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View Full Version : It Won’t Be Long Before Obama’s Islamic Radicalization Becomes Irrepressible in Ameri

11-18-2013, 07:37 AM
It's coming , we all know that, but what caught my eye here was the author saying how in Canada there once peaceful Muslims are becoming more radical well no shit just like any other sneaky snake class of scum they wait to they feel secure in there numbers to run there mouths , many groups do this and then we also see those that believe in this way also , those would be the people afraid to say things in public, you know the same ones that hide behind a key board or get real brazen as they make friends on here , yes even at DP we have these types so why should the Muslims be any different .

If the Obama administration has its way, the United States will be welcoming an increasing number of new Muslim refugees to our shores. The targeted migration of Islam to North America and its influences in our government, courts and schools, poses a very real threat to Democracy and freedom in the United States. Islamic radicalization, a topic the White House prefers to avoid, is stealthily growing in America and if we continue to ignore it, one day Islam will achieve its goals of dominance in our culture.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-18-2013, 08:55 AM
It's coming , we all know that, but what caught my eye here was the author saying how in Canada there once peaceful Muslims are becoming more radical well no shit just like any other sneaky snake class of scum they wait to they feel secure in there numbers to run there mouths , many groups do this and then we also see those that believe in this way also , those would be the people afraid to say things in public, you know the same ones that hide behind a key board or get real brazen as they make friends on here , yes even at DP we have these types so why should the Muslims be any different .

http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/11/wont-long-obamas-islamic-radicalization-becomes-irrepressible-america/ Jeff, that's the nature of the lying, cowardly weasels as history plainly shows. Such people always do their best dirty work prepping to have to step out into the light to do even more destruction. Obama leads the pack and clearly works for Islam rather than this nation. The problem is the authority and power of the office that he holds which means he can stop most investigations into his illegal activities and has clearly done so!! My concern is how does he plan on stop such investigations after he leaves office or is leaving office even in his plans at all? He obviously feels he will never be prosecuted for his crimes so that looks very foreboding in itself!!!! -Tyr

11-18-2013, 09:59 AM
Jeff. Agreed. But it all depends on what "How Long" means.

Remember this....5771click to enlarge.

Doesn't seem like it will be very long to me.

11-18-2013, 10:34 AM
It's coming , we all know that, but what caught my eye here was the author saying how in Canada there once peaceful Muslims are becoming more radical well no shit just like any other sneaky snake class of scum they wait to they feel secure in there numbers to run there mouths , many groups do this and then we also see those that believe in this way also , those would be the people afraid to say things in public, you know the same ones that hide behind a key board or get real brazen as they make friends on here , yes even at DP we have these types so why should the Muslims be any different .

http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/11/wont-long-obamas-islamic-radicalization-becomes-irrepressible-america/Sympathizers continually emphasize that most Muslims or peaceful, While that may be true, when the Radicals Rise Up, the supposed Majority, the peaceful ones will either join in, or at least remain silent, out of Fear, Knowing better than anyone the consequences of opposing them.

11-18-2013, 02:11 PM
It's coming , we all know that, but what caught my eye here was the author saying how in Canada there once peaceful Muslims are becoming more radical well no shit just like any other sneaky snake class of scum they wait to they feel secure in there numbers to run there mouths , many groups do this and then we also see those that believe in this way also , those would be the people afraid to say things in public, you know the same ones that hide behind a key board or get real brazen as they make friends on here , yes even at DP we have these types so why should the Muslims be any different .


Jeff. Back at the beginning of World War II with Both Germany, and Japan. Their people were also very friendly, and peaceful too! Remember how the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain came back to tell Britain how WONDERFUL Hitler, and Tojo really were???

11-18-2013, 09:08 PM

11-18-2013, 09:32 PM

A reminder for you jafar. LoL...is what we say when we remember...."OBL". And that's LOL too!

11-18-2013, 10:42 PM
A reminder for you jafar. LoL...is what we say when we remember...."OBL". And that's LOL too!

You are of course assuming I care about OBL :p

11-19-2013, 06:10 PM
You are of course assuming I care about OBL :p

Learned many, many, many years ago. NEVER assume anything, and never use that word because by now. Everyone should know what it means. That's a hint jafar.