Obama will do the exact opposite of what he should be doing , how else can he destroy this Country from the inside out .

11-16-2013, 09:32 PM
If China pushes this and starts a shooting war with Japan our nation is obligated to aid Japan not China. Anybody want to bet if Obama the CiC will honor that? Of course he will not. I look for China to push this until eventually one side or the other fires the first salvo. After that it becomes a U.S. military matter IMHO. An alternative could be that China is pushing this confrontation with Japan to get a deal from America. What deal you may ask? An ok from our President given in secret to allow them to take other territory they claim-say -- Philippines perhaps or other disputed territory they claim. With Obama's assurances we will not do a thing about it they would be there next week taking the place and they could do it in less than a week if its the Philippines they after truly after. And Obama is just the type to sacrifice the Philippines or other territory to save him having to side with Japan against China. I tell ya China will start a war soon, question is where and with whom. The first one will not be with us but eventually they will try us when we are weak enough. With Obama doing his best to weaken our military who knows how soon that becomes a reality?-Tyr

Tyr. After seeing how Obama has betrayed Israel. I have little doubt. He'd betray Japan as well. Obama is scared of CHINA, like he is scared of nearly everyone else on Earth who has the ability to THINK, and be honorable people.
Obama is only interested in one thing. Being a nice guy to our enemies with the support of the Muslim Brotherhood who MAY need to support him after he leaves the White House.
Americans are not happy with him. And CAN stop all of the Funding Obama thinks he should get after he runs back to CAPONE-LAND.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-23-2013, 07:34 PM
Obama is now trying to bluff China. All for show folks. Rest assured he has TOLD China this is just for American consumption and not a real threat of any kind. -Tyr

http://news.yahoo.com/us-deeply-concerned-over-china-air-defense-zone-223707007.html .
US criticizes new China zone, vows to defend Japan
AFP – 58 mins ago. Geneva (AFP) - The United States said Saturday it was "deeply concerned" and committed to defending Japan after China announced an air zone in the East China Sea that includes disputed islands.

In a move that US ally Japan branded as "very dangerous," China said it was setting up the "air defense identification zone" over the islands administered by Tokyo to "guard against potential air threats."

In similar statements, Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said that the United States was "deeply concerned" about the moves by China, which also scrambled air force jets to carry out a patrol mission in the newly declared zone.

"This unilateral action constitutes an attempt to change the status quo in the East China Sea," Kerry said.

"Escalatory action will only increase tensions in the region and create risks of an incident," the top US diplomat said from Geneva, where he was taking part in talks on reaching an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program.

Kerry said that the United States has urged China to "exercise caution and restraint," and warned Beijing against implementing its new zone.

"We urge China not to implement its threat to take action against aircraft that do not identify themselves or obey orders from Beijing," Kerry said.

Hagel reiterated that the Japanese-administered Senkaku islands -- which the Chinese claim and call the Diaoyu -- fell under the US-Japan security treaty, meaning that Washington would defend its ally Tokyo if the area is attacked.

"We are in close consultation with our allies and partners in the region, including Japan. We remain steadfast in our commitments to our allies and partners," Hagel said.

The defense chief made clear that the United States, which stations more than 70,000 troops in Japan and South Korea, would not respect China's declaration of control over the zone.

"This announcement by the People's Republic of China will not in any way change how the United States conducts military operations in the region," Hagel said.

The outline of the zone, which is shown on the Chinese defense ministry website and a state media Twitter account (pic.twitter.com/4a2vC6PH8O), covers a wide area of the East China Sea between South Korea and Taiwan that includes airspace above the disputed islands.

Japan last year nationalized the islands last year and has vowed not to cede sovereignty or even to acknowledge a dispute with China, accusing its growing neighbor of trying to change the status quo through intimidation.
Told you guys over a year ago. Also predicted this movement by China over 6 years ago on my old forum and was criticized as being insane. China made such moves when Bush was prez... --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2013, 07:49 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/china-bolsters-east-china-sea-claim-warns-defensive-072238507.html .
China bolsters East China Sea claim, warns of 'defensive measures'
ReutersBy John Ruwitch | Reuters – 13 hrs ago. By John Ruwitch

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China on Saturday bolstered its claim to islands that Japan says it owns, warning that it would take "defensive emergency measures" against aircraft that failed to identify themselves properly in airspace over them.

Ties between the Asian powers have been strained for months by the dispute over the islands in the East China Sea, called the Diaoyu by China and the Senkaku by Japan, which are believed to be surrounded by energy-rich seabed.

China's government-run Xinhua news agency published a map and coordinates for the newly established "East China Sea Air Defence Identification Zone", which covers most of that sea including the disputed islands.

It also released Defence Ministry identification rules for aircraft in the area.

"China's armed forces will adopt defensive emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not cooperate in the identification or refuse to follow the instructions," Xinhua said.

Xinhua said the rules came into force on Saturday and the Chinese air force conducted its first patrol over the zone. The patrol included early warning aircraft and fighters, it said.

Japan scrambled fighter jets on Saturday afternoon against two Chinese reconnaissance planes over the East China Sea, the Japanese Defence Ministry said.

A ministry spokesman declined to comment on whether there was any connection between the Chinese patrol activity and the two reconnaissance planes. He said one of the aircraft, a TU-154, came as close as 40 km (25 miles) to what Japan considers its airspace above the disputed islands.


A Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman said Japan had lodged a strong protest with China's embassy in Tokyo and reiterated its position that the islands belonged to Japan and China's action was not acceptable.

"Setting up such airspace unilaterally escalates the situation surrounding the Senkaku islands and has the risk of leading to an unexpected situation," Japan's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The United States expressed its "strong concerns" to China, with the White House saying the "escalatory development" increased regional tensions and affected U.S. interests and those of its allies.

"We view this development as a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region," Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a statement. "This unilateral action increases the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculations."

Patrol ships from China and Japan have been shadowing each other near the islets on and off for months, raising fears that a confrontation could develop into a clash.

There have also been several incidents involving military aircraft flying close to each other. In October, Chinese military aircraft flew near Japan three days in a row, and Japan scrambled fighter jets each time in response.

The new Chinese rules mean aircraft have to report flight plans to China's Foreign Ministry or civil aviation administration, maintain radio contact and reply promptly to identification inquiries, keep radar transponders turned on, and bear clear markings of their nationality and registration.

The Defence Ministry said it was the "administrative organ" for the zone, Xinhua said.

The zone is outside China's territorial airspace, but Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said in an interview carried by Xinhua that its establishment had a sound legal basis and accorded with common international practices.

He noted that other countries had established similar zones and said China would put more in place in future. Folks, this is a very dangerous thing developing. If a fight starts America will be forced to take sides! By treaty it must be with Japan but if we abandon that sworn duty then we have a huge problem and will lose other allies worldwide. And possibly China will gain those allies. Obama's domestic crap is keeping this from getting the attention it should get here with the American people. China sees that he is weak and has decided to make its move before he is out of office. Seems like I predicted exactly that a long time ago. This confrontation is China doing the jabbing not Japan.. There is the possibility that its just to wrangle some fantastic huge concession from Obama. Such as he bartering away U.S. MILITARY INTERVENTION ON THE CHINESE MILITARY TAKING OTHER TERRITORY SUCH AS THE PHILIPPINES OR OTHER THAT THEY CLAIM.. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2013, 07:57 AM
Obama is now trying to bluff China. All for show folks. Rest assured he has TOLD China this is just for American consumption and not a real threat of any kind. -Tyr Told you guys over a year ago. Also predicted this movement by China over 6 years ago on my old forum and was criticized as being insane. China made such moves when Bush was prez... --Tyr OOPS LAST SENTENCE WAS WRONG. Should have read with a (?) at the end. Like this

China made such moves when Bush was prez? And the answer to that was no. Rushing to post is a error birthing habit I have. ;) Which is strange since when speaking person to person face to face I tend to be much slower and deliberate often with extremely detailed descriptions of things. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-01-2013, 11:46 PM
Beijing (AFP) - US military chiefs have insisted they will not change their operations despite China scrambling fighter jets to monitor American and Japanese aircraft in Beijing's newly declared air defence zone.

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But the State Department said US commercial airlines should observe China's demand to be given notice of aircraft entering the zone, while stating that compliance "does not indicate US government acceptance of China's requirements".

China flew warplanes into its air defence identification zone (ADIZ) on Friday, Chinese state media said, nearly a week after it announced the zone, which covers islands at the centre of a dispute between Beijing and Tokyo, raising regional tensions.

The Xinhua report indicated that Japan and the United States are continuing to disregard China's demands that aircraft submit flight plans when traversing the area in the East China Sea or face unspecified "defensive emergency measures".

"We have flights routinely transiting international airspace throughout the Pacific, including the area China is including in their ADIZ," Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said on Friday.

"These flights are consistent with long-standing and well-known US freedom of navigation policies that are applied in many areas of operation around the world. I can confirm that the US has and will continue to operate in the area as normal."

..View gallery."
Map showing Air Defence Identification Zones (ADIZ) …
Map showing Air Defence Identification Zones (ADIZ) over the East China Sea region (AFP Photo/)

Compliance by commercial flights "does not indicate US government acceptance of China's requirements for operating in the newly declared ADIZ," the State Department said in a statement.

Japanese airlines, under pressure from Tokyo, stopped following China's new rules on Wednesday, after initially complying.

In its evening edition Saturday, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Japan's two biggest airlines were unlikely to change their stance even after the US announcement that commercial airlines should observe China's demand.

Japan Airlines said it had "no plan to change our stance at the moment" while All Nippon Airways said it would follow instructions from the transport ministry, the daily reported the two companies as saying.

Chinese air force spokesman Shen Jinke said Friday that several combat aircraft were scrambled to "verify the identities" of US and Japanese aircraft entering the air defence zone, according to Xinhua Folks, all this is for show right now to test our resolve, to test Obama's resolve. And all of it has come about because Obama shows to be very stupid and amazingly weak.. Fact.--Tyr