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View Full Version : Obamacare Navigator Conspiring to Use Data for Political Purposes Resigns

red states rule
11-27-2013, 03:50 AM
First the IRS, now Obamacare. Is anyone really surprised the left will use your medical records. and any other data obtained, against you for political reasons?

Remember when James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas (http://www.theprojectveritas.com/) exposed those supposedly nonpartisan Obamacare navigators being unmistakeably partisan? Well, the watchdog group’s investigation has already had some dire consequences (https://www.projectveritas.com/enroll-america-director-resigns-2/) for those caught on camera.
Chris Tarango, Texas Communications Director for Enroll America, a Sebelius-linked group dedicated to signing people up for Obamacare, resigned following a Project Veritas investigation. The video exposé showed Tarango conspiring to release private data to help a political action committee.
Tarango’s resignation came Friday night after Project Veritas released its undercover investigation capturing the communications head stating he would help “do whatever it takes” to get out the vote for a Democratic candidate in an upcoming Texas state-house race. Among other damning statements, Tarango also told the undercover investigator his organization was “all Obama people.”

During a recent broadcast, the Texas-based news station KCEN shared (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oM-Up6qe1s) a statement that Enroll America sent them in response to the scandal. Try not to laugh:

“We absolutely don’t work with any partisan organizations, campaigns or candidates. Even the suggestion by any of our staff that such activity could occur is inappropriate, and the employee seen in the video has resigned from his role…”
Obviously they haven’t watched the video. Whether or not the organization admits it, partisan behavior did occur on Enroll America’s watch.

In other undercover videos, Project Veritas caught (http://www.theprojectveritas.com/) Obamacare navigators with Enroll America admit to working with Battleground Texas, a Democratic grassroots organization in Texas, while still claiming to be a “non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(3),” as well as encouraging applicants to lie (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/christinerousselle/2013/11/11/wow-obamacare-navigators-caught-on-tape-encouraging-lying-on-applications-n1744784) on their applications.

These are just a few instances of partisanship and fraud from the people tasked with enrolling people in the Affordable Care Act. Who knows how many other navigators are secretly working with pro-Democratic groups to promote their own political agendas.

At least one thing's for sure. Obamacare continues to provide one scandal after another.
