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View Full Version : Republicans Ponder Options to Curb Obama’s Use of Executive Powers

11-19-2013, 04:13 PM
This ought to be good for a Laugh , hmmm maybe they can send MCcain or Christie to talk to him :rolleyes:

Congressional Republicans are considering various options to curb President (http://patriotdepot.com/anti-obama-shirts/) Obama’s use of executive powers, which they say are excessive.
GOP officials have long claimed that the president has violated the law and the Constitution through administrative actions on issues ranging from immigration to nominations to the U.S. military involvement in Libya.
But the president’s recent move to change ObamaCare through an administrative fix has sparked a new round of discussions within the conservative base and Republicans on Capitol Hill.

11-19-2013, 04:32 PM
The 2 nd post was a mistake , if a Mod happens to see it please remove it , for some reason I wasn't thinking and posted it here , sorry