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View Full Version : 20-Year Army Vet Gets Shocking Notice From Employer

11-16-2013, 07:04 AM
Outrageous this is a very serous situation, This has to be coming from the top, given three more years the Muslim in the White house will have completely demoralized our Military, instead of having Patriots we will have Loyalist to a Dictator. Thank you Mr. Hawks for reporting this, and most of all thank you for Service.


11-16-2013, 07:08 AM
Outrageous this is a very serous situation, This has to be coming from the top, given three more years the Muslim in the White house will have completely demoralized our Military, instead of having Patriots we will have Loyalist to a Dictator. Thank you Mr. Hawks for reporting this, and most of all thank you for Service.


Now if it said Allah Bless America I am sure no one would of said a word, and to think Obama has his way for three more years and then we will have Hilliary to finish what he started and that is to drive this Country into the ground, I do give him credit though that is what he set out to do , Hilliary well she is doing her best :rolleyes:

11-16-2013, 07:16 AM
I think he should be allowed to have the signature, this is America after all. My person beliefs and the law are in odds with one another at times.

BUT, unless he has a contract that states otherwise, or is in a union, it would be perfectly legal for them to ask him to remove this signature in their workplace. Maybe he can drum up some bad publicity for them, but I can't see him prevailing in any type of lawsuit.

11-16-2013, 07:26 AM
I think he should be allowed to have the signature, this is America after all. My person beliefs and the law are in odds with one another at times.

BUT, unless he has a contract that states otherwise, or is in a union, it would be perfectly legal for them to ask him to remove this signature in their workplace. Maybe he can drum up some bad publicity for them, but I can't see him prevailing in any type of lawsuit.It could cause a Liberal fix, That is a policy of no personal Signatures, IMO

11-16-2013, 07:29 AM
It could cause a Liberal fix, That is a policy of no personal Signatures, IMO

No doubt a liberal or atheist complained. Now that policy you speak of will likely be set in place and no more signatures.

Funny how queer was a normal word once and is now basically considered a curse word of sorts, and now it seems like saying "God" is going down the same avenue.

11-16-2013, 07:40 AM
No doubt a liberal or atheist complained. Now that policy you speak of will likely be set in place and no more signatures.

Funny how queer was a normal word once and is now basically considered a curse word of sorts, and now it seems like saying "God" is going down the same avenue.

What is funny is as "GOD" goes down the same avenue so does the Country !! These Liberals are to stupid to realize it but as hard as they fight to keep God out of everything, everything is going to hell quickly !!

You only have to look as far as FB to see how bad this country has gotten, they outlaw God Bless America but yet another site talking about F*** Jesus is perfectly acceptable , this country has lost all morals and as long as we cave to these bleeding heart liberals it will continue .

11-16-2013, 07:44 AM
No doubt a liberal or atheist complained. Now that policy you speak of will likely be set in place and no more signatures.

Funny how queer was a normal word once and is now basically considered a curse word of sorts, and now it seems like saying "God" is going down the same avenue.I agree God is headed down the same avenue, Sadly Jesus is already a curse word.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-16-2013, 08:08 AM
All this anti-Christian rhetoric and discrimination has been ramped up since Obama(muslim in hiding) took office. 2+2= 4-- every damn time.. ;) When will we see a muslim treated this way about his or her faith?? Ever notice how this type of thing never makes the news about a muslim being ffed over?? That is because they have far, far greater influence in this nation than is generally known. Most of it is kept out of the limelight for a reason , "stealth warfare".. --Tyr