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View Full Version : Dems Sweating Bullets Over Saturday's Obamacare Deadline

red states rule
11-27-2013, 03:58 AM
Did anyone really believe the crap from the Obama WH that the Obamacre site would be up and running by December 01? Perhaps the most loyal lap dogs and his PR staff in the liberal media

However once again, reality will meet up with the hype

and reality will win

It is so much fun watching libs squirm when they have to face the voters with their cancellation notices in their hands, and spin how over $600 MILLION taxpayer dollars have been pissed through

Vulnerable Democrats can hear that clock ticking and they're ready to ramp up criticism (http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=FF21942A-5F16-4270-8F4F-C663BB40D6AF) of the White House if Healthcare.gov isn't fixed by the end of the month, as promised:

Some Capitol Hill Democrats are preparing to launch broadsides against President Barack Obama if the Affordable Care Act website isn’t fixed by the end of the month. That will come in the form of more aggressive scrutiny in Republican-led oversight hearings, open advocacy for further delay in the enrollment deadline and individual coverage mandate, and more calls for a staff shake-up in the White House. “The president and his team have repeatedly assured us that the system will be working by Dec. 1. That’s when I start looking at what we have to do in our oversight function to hold the administration accountable for making it work.” Rep. Bruce Braley, an Iowa Democrat who is running for an open Senate seat said Thursday, adding that he’s contemplating whether to ask the president to fire members of his staff ... Democratic lawmakers — particularly those on the House side — are preparing to try to put distance between themselves and the president because they’re not confident that the White House has a Plan B for getting the policy right or protecting them in the mid-term elections... "When you think about it, a week after the October shutdown Democrats were experiencing a euphoric high. We thought we had Republicans on the mat. We thought we were going to win back the House and then this rollout fails,” said one House Democrat from a traditionally safe seat based in a major city. “Now, we need to be concerned, all of us, me included, that we aren’t viewed as ineffective and kicked out of our seats.” [Democrats] increasingly perceive the danger that the Senate could flip into GOP hands and that Obama’s final three years in office could be a total loss for their party’s agenda.
The people who brought you Obamacare are very worried about the failures of Obamacare, and are pinning their hopes on the White House's "repeated assurances" that thing will be working smoothly on December 1. That's your shot. Here's your chaser (http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/191373-cms-healthcaregov-wont-be-perfect-on-dec-1):

Administration officials said Monday that some visitors to ObamaCare's federal enrollment site would experience outages, slow response times or messages to try again later during the month of December. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) delivered the message in the latest attempt to downplay expectations surrounding Nov. 30, the administration's self-imposed deadline for fixing HealthCare.gov. CMS spokeswoman Julie Bataille said errors that persist past this weekend would be "intermittent" and, in line with a promise made by the White House, would not affect the vast majority of the site's users. But Bataille acknowledged that some people would still experience "periods of suboptimal performance" by the system due to either heavy traffic or technical issues that are still being addressed. "The system will not work perfectly on Dec. 1, but it will work much better than it did in October," Bataille said.


11-27-2013, 12:07 PM
When making the promise they also didn't look ahead to the fact that the end of the month was a holiday weekend. Duh. Sure will be a lot of work accomplished now.

red states rule
11-27-2013, 02:17 PM
When making the promise they also didn't look ahead to the fact that the end of the month was a holiday weekend. Duh. Sure will be a lot of work accomplished now.

It is clear the people working on the site are padding the bill, soaking the US taxpayers, and adding to the company's bottom line

11-27-2013, 03:38 PM
Dems aren't sweating anything. When all else has failed. We can expect them to BLAME BUSH again.

They have been warned by the OBUMMER himself..not to blame him. Since he had NO IDEA what was taking place. Just like he has had NO IDEA what his job was as PRETENDER, and Good Muslim Brotherhood Stooge.

11-27-2013, 06:47 PM
Three 20-somethings have done in three days for a few hundred dollars what the federal government has not been able to do over two years for tens of millions of dollars.

Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/political-potpourri/2013/nov/14/health-sherpa-does-what-obamacare-site-does-not/#ixzz2ltPzmdxK
Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter (http://ec.tynt.com/b/rw?id=bFUy1y59er4B9Macwqm_6l&u=wtcommunities)


check it out......

11-28-2013, 12:37 AM
Seriously? Why was I not informed? I require advance notice to sweat bullets.

11-28-2013, 02:43 AM
The 'deadline' would have been missed, holiday weekend or not. The site was rife with problems. That is the least of Obamacare worries though, evidenced by the 'rollback' for 2015 'deadlines' expanded until a week after the next election. :rolleyes:

Last weekend, Foodnetwork.com had a live broadcast for Thanksgiving preps. It incorporated facebook, twitter, vine, skype, and other media. No glitches. Weird, huh? Sort of like planning was involved.

red states rule
11-28-2013, 03:33 AM
Seriously? Why was I not informed? I require advance notice to sweat bullets.

Your daughter could have done a better job of building the website and would have done it for a lot less then the $600 million plus it has cost taxpayers

However I understand why none of this means anything to you. You will continue to vote a straight Dem ticket even if you or your hubby gets a notice of cancellation from your ins company. You will blame Bush and the R's for it